/ Movies / Dimensions Crumble, Small Beginnings, POTTER VERSE... MAYBE!!!

Dimensions Crumble, Small Beginnings, POTTER VERSE... MAYBE!!! Original

Dimensions Crumble, Small Beginnings, POTTER VERSE... MAYBE!!!

Movies 5 Capítulos 23.5K Visitas
Autor: Roberto_0461

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General disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR THE STARGATE SERIES. I have nothing but my combination of words on this fanfic. I do not own Harry Potter and any other Stargate Universe in any shape or form. This is my very own fan fiction and my real attempt at a novel length fiction. I will be creating a mixture of several fanfics soon that I have read and some that were never finished but were fantastic.

I will be giving credit where credit is due, so wait for it. This story came to me because of my love of stargate and Harry Potter fanfics. This story is not about Harry Potter himself, nope it’s all about the MC who awoke in a dead student's body. So, if you are looking for Harry, he will be a guest star in this throughout this story only.

This story is the first of its kind maybe/maybe not, I think. But I’ll try to be consistent with what I’ve read and want to portray in this fanfic. If I get good reviews, I’ll stay uploading more as I write them out, but be warned this storyline is going to be different than most. That means as I go along, I will be adding and expanding the outline story into other universes like that porn one that was out a few years ago.

For now, the direction of this fanfic is Harry Potter crossover with Star Gate AU. That does not mean I have no idea or direction I will be going in in the future. I have a few story arcs throughout and possible directions of the overall story in mind. That means some cliches will be present as there has been in others. This story is completely AU, obviously since it's a crossover.

I will not be sticking to Harry Potter Canon and will not mention the Wizarding world very often other than the time the MC is in school, after the story takes off, you will know once the script starts to change. I have 10 chapters outlined for this story already created but this is in no means the entire story outline. I will be adding and expanding the outline, which could possibly even include ideas by reviewers if I like them.

Constructive criticism is welcome, and reviews are appreciated. Most chapters will be about 4-6k words, and I hope I will be able to put at least one or two chapter a every two weeks, maybe. Right now, this fic will feature a smart/powerful/grey MC with some cliches, and crack added in. AGAIN, I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER AND STAR GATE SG SERIES!!!!!!!!!

*This is Alteran speech*

‘Thinking or thought speak.’

.... oo00oo.... (Scene break or time jump.)

Disclaimer Cont... – I am uploading this as a test chapter, I have 11 already written, I'll upload one chapter, once every 2 weeks, until I am caught up. ONE LAST TIME: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER AND STAR GATE SG SERIES!!!!!!!!!
Let the story begin!!!!

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. uriyacz
    uriyacz Contribuido 24
  2. Rebekah_Willey
    Rebekah_Willey Contribuido 10
  3. Roberto_0461
    Roberto_0461 Contribuido 4

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Keep it coming. Its very good so far.[img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update]

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I hope that this fanfic doesn’t get dropped

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Autor Roberto_0461