-Thrid POV-
Alex was currently running with half his speed as if he runs in full speed then he would get tired very easily and hungrier much faster
He tried to save as much energy as possible for the hunt he will be doing today and if his hunger distracts him on his hunt today then he'll be a goner
While running, he could see the beautiful leaves that were on the trees and were the same color as his eyes. As well as seeing the brightly colored flowers that were as blue as the ocean water back on Earth
This made him think that even though this planet didn't have an ounce of technology, it had beautiful scenery and landscape that he had never seen before on Earth
'Well, I would have probably seen stuff like this back on Earth if the City I was living in wasn't such a bitch. Even though the house I was living in my previous life had the entrance to the woods in the backyard, it couldn't be considered pretty to my standards' Alex thought while heading towards the direction where he left his bait at
'I did hide it pretty well and made sure to cover up its smell so no wild animal could come across it and eat it'
'But I do wonder what kind of animals will be on this planet as of course it's bound to have different types of animals that will be considered weird in Earths standards so covering up its smell won't probably help as an animal could find it without the help of its smell.'
While running more and looking at his surroundings, he couldn't help but wished he could've seen more of this scenery when he was living in the streets instead of trash and buildings but knew such a thing is impossible now as he has a new life with new opportunities and as well as new food
"I should be there in a bit. I left it where I ate my food yesterday" Alex said while getting closer and closer to his destination
After a few minutes of running and taking a few breaks in the process, he finally made it to his location as he can see the beautiful lake he saw yesterday. But instead of the 3 moons that were shiny brightly at it, it was replaced by a yellow colored sun
Once he got his breathing under control, he then started digging out the spot where he left and hide his bait at, last night
The more he dug the more he started to get worried and after a few minutes of digging and looking around, he had a mad expression
"Fucking shit! It's not even here where I left it" Alex said while punching the ground in anger
"I wonder what fucking animal did this because once I find them, I'm going to rip off its neck and eat its internal organs"
He kept on punching the ground more as his fist started to bleed but his anger overwhelmed him for him to even notice. After a few minutes of punching the ground in anger, he finally calmed down
"I need to calm down and look for some food to eat instead of complaining about some bait. Even though it will be harder to hunt, it's still plausible to kill them"
Alex then got up from the ground and started to look for some food to eat and needed to find one fast or else he will go crazy from starvation
While exploring the area to find some food, be it small or big, he heard a noise coming from the west of him and decided to check what it was
Once he got closer to see what it was, he hide instantly as the animal he was seeing was no simple prey, but instead, it was the predator
Its body was that of a large wild cat with long quills on the top of its head running down to its nape and rock-like spikes at the base of its tail. But unlike normal cats, it lacked a fur coat, instead just having dark grey skin that's color was reminiscent of that of a raging storm cloud and black stripes that decorated its shoulders and hips. Its jaws—which were filled with razor-sharp white teeth—gave off a sense of imminent danger and from its chin, one could see a beard that ran all the way to its chest giving it the regal air of a king.
Alex saw its big black claws rip on the flesh of its prey so it could get into the delicious treasures that were inside of its body
Alex was getting hungrier by seeing this beast feasting on its food but knew if he attack it, he would be dead so he decided to walk off as dealing with such a monster was too much for him at the current moment in time
However he felt an intense stare looking at him and when he looked back, he noticed the beast has spotted him. He knew nothing of what this beast is capable of and what it could do, so he made an obvious decision that anyone would make. He run! Yes he run out of fear of his life and he knew it was an idiot decision to do but he had no other choice as that was the only option he could come up with at the current moment in time
Alex could feel the beast getting closer to him so he decided to do another option that was available to him and that was to climb up a tree
Alex climbed up the tree quite swiftly and could spot the Beast that was below him. It spotted Alex up in the tree so it decided to climb up as well
"Fucking shit, why did it decide to come after me instead of finishing its food? Well since It's currently climbing up the tree, I have the advantage as I have the high ground of the beast' He thought while looking at the feline beast climbing up the tree
Once the beast have gotten closer, Alex then took out his knife stick and stab it directly in one of its eyes, making it fall the tree due to the sudden pain it was feeling
Alex thought this was the perfect distraction and went down to stab its body, but the moment Alex got down, the beast then charge at him which made Alex be shocked at the behavior he wasn't expecting
Alex didn't have enough time to dodged so he got charge directly at his ribs, breaking them and sending him flying
He landed on the ground with an expression that screams out pain
'I've fallen for its trap, it sacrifice one of its eyes so it could lure me down here' He thought while spitting out bits of blood with an expression that clearly shows signs of pain
It could see the gray beast run at him and out of instincts, Alex put up his left arm in hope it could block its attack, instead of that only left him with a missing arm as the beast chomp on its arm and rip it off from Alex's body, making him scream out in pain
The beast is currently enjoying the arm he happily received from Alex while on the other hand, Alex was more pissed off than scared so he did the only logical thing to do when you are angry, you attack the motherfucker and beat it to death
'If it wants to eat my arm without my permission, then the only punishment you will receive is fucking death' Alex said internally while charging at the distracted beast and got on top of it
Alex then with all of his strength, rip off one of its spikes from its back. Once he did that, he repeatedly stab the beast with its own razor-sharp spike making it roar in pain
It tried to get Alex off its back but the man didn't budge as Alex use the full strength of his leg muscles to hold on as much as possible while repeatedly and slowly killing the beast
After a few minutes of repeating stabbing, Alex decided to end it by stabbing its nape, killing it instantly
Alex could see his arm wound slowly closing but it made him extremely hungry so he cut open the feline's stomach and feast on its internal organs
His only focus right now was eating the beast in front of him so he didn't notice the changes that have been happening in his left arm
He was eating like a mad man, be it organs, legs or eyes, he would eat anything that would taste delicious and after a few minutes of eating his food, he was finally finished, only leaving bones
"That was a good meal. Although not as good as the other 3 from yesterday, it was still good. But what am I supposed to do with the arm the beas-" He stops his sentence as his arm looks different
Not only did his new arm have big black claws, but it was also the same color as the beast he just killed. Only 3 words could be heard coming from his mouth of what he is currently seeing