The atmosphere was tense and quiet due to the emotions felt in the air by everyone in the area.
They felt Anger, relief, horror, and shock. The reason for this was Alex's body which was lying lifeless on the cold ground
The only being who showed no emotion to the body was the very person that killed him, the old man.
He casually gazed at the body with no feeling at all, just the pure look of a predator looking at his dead prey he needed to kill.
"It's done," The old man said while pulling out the spear from where Alex's heart used to be.
"Y-you sure Mr. Avli? Is he actually dead"
"Yes I'm positive, it was pierced perfectly in the middle of his heart and the number of injuries he received, I doubt he'll be able to run away even if he's still alive so there's nothing to worry about."
When Mr. Avli said those words, everyone sighs in relief.
They have never experienced such a being as Alex before who can mimic the strength and speed of various animals so their reaction was understandable
Everyone cheered quietly due to not alerting the neighboring Tribes. Especially the Distruzione Tribe
"Sooo, you got any information out of him Avli?" A man who seem close to Avli asked in curiosity
Everyone around them stops celebrating to listen to the conversation. Their action was self-explanatory since two of everyone's main goals after all were to kill Alex and gain information from him so, of course, they would be curious
"I did" Avli said before clearing his throat and continuing "First of all they were never planning on attacking in the first place. This boy right here only wanted his Tribe to be abolished so he made a plan to gather and trick the other Tribes into attacking the Distruzione Tribe. Luckily we came at the right moment before things turned for the worse as it is." Avli thoroughly explain to everyone
Hearing the information gathered, they were all relieved that the Distruzione Tribe didn't want war.
I mean who wouldn't, the Distruzione Tribe remained supreme at the top, and at any given moment of the day, they could attack another Tribe and won like it was nothing. It wouldn't be a battlefield, it would've been an outright massacre on whoever dared to face the Distruzione Tribe.
"What do we do with the body Mr. Avli?" A person asked with blue hair and blue eyes "It wouldn't make sense to leave him here as if someone from his Tribe were to find him, they would certainly know this wasn't the work of an animal since no beast can stab a heart as sharp and precise as you Mr. Avli."
After hearing the blue-haired man comment on what to do with the body, Avli thinks for a bit about what to do with the body. Everyone was staring intensely at Avli on what he was going to do next.
After a minute of silence, he finally opened his mouth "Due to being bullied all his life, it would make sense that he wanted to be alone so he went to the forest to cool off but he went too deep without paying attention to his surroundings and disappeared without a trace."
All of them were confused about what Avli was implying except for one.
"So you are implying that we should take his body back to our Tribe?" The man who has a close friendship with Avli asked
"Yes Astr, *Ahem* it looks like he isn't someone important in the Tribe besides being a punching bag to them"
"I see" Astr replied before turning his head and pointing at someone "you, go carry that body back with us" Astr ordered which the person he ordered simply nodded and put Alex's body on his shoulder.
They all begin walking back to their Tribe all seem exhausted except for Astr and Avli who are currently having a conversation.
*Drip* *Drop* Drip*
"Hm?" Astr question as he felt droplets falling from his head, he looked up and saw clouds from above
"I swear it was clear just a few minutes ago. Anyway back to the topic, Can you please tell me what he is because I can tell from your dull expression that you know or sorta know what he is"
"No" Avli replied back
"Come on, and don't give me that bullshit that it's only for high-rank people only, I'm only 1 below you"
"*Sigh* fine but I will only tell you parts of it. He's someone whose predecessor was extremely famous but at the same time isn't since you don't know of him. His predecessor after that predecessor was extremely famous in the Morte Era"
"Wait really?" Astr replied I'm shock
"If that would the case how come we don't know about him and by the way you are wording it, there were more people like him who can mimic animals' body parts in the past but it also sounds like there can't be more than one of them in the same century or so, am I right Avli?"
"Possibly" Avli replied nonchalantly
"But wait, were there more of them before the Morte Era?"
"... I do not know, also that's all I'm telling you"
"Wait wait wait, I need to ask more questions, why was that era when his predecessor was famous and not before it? How come I never even heard of such a person if he or she was so famous, and what was the Morte Era? I know it was an era where it affected our mother world and that it almost killed every living thing in our world but you seem to know the cause of it, what exactly was the cause and how did we solve it?"
"I told you already I ain't going to tell you more and that's final."
"*Sigh* whatever u say Avli, I'll figure it out in the future"
*Drip* *Drop* xxx?
"Shit it's starting to pour even harder now. Everyone get a move on and don't go far from the group!" Astr ordered
They all understood the assignment and began to fast-paced their steps while keeping a neat formation.
It was extremely dark outside now that the clouds are blocking the 2 moons' moonlight but even so, everyone managed to stay in their assigned spot and move accordingly.
"Hey Andrew, how's the body doing?"
Well… almost everyone
"Hey you, you were by Andrew, what happened to him"
"I-I do not kn-"
All of a sudden the person speaking to Astr had his head eaten off in one bite with no warning at all
Astr looks up and stares at the source of the beast who had bitten off the man's head. Despite being extremely dim, the monster was clearly visible in front of Astr and Avli. The beast looked grotesque and was never seen before so it could only mean 1 thing possible at the current moment.
It was Alex and he had lived!
idk when next chap, random at this point, also now the feast will begin