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Capítulo 32: Alliance

As the formalities concluded and the alliance solidified, Hala allowed herself a moment to relax. The weight of responsibility always lingered on her shoulders, but now, with the treaty in place, she felt a certain relief. Her eyes drifted back to Shion, who was standing awkwardly by Ranga's side, still flustered from the earlier encounter.

Ranga, ever observant, turned his large, intelligent eyes toward Shion and spoke with his deep, rumbling voice. "Shion, is everything alright? You've been acting a bit... out of sorts since we arrived."

Shion stiffened, quickly putting on her usual confident demeanor. "I'm fine, Ranga. Just... getting used to the atmosphere here." She turned toward Hala, offering a quick bow. "Lady Hala, thank you for your time. We will convey your words to Rimuru-sama. He will be pleased with this alliance."

Hala's amused smile remained as she regarded Shion with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Of course. Do give my regards to Rimuru Tempest. And feel free to return anytime—whether for diplomatic reasons or simply to enjoy our hospitality. I trust the Lazurite Kingdom has left a lasting impression."

Her words carried a subtle tease that wasn't lost on Shion, whose face flushed once more. "Yes, Lady Hala," she managed, her voice somewhat strained as she struggled to maintain composure.

Ranga dipped his head respectfully. "We will return with good news to Tempest. Thank you for your gracious reception, Empress Hala."

With that, the two envoys turned to leave, Ranga's massive form walking with ease beside Shion as they made their way to the gates of the kingdom. Shion walked with her usual confident stride, but her mind was swirling, replaying every moment she had spent in Hala's presence. There was something about the Empress—her aura, her beauty, her commanding presence—that left Shion off balance. And yet, she couldn't help but find herself drawn to it.

Back in the grand hall, Hala watched them go, her smile softening as she turned her thoughts inward. Luminous, who had been observing the entire exchange from a distance, stepped forward, her lips curving into a knowing smirk. "It seems the envoy from Tempest was rather taken with you, Mistress."

Hala chuckled softly. "You noticed?" She turned to face Luminous, shaking her head slightly. "It was amusing, I'll admit. Shion is known for her strength and confidence, yet she could barely look me in the eye without blushing."

Luminous's eyes gleamed mischievously. "And you found it adorable, didn't you?"

Hala raised an eyebrow, not denying it. "Perhaps. It's not often I see someone of her caliber so flustered. I'm used to people fearing me or admiring me from a distance. But this... it was different."

Luminous hummed thoughtfully, a teasing tone in her voice. "Maybe you've found a new admirer, Mistress. Though I must admit, I'll have to keep an eye on her. She was practically swooning over you."

Hala rolled her eyes, though the smile remained on her face. "She's loyal to Rimuru. Her admiration is harmless. Besides, I'm not concerned with such things."

Luminous, however, wasn't done teasing. "Oh? Not concerned at all? I saw the way you looked at her. Perhaps our Empress isn't as indifferent as she claims."

Hala shot her a playful glare, but before she could respond, Zephyra and Solara burst into the room, their excitement palpable. "Mistress! Mistress! We heard about the alliance with Tempest! This calls for a celebration!"

Solara's golden eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. "I say we host a grand banquet in the Oasis Luxuria! Something worthy of this new alliance!"

Najma, who had been quietly observing from a distance, nodded in agreement. "It would show the Federation how serious we are about this partnership. And it would give us an opportunity to display our kingdom's wealth and prosperity."

Hala sighed, rubbing her temple. "I suppose there's no stopping you, is there?"

Zephyra grinned. "Not a chance, Empress! Besides, you deserve to celebrate. You've been working so hard—this is the perfect excuse to unwind!"

As the four women began discussing the details of the banquet, Hala's mind wandered back to the envoy from Tempest. Despite her amusement, she couldn't shake the feeling that this alliance with Rimuru and his people was the beginning of something much larger. The Jura-Tempest Federation was a rising power, and Rimuru himself was far from ordinary. His ability to unite different races and forge peace was something that intrigued Hala. She respected strength, but she also respected the power of diplomacy, and Rimuru had both in spades.

The world was changing. Powerful forces were aligning, and Hala knew that the Lazurite Kingdom needed strong allies in the turbulent times ahead. An alliance with the Jura-Tempest Federation was a wise move, but it was only the first step.

Outside the Kingdom:

As Shion and Ranga made their way back to the portal that would take them home, Shion's thoughts were still racing. "That woman... Hala... she's so... so... amazing," Shion muttered under her breath, feeling the heat rise to her face again.

Ranga's ears twitched as he glanced up at her. "She certainly left an impression on you, didn't she?" he said with a hint of amusement in his deep voice.

Shion crossed her arms, trying to sound nonchalant. "I was just surprised, that's all! She's... very powerful. I could feel it. And she's beautiful... I mean, that's not the point! I just wasn't expecting someone like her."

Ranga chuckled softly. "It's alright, Shion. You don't have to hide it. Even a strong warrior like you can admire someone."

Shion huffed, her cheeks still pink. "Let's just focus on getting back to Rimuru-sama. We have important news to deliver."

But even as they stepped through the portal, Shion couldn't stop thinking about the regal Empress of the Lazurite Kingdom. She had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time their paths would cross.

The skies above the Jura-Tempest Federation were clear, the sunlight filtering through the dense forest canopy as Shion and Ranga made their return journey. The crisp air carried a sense of serenity, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of events that had transpired in the Lazurite Kingdom. As they crossed the border into their homeland, both felt a sense of relief, but Shion's mind was far from settled.

"Finally back home," Shion murmured, adjusting the grip on her sword as she walked beside Ranga. She glanced at him, still thinking about their time in Lazurite, but more specifically, about her. Hala's presence had left an impression on her that was hard to shake.

"You seem quieter than usual, Shion," Ranga observed, his golden eyes watching her with a hint of amusement. "Still thinking about the Lazurite Kingdom?"

Shion sighed deeply. "Yeah… more than I thought I would be. Hala is… something else."

Ranga chuckled softly. "I noticed. But we must remain focused. We're almost at Rimuru-sama's palace. He'll want to hear everything about the meeting."

The two of them made their way through the capital of Tempest, greeted by familiar faces and nods from their fellow citizens. The capital was as lively as ever, a harmonious blend of monster races and human visitors, all thriving under Rimuru's peaceful rule.

When they reached the grand council room in Rimuru's palace, they were greeted by the familiar sight of their leader lounging casually on his chair, a curious glint in his eye.

"Shion, Ranga! You're back," Rimuru greeted them with a wide smile. "So, how did it go? What did you think of the Lazurite Kingdom? What's their ruler like?"

Shion straightened up, giving a formal bow before speaking. "Lord Rimuru, the Lazurite Kingdom is as impressive as the rumors said. The lands are lush, and the architecture is grand. But the ruler, Lady Hala…"

She trailed off for a moment, as if unsure how to properly describe Hala. Her mind raced back to the initial meeting, the midnight blue gown, the intimidating yet graceful presence, and those eyes—one gold and one blue—still vivid in her memory.

"Lady Hala is an extraordinary ruler," Shion continued, her voice steady but softer. "She's powerful, yes, but there's also a… calmness to her that I wasn't expecting. She controls an aura of cosmic energy, but she's not outwardly aggressive. In fact, she was quite courteous with us."

Ranga nodded in agreement. "Her leadership is strong, but she didn't exude any unnecessary hostility. She's strategic, and I believe she values stability in her kingdom above all else. The people there seem to deeply respect her, and her palace was full of individuals with immense power."

Rimuru leaned back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Huh… interesting. I've heard tales of her strength and her reputation as a Cosmic Sovereign. But you're telling me she's not just some overbearing tyrant, right?"

Shion's face reddened slightly, something she didn't intend for Rimuru to notice, but of course, he did.

"Is there something else you're not telling me, Shion?" Rimuru teased, raising an eyebrow.

Shion cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "Well, Hala is definitely intimidating, but there's something… I don't know. She's not what I expected. She wasn't cold or dismissive. If anything, she seemed genuinely interested in the alliance."

Rimuru's eyes sparkled with interest. "Hmm, so she's open to cooperation then?"

Ranga nodded. "Yes, she seemed amenable to the idea. She didn't immediately dismiss our request for an alliance. She even mentioned admiring your leadership style, Rimuru-sama. We discussed general terms, but she expressed that a formal negotiation would be more appropriate in person."

Rimuru smiled at that, visibly pleased. "Well, that's good to hear. I had a feeling she'd be reasonable, even with her reputation for wielding celestial powers. But it sounds like we're off to a good start."

There was a pause, and Rimuru turned his gaze back to Shion. "You sure you're okay, though? You've been unusually quiet. Did something happen with Hala that's bothering you?"

Shion hesitated, then sighed, realizing there was no point in hiding it from Rimuru. "It's not that anything bad happened… It's just…" She stopped, searching for the right words. "She has this… presence. It's overwhelming in a way, but not in the same way as other powerful beings I've met. There's something about her, and… it threw me off."

Rimuru blinked, taken aback by Shion's unusually vulnerable admission. He knew Shion to be tough and confident, always able to maintain composure in high-pressure situations. To see her flustered was rare.

"Sounds like she really left an impression on you, huh?" Rimuru smirked playfully, not missing the way Shion's cheeks reddened slightly again.

"I just wasn't expecting her to be so…" Shion's voice trailed off again, her mind flashing back to the moment when Hala had locked eyes with her, her soft smile making her heart race. "…charismatic," she finally said, avoiding Rimuru's knowing gaze.

Rimuru laughed lightly. "Well, charisma is part of leadership, I suppose. Don't let it get to you too much. We still have work to do if we're going to secure this alliance."

Shion quickly nodded, snapping out of her daze. "Of course, Lord Rimuru. I'm ready to follow through on the negotiations."

Ranga, who had been observing the exchange quietly, stepped forward. "If I may add, Lord Rimuru, Lady Hala's kingdom is formidable. They have advanced technology and strong warriors. An alliance with them would be a great benefit to the Federation, especially with the looming threats from other nations."

Rimuru tapped his chin thoughtfully, his eyes growing more serious. "I figured as much. The Lazurite Kingdom is in a unique position geographically, and Hala's influence seems far-reaching. If we can secure this alliance, it'll give us leverage against any potential aggressors."

He then stood up, stretching his arms. "Alright, then. It's decided. I'll make preparations to visit the Lazurite Kingdom myself. We'll need to formally solidify this alliance in person."

Shion's heart skipped a beat at the thought. She would have to face Hala again, but this time with Rimuru at her side. She wasn't sure if she was ready for another encounter with the mesmerizing Empress, but she would follow Rimuru's lead no matter what.

"I'll inform the others and make sure everything is prepared for your visit, Lord Rimuru," Shion said, her voice more firm now.

Rimuru smiled at her confidence returning. "Thanks, Shion. I'll leave it to you and Ranga to handle the details. We'll head out soon."

As Shion and Ranga left the council room, Shion's mind wandered back to the Lazurite Kingdom and the woman who ruled it. She couldn't quite shake the feeling that something deeper was at play, something beyond mere diplomacy. But whatever it was, she knew she would have to face it when they returned.

'Lady Hala was really beautiful, hehe,' she thought, a blush spreading to her cheeks.

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