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14.28% Demonic affinity / Chapter 1: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1: Day of fun, day of disaster!
Demonic affinity Demonic affinity original

Demonic affinity

Autor: tantrichell

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1: Day of fun, day of disaster!

A kid was running down the street at full speed as a hoard of Akuma's chased after him and he repeatedly said to himself. "Don't die! Don't die! Please don't die!"

He jumped dodging tendrils did a series of flips dodging the tendril from the swarm of Akuma's that were after him. He made sure to pass less busy streets as to not get people involved in his outdoor activity.

"Come here, you vessel!!" He heard them screech.

"Sorry, I'm not into grabby people plus you guys aren't my type, I'm looking for someone else at the moment and frankly you guys won't cut it!" He gripped a signpost spun around and ran down an alley ran into the streets where some demon slayers were preparing a holy barrier for the Akuma's.

"Oy, hustle boy or else you'll be killed!" He heard one yell at him.

The boy ran as fast as his legs could go. He jumped through in the nick of time as the Akuma's tendril reached for him the spirit barriers activated and he flew towards a group of demon slayers.

"Oh, he's coming this way!" One said.

"I've got him!" One of them stood and caught him in her arms.

"Oof, oh hiya, Seras!" He said. "How have you been, been committing mass murder I see!"

"Why Morioka, here you are causing chaos wherever you go," She flipped him upright.

"Well you know I try," He looked at the spirits that we're struggling to break free as they were being purified. "I wish I could save them."

"We are saving them, by expunging the darkness from them we are letting their souls rest in peace." Seras informed him.

"You don't know that, no one does, not even they do, I think," He looked at the last of them dissipated.

"Hah! Finally done! Can't believe we're done already even with a demon lover here." One asked.

"Don't worry kid maybe you'll get to join them soon!"

"Yeah, what kind of kid cares for the demon, all they want to do is kill us, humans."

They all laughed at except for Seras who was gripping tightly and was about ready to slaughter all of them, Morioka tapped her arm looked up at her and smiled with lit a lit match in his hand.

She looked at the floor and realized that there was alcohol everywhere and she thought, 'Ahh, shit!'

Morioka threw matches on the ground and the entire street started to set on fire.

Everyone began to scream and frantically Seras instantly dropped and went to help the rest put out the fire, while Morioka vicariously walked to a crate of alcohol that they were drinking from and tossed in the air and it smashed on the ground and the alcohol bottles exploded with more flame engulfing the street.

"Oh, what a naughty thing to do," He giggled as he walked away and screams from the pedestrians and demon slayers could be.

Meanwhile, back at school, a girl with purple hair that reaches to her waist was slumped on her desk looking at the time on her phone.

'He's not here yet…. I hope that he didn't get attacked on his way to school again. Uhh, it's been happening more frequently than usual,' She thought.

"Ciara-chan! Ciara-chan!!" A girl with frizzy carnelian hair was calling her. "Oy, listen to me! I heard from Dixie that heard from Ramon that heard from Kai that Mel might like you, isn't that exciting!"

"Huh? Oh… right, Farasha." Ciara assumed the position.

"Jeez, you don't sound interested Ciara-chan," Farasha Pouted. "I'm doing this so you'll make a move on him. If you don't find a boyfriend, you'll die sad and alone."

"Well, I guess we can just marry each other seeing as you don't have one either." Ciara said.

"Wh… WHA... what is pouting for all of a sudden?!!!" Farasha yelled.

"Whoa did you hear that?" A classmate said.

"Did Ciara-san just ask Farasha-san,"

"Is this a Yuri development?"

"Are they broken I can fix them if they are?"

"Ahh...ahh... Ciara-san, I don't know how to process this." Farasha stammered.

Just then Morioka strolled in with his hair on fire looking without a care in the world.

"Ah! Morioka-chan," Ciara face lit up suddenly she saw the flaming hair.

"Ahh! Morioka-chan!" She rushed over to him.

"Oh morning, Ciara-san." He said.

"I'll save you, Morioka-chan!!!" She leaped in the air with a binder in hand.

"Wait, what?! No, but I haven't even done anything yet!!" He yelped.

After she extinguished the flames she apologized for badly brutalizing him by accident.

"Ahh, it's alright, you had good intentions, I assume." He said.

"Hey, why was your hair on fire anyway?" Ciara asked.

"Oh, I a set a street on fire I think the spark flew in my hair," He said vicariously.

"Oy, oy, do you even understand the gravity of what you are saying?" Ciara said.

"Not really." He scratched his head nervously.

"Ugh, that trash is talking to the beautiful Ciara." A student said.

"What useless trash!"

"Yeah, I don't know why she's so nice to him"

"She's just too kind"

"But he's trash, he should just get lost."

"Ha! A loser with no Yoki!"

Veins were bulging in her head, Ciara spun round as pink sparks began to burst on her hands.

'Hmm, I better calm her down before she kills someone' Morioka put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry about those guys, Ciara-chan. you can follow the mall later if it'll make you feel any better.

Ciara began to blush, "Uh, sure thing? Morioka-san," She nodded.

"Ehh!?!!" The entire class exclaimed. "She's going on a date with that filth!!"

'What are they on about now? I just asked her to the mall with me, no big deal' Morioka thought clueless to what was going on around him.

"Wait, Ciara-chan, If you are going then I'm coming along with you!!" Farasha said.

"Cool!" Morioka gave her a thumbs up.

"To think the two beauties of our school are going out with him..." A student mumbled.

"It sickens me to my stomach!"

Ciara glared at them and thought 'These bastards do this every time! Don't they get tired??'

Just the teacher walks in, "all right settle down you worthless!" She bellowed then noticed, Morioka.

"Morning, teach! I'm early this time so no detention for me today." Morioka said.

"Ahh, yes, it seems so, Morioka-san," She patted his head. "Good boy," She beamed and grabbed his cheeks. "Now please take your seat you hoodlum and is blazer sears again."

After school, Ciara and Farasha Headed out first because Morioka had to help the teacher out like he did every day.

"Thanks for doing this every day, Morioka-san," The teacher said.

"No, prob, miss, just happy to help a friend in need," He grinned.

She blushed and averted her gaze upon him; they made it to her office on the way Morioka accidentally on purpose kicked a mopping bucket and a kid slid down the stair, mixed some dangerous chemicals in the med lab and locked the students inside kicked a male student into the girls changing room all with letting his teacher notice.

"Thank you again, Morioka," She said.

"Like I said before, no problem!" He said.

"Don't listen to what the others say about you, Morioka-san, You are a model student and that's what counts right now."

"Yes, 'a model student' that all should follow," He said sarcastically as he thought back to all the cause that he caused just a moment ago.

Morioka was heading to Ciara and Farasha when a group of boy showed up, he turned the other way and more covered his entrance and exit boxing him in.

"Well, what do I owe the displeasure, you know apart from existing." He said.

"Hmph, you did and did the wrong thing and asked two beauties of our school out, so we are here to beat you down to the dirt that you belong. No wonder Sage-dono dropped a loser like you."

"Wow, all these guys to beat someone as weak as me, you guys really are hopeless good for nothing," Morioka said. "But no this beat to a pulp or half-dead, I've already won because they are resorting to beasts."

"Whoa, dude did he just quote Armin??" One said.

"Yes, and I'm going to debunk that statement," the leader said.

They all gasped in utter shock.


"You bite your tongue!"

"Don't disrespect the best waifu!"

"Shut the fuck up you shmucks," He turned his glare at Morioka. "And for the record we aren't battling out here like a wild beast, we are to teach you a lesson and there no teacher than pain!"

He charged at him he jumped backward dodging his punches but hit in the back; he got punched the face, in the gut and side. They charged at him.

'now chance' He thought and ran past them and got out the circle and continued running.

"Oy where do you think you are going, Punk!" The leader of the group. Stretched out his hand and chanted. "Hydro fist!" A magic crest appeared from his palm and water fist shot at Morioka knocking him down the hall.

The others followed suit and fired their magic at him, Morioka looked up at the magic projectiles coming his way.

"Ah, crap!" They hit him and there was an explosion of magic but Morioka managed to get by without serious injuries. "Oh, my gods! I survived??"

'Anyway, I can't die until I find them. And besides, after that attack there's no way they'll come after me, right' Morioka thought as he ran.

"Hey!" He heard a group of people scream, but he couldn't believe it they were hot on his trail. "Get back here!"

"What the hell do you bastards want?" Morioka asked.

"Your corpse!!" They shot more magic projectiles at him.

He managed to get to the school entrance where they gave up chasing him and he was home free, "Ahh, finally they-" he knocked over someone and fell to the ground. "Hmm, huh soft and quite large!"

He looked and saw that he landed on top of Farasha and groping her breasts and her face turned scarlet and her head was steaming.

Farasha was stunned, Morioka was impressed but the softness and Ciara was brimming with rage, "Morioka, You pervert!" She slapped him in the face.

As they were walking to the mall Morioka had a red handprint on his face and he said, "It was an accident, you didn't have to slap me so hard!"

"And you didn't have to slap me back!" Ciara yelled she too had a hand imprint on her face. "You are a dude.

"I slapped you because you slapped me first it only seems fair," Morioka said folding his arms.

'Ahh, a Morioka-kun groped me I'm unfit to marry. He'll have to take responsibility, yes, it only comes natural' Farasha thought.

They headed to the underground mall were their clothes stores, tattoo parlors, restaurants and arcades.

"So what do you girls want to do first?" Morioka asked.

"Let's get ice cream, then lots of candy and then a butt-ton of shopping!" Farasha said drooling.

"Oy, you are drooling," Morioka used a tissue to wipe her mouth.

"Thank you future wife," Farasha said nonchalantly.

"Oh, you welcome." He beamed. "Wait, what the fuck was that??"

"Alright let's go the day is young and Morioka hasn't been attacked yet!" Ciara said.

"Aye sir!" Farasha chirped.

"Wait, but how am I the wife??" He asked.

After getting ice cream and candy and Morioka beat the girls at the claw game and they forced him to carry their bags, they stumbled upon a photo booth.

"Ooh, let's go in here!" Farasha said beaming.

"Yeah," Ciara pumped her fist in the air.

"Why?" Morioka asked.

"So we can capture this moment!" Ciara grabbed his Morioka's arm and pulled him in the booth with Farasha and they took the pictures with silly faces.

"All right, that was fun, but I'm starving. Want something to eat?" Ciara asked.

"You pig!" Morioka said.

"Yeah, we just ate!" Farasha chimed in.

Then their stomachs growled loudly.

"So, do what do you pigs want?" She asked.

"Doughnuts please" They said.

Ciara left them to get the doughnuts when Morioka heard someone call his name. He turned round and saw Seras coming his way with a few friends.

"Yo, Seras, here to kill more innocents I see," Morioka said.

"Ha! Comedian, I'm on off the clock," Seras said.

"Whoa! So, killers get time off maybe I should ask the other killer when they go off so I can pass through their territory."

Seras grabbed him by his head, "Oy, the mouth on this one!"

"Ow, ow, ow, Sears-chan please my brainnn!!!" He cried.

"Um, who are you people?" Farasha asked.

"Oh, excuse me, miss, I'm Seras and these morons are my buddies, we are demon slayer!"

Farasha's eyes widened in amazement, "Whoa, Morioka, you didn't tell me that you knew demon slayers!!"

"Whoa ho! I didn't know that the demon loving freak had any frie­-" He was cut short by Seras bringing her fist upon his head.

"Oy, kid, you never told her about us?" Seras said tightening the grip.

"Well, it doesn't come up in conversation much, Seras, darling!" Morioka said.

Seras let go of him as and he landed on the guy that Seras clocked.

Farasha was beaming at him and crushing.

"What is it now?" He asked.

"You must tell me all there is to being a demon slayer later!" She said.

"I refuse, ask Seras, She'll tell the honor of casually murdering people." He said.

Sears tore up grabbed him and shook, "Tell me! Tell me!"

"Okay, wait, calm down first, Farasha-san," Morioka said.

At that moment a dark presence was approaching them filled with malefic intent. And all the demon slayers could sense it.

'what? A dark power here! Now of all places!!' Seras thought. "Do you guys feel that?"

"Mm!' A demon slayer with short green hair said, " Seras, we have to move now!"

"Right," Seras put on her demon slayer banner. "Listen up everyone an Akuma is in here you all have to move right fucking now!!!!" Seras yelled," Farasha and Morioka stopped upon hearing this and everybody panicked and run for the exit as the demon slayers tried to herd them then it appeared and even Morioka with his weak yoki could feel it and then it came into light a nude teenage looking girl with purple hair and silver skin and pink tentacles wrapping her it was almost as if her form was wrapped in chaos and malice.

She raised a single tentacle and slammed it into the ground. She put no hagio into it but the shock wave alone rocked the foundation of the mall.

"Brace yourselves!" Seras yelled as the blast from the shock wave hit them knocking everything as the floor and ceiling and the stores were torn apart.

tantrichell tantrichell

Hagio: Demonic energy used by Akuma

Yoki: Used by humans and nature spirits.

Akuma: Demonic spirits that feed on Yoki

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