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77.58% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 45: Ritual Preparation.

Capítulo 45: Ritual Preparation.

Oii, stones.



Rimuru decided that the best course of action was to immerse himself fully in training with the demon lords for the next month. Benimaru and Diablo would manage Tempest in his absence. Though the town was saddened by his departure, they understood the necessity and supported his decision wholeheartedly.

The month was grueling and intense. Each day, Rimuru faced a different demon lord, adapting to their unique combat styles and abilities. He rapidly gained mastery over the Sin series Ultimate Skills, his strength growing exponentially. 

One day, Rimuru found himself standing in the center of an enormous, barren wasteland. The sky above was darkened with swirling clouds, the air crackling with energy. Around him, the most powerful beings in the world—the demon lords—stood ready for battle. Today, he would face them all simultaneously.

Guy Crimson, the de facto leader of the demon lords, stepped forward first. His eyes gleamed with excitement, and a wicked smile played on his lips. "Are you ready, Rimuru? This won't be easy."

Rimuru nodded, steeling himself. "Bring it on."

The battle began with a sudden, explosive clash. Guy moved with incredible speed, his blade flashing as he struck at Rimuru. Rimuru barely had time to react, summoning his own weapon to parry the blow. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, but Rimuru held his ground.

Before he could counterattack, Dagruel charged in from the side, his massive fists crashing down like meteors. Rimuru leaped back, narrowly avoiding the strike. Dagruel's body defied the laws of physics, his immense bulk moving with impossible agility. He stepped on the air, launching himself at Rimuru with frightening speed.

Rimuru quickly adapted, using his Ultimate Skill Prideful Lord Lucifer to analyze and counter Dagruel's attacks. He created barriers to deflect the giant's blows, each impact sending tremors through the earth.

Milim, unable to contain her excitement, joined the fray with a roar. Her sheer brute strength was a force to be reckoned with. She punched the ground, creating a shockwave that rippled outwards, attempting to knock Rimuru off balance. He countered by absorbing the energy with Gluttonous King Beelzebub and redirecting it towards Milim, but she shrugged it off with a laugh, her eyes gleaming with joy.

As Rimuru fought, he noticed Guy watching with a keen interest, adapting to Rimuru's tactics and countering them. Every move Rimuru made was met with an even more cunning response from Guy, elevating the fight to new heights.

The real challenge, however, was Veldora. The True Dragon's probability manipulation made every encounter unpredictable. No matter how well Rimuru calculated his moves, Veldora's skill would alter the outcomes. Veldora's attacks were relentless, and his mastery over his abilities, honed by Reinhard himself, made him an incredibly formidable opponent.

Rimuru summoned all his strength and ingenuity, utilizing the full array of Ultimate Skills at his disposal. He used the skill Astarte to evolve his abilities on the fly, adapting to the ever-changing battle. Each time he thought he had an edge, Veldora's probability manipulation would twist the battle in unexpected ways. Ciel, though immensely powerful, struggled to keep up with the constantly shifting variables.

During one particularly intense clash, Veldora launched a devastating energy blast at Rimuru. Ciel's calculations suggested a perfect counter, but Veldora's manipulation caused the blast to veer off course at the last second. Rimuru barely managed to evade, feeling the searing heat as the attack scorched the ground behind him.

Milim, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of raw power. Her attacks were direct and overwhelming, but also predictable. Rimuru used this to his advantage, absorbing her energy and redirecting it to counter other attacks. Despite her predictability, the sheer force behind her blows was not to be underestimated. In one instance, her punch shattered a distant planet, the sheer power of her strike leaving Rimuru in awe.

As the battle raged on, Rimuru's adaptability and quick thinking allowed him to hold his own against the combined might of the demon lords. Each day, he grew stronger, his mastery over his skills deepening. He learned to anticipate Dagruel's seemingly random movements, counter Guy's cunning strategies, and navigate the chaos of Veldora's probability manipulation.

The most pivotal moment came during a clash with Veldora. Rimuru, using the evolved abilities granted by Ciel, managed to predict the unpredictable. For a brief moment, he synchronized perfectly with Veldora's manipulation, landing a decisive blow that sent the True Dragon sprawling. The shock in Veldora's eyes was matched by the surprised gasps of the other demon lords.

Guy Crimson watched this unfold, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Impressive, Rimuru. Truly impressive."

Rimuru, panting and drenched in sweat, nodded. "Thanks, Guy. I couldn't have done it without all of you pushing me to my limits."

The month-long training continued, each session more intense than the last. Rimuru faced the demon lords individually and in groups, each battle teaching him new lessons and refining his skills. He fought in various environments, from desolate wastelands to the vacuum of space, adapting to each new challenge with remarkable speed.

One particularly memorable session involved a full-scale battle against all the demon lords. The sheer scale of the conflict threatened to tear the very fabric of reality. Energy blasts and shockwaves rippled through the cosmos as Rimuru fought with everything he had. The combined might of the demon lords was overwhelming, but Rimuru's determination and rapidly evolving skills allowed him to hold his own.

Dagruel's massive fists crashed down like hammers, each blow capable of leveling mountains. Rimuru dodged and countered with precise strikes, using Prideful Lord Lucifer to analyze and adapt to Dagruel's movements. He created barriers and deflected Dagruel's attacks, the force of their clashes sending tremors through the battlefield.

Milim's raw power was a constant threat. Her punches and kicks created shockwaves that shattered planets and stars. Rimuru absorbed and redirected her energy, using Gluttonous King Beelzebub to turn her own strength against her. Despite her overwhelming power, Rimuru managed to keep her at bay, his quick thinking and adaptability giving him the edge.

Guy's cunning strategies and adaptive fighting style kept Rimuru on his toes. Each move Rimuru made was countered with equal or greater force. The two engaged in a high-speed duel, their attacks creating flashes of light and explosions that illuminated the battlefield. Rimuru used Astarte to evolve his skills on the fly, matching Guy's adaptability with his own.

Veldora's probability manipulation remained the most challenging aspect of the training. No matter how well Rimuru planned his moves, Veldora's skill would alter the outcome. Rimuru had to rely on his instincts and quick reflexes to navigate the chaos. He used his evolving abilities to counter Veldora's attacks, each clash pushing his limits further.

As the training sessions continued, Rimuru's mastery over his skills grew. He learned to anticipate his opponents' moves and counter them with precision. He adapted to the ever-changing battlefield, using his evolving abilities to stay one step ahead. Each day, he grew stronger, his confidence and determination driving him forward.

By the end of the month, Rimuru stood tall, his power rivaling that of the strongest beings in the world. He had faced the demon lords and emerged victorious, his skills honed to perfection. The training had pushed him to his limits, but it had also revealed the true extent of his potential.

Guy Crimson, standing at the center of the battlefield, looked at Rimuru with a mix of admiration and respect. "You've come a long way, Rimuru. You're ready for whatever comes next."

Rimuru nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Thanks, Guy. I couldn't have done it without all of you."

The demon lords gathered around, their expressions a mix of pride and satisfaction. They had pushed Rimuru to his limits and watched him grow into a force to be reckoned with. The battles had been intense, but they had also forged a bond of mutual respect and camaraderie.

As the training came to an end, Rimuru knew that he was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. The month-long training had been grueling, but it had also been an invaluable experience. He had gained new skills, honed his abilities, and proven that he was a true force to be reckoned with.

Rimuru, now the strongest being on the planet, stood tall among the demon lords who had once been his equals. Guy, Dagruel, Luminous, Veldora, Milim, and Velzard all acknowledged his unparalleled strength. Many had feared that with such immense power, Rimuru might lose control. However, their fears were unfounded, Rimuru remained the same benevolent leader they had always known. Ramiris and Milim were especially relieved and joyful to see that power had not corrupted him.

As the demon lords gathered, Ciel prepared to evolve and merge Rimuru's skills into something even more extraordinary. The air around them crackled with anticipation as Ciel initiated the process, her voice resonating within Rimuru's mind.

«Master, we will begin the integration and evolution of your skills. This will be an intense process, but rest assured, I will manage everything»

Rimuru nodded, his eyes closed in concentration as he felt the vast energy within him begin to shift and reconfigure. Ciel started with the evolution of Raphael, Lord of Wisdom, and Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony. The merging of these two Ultimate Skills would give birth to Void God Azathoth.

The merging process was nothing short of spectacular. Within Rimuru's consciousness, the vast expanse of Imaginary Space opened up, a chaotic realm of boundless nihility energy. The raw, destructive power of this space began to weave through the essence of Raphael and Beelzebuth, binding them together in a symphony of power and wisdom.

«Soul Consumption» emerged first, an advanced form of Gluttony, capable of devouring not just physical matter but the very soul of a target, transcending space-time itself. The potency of this ability was terrifying, allowing Rimuru to absorb the essence of his enemies completely.

Next, «Nihility Collapse» came into existence, harnessing the destructive energy of Imaginary Space. Ciel meticulously managed this energy, ensuring it could be used efficiently and devastatingly in battle.

The evolution continued with «Nihility Supply», a constant flow of energy from an inexhaustible source, significantly amplifying Rimuru's magical power. This energy network extended through soul corridors, granting access to his subordinates in special cases, ensuring that his allies could draw upon his immense reserves.

«Imaginary Space» evolved further, providing an infinite, chaotic realm that served as both a prison and a source of unparalleled power. This timeless domain, saturated with nihility energy, could confine anything within its grasp, making it an invaluable asset in both offense and defense.

A «Multi-Dimensional Barrier» was forged, an impenetrable defense spanning multiple dimensions, ensuring Rimuru's safety against any conceivable threat.

The integration of True Dragon abilities culminated in «True Dragon Release [Scorch・Storm • Ice]» and «True Dragon Nucleation [Scorch・Storm • Ice]». These abilities allowed Veldora and other True Dragons to exist simultaneously in the outside world while their cores remained assimilated with Rimuru. This process could be reversed with their consent, returning their vast energy to Rimuru when needed. Their energy could also be condensed into spherical cores, which merged with Rimuru's Draconic Sword, creating a weapon of unimaginable strength and potential.

As the integration of Void God Azathoth completed, Ciel turned her attention to Shub-Niggurath, Lord of Harvest. The essence of Uriel, Lord of Vows, merged with Food Chain and the vast repository of skills Rimuru had acquired.

«Skill Creation» emerged, allowing Rimuru to forge entirely new abilities based on the information gathered from Food Chain and Analysis. This power granted him limitless potential in battle, adapting and evolving to any situation.

«Skill Duplication» followed, enabling Rimuru to recreate any skill he had fully analyzed. This ability ensured that no power was beyond his reach, making him a versatile and unpredictable adversary.

«Skill Gifting» was next, bestowing skills upon compatible targets and removing them as needed. This allowed Rimuru to empower his allies and adjust their abilities to fit any strategic requirement.

Finally, «Skill Storage» provided a repository for all analyzed skills, ensuring that they could be accessed and recreated at any time. This comprehensive database of abilities made Rimuru's strategic options virtually limitless.

The merging process reached its climax, Ciel's voice echoing in Rimuru's mind with an almost reverent tone. "Master, the integration is complete. You now possess Void God Azathoth and Shub-Niggurath, Lord of Harvest. Your power has reached unprecedented heights."

Rimuru opened his eyes, feeling the immense surge of energy coursing through him. His new abilities resonated within him, their potential almost overwhelming. He stood taller, his aura radiating with the combined might of the two new Ultimate Skills.

Void God Azathoth and Shub-Niggurath, Lord of Harvest, were now part of him, their powers seamlessly integrated into his being. The merging had been successful, and Rimuru knew that he was now more powerful than ever before. 

As he looked at his friends and allies, he felt a deep sense of gratitude. They had stood by him, supported him, and helped him become the being he was now. With these new powers, he would protect them and their world from any threat that dared to challenge them.





In the grand throne room of the Eastern Empire, Emperor Rudra, who was now fully merged with Michael, sat upon his ornate throne. The room, adorned with golden accents and majestic banners, exuded an aura of absolute power and control. The ten Numbers, his elite warriors, were assembled before him, their presence filling the room with a palpable tension. They were noisy and restless, each one eager to prove their worth and showcase their loyalty.

However, the moment Rudra raised a single hand, a profound silence fell over the assembly. Each of the Numbers knew their place, and audacity in front of the emperor was not something any of them dared to exhibit. The respect and fear they had for Rudra were deeply ingrained; one did not rise to their positions without understanding the boundaries set by their sovereign.

Rudra's eyes, cold and calculating, swept over his elite warriors. His gaze held a weight that pressed upon each of them, demanding their undivided attention and absolute obedience. He began to speak, his voice echoing through the throne room with a resonant authority.

"The time has come," Rudra announced, his tone measured and deliberate. "Our preparations are complete, and now, we move forward with our plans."

The Numbers listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to determined resolve. Rudra continued, his voice growing more commanding with each word.

"You will infiltrate the following countries: Tempest, Forgotten Dragon, Fullbrosia, Sarion, Dwargon, Farmus, Ruberios, and the Barren Lands. Each of these nations possesses a Swastika"

The Numbers exchanged brief glances of confusion but quickly masked their uncertainties. The mention of the Swastika symbol was enough to quell any doubts. They knew that Rudra's plans were always meticulously crafted, and their role was to execute his orders without question.

With a unified movement, the Numbers knelt before Rudra, their heads bowed in submission. "We accept your orders, Your Majesty" they intoned in unison, their voices echoing through the vast hall.

Rudra nodded in approval, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Very well. Velgrynd, dismiss them and ensure they are prepared for their missions."

Velgrynd, acting as the Marshal of the military, stepped forward with an air of authority. Her presence was as formidable as Rudra's, and the Numbers obeyed her without hesitation. She led them out of the throne room, leaving only Rudra, Velgrynd, Tatsuya, and Yuuki behind.

As the heavy doors closed, Rudra's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "The demon lords are focusing their efforts on empowering one of their own," he remarked, a hint of disdain in his voice. "How can we allow ourselves to be left behind?"

He turned his gaze to Yuuki, who stood with an amiable smile on his face, a stark contrast to the tension in the room. Yuuki, ever the opportunist, was quick to respond to Rudra's unspoken invitation.

"Would you like to learn some Ultimate Skills?" Rudra asked, his tone deceptively casual.

Yuuki's eyes sparkled with interest. "I would never refuse such an offer, friend"

Rudra's smile turned sinister. "Good. Together, we will ensure that our plans come to fruition and that we remain unmatched in power."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming even more charged with the promise of impending conflict and the pursuit of ultimate power. Velgrynd stood by Rudra's side, her eyes filled with a mixture of loyalty and ambition, while Tatsuya observed with a calm yet calculating demeanor. The alliance between Rudra and Yuuki solidified in that moment, their mutual goals aligning as they prepared to unleash their plans upon the world.

Rudra's absolute power and control were evident in every word and action. He was a ruler who commanded not just respect but unwavering obedience. The Eastern Empire was poised for a new chapter of dominance, and under Rudra's leadership, the world would soon feel the weight of their ambitions.





Within just a week, Guy Crimson noticed Rudra's movements. The subtle shifts in power, the deployment of the 10 Numbers across various countries, were clear indicators of Rudra's strategic maneuvers. Guy understood the gravity of the situation; each of those Numbers was stronger than the 4th generation demon lords, making this a matter that couldn't be taken lightly.

Recognizing the urgency, Guy called for a meeting. The gathering was to consist of the most powerful and influential beings who could counter this new threat. The attendees included Milim, Ramiris, Velzard, Rimuru, and Noir. To Guy's surprise, Noir brought the three demonesses with him—Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima. As the group assembled, Guy's eyes narrowed at Noir, who stood there nonchalantly.

"Why the hell are the three left primordials from the Underworld here in the Cardinal World?" Guy demanded, his gaze piercing.

Rimuru, feeling the weight of Guy's scrutiny, looked away sheepishly. "Uh, you can blame Diablo for that," he said, pushing the responsibility to his loyal subordinate.

Diablo, standing with a satisfied grin, chuckled. "Oh, come now, Guy. Is it so wrong to show a little appreciation for my gifts?"

Guy sighed, shaking his head. "Your gifts, huh? You've got a strange way of showing presents" He knew better than to get into a prolonged argument with Diablo, especially when time was of the essence. He looked at the three demonesses, who had already begun to pester him, surrounding him with an air of playful annoyance.

Testarossa, with her elegant demeanor, smirked. "Oh, Guy, you should be thankful. After all, we're here to help."

Carrera, her eyes gleaming with mischief, added, "We can be quite useful, you know. Perhaps more useful than your maids."

Ultima, the most spirited of the three, laughed. "Besides, it's not every day you get the Seven Primordial Demons together. Consider it a historic moment."

Guy glanced around at the gathered individuals. Milim was watching the exchange with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, while Ramiris fluttered around, her eyes wide with interest. Velzard remained stoic, but there was a flicker of intrigue in her eyes. Rimuru, standing next to Diablo, seemed relieved that the tension had been somewhat diffused.

The presence of the Seven Primordial Demons was indeed a rare occurrence. They were born from a single entity, making them, in a sense, siblings. Their collective power was unparalleled, and the dynamics among them were fascinating. Despite their differences and individual quirks, their combined strength was a force to be reckoned with.

Guy exhaled slowly, accepting the situation. "Fine. Just remember, we're here to strategize against Rudra. Let's stay focused."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence. The magnitude of their gathering was not lost on anyone present. For perhaps the first time, the Seven Primordial Demons stood in the same place, ready to face a common enemy. This moment, steeped in historical significance, was a testament to the gravity of the threat posed by Rudra and his forces.

Guy cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Alright, let's get down to business. We need to formulate a plan to counter Rudra's actions and protect our territories. Everyone, share your insights."

The meeting commenced in earnest, each member contributing their knowledge and strategies. Despite the earlier banter and playful annoyances, a serious and determined atmosphere settled over the room. The Seven Primordial Demons, along with the other powerful beings present, were united by a common goal: to thwart Rudra's ambitions and maintain the balance of power in the world.

The stakes were high, and the path ahead was fraught with challenges. Yet, with the combined might and intellect of this formidable assembly, they were prepared to face whatever came their way. As they delved into their discussions, the weight of their mission pressed upon them, but so did the strength of their unity and resolve.



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