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96.55% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 56: Consume this, bastards.

Capítulo 56: Consume this, bastards.

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In the void of space, the universe seemed to hold its breath as the ritual for Reinhard's Ascension began. The swastikas, now in their designated locations, pulsed with a radiant energy, their glow illuminating the dark expanse. They were the anchors of this grand event, the symbols that tied together the fabric of reality and the metaphysical power required for what was to come.

The conditions were meticulously checked. Each swastika hummed in sync, their resonance echoing through the cosmos. The five Pentachroma were present, each embodying a different aspect of Reinhard's being and his Einherjar

Nigredo (Zelanus). The dark foundation, the King of Insects, stood with an unyielding presence, his power a testament to the primordial chaos from which all things began.

Albedo (Diablo). The light of purification, Reinhard's most trusted demon, his enigmatic smile masking the immense power and loyalty he held for his lord.

Rubedo (Feldway). The red of completion, Feldway's gaze burning with the intensity of his purpose, his form radiating with the power of final transformation.

Viriditas (Spirit/Core of Gladsheimr). The green vitality, the very spirit that Reinhard used as the core of Gladsheimr. This entity, though seldom seen, now revealed itself in full glory, a luminous being of pure energy and life force.

Citrinitas (Physical Body of Reinhard). The golden embodiment, Reinhard's physical form, the Grail necessary for the ritual, standing as the pinnacle of the process.

As the ritual progressed, the Spirit of Gladsheimr, Viriditas, opened its eyes. A serene, otherworldly light emanated from it, casting a greenish hue across the expanse. The core of Gladsheimr, now fully awakened, began to chant, its voice a harmonious blend of tones that resonated with the swastikas and the very fabric of the universe.

The chant of Viriditas for its Atziluth, or Emanation, began with a profound resonance.

"In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Omnia per Ipsum facta sunt, et sine Ipso factum est nihil, quod factum est."

As the chant continued, the entirety of Gladsheimr began to light up. The ancient castle, a fortress of unimaginable power and history, started to emanate the castle's Law. The very stones of Gladsheimr glowed with an inner fire, their runes and engravings coming to life with vibrant energy.

"Lux et tenebrae, vitae et mortis, omnia in unum coalescunt. Fiat voluntas tua, creator et destructor universi."

The light from Gladsheimr spread outward, a beacon of power that signaled the unfolding of the ritual. The swastikas responded in kind, their glow intensifying as they channeled the energies required for Reinhard's transformation.

"Ex nihilo, ad infinitum. Aeternitas in unum punctum convergit, ut in aeternum regnare possit."

Each word of the chant seemed to weave together the strands of reality, binding the components of the ritual into a cohesive whole. The universe itself seemed to pulse in rhythm with the chant, as if acknowledging the grandeur of what was taking place.

Reinhard stood at the center, his presence commanding and absolute. His eyes glowed with an inner light, a mixture of anticipation and satisfaction. He was the architect of this moment, the master of the ritual, and soon, he would ascend to a state of power beyond comprehension.

The Einherjar watched in reverent silence, their loyalty and dedication unwavering. Diablo, Zelanus, and Feldway stood ready, their roles in the ritual clear and vital. They were the pillars that supported Reinhard's ascension, the embodiments of his will and purpose.

As the chant reached a crescendo, the light from Gladsheimr and the swastikas became blinding, a radiant beacon in the void of space. The ritual was nearing its climax, the final steps about to be taken.

But for now, the chant continued, the universe resonating with its profound and ancient power. The ascension of Reinhard was imminent, the culmination of eons of planning and preparation. And in this moment, the fate of all existence hung in the balance, awaiting the final act of this cosmic drama.

The vast expanse of space, lit by the radiant glow of the swastikas and the vibrant energy emanating from Gladsheimr, set the stage for Reinhard's ascension. Reinhard, standing at the center of it all, began his chant, his voice echoing through the cosmos with an authority that could not be denied.

"My love is affection through destruction," Reinhard's voice was both gentle and commanding, a paradox that mirrored his essence. His words flowed with a rhythm that seemed to intertwine with the very fabric of existence.

"What I felt first was Admiration, what I desired after is the pinnacle of devotion. Oh, just why, why can't it withstand it. Why is it breaking from a gentle touch on its soft skin, let alone a hug. Just what cruelty is this—" His voice carried a tinge of sorrow, an acknowledgment of the fragility of creation. His gaze, filled with a mixture of love and resignation, swept across the universe.

"All creations. Because this world is too delicate after all. Let us break it first in order to love it." The conviction in his words was unshakeable, a declaration of his philosophy and his ultimate goal. The power in his voice caused ripples in the energy fields around him, resonating with the swastikas and the Einherjar.

"Remember your death. Then soar back from the brink of this cliff." His voice grew louder, more insistent, as if commanding the very essence of life and death to heed his call. The energy around him intensified, the swastikas glowing brighter, the vibrations growing stronger.

"I love everything in existence, Shurado-Shikoten!" Reinhard's proclamation echoed through the void, his love and destruction intertwining in a dance of cosmic significance. The universe seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the next words that would seal its fate.

"On the day of wrath, at end times, all creations shall burn to ashes, and shatter as foretold from David and Sybilla's prophecy. No matter how many trembling souls await, the Judge will descend, to bring doom judgment upon them and burn everything without a trace. The divine melody that resound through my legion, the roaring sound marking the beginning of war, lead everyone to assemble before the Throne." The power of his words caused the energy fields to flare, the swastikas pulsing in sync with his chant. The Einherjar stood resolute, their loyalty and power reinforcing Reinhard's declaration.

"On that day, of judgment of tears and sins, whence from ashes all of you rise again. So pardon them, O Lord, in mercy when time comes." His voice carried a note of compassion, a promise of mercy amidst the destruction. The energy around him coalesced, forming a barrier that seemed impenetrable.

"Merciful One, now grant them thine eternal rest... Amen."

The finality in his voice was palpable, a benediction that echoed through the cosmos. The swastikas reached their peak brightness, their energy merging with the core of Gladsheimr.

"Du-sollst --- Dies Irae!" With this final declaration, Reinhard's Atziluth reached its zenith. The universe seemed to tremble, the power of his words resonating through every particle of existence.

As Reinhard's chant reached its climax, Rimuru, realizing the gravity of the situation, launched himself at Reinhard with all his might. His attacks, fueled by his ultimate skill Azathoth, were fierce and unrelenting. Blasts of energy, capable of annihilating entire galaxies, surged towards Reinhard, but each one was effortlessly parried or nullified.

Reinhard's eyes, filled with an amused light, followed Rimuru's every move. The battle, though visually spectacular, seemed almost trivial to him. Rimuru's attacks, despite their immense power, could not breach the barrier formed by Reinhard's ascension.

The clash of titanic forces continued, their movements blurring as they moved faster than light. Nebulas fell, their vibrant clouds of gas and dust scattered by the force of their confrontation. The very fabric of space-time seemed to ripple and warp around them, the sheer magnitude of their battle threatening to unravel the universe itself.

Rimuru's frustration grew, but so did his determination. "I won't let you destroy everything I hold dear!" he shouted, his voice filled with resolve. His attacks grew more desperate, each one more powerful than the last, but Reinhard's defenses remained unbreachable.

"You misunderstand, Rimuru," Reinhard said, his tone almost gentle. "I am not destroying it. I am perfecting it. Through destruction, I will create something even greater."

Reinhard's body glowed with an ethereal light, his form transcending the physical. The energy around him coalesced, forming a radiant aura that seemed to encompass the entire cosmos. The Einherjar watched in awe, their loyalty unwavering as their lord ascended to a higher plane of existence.

As the ritual reached its zenith, Reinhard's form began to change. His body, now glowing with an intense, almost blinding light, started to dissolve into pure energy. The power within him surged, the universe converging on his form.

Rimuru, still reeling from the absorption of Yuuki's energy, watched in awe and horror as Reinhard ascended. The sheer power of the ritual was overwhelming, the energy radiating from Reinhard unlike anything he had ever seen.

With a final, earth-shattering roar, Reinhard's form exploded into a burst of light, the energy spreading across the cosmos. The universe trembled, the power of the ascension resonating through every particle of existence.

The swastikas, now fully activated, glowed with an intense light, their power anchoring the energy of the ascension. The Pentachroma, each embodying a different aspect of Reinhard's being, resonated with the energy, their power merging with his own.

As the light began to fade, the universe seemed to settle, the energy of the ascension now integrated into the very fabric of reality. Reinhard, now ascended to a higher plane of existence, stood at the center of it all, his presence commanding and absolute.

The Einherjar, their loyalty unwavering, bowed before their ascended lord. The ritual was complete, and the universe, now forever changed, awaited the next chapter of its existence.

Rimuru's body trembled, the energy of Yuuki's self-destruction still coursing through him. He felt as if his very essence was being torn apart, yet he clung to consciousness, driven by the need to stop Reinhard. As he struggled to stabilize himself, Reinhard's cruel smile grew wider.

"My dear Rimuru," Reinhard said softly, his voice laced with a sinister amusement. "You've fought valiantly, but it's time to end this charade."

Rimuru's eyes widened in shock as he felt an invisible force taking hold of him. His body, acting against his will, began to move towards Reinhard. He tried to resist, but it was as if his very being was responding to a command that transcended his own consciousness.

"No... What is this?!" Rimuru's voice was strained with panic. He could feel his own soul resonating with Reinhard's presence, as if answering a call that had been embedded within him for eons.

Reinhard's eyes gleamed with malevolent satisfaction. "You see, Rimuru, everything has been according to my design. Even your very existence is but a fragment of my own soul, a piece I severed thousands of years ago to set this plan into motion."

Rimuru's mind raced as the horrifying realization set in. He was not an independent entity but a part of Reinhard's grand scheme. Every triumph, every hardship, every moment of his existence had been leading to this singular point. He had been a pawn in a game he never knew he was playing.

As he drew closer, Reinhard extended his hand, and Rimuru's body obeyed, moving with a will that was not his own. The struggle was futile; the force compelling him was absolute.

"NO! I won't let this happen!" Rimuru screamed, pouring every ounce of his willpower into resisting the pull. But it was no use. His soul, bound by the ancient power of Reinhard's plan, was beyond his control.

"Submit, Rimuru," Reinhard commanded, his voice echoing with a power that seemed to shake the very fabric of reality. "Return to me, and fulfill your true purpose."

Rimuru's vision blurred as he was drawn inexorably towards Reinhard. His own powers, the skills he had acquired, the strength he had cultivated, all felt distant and unreachable. It was as if his very identity was being erased.

At the last moment, a desperate clarity pierced through Rimuru's mind. He realized that this was the culmination of Reinhard's master plan, to reclaim the fragment of his soul and achieve true singularity.

"No... I won't let you...!" Rimuru's voice was barely a whisper, his strength waning. But the force compelling him was unstoppable. Reinhard's power was absolute, and Rimuru was but a fragment being drawn back into the whole.

With a final, agonizing pull, Rimuru's essence was consumed by Reinhard. The integration was seamless, as if the universe itself had been waiting for this moment. Every ounce of Rimuru's power, his memories, his very soul, was absorbed into Reinhard.

Reinhard's eyes glowed with an unholy light as he felt the surge of power. The integration of Rimuru's essence made him whole once more, elevating his already immense power to a level that transcended the gods.

"Yes... YES!" Reinhard laughed maniacally, his voice reverberating through the cosmos. "This is it! The culmination of my plan, the ultimate power! With this, I shall create the Singularity and ascend to the Throne!"

Reinhard stood tall in his Gladsheimr, an imposing figure bathed in a celestial glow. The power of Azathoth in one hand and the Lord of Gods Yhwh in the other, Reinhard felt the surge of energy coursing through him. He could feel the universe tremble at his command, a vast, limitless power ready to be unleashed.

With a confident smile, he began to converge the two ultimate powers. The fusion of Azathoth and Yhwh created an intense reaction, a brilliance so blinding that it illuminated the entire universe. Stars seemed to dim in comparison, their light swallowed by the overwhelming radiance emanating from Reinhard.

A massive crack appeared before him, a rift in the very fabric of reality. The sight was awe-inspiring, a testament to his newfound dominance over existence. Without hesitation, Reinhard stepped through the crack, his presence radiating an aura of supreme authority.

As he walked, his Law began to spread, painting the universe with his will. Each step he took altered the fundamental nature of reality. Planets, stars, and galaxies were reshaped, their very essence redefined by his power. He was not merely ascending, he was transforming the universe into a reflection of his own divine Law!

The changes were profound. The laws of physics, the constants of nature, even the flow of time itself, all bent to his will. The universe was no longer bound by its previous constraints. It was a new creation, one governed by the absolute dominion of Reinhard.

Reinhard's transformation into a Hegemony God was complete. His will could alter any aspect of reality. The universe, and perhaps even the multiverse, were now under his control. His footsteps echoed through the cosmos, each one a proclamation of his newfound supremacy.

As Reinhard delved deeper into the Singularity, he began to experience the memories and abilities of the previous holders of the Throne. Knowledge from countless eons flooded his mind, the experiences of gods and deities who had come before him. He saw their triumphs, their failures, and their ultimate submission to the Throne's power.

The influx of memories was overwhelming, but Reinhard absorbed it all with ease. His Law overpowered all other wills within the Singularity. The Heavens themselves bowed to his authority, their divine order reshaped by his omnipotent command.

Reinhard's presence within the Singularity was like a storm, a force of nature that swept through the celestial realms. His Law, a testament to his unparalleled power, was imprinted on everything. The very essence of the Singularity was being rewritten, molded to fit his vision of ultimate control and dominion.

The journey was far from over, but Reinhard's ascension marked a turning point in the cosmos. He was now a Hegemony God, and his will would dictate the future of all existence. The universe awaited the full extent of his transformation, and the true power of his Law was yet to be revealed.

As he continued his ascent, Reinhard's laughter echoed through the Singularity, a sound that resonated with both triumph and anticipation. The ultimate power was within his grasp, and the cosmos would never be the same again.



Asthoglho Asthoglho

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