/ Fantasi / Deadliest Warrior - Contest of Crowns

Deadliest Warrior - Contest of Crowns Original

Deadliest Warrior - Contest of Crowns

Fantasi 11 Capítulos 40.5K Visitas

4.97 (15 valoraciones)

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Contest of crowns; six powerful kingdoms at war, (Rome, Viking, China, Templar, Highlander, Japan) each deceived by the overseers (wicked Gods that pull the strings of man).

The seventh realm, Hell, controlled by the Dark Sorceress. She sends her demon-legions to the realms of man.

Six deadly warriors must unite the kingdoms to defeat the darkness.

Recommend for fans of GOT, LOTR and Three Kingdoms

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Reviewing after chapter 4 as it's a new book, looking forward to new chapters. So far everything is excellent, exciting world and characters, nice style of writing. Recommend definitely.

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Very nice, massive world waiting to be explored, various interesting armies with stylised characters and background. Nicely written, highly recommend, looking forward to seeing how this expands.

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Great new world to explore, various armies and sound fantasy. Written well. Looking forward to hearing about more kingdoms and seeing them fight.

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Wow, this has massive potential, the world design, the various kingdoms and the armies are very interesting. I like this old fantasy way of writing, feels 1700s or something, fit the story well.

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A Must for Fantasy, and War fans. Reminds me of GOT and Lord of the Rings. Epic army and characters set out on an adventure. Currently reading at the introduction to the various armies, great potential.

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Excellent, it's a great idea and well written fantasy. It has its period feeling through the writing and the world building is great. Can't decide which army I like best, as they're all very unusual and familiar with a difference.

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Wow! What else can i say? Incredible reading here. Im In love With the story so far jm excited to see where it takes me. !

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What, this is mental, can't wait to read more, hurry hurry. Clans are my favourite. I'm sure this is going to be epic as so far the world is built greatly and possibilities massive. So far it great.

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Six armies, it reminds me of game of thrones and lord of the rings, but very different too. If you like historcal armies fighting then this has the best chosen such as romans, british, chinese, plus monsters.

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Fantastic, so far it's an introduction to the world and armies and the plot is already known. The background/worldbuilding is well developed and each army is very different. Makes a big difference from reading the usual elves and dwarfs. Great that they are actual historical armies with some fantasy, sci-fi added.

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I love your novel! It is a great story! I’m a representative editor from Stary.ltd. If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact adaringdom*@*gmail.com(delete *).

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