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48.38% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15

Hina brought Hailey upstairs into her bedroom while the girl nervously played with her fingers while glancing around the room, Hina smiles at her then walks in the bathroom where they had a wood stove and two large barrels of sealed water inside.

" we're doing our baths like this for the time being until Grady builds something that will boil the water to a certain degree...kinda like a suped up water heater " Hina said laughing while grabbing clean towels along with clothes for Hailey, She puts a few pieces of logs inside the wood burner then turns the pipes on as scolding hot water poured into the tub then she poured a few buckets of cold water into it.

" does that feel fine or is it still too hot " Hina said while dipping her fingers in the water, Hailey smiled then walked over dipping her fingers.

" that's perfect thank you for this " Hailey said as Hino stood up then looked at her.

" look I can tell that guy has been forcing you by his side and I know it's none of my business but here that will not happen, women are not some man's toy and women are in charge here in this group...if he ever touches you wrong or comes near you again he'll be out or dead " Hina said making tears come down Hailey's cheeks while Hina hugged her.

" no one will ever force you to do something you don't want to do again " Hina said patting her back then exiting the bathroom, when she turned to close the door she saw the marks and scrapes covering all of Hailey's back and her temper rises.

(" that son of a bitch ") Hina thought to herself leaving the room where she saw Winter come from the porch when Tyler replaced her.

" Winter we have a woman using my bathroom will you wait for her in the bedroom and help her with anything she needs....also I want you to take some time to train her with hand to hand combat also with weapons, see which ones she'll do best with." Hina said while Winter nodded her head then went inside the bedroom laying down on the bed waiting.

Hino went outside running into Brax, she looked at him confused then looked around for that Hank guy.

" Tai said she'll watch him, to come back in an hour " Brax said and Hino knew already that Tai figured out what this man was doing, Hina looked at the other two guys then waved Ami over.

" watch those two men carefully obviously that ass has been abusing that girl while they did nothing, we have no use or supplies for men like that....if they didn't get beaten or threatened to let this man do this girl like that then they cannot be trusted " Hina said as Ami looked at the two men who anxiously looked around and spotted Hino glaring at them as they nervously shifted from one foot to the next.

Hina quickly walked around the house spotting Taylor holding Tais gun and she heard a man groaning in pain so she walked around motioning Taylor to stay out as she walked up seeing Hank on the ground with blood coming from his mouth and nose with a large cut above his eye.

" make her stop...please stop " Hank groans out while Tai keeps kicking him in the ribs making him cough up blood while rolling around, Hina laughs loudly while Tai smiles at her stomping down in the man's hand.

" let me ask you how many times did Hailey beg you to stop" Hina said while leaning against a nearby tree while motioning Tai to continue, Tai grabbed the man by his hair making him stand and then did a roundhouse kick to his face sending him back in the ground.

" ouch...Tai his nose is bent to the left " Hina said playing with her knife as the man started crying while holding his nose.

" please I'm sorry I was lonely" Hank said as he got to his knees and received a knee to his face and falls back knocked out, Tai looked at her watch then scoffed.

" he didn't even last thirty minutes" Tai said putting her gun belt back on, Hino walked up to Tai kissing her lips.

" how do you know what he did to her " Hino asked while looking down at the man, Tai pointed to Taylor who was walking up to them.

" when we checked her body I could tell someone was abusing her " Taylor said handing Tai her gun back that Hina took and smiled at Taylor.

" well thank you for telling us, we won't let anyone like him hurt one of you " Hino said as the three walk around the house where Hino seen Harold and Tai motioned him over.

" Tie him up and put him in the log shed " Tai said as she handed Harold a set of cuffs that he gladly took, Hino handed him a rope then smiled walking away.

Calista watched them and decided to spend some time with Tai since they've been busy, she walks over and Hino left taking Taylor with her.

" Tai can we go where we can talk....alone " Calista said taking Tais hand while Lillian and Len are watching from where the others are practicing, Tai looked around seeing her people at their post while a couple are up on the tree platforms where they can see for miles in all directions.

" sure let's go take a drive, I want to check the road that leads up to the next cabin " Tai said as Calista nods her head, when they get to the ATV, Tai opened the door for her then closed it behind her.

" we will go about an hour out and come back " Tai said as she looked around for her Ak but remembered that Hino has it, she glanced at Calista noticing she had her handgun in her hip plus a sword she placed down beside her legs.

" oh your not taking the jeep " Calista asked, Tai looked over seeing Oliver checking the machine gun up top while he's bringing out a sheet of metal to fix the claw marks on the door.

" no Oliver has to do maintenance so we will use this for now " Tai said making Calista nods her head as they head out, Hina looked around trying to find where Tai went with Calista while the other three did as well when Lia walked out the cabin.

" have you seen Tai by chance " Len asked while Taylor walked over eating an apple, Hina was holding Tais AK-74U when Lia noticed it.

" she just left in one of the ATVs, when I was taking a took out to Oliver he said that she was talking about checking to make sure the road was still good or something like that....I see that she didn't take her gun " Lia said when Hina gripped the gun tightly and looked at Ali with a concerned look.

" she'll be ok they both have their handguns and I'm pretty sure she has maybe a backup inside the ATV" Lillian said walking inside to grab the walkie talkie.

" Tai come in " Lillian said when she heard another radio go off and when she looked she seen Tais shoulder bag with her jacket sitting on a chair. Hina walked in and saw Lillian picking up Tais shoulder bag and she quickly went out the front door.

" Hina we can't leave right now with all these new people....sorry " Len said to her then looked at Taylor and Lia apologizing, Hina bit her bottom lip then nodded her head.

" I'll give them six hours and if they don't come back we'll choose a search team to go out, if it doesn't rain they should be able to pick up the tracks " Hina said looking up at the sky which was clear, she sighed then went inside to get things in order and find out what the new people know and what they can do.

Alex and Kyle carried four large boxes in that was filled with pipe bombs and Molotovs, Hina picked up one of the pipe bombs and saw it was made well.

" who made these " Hina asked while keeping one of the pipe bombs, she looked at Ali and Lillian while pointing to a map of the cabin and land she made.

" can you all make more of both of these " Hina said while Kyle nodded his head.

" yes we even have tools that you all might need in the vehicles " Alex said sitting the boxes inside a closet close to the steps where Tai told him to put them, Lillian smiled while looking at the map.

" ok well Lillian do a count and hand a few of each out to each post...we'll see if you two can help Grady with any of his projects, I'm sure you both will have us well prepared in a week " Hina said as Lillian and Ali was looking over the map and where the traps are out.

" is there a way you can make a device on these pipe bombs that'll make them blow with a pressof a button or a trip wire" Ali said while grabbing a bag to put some of the pipe bombs in to take upstairs where they have their sharp shooter on the porch.

" actually yes we can " Kyle said making the girls smile, Len motions the two to follow her out to the workshop that they're lining thick cut trees around the building and reinforcing the roof as well.

Ali looked at the blue prints that Grady brought Hina earlier that day, one was making one of the vehicles stronger and larger to hold more people with Larger tires to make it up a rougher terrain with thick metal covering the windows.

" So he's going to try to make it where the trailer can easily go up the mountain for supplies and extra people, does he have enough metal to do all the vehicles and ATVs" Ali said while looking over the blueprint he's making flames throwers using propane tanks and oxygen tanks which impressed her.

" Grady is awesome " Lillian said while looking over some of the blueprints, with the others agreeing with her even Hina.

" find out what special skills or work the others did so we can work more efficiently" Hina said looking at Lillian who nodded then walks out back, Len came back inside.

" we need to find more metal or maybe we can scrap one of the vehicles for more " Len said bringing out a list inside that her grandpa gave her.

" get Harold and Jr " Hina said looking over the list while Taylor went to find the two, a few minutes later the three walk inside.

" Harold you know these mountains and homes that we can get to with out taking a few days to go hopefully...We need some supplies that Grady needs to reinforce our rides and weapons " Hina said as Jr looked at Harold with bright eyes.

" Actually old man Roberts had a scrap yard where people would abandon their vehicles on the trail or the motors would blow up and he'd haul them to his farm that is full of broken down things " Jr said as Ali pulled out a map of the mountain, Harold walked over looking at the map then points to a spot about sixty Mike's up from where they are.

" sixty miles on these trails will probably be six hours there and back, depending on the road or those things being out...also we'd need to talk him into using his trailer to load the metal and drive back so the trip back will be twice as long plus the time to gather what we need " Harold said as Hina looked at her watch then I over to the radio, Harold noticed her looking at the radio then seen Tais shoulder bag plus her AK sitting beside the bag.

" where's Tai I'd like to speak to her about this " Harold said with a bad feeling at how the girls faces have a worried look.

" she went to check the trail out for when we're ready to leave, she took Calista but after dealing with Hank she forgot her gun and radio..they both have their handguns so hopefully they won't run into something or someone they can't handle." Hina said as Harold gritted his teeth then looked down at the floor, he rubbed his temples then looked over at the map.

" we need to choose about eight others who know how to use tools and can quickly work, also know how to fire guns since those things are this the same trail she's checking out " Harold said pointing at the road he needs to take to go to old man Roberts home, Hina walked over then nodded her head yes.

" Ali have Brax ask around to see what men know how to use tools and have any knowledge of vehicles, Taylor the man who brought the truck in see if he minds if we use it or if he'd like to help...I want at least ten people going with Harold, we need to get volunteers fast and Harold go with her to see if they are able to help strip those vehicles." Hina said as Harold walked out with Ali as Jr walked up to Hina.

" can I go " Jr asked while giving Hina his puppy eyes that Joe taught him making Hina groan then tickled the boy.

" Jr you know I need you to help watch the others, especially Joe, she'll want to go and we can't have her out there right now " Hina said as Jr thought it over then agreed giving Hina a hug that she returned.

" Harold seems to be worried about Tai " Taylor said while staring at the map, Winter walked down with Hailey who had a smile on her face surprising the others and they couldn't believe how pretty the girl is after getting cleaned up.

Jr runs back inside with a panicked look making the others grab their guns, he walked over to the window then pointed.

" dozens of infected are coming up the mountain on both sides " Jr said as they heard people coming inside the house, Winter grabbed Hailey's hand taking her back upstairs to the girls room they stay in that is sealed off well.

" stay here " Winter said joining Tyler on the roof with her rifle, Ali and Len went over the radios with warnings then started to do head counts when people filed in and Ami came in looking around at the people.

" the two guys were in the crowd but I can't find them Now " Ami said, Hina grabbed Tais AK-74U going outside while Lillian took the women and children up to the room where Hailey's at.

" Johnny, Tom with me Ami take up your post and radio them all to use arrows as much as possible...if we start to get overwhelmed use the guns " Hina said as Oliver came inside bolting the front door close then placing the two large pieces of wood across it, Jr held onto Joe's hand the whole time leading her up to the bedroom while she had her rifle that Grady shortened and made lighter on her back.

" Oliver make sure to pass out those pipe bombs and Molotovs to everyone and keep count, but to make sure when they use them they don't get them near our vehicles or buildings" Hina said while she exited the back door where Grady and Harold was using bows to kill the infected that was running up on them.

Johnny and Tom pulled out their bows taking down the infected to make a pass for the two men while Hina used her gun with the silencer doing headshots emptying two clips dropping twenty four of the things in her path while the others was dropping five a minute.

" where'd they come from " Tom said pulling the arrows out from the dead and looking around for loud music that was playing near the cabin, Hina pointed to the side where they have the wood shed and that man tied inside it.

" someone lured those things here " Johnny said after retrieving his last arrow from a young man's head that looked no older than nineteen and Hina grabbed the radio and smashed it on the ground.

" Ami did either of those two leave your sight " Hina said over the radio when a few infected came around the corner and she quickly blew their brains out.

" one went to the rest room while the other kept walking the grounds near the treeline, he came out no eight minutes later before I'd go look for him" Ami said over the radio while all posts was using their bows to thin the seventy to hundred infected that was starting to surround the cabin.

" he used the radio from the bathroom and dropped it outside " Hina said as Grady gave a confused look before Harold pushes him inside the back door of the cabin, he stopped then looked at Hina.

" he might have done that but someone else led those things here " Grady said before going inside, the three made their way toward the shed while Harold watched the back door on the porch using his bow to kill any and all infected that he could see.

" it's surrounded let's take them out " Hina said whistling and the eight infected snapped their heads toward her while snapping their jaws, in less than two minutes all eight was down.

" be careful opening that door " Hina said as they count down with their fingers from three, when the door opens the man was still tied up with tear stained cheeks.

" well I guess they wasn't going to save him after all" Hina said pointing back at the workshop, they made their way back to it and opened the door seeing the two men going through the tools and things looking for a weapon.

Hina has no tolerance for any betrayal especially from two men who are cowards and would risk the lives of even children when an opportunity came for them to get away with what things they was going to steal.

Hina shot both their legs while they screamed in pain and Tom walked over with a roll of duck tape covering their mouths while Johnny closes and locks the door.

" I'm so happy we reinforced this building " Tom said with a sigh while going over to a window that they put a thick metal grates over with slits to use weapons through.

" Harold block the back door we're safe inside the workshop, take them out as quiet as you can unless more come and we're getting overwhelmed then we won't be able to help the noise we make " Hina said over the radio while Johnny used his bow to take a few infected out, when he seen an old lady in her seventies he hesitated but Tom took the shot for him.

" you two are going to be quiet when I take the tape off or I'll throw you out to those things " Hina said as the two men nodded their heads in agreement with fear in their eyes.

" do you know who led these things here " Hina asked pulling her tactical knife out while pointing to the one on the left who nodded his head and Hina pulled the tape from his mouth making him hiss in pain.

" Ricky tossed a letter telling us what to do with a radio or noise of some sort " The man said as Hina gritted her teeth stabbing the work bench with her knife while closing her eyes.

" that bastard " Hina said getting on her radio.

" guys it's the boy we made leave with his infected brother, he's armed with a 9mm and we left him with fifty five bullets so take cover if your out in view " Hina said as she looked at the other man.

" what's his plan " Hina asked pulling the tape off the other ones mouth, he looked around the floor and was scared to look into Hinas eyes so she put the tape back on his mouth and wrapped his hands with the duck tape while Tom had his bow trained on both men.

" you'll learn that I'm not playing " Hina said as she picks her knife up and stabbing the man in his upper leg while twisting the blade making the man groan out a muffled scream while the other guy began to cry and sniffle.

" if neither of you don't know then I don't need you two" Hina said as the other man had the tape pulled off while staring at his friends wounded leg that was bleeding out.

" he said you can't be trusted and we will get supplies plus pay back for his brother " the other one said when Hina walked up on him.

" guys make sure to check the house and wear your vest, Ali make sure you all have your weapons Joe and Jr with you guys " Hina said over the radio while sheathing her knife then placing the tape back over the man's mouth while he sighed in relief.

" yes we have them watching over us " Len said and Hina could here the smile she has while telling her, she looked back at the two men then pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled long breath.

" we gave you all a chance and you betrayed us, there is no second chances like we gave your friend along with supplies and protection....I'm sorry but we can't let you stay any longer " Hani said as Tom looked away focusing out the window like Johnny is doing, the two men looked relieved for a minute thinking how they sent Ricky away with supplies and drove him somewhere that they could stay at. They thought as long as they get away with their lives then they could survive even if they have to come back or find one of the mountain residents homes to stay in using their supplies.

Hina gripped her gun tightly with her back turned to the two men who had mixed feelings of dread and hoped that they could go on their own, while Hina was thinking that these two will come back to hurt the people she cares about.

(" I can't make another mistake ") Hina thought to herself while thinking of the others that she's grown close to, especially the girls and children.....another thought passed in her head....(" Tai ")

" why couldn't you two appreciate what Tai offered, but you men stood by and watched your other friend defile Hailey without even trying to help her while we did nothing but offer you all betrayed us " Hina continued talking while her two men was taking out the infected with their bows and her other men doing the same clearing out the infected around the cabin.

Hina slowly turned around with the gun down at her side, the one man could see the anger in her eyes which told him they wasn't leaving this place alive and the other one was worried about the large knife wound in his leg while he felt light headed from loosing blood. Hina aimed her gun at both men's heads pulling the trigger twice while their bodies fell over dead.

Hina looked around the workshop to make sure that Ricky wasn't hiding then walked over to the door.

" how many are left " Hina said over the radio waiting for her people to answer.

" we don't see any infected but we're waiting for more to come out...we never found the guy that was with that group but Oliver noticed one of the bikes are gone " Tyler said, Hina gripped her gun tighter while knowing where that Ricky guy went, he used these two idiots to create a diversion while he stole a ride to go after Tai.

" he's not here then or going to safety, he's going after Tai " Hina said while Tom opened the door to check outside with Johnny and Hina following behind them while they sweep the area to make sure all the bodies have head shots while collecting the arrows.

" put on your bite guards and gloves to move the bodies to a pile far from the buildings to set on the new people how to put the equipment on while the women and children help Lillian prepare sandwiches for us tonight unless they want to move the dead bodies instead then so be it....Harold meet me inside my office " Hina said over her radio as she walked toward the shed that they locked back to find the man who was beaten still alive so she closes the door back, what she didn't know was the fear in his eyes while staring up at the ceiling while watching a small creature that was two foot long with a three foot tail curled around a ceiling beam.

He cried out and started screaming for Hina which she was ignoring, Tom sighed then walked over opening the door to see a small creature with an elongated head, with a shiny reddish grey skin and a long tail. It was standing on the man's lap with it's Tail pierced through his chest while it opened it's three jaws hissing at Tom who pulled an arrow back.

The thing whipped its tail out from the man's chest cavity as it darted toward Tom fast, Hina kicked Tom to the side as the knife-like tip in the tail sliced his cheek and Hina shot the thing three times in its head and once in its chest as it dropped down to the floor.

" Tom come here " Hina said pulling out some medicine pouring it over Toms cut while putting a bandage on it while she sighed then looked over at the dead creature.

" this one is smaller than the ones on the video, it must have come from close by " Hina said as the boy that was infected that they sent away popped up in her head, they saw Harold jogging to them and he stopped at the shed with a grimace. Then peered down at the hole in his chest where a grey thick liquid was inside the wound and around the wound.

" Tom have Olivia check your wound and tell her what happened" Hina said pulling out her phone snapping pictures of the creature along with the wound and a close up of its tail.

" Johnny let's take some samples, also use that axe to cut the tail off " Hina said as Johnny pulled out a pouch that had vials and some medical tools inside while Harold used the axe cutting a seven inch tip off the things tail.

Hina put thick black gloves on with a pair of long Tongs picking the tail up to put inside an airtight container while she uses a syringe to collect the grey substance from the man's wound in his chest filling the Vial half way full. When she pulled the syringe away she noticed something move across the man's chest seeing a reddish grey skin move away from the wound burrowing deeper while the man's chest was shaking from the. things movement.

" Burn it Quickly" Hina said as Harold dragged the body while they all watched carefully for something to burst out and sliver away, Johnny followed with the gas can soaking Hanks body down while Harold threw a match making his corpse go up in flames.

" Take all of this down to the cellar where Olivia has her lab, Tom make sure she treats you just in case your infected you'll have to be in supervised isolation...Have Kyle and Alex help you set the trailer up Johnny " Hina said as Johnny retrieved the pouch with the samples inside walking Tom inside the house.

" Ami check inventory...even the old hunting rifles inside the closet and get the count from Oliver about how many of those bombs he passed out earlier then do a count on them for me " Hina said pinching the bridge of her nose while sighing loudly, when it was only Harold beside her she motioned for him to follow her inside the work ship.

" take their bodies to the burn pile and tell no one what happened to them, then we will talk about who to take with you to find Tai and that scrap yard " Hina said putting Tais AK-74U strap on her shoulder walking back inside the house.

Hina seen Ami shaking her head while standing over the four large boxes that had the pipe bombs and Molotovs while looking over a piece of paper they use to do the count.

Joe ran to Hina and hugs her legs while smashing her face to Hinas stomach, Hina smiled then softly rubbed Joe's back while looking over to Ami who was talking to Oliver.

" Hina...that man is going to hurt Tai isn't he " Joe said with sobs as Jr walked over patting her head while softly telling her that Tai would beat the man.

" Hina we have two pipe bombs missing along with one of the hunting rifles with a box of Ammo, Olivers putting a lock on the door so no one will get in it again " Ami said while handing Oliver the paper as he carried the boxes back to the closet and was putting up a latch lock on the door.

" he must have taken the gun and bombs, it was probably hard to get to our Armory since it's locked with Winter watching it " Hina said picking Joe up to hold her, she walked over to the window looking outside the cabin when she seen an Old Trailer bed that had a bunch of junk while covered with brush and leaves.

" hey Len have Grady and Harold check out that hauling bed, maybe we can use that to get the items and scrap that he needs " Hina said as Len walked out of the room, She watched Tom and Johnny come out the door to the cellar as she waved at them.

" Alex will you all go make Tom comfortable in the trailer we use for the bikes to stay in for isolation until we can make sure the cut he received is fine " Hina said as Alex nodded walking off with Kyle following him out, Harold walked in with Grady giving Hina a thumbs up.

" how long until you can gave that thing ready to go " Hina said gripping her radio tight while Joe kissed her cheek making her calm down about Tai.

" well some of those college kids take shop in college so with everyone's help a couple hours at the least " Grady said as the college students gathered in the kitchen, Len is taking the shop as well and decides to help so they can leave to go look for Tai and get the stuff they need.

" ok thanks and Harold choose eight people who can best assist you with that stuff also if a fight breaks out " Hina said walking over to Oliver.

next chapter
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