/ Anime & Comics / DC/HP: The Magic Psychics Twins.
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Martin and his Twin Sister Martia were always close to one another. They had both were psychic so they shared a deep bond since birth. Using their psychic abilities they got into all sorts of trouble as they only had each other in this cruel world. Relying on their powers they began to delve into fantasy reading to get some inspiration for their powers.
Martin became inspired by the Psykers of 40k while Martina found closeness in the Harry Potter verse. Eventually, Government Psychic Hunters came after them. They fought valiantly and killed many before being killed themselves. Now, reborn in a world that is like Harry Potter, but in DC. How will they fair?
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Escribe una reseñaAutor God_Of_Wolves
why did you replace the darks souls story with this if you wanted to start a new story you could have just started a new book because unless you delete the reviews it will possible confuses people who stumble across this for the first time you probably are but i figured id mention it anyway unless its impossible to delet reviews i dont know i think you can anyway the main reason im posting this is because i want to know what's happing to the dark souls story are you can restart it eventually or is it just lost to the abyss now im giving this a middling star rating thing because it wont let me post this unless i give it a star rating and this is the only to ask my question