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20% Dark A Live (Date A Live Fan-fic) / Chapter 5: And My Choice Is...

Capítulo 5: And My Choice Is...

I love about "Date A Live" so much not just because it is an excellent anime or light novel, but because the world it creates is truly captivating and meaningful. To me, the world of "Date A Live" is a place where love, hope, and the will to fight for what is good are vividly portrayed through each character and storyline. In this world, Shido Itsuka, the main character, is not just a hero but a symbol of perseverance and compassion. His battles are not fought with brute strength but with love and understanding, which is a great source of inspiration for me. Every time he encounters a new spirit, he doesn't just try to seal their powers but helps them find their own value and meaning. This reminds me that each of us faces our own challenges and difficulties, but with love and empathy, we can overcome anything.

The spirits themselves are also a significant highlight. Each spirit carries a story, a painful past, and their own aspirations. However, among them, Tohka, with her innocent nature and desire for a normal life, has captured my heart. I have often dreamed that if I were to be reincarnated into the world of "Date A Live," I would do everything I could to protect and love her. I would not just stand on the sidelines, but immerse myself in the battles, joining Shido and the spirits to fight against evil forces like D.E.M. and strive to create an even better world. I would always seek ways for each spirit to no longer live in fear and loneliness, listen to their stories, share their pain and hopes, and help them find true happiness. Seeing Tohka's smile, her innocence and purity, would be the motivation for me to believe in things that seem to exist only in fairy tales.

But why... why did things turn out this way...

I opened my eyes, feeling a throbbing pain spreading throughout my body. The white ceiling came into view, a place that seemed unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar. I realized I was lying on a bed in the AST treatment room, the glaring light from the ceiling lamp causing me to blink a few times.

Trying to sit up, I felt my body heavy, each wound still aching, reminding me of the recent battle. Beside the bed, the medical devices beeped steadily, part of the calm that enveloped the space.

The door opened, and Captain Kasukabe walked in with a serious expression, her eyes full of concern.

"You're finally awake, Private Watano."

"Captain... Ouch, it hurts!"

"Don't push yourself too hard, just lie back down."

"Don't do something so reckless again next time, it's really dangerous, you know that?" She said as she moved to the chair next to the bed.

"Did something happen, Captain?" I wondered, not understanding what Captain Kasukabe was referring to.

"Don't you remember? You fought against 'Nightmare' and Princess, didn't you?"

"Oh right, but I only remember fighting 'Nightmare.' As for Toh—, 'Princess,' I don't remember anything at all."

"When we arrived, you were in critical condition, your magic power almost at zero. Do you know how much that affects your body?"

"Yes, I'm truly sorry."

"But you did very well, I'm not angry."

"By the way, you were screaming terribly during the fight, you really startled us."

"Huh??? Did I really?"

"Maybe you were exhausted at that point, just rest now."

"When you're feeling better, come to the archive room to find out more."

"Yes, ma'am."

After that, the captain left, leaving me with a pile of questions. The fatigue and pain were still there, but now my heart was filled with confusion. What really happened in that battle? And why can't I remember clearly?

I sat there for a while, trying to recall the blurry images of the battle, but it was useless. "I have to find out the truth," I told myself. "I can't let these questions haunt me forever."

Even though I had woken up, my physical condition was still not very good, so I had to stay in the hospital for a while longer. On the day of my discharge, I noticed Origami also stepping out from the same hospital.

"Hey, Origami, are you getting discharged too?"

"Yeah, it seems like quite a coincidence," she replied, her face as emotionless as ever.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing much, just got knocked out by Kurumi."

"I see. As for me, I can't really remember much."

"When she subdued me with her angel, I suddenly blacked out, with no memory after that."

"Are you planning to visit the records room later?"

"For what?"

"To review the battle at school when we were unconscious."


"That's what Captain Kasukabe said."

"We definitely need to go," Origami replied, her eyes determined.

"Ah… alright." I was a bit surprised by her reaction.

A while later, a military vehicle from the JGSDF base came to pick us up. As soon as we arrived, Origami pulled me straight to the records room.

"Wait, Origami… I know you're in a hurry but at least…"

"Important things need to be done quickly," Origami said firmly.

We entered the records room, illuminated by white neon lights, filled with books and documents. Origami quickly searched the system, accessing the videos of the battle. The large screen displayed the chaotic and intense scene at the school. I watched intently, trying to recognize every detail, hoping to find some clue.

Origami rewound the video until she saw an image of me beginning to fight Kurumi. "There it is," I said, pointing at the screen.

"Then let's start watching from here."


I remembered every move at the beginning of the battle, each attack, each step. But when it came to the part where Kurumi subdued me with her angel, I held my breath, focusing on what exactly happened at that moment.

Kurumi appeared on the screen, with a mocking smile and a cruel gaze. She raised her angel, the clock gun Zafkiel, aiming straight at me. The Zayin bullet was fired, and immediately, I saw myself collapse. The image on the screen became blurry, as if the camera couldn't keep up with the rapid events that followed.

Origami rewound the video, trying to find any detail that could explain what had happened. Seeing myself lying motionless, subdued by Kurumi's power, made me feel like I was watching my own death. But then, it started to become clear again.

I saw myself somehow standing up, even with the Zayin bullet still there. Due to the distant filming, my expression wasn't clear, but I felt like I had become a completely different person at that moment. I couldn't remember that moment, but something in my eyes gave me chills.

And the next scene confused me even more, as the AST team approached. I saw myself charging at Kurumi with a fury and uncontrollable words. Each punch, each kick I delivered carried a destructive power I never knew I had.

"No way… Is that really me?" I mumbled, not taking my eyes off the screen.

Origami was silent, her gaze fixed on the battle. The images continued, and I saw Kurumi retreat under my fierce attacks. Soon, Tohka appeared, intervening. With her Sandalphon sword, she retaliated strongly, but my power at that time was overwhelming. My punch shattered the Sandalphon angel into pieces. Just as I was about to attack Tohka, my body suddenly froze, and I collapsed, completely exhausted. The AST team was about to rush in for rescue operations.

Just when everything seemed to be ending with Kurumi's withdrawal, a hand suddenly pierced through her stomach, her groans echoing. From behind appeared another Kurumi, with cold and determined eyes. This new Kurumi approached, without saying a word, but her gaze was filled with a storm of anger.

She waved her hand, summoning her angel Zafkiel. The giant clock with its dark hands appeared, enveloping the space with a mystical power. Kurumi looked around, her gaze cold and calculating. "It's time to end everything," she said, her voice echoing everywhere.

Kurumi called forth her other clones, who appeared from the shadows, surrounding the entire area. Each clone carried the same power and determination, ready to attack everyone. The clones charged into battle, mercilessly attacking, creating a chaotic and dangerous scene.

Seeing the situation becoming more serious, Tohka rushed in with her Sandalphon sword, trying to stop Kurumi's clones. Origami wasn't far behind, attacking them with her precision and skill. Tohka and Origami's attacks created dazzling beams of light.

Suddenly, from above, Mana descended at supersonic speed, striking directly at the original Kurumi. However, Kurumi easily dodged, with a graceful step, leaving Mana off balance, having to turn around to continue attacking.

Meanwhile, the AST team didn't stand still. They immediately deployed an emergency response plan, splitting into small groups, trying to attack and reduce the clones' power. Explosions and flashes of light erupted everywhere, creating a tense and suffocating atmosphere. Despite this, Kurumi stood there, like an invincible symbol, controlling everything at will.

With so many clones and their ever-increasing power, everyone faced great difficulties. They all fought with determination and courage, but it seemed all efforts were futile against Kurumi's overwhelming power. Origami and Tohka were choked unconscious by her clones, Mana was shot down by Kurumi, and the other AST members were also caught.

When all hope seemed to be fading, Kurumi raised her hand high, preparing to summon a space quake to wipe out everyone there. Dark energy began to concentrate, forming a threatening orb. But just as the space quake was about to erupt, it suddenly dissipated, completely neutralized.

Kotori had appeared, summoning her angel Camael, creating another space quake to cancel out Kurumi's. Kotori's eyes burned with determination as she faced Kurumi without fear.

"Kurumi, your game is over," Kotori said, her voice sharp.

At this point, Origami stopped the video, her eyes becoming sharper than ever.

"Now I believe what you sent me, Watano. I investigated thoroughly but found nothing to prove it right, but now it's clear."

"This time, I must avenge my parents, Efreet, Itsuka Kotori."

I remained silent, continuing to run the video, the fierce battle between the two spirits unfolding. The relentless attacks, the bursts of energy shaking the surroundings. Both showed no mercy, each strike carrying immense spirit power.

The rest of the video mostly covered the battle between Kotori and Kurumi, following the main storyline, so I didn't need to watch the familiar scene. However, I let the video run for Origami to watch, as she was still keenly observing every detail. Before leaving, I reminded Origami of something:

"Hey, Origami."

"What is it, Watano?" she asked, her eyes not leaving the screen.

"Our base is getting a new 'toy' soon."

"A new toy?" she asked skeptically, finally turning to look at me.

"A new CR-unit, «White Licorice», incredibly powerful but very risky."

"It will be delivered to warehouse F4, but I don't know much more."

"Why are you telling me this?" Origami frowned, her eyes serious.

"Hmm… I don't know either, haha." I laughed lightly, finding her question quite interesting.

"But promise me one thing, Origami."

"About what?" She tilted her head, curious.

"Promise that you won't endanger innocent people, okay?"

"I understand." Origami nodded, her eyes determined.

After our conversation, I left the records room. Stepping outside, the sunlight made me squint. The recent battle and the images in the video still lingered in my mind, like a nightmare not yet faded.

I sat on a bench outside, taking a deep breath, feeling the fresh air. I needed to focus on the present and be ready for what's to come. The battles with the spirits never ended easily, and I had to be stronger to face them. Yet, somewhere within me, the feelings I had for Shido and the spirits still hadn't faded. It left me questioning whether what I had done so far was right.

Memories of Shido and the spirits resurfaced in my mind. These memories created a veil that made me hesitate and waver. Even though I had witnessed the unprecedented horror of the spirits and their fear before my presence, deep down, I still wanted to forgive them and stand by everyone. But if I did that, what would happen to the innocent people? Should I leave them to be slaughtered by my selfishness?

These thoughts weighed heavily on my mind, creating an inescapable pressure. I recalled the frightened eyes of the people when facing the spirits. They had endured too much, and I couldn't let that continue. But at the same time, I realized that the spirits, beneath their powerful and terrifying exteriors, were just beings with their own pains and fears. Could I find a way where no one had to suffer anymore?

The more I thought, the more confused I became. Contradictory thoughts swirled deep into my mind, preventing me from focusing on anything. Finally, I decided that I needed to do something to temporarily escape this pressure. I stood up, leaving the base, and wandered to the bustling market of Tenguu. I hoped the liveliness and dynamism of the market could help me relieve some of my current tension.

The streets of Tenguu buzzed with the sounds of daily life: the cries of vendors, the chatter and laughter of passersby, and the tantalizing aroma wafting from food stalls. I walked along, blending into the bustling crowd, hoping to find a moment of peace amid the chaos.

The Tenguu market was renowned for its diversity and abundance of goods. Stalls offered everything from food and souvenirs to clothes and everyday items. I paused before a small stall selling exquisite handcrafted items. Somehow, the intricate details of the crafts brought a slight sense of relief to me.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out at the stall opposite. Curious, I approached to see what was happening, only to find the owner of a bun stall catching a young girl in the act of stealing buns. She was small, around seven or eight years old, with a dirty face and tear-filled eyes.

"Let me go! I only took one!" the girl struggled, but a child's strength was no match for an adult's.

"Why did you steal? Don't you know this is wrong?" the bun stall owner asked sternly.

Feeling a pang in my heart, I stepped forward and gently placed a hand on the stall owner's shoulder. "Excuse me, what's going on here?"

"This girl stole my buns," the stall owner replied, still in a harsh tone.

I knelt down, looking directly into the girl's tearful eyes. "Why did you steal the buns?"

She didn't answer immediately, but after a moment, she sobbed, "I... I lost my parents after a spacequake. They... they were trapped in the rubble, and I don't know if they're still alive. I was so hungry, I didn't know what else to do..."

Hearing her sobbing words, my heart felt like it was being squeezed. Each word, each sound from her mouth was filled with pain, fear, and despair. The image of her parents trapped in the rubble flashed in my mind, reminding me of the horrific scenes caused by the spacequakes. Her tear-streaked eyes were like shattered crystals, reflecting a deep sorrow that no words could fully describe. The spacequake had caused so much pain and loss for so many people, and this was just one of many tragic cases.

I turned to the bun stall owner. "I'll pay for her."

The stall owner sighed and nodded. "Alright, take a few more buns, no need to pay."

I smiled gratefully at the stall owner and then turned back to the girl. "Do you have anywhere to go?"

She shook her head, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I don't know what to do..."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling her trembling. "Don't worry, you're not alone. I'll help you find your parents, okay?"

She looked at me, eyes full of hope. "Really?"

"Really. I promise," I replied, my heart filled with determination. "For now, wait for me at the nearby shelter."

I stood up, took her hand, and walked away from the market. I then took her to the shelter where people with similar circumstances were staying.

In that moment, I felt not just like a warrior, but like a person with the responsibility to protect and comfort those around me. I realized that strength doesn't only come from weapons or combat skills, but also from kindness and empathy. The girl's tears ignited in me a strong resolve: to do something to change, to protect the innocent from the destruction caused by the spacequakes, the madness of the spirits, and the cruel forces that disregarded human life.

From this moment on, the memories and intense emotions I once had for the world of DAL, for the spirits and Shido, would no longer be there. The thrilling moments of battles and the romantic scenes, all the things that made me passionate about that ideal world, would now only be a thing of the past. I used to dream of and admire a world where love and courage always triumphed, where characters overcame all difficulties to protect their loved ones. But now, I had to set it aside, face the harsh reality, and not let it control my life and decisions anymore. To do so, I felt the need to become a new person – stronger, more resolute, and free of those obstructive emotions. In that moment, I decided to come up with a new moniker for myself, a new name to mark this change, to remind myself of my new resolve and responsibility: from now on, I would be known as <The Merciless>.

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