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97.53% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 79: Chapter 62: Unmasked 2

Capítulo 79: Chapter 62: Unmasked 2

Chapter 62: Unmasked 2

(E/D: Daddy's back.)

(A/N: *Plays 'Hey Daddy' by Usher* Also, this chapter ends on a cliff. I'll try to get the next chapter out either tomorrow or the day after)



All around the Ganesha familia's home, multiple forces of enemies surrounded the perimeter, all brimming with intent to wreak absolute havoc and tragedy in the large gathering of gods and goddesses.

The assassins of the Sekhmet familia lay in wait in the shadows with twisted grins and their blades itching for the sensation of blood against cold steel.

Their minds were broken to the point that they barely registered their actions' weight. No longer caring that they are about to commit a great taboo on an unfathomable scale.

In the crowded streets, the children of Thanatos lie in wait for the signal to begin their attack. Countless explosives are strapped to their body to be effective on the battlefield, regardless of their feeble strength in comparison to the adventurers that may try to stop them.

Lost in the pain of loss, they had been indoctrinated by the god of death in believing they may one day meet their loved ones should they dedicate themselves to his cause, not knowing that they were merely a means to an end for their demented evil god.

And lastly, the most powerful force of them all, the creatures of the dungeon. Abominations of mortals and monsters birthed and hand created by the terror who sleeps at the bottom of the dungeon.

Numbering three in total, they possessed terrifying strength by harboring a magic stone within their near-dead mortal bodies. Growing stronger by feasting upon other monsters.

Why did all these terrifying forces of chaos converge on a single location? To commit a mass slaughtering of the gods? To wreak havoc across Orario?

These were tempting objectives, but they were not their main goal. Their main goal was plain and simple, to eliminate the Gray Ghost.

"Ahh, the feeling of anticipation before the coming of a tragedy~ It's quite blissful, wouldn't you agree, Filvis?~"

"I suppose so, Lord Dionysus"

Laying atop a concerning amount of alcohol, Dionysus smiled with twisted pleasure as he awaited the commencement of his strategy to rid himself of the thorn in his side known as the Gray Ghost.

Having followed the rumors of a certain gigolo, and matching his identity to the circumstances of the vigilante, the god of wine was well-aware that he was walking into a trap meant to lure him out of hiding.

But though he knew it was a trap, Dionysus fully believed that the vigilante had gotten too full of himself from his previous accomplishments.

This would no longer be a battle fought in the shadows, but a true open conflict where massive rallied forces face one another to the death.

"The Gray Ghost has mustered quite the impressive force. The Freya and Artemis familias are stationed on the outer sections of Orario"

"Further inwards, the Ganesha familia have erected an intricate defense for the banquet at their familia home. Utilizing many reconnaissance methods to respond to any threat"

"In the shadows, the Hermes familia operates as enigmatic as ever. That lap dog of Zeus really does know how to act mysterious. Even his children inherited that annoying trait of his"

"And lastly… the star of the show himself… the Gray Ghost. Who is sure to respond to any threat placed upon the Ganesha familia's banquet"

Dionysus and his forces would need to effectively hold each force at bay and draw out the Gray Ghost onto the field. Doing so would isolate his main target and give him the best chance for the elimination of the vigilante.

"That hero would not dare risk the lives of the civilians and innocent adventurers to get a chance at my throat. He is simply too good for that… and it will be his downfall… bereft of allies and burdened with the people he needs to protect, I will end the legacy of this supposed paragon"

Any mishap on one front will surely lead to the collapse of the entire operation, but the evil god wasn't worried as he drank a cup of his own brewed wine with ecstasy.

"And though our opponent and the odds may seem daunting, we have an advantage of our own. The Gray Ghost may have eliminated our violas nests in the sewer ways, but it was just a mere setback for a full-on assault against the surface"

"It hasn't diminished our capabilities to procure monsters in the slightest. Thanks in large part to our generous sponsor in the dungeon and our maniac dungeon maker… right, Filvis?"

As Dionysus coyly smiled at his creature child, the black-haired elf was only silent as she struggled to keep out the first demi-spirit's voice out of her head, due to the evil god provoking it.

Laughing maniacally as he watched Filvis writhe in mental anguish, Dionysus drew closer to her as he relished the sheer pleasure of everything happening around him.

"Don't look so stressed, my beloved child. Today is the day we celebrate. Celebrate the downfall of a hero"

"Yes… Lord Dionysus…"

And with that, the conflict had begun.




Throughout Orario, from the alleyways of the slums, countless grotesque screams began to be shouted out into the night air with immense ferocity.

The passing citizens and slum residents stood still in shock and fear at what produced such a noise, but it soon became clear what the cause of it was.



Plantlike abominations with gaping maws and razor-sharp fang-like tendrils began to emerge from the darkness of the alleyways.

They immediately began to give chase to the countless prey in the vicinity, charging at the powerless civilians who could do little but watch in horror as the monsters began to shadow them with killing intent.

But before they gave themselves to their fate and accepted the imminent death, the silhouettes of various figures began to appear before their eyes.


Arrows, magics, and melee weaponry of many kinds began to tear through the incoming horde of monsters.

For those who fought on the ground, the symbol of a fair maiden wearing an ornate feathered helm was displayed proudly on their backs.

And for those who fought from on high, the symbol of a divine bow nocked with a fatal arrow was displayed proudly on their robes.

Before the eyes of the countless civilians who were nothing but fed to the encroaching abominations of the dungeon, the Freya and Artemis familia quickly took on the duty of becoming the bulwark against the imminent threat.

"On your feet! Evacuate and get to safety!"


Heeding the words of the battle-hardened adventurers, countless civilians began to make their way out of the scene of the fighting.

But even when given the chance to escape from the danger, its malicious hold was still near everywhere they went.

On every street corner, various adventurers fought to repel the monsters who emerged from the darkness.

It was as if a war had suddenly manifested over the dungeon city. It was mayhem. Countless screams rang throughout the streets as the sight of blood and monstrous innards bathed the landscape.

"Move towards Babel! Keep running and never look back! We will cover for you!"

Running across the rooftops, the huntresses of the Artemis familia escorted the numerous groups of civilians to take shelter in the well-fortified Tower of Babel.

Though it was chaotic at first, with the stalling of the Freya familia, and the guidance of the huntresses of Artemis for the evacuees, the danger throughout Orario began to grow less and less.

But the wave of monsters was but a preliminary assault. Soon, the next wave would reveal itself. Proving to be far more deadly than mindless ravenous monsters.

"I'll see you again my daughter… papa is going to see you soon… Lord Thanatos promised me so… we will be reunited again in the next life…"

Among the sea of evacuating civilians, a few robed men and women began to whisper with a crazed voice about reuniting with the ones they love.

Their eyes were bloodshot and their breathing became erratic. Their hearts beat faster and faster as they felt the sheer weight of life around them.

The followers of Thanatos won't be alone in their journey to the next life. They will bless all those who panicked around them with the blessing of the god of death.

The screams of adults who wished to preserve their lives. The cries of children grew fearful of the noise and chaos around them. They held back tears and shouts of guardians and parents who prioritized the safety of their loved ones before their own emotions.

They all need no longer suffer the cold realities of mortal life. For in the embrace of death, there is only peace. For in the embrace of death, they need no longer fear the end.

"Haha… hahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!-"

Once the sea of evacuating citizens had reached their critical mass, the children of Thanatos readied to ignite the deadly explosives strapped onto their bodies by their god, but just as they were about to do so… they were struck down with no remorse.


"Haha… ha?"

Countless children of Thanatos felt their crazed-driven laughter come to a halt as countless odd sensations began to afflict their minds.

Some felt their vision begin to grow dark. Some felt a sudden heat and cold strike their chest. Some felt their consciousness fade away. And some felt their intense emotions come to a stop as they faded away from life.

"All Hermes familia agents. Quickly dispatch all threats and continue striking unseen"

Speaking into a magic item of her own creation that allowed her to communicate with her comrades, Asfi coldly gave out orders as she slowly retracted a dagger from the neck of a child of Thanatos.

Going unseen as she pulled them away from the crowd, into a desolate empty space, before killing them with her Hades Helm equipped.

Though the familia captain used invisibility and a dagger to dispose of her target, the same methodology wasn't the same for her comrades.

Some preferred ranges. Some preferred up-front confrontations going unnoticed in the sea of panic. Some made use of intricate spells. Some made use of unique magic items.

Whatever the case was, the Hermes familia was unpredictable and unknowable in the fulfillment of their objective.

Employing countless strategies and approaches to bring about the most optimum outcome for their assigned mission.

The Freya familia was to be the bulwark against the terror, while the Artemis familia was to become the guide for the lost and the support from afar.

As for the Hermes familia? They were to become the cloaked dagger. Taking out threats beyond the knowledge of the populace, their allies, and their enemies.

They didn't wish for recognition. They had long become accustomed to receiving no glory or recognition for their feats.

They simply followed their god's desire to maintain peace throughout the world by whatever means necessary. Working from the shadows to preserve the sanctity of the light.

The reasonings and backgrounds which led to them being so dedicated to this task varied with each member. But what none could deny is their stalwart determination to keep moving forward. No matter how much blood ends up in their hands.

"Proceed with the continued elimination of threats. Complete silent removal is not necessary. The protection of civilian lives is of utmost priority. Understood?"

Speaking out to her communication magic item, Asfi awaited the replies of her countless comrades and subordinates.

Throughout Orario, the children of Hermes looked upon their dying victims with cold eyes. But remembering what they fought to protect, they immediately gave out their answer with a burning conviction beneath their cold hearts.

"Yes, ma'am"






Orario had truly become a battlefield. All throughout, monsters continued to put pressure on the resisting Freya familia adventurers.

Their ferocity to consume mortals for sustenance overridden any sense of fear or logic. Throwing themselves into the fray of magic and weapons in order to get even just a little bit closer to their prey.

"Fucking freaks!"

But though the monsters fought with ferocity, the adventurers of Freya equaled and surpassed it with their own. Chugging down potions of many varieties before returning to the front.

The executives of the familia directed the major fronts throughout the outer rim of Orario. Each one effectively led their comrades in battle. Continuing to keep the monstrous threat from escaping the reach of their weapons and spells.

"First squad, coordinate search and rescue in the second district! Third squad, escort a group of civilians escaping from the night market! Everyone else, continue providing cover fire!"

Shouting across the rooftops of the countless buildings of the dungeon city, Arethusa, captain of the Artemis familia led her fellow huntresses to continue fulfilling their mission.

The sight of the huntresses both reassured the Freya familia adventurers of their capability to repel the monsters and brought peace of mind to the worried civilian populace of Orario.

Particularly, the children watched with starry eyes as they saw the famed Moon Rangers in action. Rescuing civilians and slaying monstrous threats with ease.

"Get down!"

"Take cover!"

As a group of children absent-mindedly watched the huntresses, Lante and Atalante covered them before a massive explosion erupted within one of the city's buildings.


"Fucking lunatics…"

Atalante gritted her teeth as she soon recognized that the explosion was the handiwork of another Thanatos familia bomber.

The catgirl's face grew with anger as she realized how delusional a person has to be to actively desire to harm children, but her attention was quickly shifted as one of the children imitated her.



Seeing the child imitate her swearing, Atalante began to panic as to what she should do, but Lante simply laughed as she began to regain her comrade's bearings.

"Take the kids back to Babel, Atalante. Focus on the children before the enemy. We still have more lives to save"


Hearing the word of the blue-haired half-elf, Atalante slapped her face before reaffirming her motivation in this entire scenario. To protect the children and the innocent.

"Thanks, Lante. Stay safe"

"Yep! I'll be back once I make sure no one else was hurt from that explosion!"



"New group of evacuees! I need an update on the available space left in evacuation site B!"

"There's still some more! Direct them on over! Also, page the apothecaries for more health potions!"

"Will do, Miss Eina!"

At the tower of Babel, the guild could be seen taking command of the evacuation and management of victims from the current ongoing attack.

At the center of the coming and going staffers is Eina, leading the coordinated efforts between the guild and the familias of Orario in safeguarding the civilian populace and managing the threat.

But though she worked at a pace that didn't seem to exhibit any distractions, in truth, the half-elf had a growing concern in her mind throughout the chaos.

"Misha! Any updates on Bell?!"

"Huh?! No! Not yet!"

"Tsk. Alright, go back to site C! They need more manpower!"


"Don't worry about me! Bell can handle himself! I believe in him!"

The half-elf has a sneaking suspicion that her adventurer had more to him than his outward appearances, but she didn't choose to wallow in anxiety.

She had committed that mistake with her first adventurer. Choosing to panic over doing what was expected of her as a guild employee. So never again will she lose herself to emotions.

'I'll do it! I'll save as many lives as I can! I won't give up on anyone!'



"Stay still sir! I need to apply this potion-"


"Stay! Still! Sir!"

Working amongst a large crowd of injured civilians and adventurers, Naaza sweated and struggled as she tried her best to treat as many people as possible.

The chienthrope wasn't equipped with healing abilities, but her medical knowledge paired with her knowledge in potions proved to be effective at treating critically injured individuals.

'Gauze… wrap… herbs… potions…'

Countless procedures and medical knowledge rushed through her head as she moved from one patient to another.

But try as she might, she was simply too slow at treating each patient to save many. Just as she was saving one, another would suddenly begin to enter a concerning state.

Just as Naaza was stuck between a rock and a hard place, a soothing silver light began to encompass the sea of injured patients before soothing them of their woes.

『Dia Fratel』

Hearing the chanting of the magic's name, Naaza quickly turned around to see the person who wealed so many people so efficiently.

Airmid Teasanare, the silver saint of the Dian Cecht familia, and the rival of Naaza and her familia.

The chienthrope felt conflicted to have received the help of Airmid. Though she had no hatred for the healer herself, her god consistently butted heads with her familia in expanding their business.

It pained her to see that she was now indebted to the opulent familia who held a stranglehold monopoly on top-end apothecary business, but this was hardly the time for her to worry about business when patients were involved.

"Airmid, focus on the twenty-third column. Their injuries are more severe. To preserve your mind, use a less potent version of your spell. I will come alongside you with my potions to treat the residual afflictions"

Seeing Naaza so openly call out to her, Airmid was a bit surprised to see the talent of the Miach familia openly wanting to collaborate with the Dian Cecht familia.

But the silver saint was nonetheless pleased to see that another talented healer was more concerned with the needy over some petty pride of business.

"Very well. I happily accept your assistance. Naaza of the Miach familia, correct? Let us heal the suffering as best as we could"

Just as the two women were about to do their jobs, a sudden cry went throughout the recovery ward, alerting Naaza and Airmid to the source of it… a crying Dian Cecht.

"𝙃𝙞𝙘… 𝙃𝙞𝙘… all this product… 𝙃𝙞𝙘… 𝙃𝙞𝙘… given away for free…"

As the plump white-haired god dressed in opulent fashion cried at the sight of his familia's merchandise being given away for free to help with treatment, Miach could be seen happily giving the merchandise to the various nurses and healers in need of them.

"Don't mind the guy. He just has a problem with money"

Seeing this sight, Naaza could only awkwardly smile as Airmid let out a tired sigh, wondering to herself once again if she should threaten him with her resignation to reign in her god's obsession with wealth and bragging to Miach.



"What in the-"

Ascending the stairs of the entrance to the dungeon, the Loki familia hurried their pace as they began to detect the sounds of screaming and explosions in the distance.

But whatever they thought would await them after their grueling expedition, what they saw betrayed any imagined scenario they thought was possible. Orario was currently in turmoil.

"How did this happen?"

Lefiya spoke with a tone of disbelief. Never did she believe that Orario would be in a state of turmoil and unrest.

As the center of the world, the dungeon city was fitted with cutting-edge defensive capabilities and bureaucratic response measures.

Beyond a coalition of powerful forces such as Evilus, it was inconceivable to many to assault Orario, and yet here it was. A blatant attack against the dungeon city.

"Damn, it…"

But though Lefiya and the newer adventurers of the familia were shocked that such a sight was possible, to the more veteran members, it gave a clear reminder of the days of chaos they feared would never come again.

The dark ages of Orario.

A period of instability following the fall of Zeus and Hera, and the emboldening of the evil gods to wreak havoc in the lower world.

It was only after Loki and Freya established themselves as the next top familias, did order begin to come back, but it would seem that the peace they achieved was nothing more than a false notion.

'The Gray Ghost was right, Orario has yet to regain peace'

Scrutinizing the sight with his mind, Finn tensed his aching thumb as he thought back to the words the vigilante had left to him. Words preaching that the peace they all felt was nothing but temporary.

But now wasn't the time for him to wallow in self-realization. There were people in need, so the Braver immediately moved into action along with his familia.

"All forces begin assisting in the rescue effort! The frontline and second string are to head to the front and coordinate with the leading commander! Healers and porters are to head to the rear and coordinate with the head of the ward!"

Following his commands, the members of the Loki familia immediately dispersed to their assigned tasks, not wanting to stand still as the chaos ensued all around them.

As they did so. Finn decided to gather as much intel as possible. In the dungeon, they were cut off from all forms of contact and information from the surface, so whatever they knew prior to their descent to the deep floors would surely be outdated by now.

Speaking with the various influential people running the rescue and evacuation operations, Finn felt his thumb begin to ache incessantly as he realized what the date of the day was.

The gathering of many gods in Orario, the banquet of Ganesha, an event that his goddess, Loki, frequently participated in.

'Loki is in danger-'

Right beside the pallum, Riveria and Gareth similarly recognized the peril the goddess of their familia could be facing, but just as they were about to make a mad dash to the Ganesha familia home, their attention was taken away by a sudden explosion near their location.



In front of the three's eyes, they just witnessed a sobbing young child blow up in a mad craze, and in the aftermath, dozens of already injured civilians and rescue workers fell to a more concerning state.

But the danger had yet to pass as there were more crazed individuals who seemed to be rushing to Babel, intending to inflict more damage and chaos.

In the distance, shouting could be heard. From the rooftops of the buildings, the huntresses of Artemis did their best to inform all the nearby civilians and adventurers to escape as they shot their arrows straight through the bombers.

Noticing all this and processing it in a split second, Finn, Riveria, and Gareth immediately leaped to action in order to reduce any more damage from being done.

The dwarf took up a position at the front to knock away the threats and shield the injured. The pallum took up his spear and dispatched any opponent that entered his range while coordinating the dazed populace to retreat further into Babel. While Riveria began to quickly chant and gather mind to cast a spell that would clear out all danger in an instant.

But it would seem that their efforts would be naught as more danger seemed to pop out with each second.

From the crevices of each building, more bombers appeared with a more crazed desire to set alight the cityscape with their mad fervor.

From the darkness, horrid plant-like monsters began to extend their tendrils and deadly maw to consume all life that stood in their way.

It was far too much of a force in too little of time to be properly dealt with. The high executives of the Loki familia struggled to stand their ground, already exhausted from their expedition.

The normal executives of the Loki familia meanwhile tried their best to assist their top brass. Dashing toward their location as best as they could.

The volunteer adventurers and guild workers tried their best to assist in what little they could offer, but in the face of pure unadulterated chaos… it was meaningless.







With his figure descending high from Babel, a lone swordsman dispatched all the threats with a single swing of his sword.

He was tall and imposing. In the face of such chaos, he maintained his apathetic look as one who has claimed the title of strongest.

Ottar has joined the fray.

"All executives of the Freya familia, assist in disposing of all threats to Orario"

"As you order, captain"

Following the beastman's descent were the other famed executives of the Freya familia, removing all danger with a similar level of ease to Ottar.

They all donned pitch-black armor, radiating an aura of domination that originated from the monsters they were sourced from. The Goliaths of the black desert.

Turning away from the battle with his battle-hardened gaze, Ottar looked upon the exhausted Loki familia with neither hatred nor pity, simply looking at them as they were. People who could assist him in carrying out the commands of his goddess.

For if Freya commanded it of him, Ottar would no longer see prejudice, aggression, or camaraderie, only a means to fulfill whatever the goddess of beauty wished to be done.

"High executives of the Loki familia, on your feet. We of the Freya familia will assist you in repelling the threat around Babel. After securing a stable front from within, we will push forward until we meet the contingent we have deployed near Orario's rim. We will put them between a rock and a hard place"

Conveying his plans, the beastman was about to set forth to take part once again in the battle, but he was stopped as Finn raised his voice in question.

"Our goddess is in danger, Ottar. The Ganesha familia's banquet is also in danger if this chaos is happening throughout Orario!"

Turning to face the pallum once more, Ottar began to refute his questions in order to more efficiently bring him and the Loki familia to his side.

"I know"

"Then you understand that we cannot simply aid you. We need to secure our goddess before-"

"It's not something you should concern yourself with, Finn Deimne"

"Not something- Our goddess is potentially in danger and you tell me not to concern myself with it?!"

Finn's usually calm demeanor was all but gone as he faced the beastman. In addition to recognizing the strategical danger of having the source of all adventurers' powers in one assaultable location, the pallum was further hampered by more things that clouded his judgment.

One was his deep emotional bond with Loki whom he has adventured and lived with for decades, and the other was the severe aching of his thumb at that moment.

Never before had he felt such immense aching from his intuition. Not even when he faced the jaws of death in his long career as an adventurer.

But to the overwhelming chaos and confusion going across the minds of everyone, Ottar spoke out words that cleared all doubt.

"The reason I tell you not to worry… is because 𝘩𝘦 is in charge of protecting them…"

In an instant, Finn recognized who Ottar was referring to. For the strongest adventurer of Orario, there was no other person he would entrust his goddess' protection to aside from 𝘩𝘪𝘮.

"Look around you, Finn Deimne. All these years we have lived without knowing that these dangers existed among us… and yet… it was only 𝘩𝘦 who foresaw everything"

"I can never begin to understand what series of events have led to this outcome. Strategy and deduction were never my forte, only fighting"

"And I can never begin to convey how much I worry for my goddess, knowing she is in potential peril and I am doing nothing to deal with it… but to these two points, only 𝘩𝘦 has gained my trust to defer all responsibility to 𝘩𝘪𝘮"

As Ottar spoke, he gripped the handle of his sword, Brutus, even tighter. In truth, he was worried beyond belief about what would come from this sudden battle.

But the beastman saw for himself the miracles that person was capable of achieving. So as long as the promise of victory was still in reach… so long as the world his goddess desired was one and the same with that person… Ottar would dedicate his sword to his service.

"That man is a miracle maker. So grab your weapon and help him get better odds at making his vision a reality"



"What's happening outside"

Peering into the distance with a worried expression, Ganesha stood in shock at the state of what was happening to Orario.

Screams reached his ears from all directions as occasional bursts of explosions erupted throughout the city.

It was as if time had rewound and he was set back during the age of darkness of Orario. A time when Evilus reigned over the minds and hearts of mortals and gods.

"My children, set up a defensive perimeter around the house and gather all guests to the main hall. No danger must befall this banquet"

Ordering his children with a deep and commanding tone rarely used by the cheerful god, the Ganesha familia went on full alert as they began to display their unparalleled ability in defense and coordination.

Monsters took the streets and skies as the children of the familia readied themselves for battle. Doing so on a number and scale that matched what many would consider a nation's standing army.

As panic began to set around the banquet, the children of the Ganesha familia began to gather all the gods and goddesses toward the main hall of the familia home so that they may better defend them all.

Magicians began to set up defensive magics as tanks stood firm to form an enduring wall that no danger could break through.

The divine beings needn't fear oblivion from all the chaos as they knew full well that they would simply return to heaven, but they feared what would come as a result of their deaths in the lower world.

Some worried for their children, not wanting to leave their familias powerless and alone in the face of all this danger.

Some didn't wish to give up the pleasure and fun they felt by intermingling with mortals and living in the lower world.

While the rest simply didn't wish to experience the pain that may come from an injury that would warrant their return to heaven.

Whatever the cause may be, most of the gods and goddesses in the banquet were in a state of fear and uncertainty… except for a select few.

"... Bell made sure that everything would turn out fine… right?"

Speaking with a tone of potential guilt rather than fear, Hestia began to grow worried about what her child had done beyond her knowing.

"... It should be fine…"

Replying to the hearth goddess' concerns, Artemis and Hephaestus replied with words that were struggling to seem full of confidence.

Though the two were fully aware of how capable Bell was, as they both were saved by him in the past, they still couldn't help but have doubts as explosions and screams echoed all throughout the city.

"Haha, don't be such a worrywart, Hestia. If Bell wasn't capable enough, I wouldn't have agreed to such an absolutely absurd plan! Haha!"

While the three goddesses stood silent in worry, Hermes tried his best to lighten the mood with his own perspective, which seemingly only caused the trio to grow more concerned upon remembering the antics the cheery god pulled in heaven… most of them revolving around leering at divinities of the fair sex.

Meanwhile, Loki and Freya stood together quietly. The trickster side-eyeing the other with a massive look of suspicion.

"If it calms your nerves, Loki, feel free to openly hate me like that"

"Hah, hardly. I've done this so much that I'm desensitized to it. I suppose the best way for you to understand that is to think of your lower half, given how worn it must be by now. How exactly did you get that vigilante to ignore your body count?"

"Oh my, calling me a whore now? I won't deny my past, but at least I'm not some pathetic whelp who resorts to sexual assault to get game, and last I checked, you're still single. Still hurting from getting dumped by Siguna? Hating on other couples isn't the best way to cope, Loki~"

"Gh- I dumped her first!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, dear"

The two rival goddesses simply argued with one another, not paying mind to the danger they were in. Prioritizing upping the other over their own well-being.

It was a bizarre sight that would immediately catch the attention of any crowd, but any possible onlookers were too panicked to even begin to care about the group.



"Begin infiltration"

In the darkness that lurked between every crevice and corner in the Ganesha familia home's vicinity, a quiet whisper filled to the brim with bloodlust announced the beginning of a hunt.

A hunt that brought every bloodthirsty killer of their syndicate a salivating desire that would probably never be fulfilled again for a long time.

For their prey wasn't the gods and goddesses who stood in fear within the walls and pillars of the opulent banquet hall, but the person who protected them all from their shadow hidden blades.

A prey that sought them out just as much as they sought him. A predator who devoured other predators before they could soak their weapons in the blood of their targets. The Gray Ghost.

"All children of Sekhmet, happy hunting"

The Sekhmet familia. The shadow of the continent. The bloodiest killers blessed by a goddess. Such were the people who now took their chance at ending the elusive vigilante once and for all.


The Sekhmet familia was a mercenary familia that specialized in everything about murder. From assassination to mass genocides.

So long as a client had the right connections to find them in the deep dark abyss of the criminal underworld, and possessed the right amount of valis for the job, no task was too brutal or challenging for the bloody goddess' deranged children.

They were unparalleled in their craft. Carrying a storied history that spanned from the first descent from heaven to survive the purges of evil gods carried out by Zeus and Hera for a thousand years.

The familia of killers, as bloodthirsty as they were, were particular about the jobs they undertook. But their current mission was a peculiar one, even taking into account their long history.

They were approached by another evil god for the purpose of stirring up chaos in Orario. As expected, the contents of the operation and the compensation drew the interest of the entire familia, but what sealed the deal was the choice in targeting the Gray Ghost.

Seeing that she now had a chance to rid herself of the pesky vigilante that had been ruining her children's efforts all across the continent, and wanting to add another trophy to her long list of fallen enemies… Sekhmet mobilized her entire familia free of charge.


As such, dashing silently all around was an unfathomable number of children blessed by Sekhmet. All donning the best equipment the bloody goddess could afford to ensure absolute success.

While the entirety of Orario raged in the flames of war, another battle entirely was being fought. One played out in a stage of darkness and silence. Where the first to be caught was dead.

"All positions locked down. The Ganesha familia home has been infiltrated and surrounded"

Beyond the knowledge of the Ganesha familia's guards, dozens of assassins had slipped by their perimeter unnoticed. Dashing madly toward the gathering of gods and goddesses who could do naught in front of their weapons.

The plan was simple. The operation was planned on the assumption that the Gray Ghost would not show himself easily. So they began to target every point that would concern the vigilante.

The innocent. The civilians. The unrelated. Such was the reason why the dungeon city was now set alight in flames.

But it failed to draw him out from wherever he lurked. So the assassins of Sekhmet now began to force his hand. By targeting not the gods and goddesses who were the lifeblood of the adventurers of Orario, but targeting the people he cared for.

Freya, the vigilante's lover, and Hestia, his familia's goddess. Sekhmet could see that there was too much risk involved in killing the goddess of beauty… but the goddess of the hearth on the other hand… was a prime target.

"Target spotted"

The children of Sekhmet now had their sights on Hestia, seemingly worried about her child as the crowd of divine beings around her continued to panic.

Seeing how helpless she was, the cold-blooded killers couldn't help but begin to smile. Just by killing one defenseless goddess would the hunt of their lives begin in earnest.

A fight to the death between a familia whose children had their minds broken to enjoy the thrill of murder, and a vigilante forsaking all else to avenge his loved ones.

One step, and it would start. One step, and the building anticipation will release. One step, and the crescendo will fall like thunder. One step-

"Man it's really tense around here"

Stunning all the killers was a lackadaisical voice that broke the tension in the room. Boldly opening the large doors as a group of worried Ganesha familia guards chased after him, Welf yawned as made his way into the banquet hall.

"Sir Welf! I get that you're concerned about Lady Hephaestus but there's a procedure! Especially with what is currently happening-"

"Procedure? In this mess? Moments like these require decisive action!"

Dismissing the concerned guards with a fiery shout, Welf continued walking until he was at the center of the banquet hall.

Seeing the famed smith of the Hephaestus familia, many gods and goddesses grew confused as to what was happening.

Freya and Loki watched with interested eyes. Artemis and Hermes felt they knew the cause of all this. As for Hephaestus and Hestia? They could already tell that something troubling was now going to begin.

"Back when my goddess got herself kidnapped, we all followed procedure. All that did was set the entirety of Orario in a panic. People running down streets. Crowds shouting. It was a mess, you know?"

"It was only when a guy in a mask decided to go against the grain and fix the situation himself did everything get resolved. I was inspired by that day"

"All my life I considered myself a victim of circumstance. A puppet in the hands of more powerful people… but after seeing him in action, I realized that if I want good things to happen in my life-"


"-Only I can make them for myself!"

As Welf shouted with his burning blacksmith heart, he slammed down onto the marble floor of the hall, an intricately made gray zweihander.

And as the red-haired smith's shout echoed against the walls, the large sword began to emit magical energy. Undoubtedly a master-crafted sword of the Crozzo prodigy.

"Us blacksmiths prefer to get down and dirty as is our philosophy in life! It's just so tiring to be conniving when you can just make your desired outcome with your own two hands!"

"Following my goddess getting kidnapped by some thugs in the shadows, and some Rakian asses who crawled through a sewer to get me, I decided to make a sword to never let those types of things happen again!"


With Welf's shout activating the magic sword's effect, a large burst of magic swept through the room and stuck to the bodies of everyone it touched.

The energy permeated through the walls and attached itself to anything that possessed the mind. Magic items. Master-crafted equipment… and any and all living people in the vicinity of the sword's aura.


In an instant, the children of Sekhmet realized what had happened. Their bodies now became outlined with the sword's aura and their position was now clear for all to see.

(E/D: Minecraft time bois! Bring me them mcyt memes!)

Knowing this, they began to make a mad dash for the hearth goddess before reinforcement could be called… but unfortunately for them, they were too blinded by the Gray Ghost to realize the people who followed closely behind him.


Appearing in front of Hestia in her heavy armor, the hearth goddess recognized her silhouette nearly instantly.

She was an adventurer who stirred up a debate about her progress as an adventurer. She possessed immense skill and grit that elevated her familia's reputation beyond just being a shady producer of alcohol.

She was known for many things since her debut in the public consciousness of Orario, but what she treasured among all the rumors and stories was one that little knew outside of her and her treasured person.

The fact that she was taught personally by the Gray Ghost himself.

"Go get 'em, Lili"

Hearing Welf blessing her before she entered the fray, the pallum responded in earnest as crimson eyes began to emanate beneath her helm.

『Ira Fianna: Spear of Fire and Blood』

Resounding in her burning heart her loyalty to the man who had saved and taught her, Lili's body began to be set ablaze even further as she gripped the lance he had forged for her.

『Fianna amor: Mane latus tuum』

She was a level three adventurer and her opponents were assassins ranging from level three to level five.

But even with the odds stacked against her, she didn't falter nor did she hesitate in taking a step forward.



Colliding with the blade of the leading assassin who was level four, the child of Sekhmet grew surprised as he realized he was being matched in strength by an adventurer a whole level lower than him.

The reason? It was simple. Because ever since level one…


Her status had a minimum of S before leveling up…



The hall was bathed in the light of Lili's magic as fire wrapped the marble interior. Dirtying the once glossy surface in a veil of ash and soot.

The leading assassin was now writhing in pain as his body was torn open by the force of the explosion and screamed as the flames assailed his hurting insides.

The children of Sekhmet had committed a fatal mistake. In their desire to kill the target in front of their eyes, they had neglected to keep in mind their rear.

For in their moment of crazed bloodlust they failed to realize one thing. A change in their target that significantly altered his way of life from then on.

"Welf, protect the gods and goddesses. I'll handle them"

"Alright, Lili. Don't go too crazy now"

The vigilante no longer hunted alone.





Outside the Ganesha familia home and running across the streets, Hestia screamed as she struggled to process everything that was happening around her.

"Defend the gods and goddesses with your lives!"


To the hearth goddess' left, the immense force of the Ganesha familia drowned the assassins who struggled to kill their target.

"Defend Lady Artemis and her companions!"

"If a single strand of hair is hurt on Lady Freya's head, I'll kill you before the enemy has the chance!"

To the hearth goddess' left, a mix of Artemis' huntresses and Freya's adventurers fiercely fought another contingent of assassins who struggled to salvage what little of their mission they could.

"Tch, why do you all have to be so annoying!"

"Careful, Lili! Don't burn the entire street in anger!"

And to the heart goddess' back, Welf and Lili repelled the remaining hostiles that wished to soak their blade with divine blood.

It was messy and chaotic, but Hestia knew that if she ever let up on her efforts to run away, she would be quickly met with the edge of a lethal weapon.

But despite knowing this the hearth goddess struggled to maintain her pace as she began to feel her body begin to fail her.

"Can't… run… anymore… so… unfit…"

As Hestia panted like a dog, she was quickly swept off her feet by Artemis who readily picked up the slack brought about by the hearth goddess' lack of athleticism.

"Don't worry, Hestia. We're now on the final leg of Bell's plans"

"Huh?!... There's more?!"

Hearing that there was more to unravel in her child's secret plans, Hestia began to feel her head grow even lighter as her exhaustion mixed with the anger of how flashy Bell's plan must be.

"Hephaestus, Freya, Hermes, I'll perform drawing out the last opponent. Can you open a path for me?"

As Artemis requested the aid of her fellow gods, they quickly complied with her words as they began to utilize their forces.

Hephaestus shot out a flare she had personally made after her kidnapping incident. Signaling the warrior smiths of her familia to come to her location.

Hermes discreetly utilized a magic tool made by Asfi in order to coordinate with his children from the shadows.

And Freya… she simply raised her voice slightly higher and her will was done… along with a small utilization of her charm as a goddess of beauty. Not that it was very effective against the mind-broken children of Sekhmet chasing them.

In just a few moments a more clear path began to form for Artemis and Hestia. One that would truly set the stage for this whole battle.

The actions of the Gray Ghost have directly and indirectly coaxed countless forces out of hiding from Orario.

The monsters, the children of Thanatos, and the Sekhmet familia. Now, there was only one left. One that would surely appear as Artemis ran down this road.

The two goddesses knew fully well that it was a perilous path. The same opinion was held by Hephaestus, Freya, Hermes, and Loki. But no protests were made.

There was no turning back now. It would now be a battle against the last remaining hidden forces that had yet to be played.

The villains and the hero who both waited in the shadows. A battle of two stalking predators, waiting to bare their fangs at one another.

"Artemis… Bell will be safe right?..."

Being carried by the moon goddess, Hestia couldn't help but worry about her child, even as her own safety was in jeopardy.

The dungeon city was in a panic. The gods and mortals suffered in manic confusion. Screams and wails traveled through the air like an ominous chorus.

Hestia failed to comprehend how such things could be brought about by a single person… and she worried if the weight of it all would be too much for one person to bear.

"Don't worry. This is not his first time working under pressure, Hestia… he was even better than me when I could do nothing but stand blankly in fear in front of a threat that nearly wiped my familia…"

Responding to her worries, Artemis expressed a small smile as she recalled how Bell became her shield under the threat of Antares. How he became the hope for herself and her children.

"He chose to walk this path. No matter what we do, we won't be able to disillusion that guy from his dream of a hero… so all we can do is make sure he's not alone…"

Hearing Artemis' words, Hestia closed her eyes as she recalled the image of her child. How they met on an inconspicuous night. How he progressed so quickly without much help on her end… but how warm their family felt despite its abnormalities.

"Yeah… Bell really is a troublemaker, isn't he? Hehe"

"Honestly, I still fail to understand how a mortal could rouse so many gods around his finger. If he were a god like us… I wonder what sort of mayhem he could've pulled in heaven"

"Ugh, don't even suggest that. Whenever I think that I remember that perverted geezer for some reason"

"You too? How weird. I also see that degenerate whenever I think so as well"

As the two goddesses bantered, the danger was now closing in on them quickly. A force more deadly and enigmatic than the shadow of the continent.

Abominations that are more monstrous than monsters themselves. Composed of a mortal shell, divine blessing , and the heart of a monster.

Three such abominations were put into action to take part in this battle. Each one being responsible for countless tragedies in the past and the near future.

Their shadowy figure raced through Orario with speeds only a few in the world could match with. Living in a realm of strength that befitted their statuses in the story of Danmachi as major villains.



As the three exited from the shadows and presented themselves to the chaotic stage, Artemis and Hestia could immediately feel the danger they were in.

Their divine sensibilities crumbled as they felt their presence close in on them. They were an affront to all creation… and a danger to its continued existence…


Hestia shouted out to her friend, but it was for naught. Their enemies had already reached them. Agents of the demi-spirit and the dungeon. Blasphemous creations to all existence; Creatures.

All three wore cloaks and armor that obscured their identities, but they expressed characteristics that made them unique.

One felt giddy as he observed the turmoil around him. A deranged former mortal who once orchestrated the most bloody loss of life in Orario's history.


Another was silent and emotionless, seemingly having accepted her role as a puppet for higher powers. Only being driven by the last vestige of purpose left in her existence.

"For her will"

And the last was silent as well… but not in the same manner as the last person… more as if she was quiet due to being conflicted as to where her heart truly lay in all of this.

"... forgive me…"

But whatever their motivation or reaction to the situation may be, it was clearly apparent…that murder of the divine was on their minds.

Their weapons began to fall on Artemis and Hestia like roaring thunder, but just as they were about to reach them, the two goddesses whispered under their breath the name of the person they put their faith in.

" " Get out here already, Bell!!! " " "







Between the approaching creatures and the two goddesses, an immense light began to radiate, separating the two groups.

Its light and splendor resembled the sheen of the magic's caster. From the light, a sword ripped apart the fabric of space before emerging from it a figure that was armed and eager to fight.

With chained blades in his hands and glowing eyes beneath a dark hood, the vigilante emerged from the shadows to meet with the final guests he had been expecting to arrive.


Blocking the attacks of the three creatures before repelling all of them, Bell quickly put some distance between his enemies and the goddesses.

Seeing all three recover from his parry with little effort, he couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of what he was doing.

'Ein, Revis, and Olivas Act. I really am insane for deciding to face all three of them by myself. They should all be around level seven in capabilities'

Recalling his previous life's knowledge, Bell knew just how dangerous each creature was. They all possessed a unique skill set that matched their significance in the Sword Oratoria story.

But though he knew full well the capabilities of the opponents he was facing he was not deterred a single bit by it.

'I'm purposed for these types of enemies after all… but before I break my promise of not endangering myself for my plans, there's something I have to do'

Turning his head while keeping his senses vigilant, Bell partially unmanifested his mask before greeting the two goddesses behind him.

"You all right, Artemis, Hestia?"

Responding to his question, Hestia violently began to shout a bunch of gibberish that didn't seem to make sense, but to Bell, he could understand it clearly.

"Sorry for making you worry… and thanks for being worried about me too"

"YOU!!! HMPH!!!-"

Unable to articulate a response that conveyed her maelstrom of emotions, Hestia could only pout annoyed as she buried her face into Artemis' body. The moon goddess laughed wryly as she consoled her friend.

"Nothing to worry about Hestia, Bell. But I believe I speak for both of us when I say… are you sure you can handle all this?"

Seeing the concern on Artemis' face and the changing bodily expressions of the pouty Hestia, Bell could only smile as he began to fully manifest his mask once more.

"Of course. After causing all this mayhem, it's only appropriate that I take responsibility and clean up after myself!"

Bell's magic circuits began to burn with life as his eyes focused once more on the enemies he would face… but he was not looking at the three creatures alone.

The children of Thanatos. The Sekhmet familia. The monsters. The criminals who were taking advantage of the chaos to further their own ends.

All of them would be Bell's opponents on this stage. He would no longer pick them off one-by-one, but gather them all and dispatch them in one go.

It wouldn't be a complete removal of the threats to the future of the world, but it would be enough to make a statement to Enyo and any who may oppose him in the future.

No matter their numbers.

『Skill 「𝙀𝙉𝙑𝙊𝙔 𝙊𝙁 𝙅𝙐𝙎𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙀」has been released in the face of evil 』

No matter their strength.


No matter their cunning.


He will rise up to meet any occasion asked of him. Just as he did so now, his blades drawn out as he stood in a field of evil-burning fire.

A sight that shocked countless gods who witnessed its manifestation. Confusion wrecked most. A reassured smile plastered on Hephaestus and Freya. A sly smirk of disbelief on Hermes and Loki. And an amazed shock from Hestia and Artemis.


He has to inspire hope in this world that it can be better. Just as how it inspired him as a lonely reader in a world that had forgotten him.

For this world that kept giving to him before and after his first death, Bell would willingly go into the fire to carve them a path forward. One that would give them a happy ending he hadn't been fortunate to witness in his past life.


The world watched on as the vigilante… the hero… took center stage to rewrite the canon. The city of Orario looked on in rapture at Bell's flames as they continued to fight for their city.

A lonely goddess of justice sat by the fireplace as she was appointed for the furthering of justice.

A wanderlust god of lightning broke into a wide smile as he was appointed for the judgment of his grandson's path.

A one-eyed curious knowledge-seeker let out an intrigued expression as he watched from on high the future that a mortal would trailblaze for the entire world.

And a malevolent masked god who wished for the downfall of heaven and earth stared in disgust at the radiant light that swallowed his dreams for manic depravity so many times before.

One shall stand, one shall fall. In the uncertainty of the future, a moment is made, and in that moment, legends are born.

Let the curtains rise on another stage our intrepid hero has set for himself. An act of blood boiling action as he faces the dangers that lurk beneath the expanse of Orario's storied grounds.

Let harrowing cries, incessant laughter, and deafening applause resound in equal measure. The audience awaits. The lights center on the star. As we await in tense expectation, a white-haired lady smiled as she welcomed the falling of the building crescendo.

"Let the show begin"




The Darkest Knight#4796

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Thank you for reading this chapter.

Sorry for the cliff. Been trying to get my mojo back for writing. I don't understand how I used to write 10k words almost daily HAHAHA

Gray Ghost fight and true identity reveal next chapter.

I appreciate you all for sticking around for this fanfic

next chapter
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