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Chapter 0090: The Lone King Of The Labyrinth! Goliath!

[Tl/n: It's my birthday today so five chapters for you guys~]

"It's just...damn gorgeous!"

Uzui held the Sun Wheel Sword tightly with both hands. Although he still had a proud smile on his face, it could be seen from the sweat on his forehead that he was not at peace.

Also having this kind of reaction, there is also Iguro and 'Kaburamaru' on his shoulder, this white snake that can keep calm at any time, but at this time when Goliath was born, it showed quite mania, There was a 'hiss' cry, and it's body began to tremble slightly.

The crushing from the level of life and strength made this little guy very afraid.

However, it's not just 'Kaburamaru', the others also have the same look, with fright in their eyes.

Can such a huge monster really be solved by human?

"Don't be in a daze, be careful of those falling stones, Shinobu and Miss Tamayo take care to protect yourself, it's coming!"

Just as Yami's roar fell, another terrifying explosion sounded in space, and then a large number of stones fell from the sky like rain, attacking everyone present.

Everyone moved at almost the same time, and swung the blades in their hands quickly, splitting all the threatening boulders in half. When they came back to their senses, the previously flat ground was already full of scars.

"Miss Tamayo!"

"Understood! Let the blood flow out!"

In fact, there was no need for Yami to remind her, Tamayo cut her arm as early as the first time Goliath landed, and activated her only magic.

The whiff of blood floated in the air and was smelled by everyone present.

Yami and the others suddenly felt powerful power filling their bodies. At the same time, faint red fine lines appeared on Goliath's body surface, but compared with his huge body, it was completely like an ant. If you don't look closely, you won't see any difference at all.


Slowing down, Goliath's dark eye sockets suddenly shone with scarlet light, and then raised its head to the sky and let out a piercing roar. The strong wind formed from its mouth almost made everyone unable to open their eyes.

Suddenly, a hand that was so huge that it could block the sky instantly fell from the sky.

The movement is obviously not very fast, but against the background of the terrifying figure of more than 20 meters, it makes people feel a tingling scalp, this is swatting flies!

Although they complained in their hearts, their movements were very sensitive.

After all, no one has the guts to try to see if they can survive this slap.

"Everyone, pay attention to dodging, try to attack his joints and eyes, and pay attention to Goliath's special skill, which is to spray compressed air bombs from his mouth. As long as you see him making a cohesive movement, you must remember to dodge. Have you understood?!"

While moving at high speed, dodging the slap from Goliath's huge fingers, Yami conducts on-the-spot commands.


Just as the others were about to respond, the huge palm had already fallen to the ground, and the ground cracked instantly, smoke and dust billowed everywhere, strong winds howled, and a large number of broken stones sputtered out like bullets, which made everyone swallow their words again and began to dodge again.

Until the smoke and dust dissipated, a huge palm print appeared on the rocky ground.

If they really took this blow on the spot, it's not clear if they can survive, but at least they are not far from death!

"Breath of the Sun • First Form— Round Dance!"

Going all the way up Goliath's arm, the flaming sword in Yami's hand blazed across Goliath's shoulder in an instant, but only made a very small cut.

The previous invincible attack seemed so insignificant in front of this behemoth.

"What a tough body, even the high-quality sun-blade rewarded by the system is not good in this situation, and this terrible recovery ability is too ridiculous!"

Witnessing the damage to Goliath recovering directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scene in front of him also made Yami a little powerless to complain. Although he didn't go all out, even his attack could only cause this level of damage, so the role of other people can be imagined.

"Damn! This guy is too big, so try hitting its ankle!"

At the moment when Yami and Goliath fought, the others also recovered from the shock.

Even if the big guy in front of them is stronger than all the enemies they have encountered before, they will not back down. After all, this is the path they chose! 

What's more, it's just a little bigger, and it's not a big deal.

"Breath of Sound• Fifth Form—String Performance!!"

Wielding the two sun-wheel blades quickly, Uzui took advantage of the moment when Yami's was attracted by Goliath, and quickly arrived under the Goliath body, attacking the calf that was at least several meters long.

The ferocious slash and the explosion of gunpowder instantly caused a huge roar, and also provided a small amount of firepower.

However, the effect was not as significant as expected.

Whether it was sword skills or gunpowder, it only pierced through Goliath's surface defense, leaving a blood-red wound that was not deep or shallow, which looked completely useless.

"Nani, was it only affected by this level of effect?! ​​You are indeed a floor master, a terrifying monster, but even so, I will continue to attack you gorgeously until your legs are completely blown off!!"

The sun wheel swords connected by iron chains were thrown out quickly, and the sound of explosions continued to ring out one after another.

Under Tamayo's powering magic, the distance between everyone and Goliath has been shortened a lot, but there is still an obvious gap, which can only be barely made up by numbers.

As the roar continued to sound, the behemoth in front of them seemed to feel pain.

Goliath roared, ignoring the 'little ants' bouncing back and forth on its shoulders, raised its right hand and threw it at Uzui on the ground.

"Snake's breath•First Form—Winding Serpent Slash!!!"

Iguro, who didn't know when, suddenly appeared, the whole person was like a slippery white snake, shuttled back and forth on Goliath's arm, while cutting the superficial skin and muscles, it slightly delayed the attacking action, and also for Uzui bought a lot of time.

The latter stopped his movements, quickly moved and dodged before the fist of Goliath hit the ground directly, and the huge impact force almost knocked him over.

The gap between the two is not on the same level at all!

"Are you all right?"

After landing, Iguro asked softly. Although Uzui had experienced a crisis, he still had a characteristic smile on his face, "I'm okay, but this guy is not on the same level as us at all, and our attack is just tickling it. It's not gorgeous at all!"

"Ah, and it can regenerate continuously. It's really more difficult than a demon!"

Iguro also expressed his own opinion, the scar left on Goliath's arm just now is about to recover now, it is really too ridiculous!

In addition, the oppressive feeling on Goliath's body after recovering from its injuries was obviously even more terrifying.

Is there any ability to increase attributes after being injured?

Dodging Goliath's slap, Yami fell from the air to the ground, and stood with the crowd again. The feeling of dancing in the direction of death just now was really not very good.

"It's coming again, get out of the way!"

The oncoming huge fist left no one with enough time to breathe, everyone fled in all directions, and then rushed in the direction of Goliath at the same time, with the blades in their hands ready.

However, the situation suddenly unexpectedly changed.

Goliath opened its mouth suddenly, and a terrifying compressed air cannon shot out instantly. The target was still Uzui, which made people wonder whether he had been hated by Goliath.


Unable to dodge in time, Uzui was instantly submerged by the air cannon.

The pupils of the others shrank suddenly, but they had no time to think about other things at this time. The only thing they could do now was to continue to sprint forward and then attack Goliath.

"Snake's Breath・Third Form—Coil Choke!"

"God of Fire Kagura—Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance!"

"Flower's Breath • Fourth Form—Crimson Hanagoromo!!"

"Breath of the Sun • First Form • Round Dance!!!"

Five slashes containing different energies came one after another, and the four of them attacked the same part of Goliath's body in tacit understanding, that is, the bend of its left leg.

One person's attack may not be enough, but under the attack of four people, the effect is very significant.

The armor on Goliath's legs was instantly destroyed, exposing the huge white bones inside, but the wound was recovering quickly in everyone's sight.

"Don't give it time to heal, keep attacking that position!"


The others echoed one after another, showing their own signature move again.

But Goliath didn't let it go, as the compressed air cannon in its mouth shot out continuously while waving its arms, which caused a lot of trouble for all of them.

One couldn't dodge in time, Kanae was scratched by the impact of the air cannon, and she flew backwards in an instant.

"Big sister!!"

Shinobu, who was using magic to treat Uzui, saw this scene, her face turned extremely pale instantly, but after seeing that her sister was fine, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

However, there will be one more person who needs treatment next.

Fortunately, under the unremitting efforts of everyone, Goliath's bones were finally damaged, unable to support its huge body, staggeringly half-squatting to the ground.

"Now, Tanjuro-san!"

"Breath of the Sun•Eight Form— Solar Heat Haze!!!"

"God of Fire Kagura • Solar Heat Haze!!"

The two of them turned into flames almost at the same time, shortening the distance to Goliath in an instant, and slashed Goliath's two eyeballs fiercely with the sun wheel knife in their hand.

Even though the latter's defense is amazing, the eyes are still the weakest part.


There was a slight explosion, and everyone was splashed all over by the sprayed blood. At the same time, Goliath also let out a terrible howl, its body trembling rapidly, and directly sent Yami and Kamado Tanjuro flying.

Completely losing its vision, Goliath began to attack frantically.

Its hands frantically waved around, forming an impenetrable fist net.

At the same time, the mouth of this big guy kept opening, and one after another, compressed air cannons shot out one after another, bombarding the ground and the surrounding walls aimlessly.

A large amount of gravel flew wantonly, almost burying everyone in it.

It is rare for the attack to be effective, but there is no need to continue fighting. Everyone knows that it is difficult for them to kill the behemoth in front of them.

"Everyone, retreat alternately, and return to the surface!"

Following Yami's order, while dodging all kinds of flying stones, everyone supported Uzui, who was not yet fully injured, and quickly ran towards the passage leading to the sixteenth floor.

Fortunately, the channel did not collapse. 

Because there was no Goliath to stop them, even though there were stones falling from the sky, everyone still arrived at the passage without any danger. Looking at the one eye that had recovered facing them angrily. 

Looking at the impotent and furious monsters, everyone took a deep breath, then turned around and disappeared into the passage without hesitation.

The next moment, a huge stone flew over and smashed at the entrance of the passage.

It's a pity that the people who have left early will no longer suffer any harm, and only Goliath's terrifying roar is left on the seventeenth floor.


hours later.

Returning to the surface after a long absence, the sunlight in the sky makes people slightly unable to open their eyes, suddenly entering this bright environment from a dark environment, there are indeed sequelae

However, no one felt that the sun was dazzling, but it was very warm.

Sure enough, the feeling of staying in the dungeon is completely different from staying in Orario!

"We finally came out. This trip to the dungeon was really full of ups and downs. Fortunately, everyone is safe and sound. Otherwise, I don't know how to talk to God Hestia."

Rubbing his eyebrows, Yami couldn't help sighing.

Behind him, although the image of a group of people looked a bit embarrassed, and there were faint blood stains on their bodies, their breaths were very stable, and there was no lack of anything.

This is also due to the magic of Shinobu, otherwise Uzui would have been carried out at least.

"It's such a terrible place. I'm the one who is slowing down. It's not gorgeous at all!"

"Please don't say that, Uzui-san, the floor master is too powerful, there is nothing we can do if we can't beat it, it is a blessing in misfortune to be able to survive smoothly!"

Having said that, Kanae also had some lingering fears.

She was also injured before, although it was not very serious, and she quickly recovered under the treatment of Shinobu's healing magic, but she still left a faint scar in the battle with Goliath.

Light psychological shadow.

Compared with this behemoth, Kibutsuji Muzan seems not so scary!

"Well, no matter what, we have successfully left the dungeon alive. Although we are not Goliath's opponents now, we have gained a lot this time, so, 

Go back and find Hestia-sama to update your abilities, maybe after strengthening, you will be able to truly defeat Goliath."

"If that time comes, I will definitely kill that guy magnificently!"

The people who were inspired soon recovered.

First, they go to the monster stone exchange office to exchange all the magic stones dropped in this trip into money, and get hundreds of thousands of valis again, but there is not much left after everyone divides it equally.

Originally, they were full of energy before departure, but now they have become a little sluggish.

No way, the short fight with Goliath brought too much pressure, and everyone suffered more or less injuries, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Back at the weapon shop, the kanban lady is still the familiar Liz.

When this sweet-looking girl saw Yami and others walking in, the formulaic smile on her face changed instantly, and directly turned into a sincere smile.

"Yami-san, welcome back!"

"Ah, Liz, long time no see, we are back from the dungeon."

It seems that Goddess Hephaestus has mentioned the existence of other people, so even though Liz saw these 'new people' in front of her for the first time, she only had curiosity on her face, but have no doubts.

"You are the newcomers that Goddess-sama said, right? You are welcome to join, hurry up and wash your body, Goddess-sama has been waiting for you for a long time, besides..."

Speaking of this, Liz's expression was a little hesitant. She looked around with her small head, and after making sure that there were no other figures, she cautiously approached Yami, and gently opened her mouth and said: "Yami-san, you'd better be mentally prepared. After all, during your absence, Goddess-sama doesn't seem very happy."


Yami couldn't help being slightly taken aback, with a very strange expression on his face.

But he quickly reacted, with a faint smile on his face, "Thank you for your reminder, Liz, I will follow up with Goddess-sama and explain it well, then we will go in and sort it out first, See you~"

After speaking, Yami led everyone into the backyard.

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