/ Anime & Comics / Danmachi- Merchant of Orario
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A reincarnated man sells his stock of items. Some nick nacks, other bells and whistles. And a couple of items that could change the world forever.
BTW this was originally from Wattpad but this is made with the authors full permission, because I am the author.
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Escribe una reseñaI've read up to the latest chapters in wattpad, still have no idea how he got his things. Like are they random or what?
Good story the quality goes up and down and honestly if the author just adds some more dialogue and smooths out the mistakes it’ll be a 5star fic Especially with the interesting premise of a merchant who we even don’t know where he gets his items
Revelar spoileres buena historia, pero es algo confuso el pasado del protagonista y entre más avanza la historia más confuso se vuelve, eso crea agujeros de trama a cada rato, la estructura es buena y en si no se explica de dónde saca las cosas le personaje. dejando eso de lado es divertido solo quiere que cojas con pinzas la historia y no te claves tanto en los detalles
Autor Magnet_Man1213
Honestly author ways of writing is good......but when i read this novel i didnt even laugh once....it feel like reading was a chore.