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4.76% Cyberpunk 2077: Doom / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: One Beer
Cyberpunk 2077: Doom Cyberpunk 2077: Doom original

Cyberpunk 2077: Doom

Autor: TheDarkDark

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: One Beer

I don't know when, but for some reason… I knew I was special. Different from the inbred and detestable beings around me. I was gifted with powers beyond my own comprehension. Power that fuelled me. It was a sign that the world was mine and mine alone. I was smarter, stronger, and faster than those my age and to top it all off I never chipped in. Meaning I was fully natural, not even a tether of machinery wired to my body. To top it all off, I was handsome beyond belief.

Training my body, I stared into the screen in front of screen glossed over the situation near Pacifica. Apparently, another booster gang was tearing down the common folk.

"Hello Night city! This is Jonzo Bon-Doa from M-54 news, here to give you all but the latest news! Just now, outside the recently built Grand imperial mall a supposed gang of 'cyber-psychos' has held the area hostage, with fifty supposed victims held within. While the extent of their villainous actions hasn't been fully captured I believe the NCPD has this covered. We'll hand it over to Fred who is currently outside the mall awaiting answers for the poor families waiting at home." Jonzo explained before the channel transitioned to Fred whose own perspective was used to relay information. It seemed that the man had decided to use his own ocular camera, the quality quite clear compared to the traditional ones used for civilian use. Perhaps a custom Kiroshi optic or maybe one of ours?

Staring down the man seemed to crouch past two corpses. Ducking below a few cars his eyes scanning over to the mall roof. Smoke briming from inside pouring into the sky, shattered glass and broken windows plastered all over. A slight glare briming from the top.

"Hey Jared, care to share what's happened down there? Where's Fred?" Jonzo asked, before seeing Jared turn to a collapsed figure. Their heads completely blown out, the pieces of brain matter and gunk shown artistically displayed around the vicinity. Pieces of face plating somewhat dented inward.

"W-we…-," Jared attempted to voice before the screen froze and switched off. The screen then turned to show my father's aid. Fantastic just as things were getting interesting. This was the second attack this week. I wonder if Max-Tac was going to pull out the big guns this time.

"Your Dad wants you bud," My father's aid announced through my communication drive. The man was quite built and had a scar which tracked down his face from saving my father. He was quoted to be my fathers most trusted associate.

"Very well, I shall be there soon," I answered before closing the channel.

Looking through my array of clothing, I pondered what to wear. Scouring for the perfect fit I eventually settled for something casual. A simple ebony polo shirt and grey slacks. Fashioning my accessories such as glasses and watch I exited my room and slowly closed in towards his office. Entering he stood across from his desk just by his glass window.

He wore an emerald formal vest and tie. He rolled with a buzz-cut and beard eluding an aura of mystique only unique to himself. A mixture of Neo-militarism and Neo-kitsch. The man seemed to lack any apparent cybernetics. Attempting to scan him I was met with poor results.
























Seeing the results, I sighed already expecting it. I thought that by tampering or upgrading my scanners would fruit more data. It seems my father was ahead of the curve.

"I believe we've had this discussion beforehand, child. I'd rather you ask, than continuously scan me," My Father revealed, his hands behind his back as he stared below at the common folk. The poor and dirt of civilization, how putrid.

"Apologies father, my curiosity never ceases to leave me," I acknowledged, my posture straight and my head forward.

"Have you completed your studies, child?" He questioned.

"I have, father, each data packet has been consumed and each language procedure has been re-run. May I ask as to why I must learn these languages when our processors automatically translate them?" I asked back.

"You are still young so I will indulge. Do you see the common folk down below? What do you think of them?" He asked as I moved to stand by his side. My eyes now locked down below as well.

"I believe they are filth. That they are nothing, that they serve no purpose but to be purged. Am I correct in my observation?" I boldly answered. The common folk of such depravity were worth such a title. To steal and kill was all they did. Barbaric in nature I must say.

"Silly child, even filth has its purposes, but to answer your question language is the key to all business deals. Language is both a privilege and a weapon you must learn to wield. While others roam the city aiming to carve their names into the city walls as legends, we aim to be the power that allows them. In time their names will fade, while our will remain strong for eternity. They will be forgotten as another crack amongst the road that will eventually be filled. We control history and child language is but a form of expression. So, if one language holds the key to but one aspect of business, imagine the world." He explained, his face ever stoic as he watched a child's head being blown out below.

"While others focus on today, we focus on the future. Language is but a tool to which freedom can be expressed and in time you will learn it's capabilities." He continued before turning away. His eyes now towards the entrance to his office.

"You may enter," He commanded to which one of his soldiers compiled and entered.

"Mr Von Doom, your wife requests your presence," a guard replied, the man heavily armed to the bone. His tech involved a metallic exoskeleton which boosted manoeuvrability, strength, and speed. A helmet with the latest technological advantages such as aim-assist, thermal-vision, night vision, enhanced vision. I could go on but overall, he was but one of the many weapons we had at our disposal. And to top it all off his aesthetic fashioned being Munsell green, our branded colour.

"Very well, you may leave," He nodded, his hands waving the soldier away. As the doors locked, he then faced towards me. His eyes are ever dull yet vigilant.

"Likewise, child you must depart. This will be a private matter between me and your mother," He motioned. Obeying, I exited, with my mother passing by me, her eyes filled with anger. While my mother was passionate her eyes screamed of rage. What has my father done now?

Date: 1st of June 2062

Location: Night city, Von Doom enterprises tower

POV: Omniscient

"What is it you want, June?" Victor's father asked. His figure towering over the fuming women.

"Why'd you, do it Virgil?" She angrily shouted, tears trekking down her face. Her hands balled into a fish as she gnashed on her teeth.

"I have no clue what you are referring to women. I have done many things in my life. Now what are you exactly referring to?" Virgil responded in kind as he crossed his arms, his back leaning on his desk now.

"You think I wouldn't know about your little project? All those people… Murdered… Tortured… Just for profit and gain? Children Virgil! Children! Do you not value life Virgil? Do you not see the depravity you have fallen into, you monster!" She screamed.

"Life? Do not joke with me, women. They were a necessary sacrifice, instead of growing to be wasteful, I took it upon myself to unleash their potential elsewhere." Virgil replied, his hands being re-figured to form a blade before returning to a hand. Seeing his hands, her eyes bolted her mouth now agape.

"Had you not been the mother to my heir, you too would have faced re-purposing. Be thankful that my child has grown to cater your 'affection'. Should you be a liability to his growth, I will remove you myself." He growled, his hands now firmly across her throat. A tight squeeze leaving June on the verge of blacking out. Foaming from the mouth she couldn't help but continue to respond.

"F-u-c-k… y-ou…" She muttered before passing out.

"Aiden, move her to her quarters. Pitiful excuse she was…" Virgil replied, wiping his hands. Looking over from his disk he then stared at Arasaka tower which paralleled his own.

"Soon you too shall be repurposed…" He muttered before returning to his desk and filing reports. A notification prompting him.

[User1okfnbdoq1: Project Icarus is completed sir; we await your orders]

[Usernlmnoih124: Very well await my orders tomorrow]

[User1okfnbdoq1: Affirmative]


Date: 2nd of June 2062

Location: Night city, Von Doom enterprises tower

POV: Victor Von Doom

"Morning Night City! Following the aftermath of last nights terror attack the gang "New world order" has fallen with only a few members escaping. NCPD has released a new statement saying that they will bring justice to those-."

'Tch, sloppy job. Had it been our armed force we would've wiped them clean…'

Turning the tv off I continued my tinkering, my disappointment in the NCPD high as always, with my appreciation of our forces getting higher. I had recently made a weapon that had enough firepower to shoot .30 and .55 calibre ammunition simultaneously at an automatic rate. Though I had switched it to a single fire as I did not have the facilities to manage such strong recoil and firing the thing required me to seriously focus. Slapping a sniper scope on it I called it a day. It had been one of many inventions, but this had been my favourite. Ending something in one jolt was always a pleasure.

Finished and satisfied with my work I decided to check up on my mother. I had not dared to step out the day after my mother had stormed in. Crossing over to her room I approached her, wary of what happened. Her eyes had a dullness to them that screamed of death with a frown which left his heart empty. Seeing handprints around her neck I sighed.

"What had you done for father to lay his hands on you?" I asked. Father had always told me that a woman should always know her place and that was to be beneath a man. Turning to face me she couldn't help but hug me, the warmth of her hug leaving me stupefied. Not knowing what to do I returned her warmth back. Staying with her for what felt like a million years I wiped the tears from her eyes and got back up.

"It'll be alright mother; I'll find a way to get fathers forgiveness! That way he won't hurt you again." I smiled, leaving her to only further break down.

"Did... Did I say something wrong?" I muttered dazed. I didn't say anything mean… So why was she crying?

Still confused and lost, I walked away from her, my legs pacing towards my father's office. Just what had happened to her? What did she do this time for father to get more serious?

"Father?" I announced knocking on his office door. Seeing the door suddenly turn red it first scanned me before its automatic speaker announced itself.

"My child, if you are receiving this message then I am currently on a business trip and will not return until the 7th of June. You and your mother will be sent to see the in-laws of the family. As I have no time nor care for such matters you may instead go in my stead. Do not bring shame to the name Von Doom. If you have any inquiries either leave a message or ask bubbles who I have left to protect you." The message answered. Caught off guard by the abruptness of his descent I turned to return to my mother only to see bubbles behind me.

Bubbles being the aforementioned aid of my father. Standing at 213cm tall or 7ft tall the man had more muscles than necessary. The vigour to which it twitched always left me bewildered, even more so due to the man's gentleness and eccentric personality. Sporting Polynesian tattoos all over his body besides his face; it was stated that the man looked more like a walking statue than a human which was rare considering the man did not like to take any steroids or enhancers. Or so the reports say. Even more bizarre was his sense of fashion… A curly skullet and thick moustache.

Though seeing him outside his armour was even rarer as the man outfitted the most technologically advanced armour/mech known to his knowledge. With the look of a shark, the armour could possibly destroy any solo/merc he knew. So powerful in fact that the likes of Adam smasher would piss his pants just by seeing it.

"Hey there squirt, whatcha need?" He asked, as he lit a cigar in front of me. Hearing him speak I always wondered how he got away with such informal speech. Even towards my father he spoke in such a tone.

"You know Bubbles I must inquire why they give you such a nickname?" I questioned, the thought always popping up.

"You'll find out one day, kid. It's what we call classified," He smiled, before shuffling his hand in his pocket.

"You want one?" He questioned as he held out a cigar. A sneer plastered on his face as he awaited an answer.

"Sure." I smiled trying to grab it, only for it to be grabbed back. Bubbles poking his tongue out to tease me.

"Not until the old man says so squirt, hahaha!" He joked before gently patting me in the back. Even if so, the gentle 'pat' still felt like a baseball bat on each hit.

"My bad, forgot how fragile kids can be," He apologised before handing me a chocolate bar the likes to which I favoured greatly.

"Here, I know you're a sweet tooth, so I got you that bar you always like." He smiled before continuing to enjoy his cigar.

"Before you barrage me with questions, I obviously can't tell you where your dad is and no, I won't give you my armour," He continued. Raising my eyebrows, I smiled back.

"Surely?" I asked.

"No." He responded.

"Fine, though, who are these 'in-laws' of mine? I've never heard my mother or father speak of these people. Why are we meeting them now of all days? While my mother has been to these people she never once etched a word to me," I confronted, confused at the sudden introduction of new variables.

"Don't know kid. Your Oldman's a weird gonk at times. Don't remember the last time I met em too. Left on… Sour terms I member," He spoke, reminiscent of a time I had no clue on. Looks like this wasn't going to be a warm welcome.

"Your mum has already been told of the news. Let's get to the Osprey," He replied before making his way to the elevator.

"Osprey?" I asked. The only time they used an Osprey was when they had to travel outside the city and that was on rare occasions. Similar to a VTOL this particular model used by our company was fashioned to survive the toughest of conditions and last long over differing arial conflicts. While not the fastest it was the most durable.

Perhaps these in-laws were overseas? Maybe my mother was from another corporation that had ties with our company…. Perhaps Biotechnica? Then again Biotechnica wouldn't match. My mother never screamed to be a techie and with the current leader their looks just didn't match. Especially the style to which they conducted themselves. They worked similar to Militech. Militaristic instead of business owned like our company Von Doom industries and Arasaka. Come on Victor, think.

What corporation… is it? Akari? Nope can't be they're our slave, too weak to even touch us, only reason why they're under us is because we wanted the copyright over their tech. Akagi? Still can't be that too… they're just as weak… World news service? Nope, don't be an idiot, they're a MediaCorp. Maybe an Australian mega Corp then? No, that can't be it either, both Aus Corp and Polykiwi both merged under Von Doom industries almost forty years ago. The timeline just doesn't fit for it. The two other mega corps like Militech and Arasaka also don't fit into it either. The hatred between us just wouldn't allow it. Especially since during the fourth Corp war we thoroughly destroyed both of them. While history says that there was a truce because all sides sustained damage on all sides, our records say otherwise. Perhaps a nomad clan of some sort?... Don't joke yourself Victor there's no way father would ever dirty his hands with those smelly monkeys. Surely not?


Date: 2nd of June 2062

Location: Outside of Night city, Badlands

POV: Victor Von Doom

"Mother… Just who are these people?" I asked my mother who seemed to slightly smile at the sight of the nomads. Their numbers from what I can scan are in the hundreds. Stationed near their vehicles they were no doubt nomads. From what I could see besides the trash below all that was around was sand, sand and sand. With a few cactus's, rocks and grass sprinkled about.

"Family," She muttered silently. Seeing her smile for the first time. Not knowing how to feel about such a thing I only looked forward. My mother was confusing or in my father's own words "Women are confusing".

"We've arrived," Bubbles reported, his aura now changing from a friendly giant to a demon.

Exiting the Osprey, I was met with stares all around some hovering their hands over their belts while others held their rifles on hand. As if such threats were acceptable. Had such hostilities been shown inside the city they would've been gunned down on site. Just what was my father thinking of sending me here?

"Auntie!" A girl my age yelled out running towards my mother. Seeing her chocolate and slightly messy hair. Tch, typical nomads and selfcare. Uncivilised monkey who stunk more than any trash can in Night city.

"Oh, little Panam. Look at you, you've grown bigger from the last time I saw you!" She smiled and hugged her.

"Who's the little turd by your side?" A nomad jokes, the man seemingly their leader. He bore an iconic look that screamed look at me.

He had a moustache similar to Bubbles and wore nomadic clothes. Leather boots, jeans, and a leather jacket with their nomad clan badge patch on his shoulder. He looked to be around his fifties or sixties and had chocolate skin almost eerily similar to my mother. Hearing offence I almost lashed out but stopped myself. I was representing my father here and had to keep up appearances. It would have been what he had done.

"It's Victor. Victor Von Doom." I replied, my hands behind my back as I attempted to mimic my father. This earned a grin from Bubbles and a slight frown from both my mother and nomad leader.

"I had hoped you would've rubbed more from your mother than your father," He sighed, staring at my mother. His brow raised in an empathic demeanour. What exactly was he trying to insinuate? My father is a great man.

"I'd watch your tongue if I was you," Bubbles spoke, his eyes glaring at the nomad leader.

"Sure, whatever you say Bubbles," The nomad leader dismissed before walking towards my mother and hugging her. The man saw the mark across her throat.

"I'm so sorry," He muttered to her. Looking at the reactions of the others they all looked down ashamed, the younger ones slightly confused.

"Please come inside the camp there's much to be discussed." He informed, bringing us within the camp. While most backed off and stared from a distance some were brave enough to get close.

"I'm sorry we did this to you," The clan leader apologised, my interest peaking at his words. Just what was going on. What was going on here? Was it possible that my mother was forced to marry my father? This couldn't possibly be true.

"Enough of these apologies… I chose to go that day. It's neither the fault of you nor the elders. In the end it was my decision. It was in the clans' best interest I left," She signed, before turning to face me a smile slowly raised from her face.

"In the end I don't regret it one bit," She smiled completely.

"I guess a mothers love is blind,'' the nomad leader sighed. While I couldn't see his eyes, I knew they were locked onto me. The round shades could only hide so much.

"While he follows his father's image, I know he has my heart," She explained, messing up my hair. Frowning I sighed, I had taken quite the time to do my hair as to ensure that I could assert dominance over the in-laws.

"I sure hope so, his father can be… quite the particular fellow," The nomad leader replied, staring at Bubbles whose eyes kept watch at the nomad leader. His eyes never faltered or blinked from the nomad leader.

"Please stand down Bubbles, while I understand your concerns it's best, we don't provoke the… common folk from doing anything they might regret," I insisted to which Bubbles complied albeit with some complications as he sat next to me, his eyes now glued to his internal interfaces.

"Thank you, Victor. Perhaps you do have your mother's heart," He stated.

"While I appreciate your sentiments, I still don't know who you are. In fact, I scoured my whole database and can't seem to find any trace on who you people are. Just who are you?" I asked, perplexed. Had my father redacted these individuals from my database? And for what reason?

"I guess you can thank your father for that. The names Santiago Aldecado and this here is my family. While not all of us are connected by blood we are by badge. Some here might be new, some old. What matters is that we're all in this together. Your mother here was an Aldecado before she became a Von Doom. She once was our best vanguard and scout. Oh, the memories." He chuckled lightly, his words slowly steep low. Pouring a bottle of whiskey, he offered it to my mother who accepted it.

"The chooms on my right are Cassidy Righter, Mitch Anderson, two guys who can't handle their liquor." He sneered, his chuckle then erupting into laughter. Slapping his knee, he then turned to his left to see a disappointed teen.

"Ah and my left Scorpion," He smiled before turning to look for someone. Seeing him mutter under his breath he quickly ordered one of his men mainly Mitch to go.

"Where's Saul?" He asked.

"Don't know but the idiot was meant to be here by now…" Scorpion explained.

"Either way, how about we do an old Aldecado tradition, eh? Or has the corpo lifestyle left you dryer than the desert?" He asked my mother, pouring a cup of whiskey himself.

"Yah praise yourself too much, you were second rate to me," She jabbed, downing the drink down quickly. Hearing her accent pop out I started to question my heritage more. Just how did my father associate with these people? A Corpo and Nomad falling in love?

"Atta girl, you can take the nomad out of the clan, but you can never take the clan out of the nomad. Bottoms up chooms we're gonna get wasted tonight!" He alerted, making everyone smile and cheer.

"Come on, Bubbles lighten up. This might be the last time you get to do what you want on business hours," My mother offered, to see her so... Free was shocking. Seeing her happy though… Made me smile, it wasn't often that she opened up this much. Perhaps the skyscraper did have its grim effect on her. Or maybe it was father. I always wondered why he was so abusive to mother.

"Perhaps not tonight," Bubbles replied, his hands waving the drinks away as he walked towards the Osprey. Standing with the other four guards he started to do maintenance checks with the crew. About to walk with him he instead stopped me.

"Hey! So, you're Auntie June's son. What's it like in the city?" She asked. Attempting to keep my thoughts straight I kept my face stoic and my voice monotone.

"It's tolerable more so than here," I replied.

"You sound like a jackass, you know? I guess Uncle was right about you a lot," She replied, leaving me stunned. Did she not know who I am? I'm Victor Von Doom. Did this bitch dare?

"Tch, at least I don't smell terrible like you. Father did always say Nomads were closer to actual monkeys than anything," I attested.

"Whatever city boy, at least I don't walk around as if I got a stick up my ass," She insulted.

"Nomad more like No-Shower," I quipped, while I knew it was weak it seemed to work as she seemed to be fuming.

"Corpo more like Corpse. You're a bigger zombie than I thought," She stated.

"Whatever," I dismissed walking away, only for her to follow suit. Damn bitch stop following me!


Date: 2nd of June 2062

Location: Outside of Night city, badlands

POV: Omniscient

"He's been getting a lot more violent I see," Santiago mumbled, seeing that Bubbles and Victor were gone. Sitting there quietly Santiago told those that weren't in the circle to leave. Making nearly three quarters walk away. While many wished to know the tea, they understood it wasn't their place.

"I deserve this you know…" She countered.

"No one deserves to be treated like this… Even if they made a little mistake," Santiago replied, angered at her choice of words.

"I did this to myself." Was all she could mutter.

"It was one night!" He argued.

"Yes, but that one night ruined him. I don't wanna do this again Santiago. We've already been down this road. I can't even challenge his thoughts anymore without him bringing it up. The amount of innocent people that I could've saved if that one night hadn't happened… Children Santiago, Children. It's all my fault…" She teared; her hands attempted to wipe the tears from her eyes. The others unable to say much remained quiet, their silent wrath briming even hotter.

"Can't Bubbles do anything? Surely, he could knock some sense into him?" Santiago replied, his hands attempting to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I tried… But Bubbles follows through with whatever Virgil says. They're sworn brothers." June explained.

"This can't keep happenin, June. At some point someone's going to have to stand up to him. If it means I gotta step up I will. Damn Bubbles... Doesn't he realise he's going too far now!" Santiago exclaimed; his hands clenched on a cup with a scowl deepened with his glare.

"He does… But he's willing to turn a blind eye to it. He had already tried," She replied murmuring.

"Well obviously he hasn't tried enough. He's out of line, this time June! If you won't knock sense to him, I will!" He exclaimed again.

"Enough!" She shouted.

"I just have to wait until Victor grows. He's our only hope," She explained.

"I don't understand what you saw in him. We could've lived without those extra supplies you know. We could've done something else," Santiago sighed, his hands by his forehead as he continued to knock on it.

"But what good would that do? Scavenging loot and gear every day with no assurance that the person next to you will survive the next day? Or Taking thousands of smuggling jobs just to make a few thousand eddies a month? My marriage ensured that the Aldecados' would thrive for years to come and only at the cost of one Aldecado. While other families struggle to live and find security, I've ensured that no matter what corner you turn too you're safe. In fact, you're not even tied to Von Doom's enterprises unlike others. This marriage was a necessary sacrifice and I nearly screwed it up," She exasperated. Unable to deny her words Santiago backed down. While he hated Corpo's with a passion she was right.

Von Doom enterprises for all its evilness kept their word. Unlike the other backstabbing corporations that he had dealt with, they were the most compliant and always honoured their side of the deal. If they said they were going to do something… They did. They were also the most straightforward and righteous corporation he knew which was something he'd never thought he'd say. If Johnny heard what he was saying he'd be tossing a fit but even then, Johnny would understand.

"I just wish we could go back to the good ol days when you were in camp. A lot of the folk here misses yah, you know. Panam and Saul look up to you." He reminisced.

"He's a good kid, that Saul, I only hope he doesn't grow up to be an old fart like you," She jabbed.

"*sigh* That kid gives me the ol headache, stubborn little shit… Reminds me of his father. I wonder how he is these days. Have you heard much of him lately?" He asked.

"No, but last I heard he was carrying a Militech package. Virgil made sure he made it out of it in one piece," June informed.

"That's good to hear but speaking of packages, how's Victor been? From what I can see it's all his father. I know he may have your heart, but it doesn't matter if his brain is the only thing he uses," Santiago confronted.

"He's just young is all. Doesn't every son want to be like their father? At some point even Trace wanted to take the reins of the family," She parted.

"Yes, but that was for a time. He quickly left after he saw that you were better fit for it. He knew his capabilities. You should be here; I'm getting Old June… These cybernetics can only push for so long. While I would've given it to one of the bunches here, they all declined. They know it was destined for you," Santiago persuaded.

"I can't. We've been here before. No persuasion can get me back. If I leave, we're all doomed. He's raising a weapon, Santiago. That child is our only chance for a brighter future. Look around you Santiago, this place it was because people like us. This kid could either being our Saviour…"

"Or our doom… I know it very well. But who's to say this kid won't be the next Yorunobu? While Von Doom enterprises is known for their generosity it's also known for its ferocity. I fought during the Fourth Corporate war, kid. I know what they did to people," He explained.

"Yes, you've told me thousands of times. But you both know that it was only because OTEC and CINO overstepped their boundaries. Von Doom Industries is as much territorial as the other big two when it came down to it," She quipped.

"That didn't lessen the horrors and atrocities they committed. Vladmir Von Doom was even more vicious than the current head." He stated the burns he had went though still etched into his memory.

"Enough of the history lessons old man. If I can at least give that kid heart, the Aldecados won't have to fear a single thing." She responded.

Santiago, seeing her stubborn attitude could only bite down on his teeth and down another cup of whiskey ",You're playing a dangerous game June. A man's heart should not be tempered with, much less a kid. You've seen what Virgil is capable of. I'd hate for you to see Victors."

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