"Wakako...?" Susie utters distastefully. "That fuckin' leather bag of shit? Don't tell me you actually believe anything that hag said?"
"Whether or not I believe her is irrelevant. To me there's a pretty high chance of infighting," he pauses, remembering the few short talks he'd had with Fujino about the state of the gang, "I don't know her other than her rep, but apparently she's trustworthy enough, according to Rogue and some of my other contacts." Ori explains.
"What is your beef with her anyway?" Sasha inquires.
"She was the husband of one of the Tygers that helped start the raid, that bitch is probably complicit." Susie seethes.
"Ain't this the gal whose husbands suddenly go missing when it suits her...?" Rebecca questions.
"Rumours," Judy makes quotations with her fingers, "But I think we should see where it leads. We don't have to agree to anything but it's definitely better than relying on Maelstrom to not go crazy and suicide bomb us..."
Susie palms her face, gripping the Cybernetic portion that covered everything above her nose. "Fine, we'll talk to her. But we make no deals until we're certain she's not lying through her dentures."
Ori nods, "Alright, I'll call her, after that it's up to you guys to negotiate it..."
"Ah, Zombie, I don't suppose you have reconsidered my offer after. Recent events." Wakako drawls through the call, looking terribly smug as she does so.
"Me? No. But I have some friends who'd like nothing but to get back at some mutual enemies of yours."
Wakako steples her fingers and smiles, "Of course, who am I to dismiss such close friends of yours? I assume you are with them now?"
He nods, "I'll link the call." he states, having Judy's computer screen display the call.
"Ah, the group of whores and miscreants, how unexpected." she sneers.
"Fuck you, Tyger-bitch." Susie scowls.
"Very witty rebuttal, Miss Quinn. My apologies but I am finding myself questioning the utility of garnering your help. I'm aware your group is now in dire straights, lacking all resources mentionable, aside from prostitutes, but unless you plan to combat the enemy with disease-laden women, I sincerely doubt our cooperation would mean overly much..."
"Stop chatting shit, Wakako. I'm sure there's some Japanese proverb you could apply, but you've got a group of very fucking pissed people ready to help fuck up your enemies, don't throw this chance away trash-talking them." Ori sharply retorts.
Susie folds her arms, "Before we do anything I want proof that you or your side aren't responsible for the attack."
Wakako tilts her head slightly, "And what evidence would satisfy you? Perhaps communications between the perpetrators admitting such? The list of men and women who participated? Perhaps their heads would suffice?" she drawls as reading out a shopping list. Ori wasn't sure what evidence she could provide that'd quell Susie's anger either, considering almost everything could be fabricated with enough effort.
"All of the above, but for now, us meeting face-to-face will do. Bare minimum escorts." she states.
Wakako quietly chuckles, "Yes, making myself vulnerable in the middle of a Civil War in which I am already in danger is so very intelligent. I'm sorry, but if that's your final offer then I'll have to refuse."
"We can do it outside Watson and Westbrook if that'd help?" Ori presses, "My crew'll help keep watch with whoever you both bring." he offers, glancing at Rebecca and Sasha who nod in agreement.
"I am most touched by your earnestness, but if Miss Quinn refuses to settle then no agreements will be made. It is I who holds the strongest position here, as you both well know."
"This is not just about strength, the public's sentiments are with us. The Tygers burned down more than just our property, they destroyed half of Kabuki Market too. If you don't make an effort to separate yourselves from them you'll be treated the same." Judy interjects.
Wakako nods, "I agree, but what good is publicity here? Will it bring your people back from the dead? Pay for the damages? Will they fight for you?" she sniffs humorously, "Not likely. A certain patron of my counterpart would like to see this settled as quickly and cleanly as possible. There will be no riots this time." she promises ominously.
Rebecca blinks, "Whaddya mean? Why would anyone care what the Corpo assholes say? No one cared last time."
"They will care when stories of how you mistreat, abuse, and enslave men and women to work in your establishments. True or not, the sheep will follow the shepherd if his bell rings loud enough, and his grass green enough." Wakako explains, with everyone present well aware of who she is referring to.
"You think they'd rig the media? There's no way they'd be able to pay off everyone." Crystal quietly remarks from the side, running a hand through her hair in thought.
"I don't think. I know. They have invested much into this city, and the prospect of losing their most useful attack dogs is not one they would just lie down and accept. Their pockets run deep enough to afford such paltry expenses."
"If you're so sure of the odds, what's your angle in going against them?" Susie challenges.
Wakako shrugs lightly, "To put it simply, I do not hold their values. And the influence I would gain from removing the other side of the board is too enticing to pass."
Judy frowns, "I recall a rumour about your grandson..." she trails off.
Wakako's polite expression drops into a sharp frown, "I'd be careful with your words, Miss Alverez. You cannot handle any more enemies than you currently possess."
"So, are we doing this or not?" Ori questions, bringing the discussion back to the matter at hand.
Susie continues staring at the screen, as if throwing the decision in Wakako's court. "Hm. The matter of security aside, if I am to agree to this I would like a personal pledge from yourself, Zombie, that you would assist in these matters."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
"I would like a personal pledge from yourself, Zombie, that you would assist in these matters."
Ori scratches his face in mild confusion, "I'm still not sure why you'd care about my participation..."
"You're not sure...? Are you not aware of the way the Tyger Claws currently view you?" she smirks to herself, "You've become quite the boogieman. Having you with us alone would cause the opposition to pause, and that's without your already substantial abilities."
Ori quirks a brow as Rebecca curses under her breath about him taking all the credit, "I wasn't the most dangerous merc there on that day so-"
"Oh I beg to differ. Though, we only realised this after recovering the recordings from the building's cameras. I will accept your thanks in advance for snatching the data out of the NCPD's hands."
"Oh... That..." Rebecca utters, face somehow going paler than before.
"Indeed, quite the abilities you've displayed. You're terribly lucky it is only I and a few subordinates of mine that are aware of them. Had the opposition acquired it-ah, let us not ponder such a dire future."
Ori frowns, unsure if he was being threatened or not.
"What's she talking about..?" Judy inquires, not having heard anything about this.
Susie nods, "Yeah, I'd rather not be left out in this..."
"Sorry, but it's none of your biz." Ori retorts, "I'm annoyed enough with her knowing about it." she gestures at Wakako who just smiles as she observes them.
"Sorry's not enough, spill it." Susie all but demands, but pauses when Judy shoots her a glare.
"His secrets are his own. If he doesn't want to tell us now then leave him be." she turns back to the screen, "If 'Zombie' agrees to help, will you meet with us?"
Wakako nods, "There will have to be other, smaller concessions, but his participation would certainly move things in your favour."
Judy glances at Ori and he just sighs and nods, "I'm in, just don't fuck it up for the rest of us." he sends a pointed glare at Susie who just huffs in response.
Ori and his crew took a backseat while Susie, Judy, and Wakako ironed out the rest of the agreement. Among them being the reimbursement for the damage caused by the Tyger Claws, to be paid once the opposing faction had been dealt with.
Wakako tentatively agreed, pledging to supply at least fifty percent of the costs. Which was actually incredible considering the Moxes' relatively weak position. The territory next to the bridge would also be fully ceded, any Tyger Claw control removed and given back to the people of Kabuki.
Then, a date was named for the official meeting between Susie and Wakako. It was rather rushed as neither wished to allow their opponents time to disrupt or plan around it, which was smart considering Arasaka would likely intervene should they learn of it.
Judy did try and interrogate Ori and Rebecca into revealing the secret they were withholding, but neither spoke on it. Not because they didn't trust her, but because it was rather upsetting... Learning that a close friend's head had been blown off and somehow grown back would shock even the most stone-hearted of people.
Ori did immediately get to work planning the security team for the meeting. He was sure the Mox and Wakako's subordinates would be plenty effective, but he'd rather not take any chances. Thus, he contacted Maine.
While he was sure there'd be enough people on the ground, there'd also likely be a dire lack of competent Netrunners to keep an eye on things. After all, it took only a single one some time to hack into someone's Cybernetics to kill them. He'd rather not see Susie get forced to shoot Wakako in the face and end up starting yet another gang war, one the Mox would certainly lose.
So, he contacted Maine to garner the services of Kiwi and Lucy. Of course, the merc was fairly reluctant to let them go on their own, but since Ori's crew would also be present, he allowed it with some 'restrictions'... David and Dorio would also be present to protect them if someone got wise to it.
That was fine, the more the merrier as far as Ori was concerned. The costs could be ignored with how important this mission was. He had no doubts the Tyger Claws would do their best to intervene, despite them deciding to situate it directly in the Valentino's turf.
They'd gotten permission, Wakako apparently had a strange relationship with the top-dog Fixer in the area called Padre, who convinced the Valentinos to allow it, letting their security teams in for the duration. Unfortunately for the Tyger Claws, that also meant no big-ass biker raids could occur without massively pissing off one of the strongest gangs in Night City.
Not that Ori was expecting them to go that route, they'd probably try and sneak an assassin or something in. After all, it wouldn't be hard to mix one in with Wakako's crew, given they were all technically still Tyger Claws.
On the bright side of this horrifically bad situation, he did manage to buy the Cyberware he'd been looking into. Monowire, he'd had to get Rebecca to modify his grapple hook to make them both usable but he was pretty happy with it, even if he had nearly cut his own face off while playing around with it.
The ceramic plating now adorning both of his palms was rather irritating, and wouldn't grow back if something cut off his hands, but if that happened he'd have worse problems than being unable to use the Monowire...
Maybe he shouldn't have dropped his wallet on the extra mods like Medium Capacity Batteries and Thermal Wire, but he'd be damned if he let the fucking Tyger Claws get away in one piece... Maybe he should ask Lucy to show him some moves though...?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
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