On February 26th, the morning of UA's entrance exam, Tang Hao woke up at 5 am to go running. After running about 5 km's, Tang Hao arrived at Takoba Municipal Beach Park and stood behind a tree to watch Midoriya being trained by All Might
Using his knowledge from the original series he knew where they would be training and watched Midoriya train every day for 10 months, before he inherited One for All from All Might. Then left after watching for 10 minutes before continuing his own training. This process lasted the entire 10 months before UA's entrance exam
As he arrived he heard the sound of All Might's pick up truck (apparently that's what they are called e.g. a toyota hilux), then hears Midoriya scream on top of an old pick up truck, as he completes his training and cleaned all the rubbish on the beach
As Midoriya collapses, All Might transforms and catches him before showing Midoriya a picture of him 10 months prior to the training. From behind a tree Tang Hao saw All Might pluck his hair and tell Midoriya to eat it which almost caused him to reveal himself
"Hmm it's about 6 am right now, the entrance exam starts at 9 so i can still do some more running" Tang Hao said internally
"For now let's run back home and do some light exercises before changing, then going to UA" Tang Hao Said
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As he arrives at UA, Tang Hao thought to himself "According to the original series, UA's hero course is pretty hard to get into as only 1 in 300 are accepted each year"
Tang Hao then sees Midoriya standing there muttering something to himself, then Bakugo comes from behind and shouts "Move aside, Deku!!"
"Get out of my way or you're dead" he said as Bakugo walks forward
After being stunned on the spot by Bakugo, Midoriya turns around and takes a step before almost falling, however Uraraka used her quirk to help him stand back up
Since he knew what would happen later, Tang Hao goes into UA whilst walking near Midoriya, "I hope I can be friends with the future top hero, after all he'll be stronger than All Might and All Might is already unbeatable. I can't imagine how strong Midoriya will be in the future" Tang Hao thought
Before heading inside the building for the pro hero Present Mic's live performance, Tang Hao walks closely to Midoriya and purposely bumps into him before apologizing "Ah sorry about that, I wasen;t paying attention to my surroundings" Tang Hao says
"Oh, it's ok I wasen't paying attention either or I could've avoided our collision" Midoriya replied while bowing
"Oh, Oh"
"Ohhhhhhh" sounds can be heard by Present Mic even outside the door
Tang Hao turns around and says to Midoriya, "Hmm that sounds like the hero Present Mic, let's hurry inside"
"Oh your right, let's go" Midoriya replied
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"Welcome to today's live performance!!"
"Everybody say Hey!1" Present Mic shouted
Silence fills the room, before he continues "Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners!!"
"I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical!! Are you ready?!" he shouts
"YEAHH" he shouts again, the room however is still in silence
Tang Hao thought to himself "well that's kind awkward, it's like his talking to himself"
As the presentation continues, Iida stands up straight with his arm up saying "May i ask a question?"
His question continues... then he turns around and points at Midoriya saying "You with the curly hair!"
"You've been muttering this whole time... it's distracting!!"
"If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!" he said while glaring at Midoriya who responded "Sorry" whilst covering his mouth
Present Mic then continues the presentation, at the end of it he shouts UA's school motto "PLUS ULTRA!!"
"Break a leg everyone!!" he shouts
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After the presentation everyone changed into clothes suitable for running, then suddenly they hear "And.. Begin!"
Aside from Tang Hao who knew it would happen and started running, everyone else was puzzled then started running except for Midoriya who was still stunned...
Tang Hao who ran ahead spotted some 2 and 3 point machines using his quirk, during the 10 years of training Tang Hao created many new techniques which included a sensory technique
Where he sends lightning into the ground and uses it to spot all movements of enemies within a certain range depending on how much he sends, even machines could be spotted, after some study on how bats use sonar to be able to move in the dark, Tang Hao was able to create this technique
As the machines closed in on him, Tang Hao created javelins out of lightning and threw them at the machines, which instantly destroys them and leaves only a few pieces remaining
"hmm just these few machines already got me 16 points, let's find more to hunt" Tang Hao thought
"But i don't wanna bring too much attention to myself so i'll probably just get around 4th place or something" He said internally
After a while, Tang Hao hears "6 minutes 20 seconds remaining"
"So far i've gotten around 25 machines which should earn me about 60 or so villain points, however I have no rescue points but this is enough to pass so I guess I'm done" Tang Hao thought
Boom! Boom! Tang Hao heard the sound of buildings being crushed which he knew meant that the 0 point machine was brought out, though it was worth 0 points it was the biggest and hardest to destroy
Boom! Boom! The sound of more buildings being crushed in another location could be heard, "What?! Wasn't there only supposed to be 1 which Midoriya destroyed after saving Uraraka and injuring his arm?" Tang Hao thought
"Are thing's changing slightly because I'm here in this world?"
"Let's hope there's no major changes to the future, besides for the fact that I may be one of the top 5 heroes" he said internally as he charges at the second colossal machine (zero point one idk what its called so yea)
Boom! As Tang Hao arrives, the colossal swings it's giant arm at him, he dodges by jumping onto it's arm then runs up to its head whilst forming a sword with his quirk. "Another technique I created these past 10 years, it took me 3 years to be able to form the sword perfectly and another 2 to be able to change the output used, i'll call it lightning sword for now" He said as he swings his sword at its head
Chop! With a one cut, the entire head of the colossal was cut off. Tang Hao then jumps off and makes a final cut directly down the center and destroyed the machine. As he lands he thought "hmm I used a bit too much, I thought it would be stronger than that there goes me not trying to draw attention to myself"
After destroying to machine Tang Hao ran to Midoriya's position, when he arrived he saw Midoriya laying on the ground with an injured arm, then swiftly helps Midoriya stand up
"Are you alright?" Tang Hao said as he helps him up
"I'm alright, huff huff.. I" before he could continue, Tang Hao interupts "I know you did it to save that girl, but she ended up saving you after u fell haha"
A few moments later, an old woman wearing a doctors coat arrived and kissed Midoriya's arm. The crowd was surprised and Tang Hao says "It's ok, she's a teacher at UA, Recovery girl"
"Her quirk let's her heal injuries by kissing the person injured" Before Midoriya is brought away
what do u guys think of the cover art? i got it from Coby 손채영. I'll use it for now until i can get a better one
also this is the longest chapter i've written so far at 1290 words