The police came knocking on Bai Yu's door the next morning. They had secured Bai Ye Qing's location and knew for a fact that he hadn't left the premises.
The door was actually opened by Chen Yue, who looked on in confusion as two uniformed police officers asked to see her husband.
"Is something wrong?" she asked resolutely even though worry seeped into her voice.
"We wish to speak to Mr. Bai Yu. Is he home?" one of the officers asked.
"He is. Is this something important? Did he do something wrong?" she asked. She was sure that wouldn't be the case. Bai Yu had always followed the rules. But what else could this be about? Maybe something related to a friend?
"This is confidential information, ma'am. We just want to talk to your husband." The officers were the pictures of calm.
She nodded, her worry mounting. "Yu!" she called over her shoulder.
I am still deeply considering what punishment fits both of them. Because just being convicted isn't the end. With plea deals and all of that, they might just get shorter sentences, remember that!
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