Thanks to Mo Qingchen, Qian Meng had a hard time concentrating on all the work she had to do the next day. Since their discussion, she had thought the ridiculousness of the whole thing would have let her forget it easily. But no, it lingered in her mind.
It was like a small, obnoxious voice at the back of her head kept repeating everything Mo Qingchen and she had talked about. And damn that rain-soaked kiss.
It replayed in her mind continuously as she tossed and turned in bed. No matter how many times she pushed Mo Qingchen's thoughts away, they reappeared.
Well, nobody could offer her better conditions in this life. And she had been set on marrying for monetary and social gains, knowing she wouldn't love anyone, and Mo Qingchen was the most illustrious man who could propose marriage to her.
Aha! We must slowly cut off our family. Never in one go... that causes more problems.
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