Golden Dragon in the Sky's Scorpion missile battleship was currently hovering in low ground-level orbit.
As a highly intelligent civilian battleship, it could respond correctly to external stimuli after its master had left.
The induction radar issued an alarm, and eight missile launchers rose from beneath the Scorpion's external armor.
Radar imaging showed that the hostile target locking onto the Scorpion was a highly mobile metallic construct that also possessed some flesh characteristics.
They could move quickly in the thin atmospheric environment of low ground-level orbit, launching swarm attacks on all battleships, including the Scorpion.
Their method of attack was simple and brutal, able to penetrate the armor and wreak havoc inside the ship after a series of charges.
The Split Bear Star Thief's vessels were all transport ships with weak defense and large sizes, making them the primary targets of enemy attacks.
The situation for the Scorpion was somewhat better.
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