Cerin, the prosecutor turned judge felt the knife twist in her gut as she stared into the eyes of the first criminal she'd ever put away.
" You witch! If not for you putting me away, my wife would still be with me and my daughter would be getting educated and live a good life. You promised me you would take care of them!"
The man had been put away for close to twelve years by now and was referring to her promises as a young prosecutor.
Cerin brought up a confused expression mixed with extreme pain and sent it towards the enraged man. She choked out her question through the blood that had floated up to her lungs.
" What are you talking about! Your family is fine!"
The man cursed at her and spit at her bleeding body after he had kicked it off his knife.
" With a drug-addicted wife and a daughter pregnant at 16 without a father in sight. You call that a fine family?"
The man spat at her once more and continued to monologue while wiping his knife clean.
" Don't worry. After this, I'm going back to jail, can't bear to see the wreck you've made my family into."
Cerin's soul filled with regret drifted through the cosmos and looked at the bright white light at the end of the tunnel.
" With all, I've done do I even deserve to go there?"
It was only a moment worth of regret, as cerin was never one to feel regret, but a moment was all the green star needed to latch onto her and drag her into its depths.
This is the last of how they all....well, died. but so far which is your favorite?
Originally I was only going to make it the first and the ninth with the common pocket grandpa/grandma theme but then I kinda kept going and this is where I am now. >.<
My favorite is the fifth tho. I just love her personality so far and it was the most fun to write.