The day was still the same. Although, this time, Erold could feel something very wrong about it. The 24th of December went smoothly and when he waked up on the 25th of December. Nixel was out once again.
Erold didn't really find it suspicious. He was just confused onto why he was always out at this morning for two consecutive days.
The two lovers are currently outside of their suite and is having an outdoor date for Christmas. There were a lot of people, mostly families, spending their Christmas outside just like them as well.
It was fun. But sometimes Erold couldn't help himself and look at those families, and children running around with their siblings, playing. He couldn't help but think about his life before the disaster that happened with him and his parents.
hi hello, im sorry for the delay of this chapter and probably the rest. i am not in a good shape right now but i am back with weekly chapters tho :D, i do hope you understand and love this chapter as well, thank you! :) im planning to finish this book already and yuh, the timeline would process much more faster now.
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