Nixel couldn't sleep even a wink, looking for Erold on the streets. He did took a nap for 30 minutes but soon later had a nightmare, dreaming about Erold getting beaten up in the dark alley of somewhere dangerous. He woke panting, going straight to the kitchen to get some water and headache relief.
He slept inside his suite hoping that Erold would hopefully find his way home but when he opened his eyes he still wasn't there. It made Nixel groaned in frustration, pain and longing. But he knows he couldn't keep this act for long.
It has been exactly 15 hours 13 minutes 56 seconds already after the incident and is still continue to look for him.
hi, ive have alot going with school rn and stuff but yea, hope you enjoy!! and im meaning to ask this but if I make a twt acc just for my webnovel and wattpad acc, will you follow me??
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