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50% Business System / Chapter 1: Ayo, the pizza's here!
Business System Business System original

Business System

Autor: Smoking_Krab

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Ayo, the pizza's here!

(1st POV)

2107 Words


"Man... today I feel like I worked to the bone." I say as I stretch my back, feeling my bones making *Crack!* And *Pop!* Sounds before I realease a relaxed breath.

As I look at my computer, and see that my job for the day is done, I click on the 'Send' Button Before pressing the Power off Button on the computer and getting up from the chair I was sitting on, I give my First step in direction to comfort, ergo the company's exit door so that I can finally can get home, only to feel that something is not right, I pause for a moment Before shrugging off the feeling and continuing on my way.

On my 4 Step I Saw the lights flickering, My heart started to get agitated, that same feeling coming twice as strong, I started to panic and immediately started to run to the exit, I didn't know what was going on but I somehow knew that as long as I reached that door I would be safe.

For every step I took, the world Shook around me, I started hearing Giggles, whispers and Growls coming from behind me, I Saw multiple eyes opening just at the corner of my eyes and they looked hungry. The very fabric of reality seemed to be glitching, as he saw tables and chairs being half if not completely buried into the ground or just outright floating in the air.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity crossing a thousand steps, my Hands were pressed at the door knob, I opened It and practically threw myself in and closed my eyes, hoping for the worst...only for silence to reing in. I opened one of my eyes and saw not the dark sky of the night but a... a very large and furnitured room, that looked Full of exotic and expensive items.

There was Also a fireplace and on the side of It there was two sofas, with one already being occupied by a Faceless man in a black business like suit. he was smoking a pipe of Tabacco without a mouth and Reading without eyes.

He 'looked' at me Before closing his book with a title that seems to be written in gibberish "Ah, I see that you arrived well, come, sit." he gestures to the other sofa, on the opposite side of his "I assume you have questions, many, many questions, but, we have a limited amount of time so lets start by the three why's, after you sit of course." he continues, gently reminding me of his request.

I look back at the door from where I came from only to find a wall blocking the way, as If there was never a door there to begin with. A few moments pass as I continue to dumbly stare at the wall only to snap back to reality after hearing a forceful cough coming from behind me, making me remember the being asking for the third time.

As I make my way hurriedly to the couch i plop down unceremoniously and open my mouth to finally ask this being what the fuck was going on, only for It to answer before I even said a single word

"Coincidence. That's why you are here, Because you were supposed to go to the backrooms but, you just happened to be passing by close enough of my dimension and simultaneously my agent had just retired, so I need someone, anyone, to fill his place. so I picked you out of convenience." It explains casually, as if saving someone from clipping through reality was a casual thing, an easy task.

"but whe-" I open my mouth to ask him but he immediately answers me without even finishing the question

"And we are as I mentioned before, in my private dimension, a place that I use to interview possible candidates for my.. 'job' or just to relax, which happened to be the case just now. All of those things around you are legendary items that my agents managed to get for me " it gestures around the room, to the many shiny or otherwise sparklingly objects from varying sizes that are emanating an aura of grandiosity, some of awe and others of pure holyness or of absolute profane, of evil that gave me the chills just by being in their presence.

"As For Who I am? well, I think that might be the hardest question because you see, I could be considered a ROB..." My blood froze when it said that " But I can also be considered as The God of Business, and I rescued you to propose a deal, You 'work' for me " he uses his fingers to make an quote unquote at the work part "and you get to travel a multiverse that is under my jurisdiction, Or, you can always refuse my proposition and I'll send you back to the Backrooms, so what do you say?" it asks as it crosses it's hands in front of his featureless face

"I...I that's just too much, don't you think?! you-you just came in and dropped all of this and you expect me to answer immediately?!"

"Yes, we don't have much time you see, the Backrooms wants you, so be quick about it. Oh, also don't think I didn't leaves you without a choice, because if you DO accept my deal you will never, Never, EVER, getting back home. but if you refuse you could always be lucky enough to escape, get back to your family and put all of this madness behind you as a bad dream."

"..." I simply stare at the Rob/Goda swirling mass of emotions spiraling through my brain and to my face, making me look at one moment absolutely terrified yet not a moment later I look like I am about to explode from the amount of rage contained within me, then looking like the most confused person on the universe, before I reluctantly decided to just actually consider my options instead of completely panicking like a moron, but don't get me wrong, I still am very much panicking but I managed to temporarily suppress it to focus on the now

'lets see, if I were to choose the Backrooms uh, right, what do I know about it? it's a scary infinitely expanding place with an similarly infinitely amount of floors, each floors has it's own set of rules and monsters, and uh...I guess that's pretty much it. Now, for the multiverse side of things, it should in theory contain an infinitely amount of universes, with each universe having it's own set of rules, monsters and society, but most tend to end in the relatively harmless side of things, at least in the beginning. The monsters should also have a much more tame set of abilities and weaknesses compared to the Backrooms. same goes for the in universe rules, it should be more... 'normal' and less esoteric like a few of the Backrooms floors like that one where you can't turn on your flashlight or that other one where you can't look back or something like that.

I sigh as I reach a conclusion. while the multiverse should be no less dangerous than the Backrooms, the amount of esoteric,exotic and anomalous rules each floor has is a huge deal breaker.

I take a moment to breathe in an out, Before looking at the god in front of me and answering. "I...I Accept it..but!" I quickly exclaim before he manages to snap his fingers

And as I look at him I am pretty sure he has or would have his eyebrows raised, if he had any of course. "But what?" he asks in a blank tone of voice, though I can detect a hint of curiosity in it

"I want a cheat, maybe a system or something and uh I Also want to keep my memories and...and I want something from this room too! then I accept your deal." I state my terms with as much confidence and finality as possible in my voice, to give the impression that those things are non-negotiable.

He looks at me for a few seconds, doing nothing, until he nods and snaps his fingers, next thing I know is that I am about to sleep and I can barely understand what he is saying in my muddled state of mind "Sm....t C...i..e It w.. a do..g bus.... w.... y..o. An.. I w..l Ma..e a out... o.. yo.. " he finishes with a smile.


(P.O.V; Rob/God of Business)

As I watch his body slowly becoming see through, I feel content in my decision in choosing him as my agent, at the beginning I wasn't sure if he had what it takes to be a True Businessman but that little final request of his solidified my expectations on him, he might have but a mere shadow, a tiny spark of it, but he has, and that's much more than what I could have ever expected.

After his form completely disappears, banging sounds starts coming from the walls, from the ceiling and beneath the floor, making cracks appears on the aforementioned parts of the room, from which eyes, angry eyes appears, searching madly for something or rather, someone. They spare but a mere glance at the god before continuing at their search, even more madly than before.

"Begone, you are not welcome here, what you seek has already left." he states and the shiny items within the room start glowing brightly, the tame, warm and comforting fire of the fireplace transforms into a fiery inferno of heat, giving emphasis that he is not joking with the eyes and the viscous black like liquid that started seeping from the cracks alongside the eyes.

All eyes at once focus on him, the ever increasing sounds of banging stops and the increasing liquid that was pouring out of the cracks stops also.

both God and eyes stay silent, simply staring at each other until the eyes and the abyssal water or whatever it was goes back in the cracks from which they came from, until all cracks are closed and there isn't a single drop of the black liquid.

"I see..." he hears a hissing, raspy voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, before silence comes into the room again.

The previous weapons and other legendary items start to lose their luster and dim, rust start to grow and many pieces starts to fall of onto the polished wood, which starts to rot and to grow mold, the rich wallpaper that covered the walls starts to fall down revealing a similarly rotten wood wall with parts also growing mold.

The fire from the fire place, starts to grow ever smaller, the scathing heat from before starts becoming a increasing cold as the fire flickers in an out, as if about to be extinguished.

I look at my hands and see the wrinkles start to form, even though I can't exactly see my face I can feel that it's also forming wrinkles, I look down and see my previously perfectly fine suit becoming riddle with holes, dust and filth starts to cover the parts that weren't filled with holes.

I can feel my bones starting to ache and my legs growing ever weaker, I hastily sit on the now moldy and dirty sofa and rest my weary legs.

"ah, who I am kidding, that kid's is my only chance to get back to what I once used to be." he says as he starts to look around the dilated room and realeases a tired sigh.


(P.O.V; Reincarnated)

As regain conscience, I realize that I am sitting on a - and then memories come crashing down on me, making me feel as if my entire mind was shattered in a million pieces and then rebuilt back together in a different way that somehow still worked.

After regaining my bearings, I pick a Cigar out of my breast pocket and start smoking this Expensive Tabacco whose name I didn't bother remembering from my new memories, Sitting in a Leather armchair made from some by now extinct animal, I take a few puff's of the cigar Before closing my eyes and uttering a single word, hoping that it works.





"*sigh* I guess it was asking too mu-"


I stare at the screen in front of me, dumbstruck and still in shock from the whole situation and the fact that I DID got a system!

[Welcome Host, To the Business System!]™

[My Main Job is to help you make an successful business/shadow empire to Control the world from the shadows!]


Smoking_Krab Smoking_Krab

uh, hey everyone, I crated this story to see if I can get my brain juice flowing enough to give me a way to continue my other fanfic, which will probably (99% chance) get a full blown rewrite. so yeah, that's pretty much it, if you see wrong like I mistyped, please comment on that especific paragraph so that I can fix it.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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