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92.54% Brocken Shackles / Chapter 149: Bittersweetness

Capítulo 149: Bittersweetness


Surprised? Hope you are.

I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles. Next chap is available you know where. I'll publish the 2nd Progression chapter later today. I should sleep now. It's almost 2am, lol.

You can read till Chapter 42 now on my patreon website. www . patreon . com / blackinfinity1289.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 27


14th April 1994

The night is silent, bathed in ethereal moonlight. Harry stood near the Whomping Willow, eyes focused on the large black dog skulking towards the castle. A sense of anticipation coursed through him, mingling with the giddy thrill of his impending prank. He waved his wand in a calculated arc, conjuring a swamp that seemed to bubble with mischief.

Sirius Black, in the guise of his shaggy animagus, trotted towards Hogwarts, his movements stealthy and measured. Abruptly, the ground beneath him gave way to a swampy mire, sucking him into its depths. Panic gripped him as he flailed, mud and murky water splattering around him. His attempts to escape only seemed to plunge him further into the swamp.

Hidden in the shadows, Harry couldn't contain his laughter. The scene was too ludicrous, too amusing. The fearsome Sirius Black, the infamous murderer and Azkaban escapee, was caught in a schoolboy prank. It is a breath of levity in the dark narrative that had become their lives.

He didn't think this is how he will greet his Godfather after all this time. With a prank. 'I don't think it's not that bad. What's a better way to greet the fabled Marauder?'

Finally, Sirius managed to pull himself from the swamp and resumed his human form. Water dripped from his hair, his clothes were a mess of mud and swamp water, and his once gaunt appearance is now a sight of comedic relief. He stood there, disoriented, searching for anything that remotely tipped off his position.

He made sure to scan many times before he took the path and was surprised by the swamp as he didn't see it in front of him before. As he scanned, a figure stood in front of him, his face a mask of joy. Sirius is perplexed.

Didn't this boy, no young man, that's how he appears to be, know who he is? He is sure the Ministry did its best to spread his name and face far and wide to look like they are doing something and he is surprised by this.

The young man in front of him for his part stood tall and laughing, but for Sirius, he bore an uncanny resemblance to his late best friend. For a split second, Sirius thought he saw a ghost. "James?" He breathed out, incredulity etched into his voice. But as his eyes took in the Ravenclaw crest on the young man's robes and his bright emerald eyes - eyes that were so much like Lily's - realisation dawned.

This isn't James. It is Harry.

The world seemed to stand still as Sirius processed the sight of his godson. The very boy whom he blood adopted as his son. His Harry, the boy he had sworn to protect all those years ago. The same boy who looked so much like his parents that it is giving a physical ache in Sirius' chest.

Tears welled up, blurring his vision. But Sirius blinked them away. "Harry," he said again, his voice barely above a whisper. His hands ached to reach out, to touch, to confirm that Harry is indeed real and not another of Azkaban's cruel illusions.

Harry's laughter subsided, replaced by a warm smile. He seemed to understand Sirius's internal struggle, his eyes filled with empathy. Sirius took a shuddering breath, the weight of his guilt and his love for Harry threatening to overwhelm him.

The moment is broken by Harry's jovial voice. "Why the long wait, Padfoot? Give me a hug already!" He called out, his arms spread wide.

Sirius moved as if compelled by a force beyond himself, pulling Harry into a strong, protective embrace. His heart ached with the intensity of the moment, tears slipping unchecked down his face.

Harry hushed him gently, his voice filled with understanding. "You don't need to say anything, Padfoot. I found Mum's diary."

The revelation staggered Sirius. Lily's diary? Harry read Lily's diary? He pulled back slightly, looking into Harry's eyes. The seriousness in his godson's gaze reassured him.

Harry seemed to read his mind. His voice was steady as he spoke, "Don't worry about the rat, Sirius. He won't be free for long."

The promise in Harry's words, coupled with his bloodthirsty grin, sent a shiver down Sirius's spine. It is a sobering reminder of the gravity of their situation, of the battles yet to be fought.

But for now, Sirius held onto the joy of their reunion. It is a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope. A promise of better days to come.

As Harry is telling him about many things, Sirius realised something. The prank. The mud swamp is Harry's doing. "You cheeky little bugger. You pranked me, didn't you?" Sirius asked cutting Harry off.

Harry is surprised for a second till a smug grin came on his face. He gave a look that screamed 'What of it?' clearly giving a challenge to Sirius. "Oh, Harry!" Sirius said in a sing-song voice, though his gaunt face didn't make it look pretty.

"You only know your Godfather. But I'm your Dogfather as well!" Sirius said and changed into his animagus form and pounced on Harry. The two of them were oblivious to the 2 new people who walked in on the scene.

"Sirius? … Harry?" They heard a new voice and turned to the person in question to come face to face with Remus Lupin, Harry's DADA Professor and Sirius's long, shy friend. Sirius immediately turned to his Human form, his hands in a placating manner.


"Remus, don't do anything we will regret," Sirius said in a placating tone only for nought as the damage was already done. A growl reverberated throughout the clearing as Lupin lost all sense of reason.

The transformation of Remus Lupin from man to beast, usually dictated by the lunar cycle, underwent an unusual deviation the night Sirius was seen 'attacking' Harry. Lupin changed into a werewolf and lost his sense of reason. It's all pure instinct now.

Remus Lupin, once Sirius's friend and Harry's teacher, now stood hunched over in the throes of transformation. His body convulsed, his face contorting in pain as his human form gave way to the beast within. Moonlight bathed him, casting a haunting glow upon his now lupine form.

"Remus," Sirius murmured, stepping back and instinctively pulling Harry behind him. The protective instinct flaring within him is potent, overwhelming. Remus is his friend, his fellow Marauder, but at this moment, he is a danger to them.

Harry, on the other hand, stood transfixed, his eyes wide as he witnessed the gruesome transformation. He read about it, and saw it portrayed in the few films he was allowed, but witnessing it firsthand is an entirely different matter. It is terrifying, yet mesmerising, a chilling spectacle of magic's cruellest curse.

The werewolf that Remus became snarled, its amber eyes gleaming with feral intensity. It stood poised on the brink of attack, its body taut with animalistic energy. And though Lupin's human consciousness is buried beneath layers of primal instinct, the beast recognized Harry and Sirius, its snarl wavering into a low whine of confusion.

Sirius gripped Harry's shoulders as Harry's magic started to react wildly because of the threat in front of them. If only he is cool, he would have felt the person, a familiar one, behind the werewolf and could have stopped what happened next.

"Harry, we need to go," Sirius said, his voice a low hiss. His hand tightening around Harry's shoulders, though he felt a zap of shock, he is ready to whisk them away from the impending danger. But Harry remained frozen, his gaze locked onto the werewolf.

"STUPEFY!" A terrified female shriek in the form of a stunning charm tore through the tense silence, that fell on the clearing and Harry immediately knew who the owner is. Though he could appreciate her valiant bravery at the moment, it is a foolish thing to do now. Werewolves are magic resistant to some extent and a failed spell only angers them further.

Everything came to a startling halt as Harry's mind thought of many ways to save Cho. The questions rose, demanding answers of why and what she is doing here. But the alarms in his brain hid everything in his mind and only 1 thing mattered at this moment, saving Cho.

He saw in slow motion as the Werewolf Lupin noticed Cho behind him and from Harry's position, she is 7 metres away while for Lupin, she is just 2 metres away. Harry thought of the best way to save her, to reduce the distance.

"Sirius! We must save her!" Harry said in urgency and his godfather gave him a determined nod and immediately changed into his Animagus form. The black dog charged, determined to distract the wolf that was eying Cho as his target meat.

Harry prepared himself to run as fast as he could with magic building up at his feet, adrenaline pushing his capabilities to new heights, all this thinking and decision only took 3 seconds, but it is 3 seconds too late. As he sped, he could see the werewolf's hand charged low, ready to separate Cho's head from her body with 1 strike.

But Harry made it in time and with a magic-enhanced punch of his own, he redirected the strike upwards, thinking he completely avoided the clawy hand hitting Cho. But Werewolves are well known for anything but their agile body and quick moments.

Instead of completely avoiding her face, the clawed appendage managed to strike Cho's face, a sickening squelch reverberated through the silent night accompanied by an inaudible scream as Cho's mind couldn't bear the pain and force caused which also managed to throw her into the distance like a stringless puppet.

Harry saw helplessly as Cho flew with barely any moment and rage swelled up in him, his Slytherin Lord ring unable to suppress it. But even in such a dangerous situation, facing a senseless Lupin, he managed to hear the little call for his name and noticed it coming from the raven-haired beauty that was thrown away.

Disregarding the threat that's the irate werewolf, Harry ran towards Cho with a sense of urgency. Though the werewolf didn't have the same thoughts, Harry's magic is strong enough to blast it out of Harry's path when it approached and Sirius joined in time, further distracting it.

As Harry walked in trepidation, blaming himself for not noticing her before and not avoiding all this, he heard Cho call him. "Rry, Harry," Cho called, her voice little more than a whisper. Harry walked to her with tears welling up in his fiery emerald eyes even after his mind ritual.

"Cho… I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him." His voice cracked as he saw her dishevelled face with most of her left half torn off and Harry can even see the pearly whites of her skull in some parts. Some of the werewolf's claws grazed her. Her face lost most of its skin and her flesh oozed dark blots of blood, giving it a gruesome look.

Harry caressed her leftover cheek in self-loathing. He sat there, apologising for a mistake he saw as his own. If Cho is her regular self, she would have chastised him for his insistence and distracting thoughts instead of paying attention to her.

Yet the Cho in front of him could only give him a wistful smile at his antics, the act itself straining her injured face which in turn coughed up more blood. She didn't care for it, she only wanted this moment to last.

She being in Harry's hands. Alas! If only such a thing is possible. She turned to Harry, intent on conveying her last words before she had to leave him for the next great adventure however much she wished she didn't want to.

Harry on the hands racked his brain for anything that can help him in this situation. He went through all magics he read about in the Chamber, Ritualistic, Sacrificial, Blood-based, Dark, Light, Body-based, Healing magic! That's it.

He soon found a solution which could help him in this situation and ignoring the sounds of dog fight going on around him, he called into the Darkness. "Sirius, I'll be back soon, manage till then." He only got an affirmative bark in reply and better safe than sorry, he decided to be cautious.

"Dobby," with a soft pop, Dobby appeared in front of him, excited as ever. With barely suppressed anguish, he spoke in a shaky tone before the bundle of energy could greet him with enthusiasm. "Keep an eye on that Werewolf, Dobby. If it comes close to the Dog, trip him, hex him, do whatever." As an afterthought, he added, "I want both of them alive by the time I come back also be careful. If the wolf turns to you, come to me. Is that clear?" Dobby nodded in understanding as his eyes widened looking at Cho.


"I know, Dobby. I'll take care of Cho. You be safe, little guy." Harry said with a small encouraging smile and that lit a burning inferno in Dobby's tennis ball-sized eyes and he gave Harry a determined nod.

Taking Cho into his hands, he vanished into the Room of Requirements. As with any part of Hogwarts, the ROR is accessible to him through Teleportation. He is thankful for that as he is not in any mood to talk through all the halls and wait to perform Cho's Healing ritual any longer.

He cursed himself, if only he could use the Time Turner. He quickly learned about the limits of his Time Turner after using it repeatedly over the past year.

His time-turner is extraordinary yet also has unique limitations. He can't go back in time more than 24 hrs, he can't go back in time multiple times and change things, only once and as the time merges itself with the current time, he can't go back again and change things.

So in practicality, he can go back in time 24 hrs and change things and the things he changed will become the new reality, the time that was looped back completely erased. So in essence, once changed, there is no way of changing them again.

He can go back in time once again but can't change things as any events that happened in that time were already altered. Harry understood that allows for time to not have too many deviations and only gives him one chance to change things. As he came back to save Sirius, he can't go back to save Cho again. He kicked himself again and again.

Cho, who is still conscious despite her severe pain and injury, caught his hand. "Harr-y, d-don't bl-ame you-rself. It's my fault for blindly following Professor Lupin after seeing you on the grounds." She said in a hoarse tone.

"Cho, I'm sorry for this mess. I'll rectify this. I can't allow this to happen to you. Not after all you sacrificed for me." Harry said in a tearful determination. Her hand hit him.

"Even now, I can feel the love in your voice, Harry. Don't be silly. I-I love you." She said, unable to continue. This only made tears free fall from Harry.

"I'm not worth your love, Cho. But I promise to take better care of you. From far." He whispered the last part as he knew the consequences of the ritual he is going to do.

Cho was unconscious without knowing what was going to happen. She is content that she finally said the words she is hoping to tell him. The Slytherin Lord ring is able to calm Harry down this time as he is in too much emotional turmoil to resist.

Blood is a powerful medium. The books on any rituals will agree with this. Blood enables many possibilities and the ritual Harry is doing is one such ritual.

This poignant ritual is called "Sacrificium Memoriae," which is Latin for "Sacrifice of Memories." It encapsulates the essence of the spell – a deeply personal sacrifice of cherished memories of a loved one for the sake of healing and protecting oneself.

If Cho heard it before she lost consciousness, Harry knew she would fight him to Hell, trying her best to stop him. But as she is not and Harry didn't find any other ritual with minor side effects than this, he chose to do it regardless. Harry's decision, revealed the lengths he would go to ensure the safety of those he cares about, even if it means losing a part of himself in the process.

The moonlight played on the glossy surface of the polished stone corridor, painting an eerily beautiful scene as Harry's gaze fell on Cho, her lithe form marred by the gory tear of the werewolf's claws. His heart pounded in his chest as he saw the colour draining from her.

The Room of Requirements taking the form of a Hollowed corridor, mimicking it's user's inner feelings at the moment.

He drew a shaky breath, steeling himself. With trembling fingers, he started tracing the complex, interlocking pattern of runes required for the ritual on the stone floor. Each line was drawn with painstaking precision, and every curve, every loop was marked with the urgency of the situation.

A seven-pointed star in the middle of 7 circles surrounded by a large Triangle formed in the middle of ROR, the figure eerily reminding Harry of a weird symbol he saw not a few hours ago. Removing her clothes, he made sure nothing was going to disturb Cho's ritual.

He drew a smaller circle for himself, the sacrificer. With the circle complete, he stepped into it, the air shimmering around him as he began to chant the incantation. His voice echoed in the empty corridor, the words spinning around him, the magic seeping into the stone, into the night, into his very soul.

He didn't imagine he would see her nude like this, when their relationship is going to abruptly cease. When she is on the verge of losing her memories with him. With determination and self-loathing for being the reason for this, he dropped 7 drops of his blood onto Cho. The ritual circle has runes for healing, memories and sacrifice etched into it as Harry started to pour his magic into it, it started to glow.

"Antiquis magicis invoco,

Memoriae dabo, vitae restauro,

Per sanguinem sacrificii,

Te sanare volo,

Corporis tuus incolumis fiat,

Memoriae meae discedunt,

Te sanare volo,

Sic fiat!"

Harry dropped 7 drops of his blood onto Cho's prone form at the end of the chant, allowing the ancient magic to do its work. What he did is to call upon the magics to heal her, offering his blood as sacrifice which in turn took Cho's memories of them together.

The world spun, reality and time seemed to blur together in a symphony of magic and sacrifice. Harry could feel the ritual drawing upon Cho's memories of him, syphoning them from her mind to fuel the magic.

Wisps of Silvery-green magic formed threads poured out of Cho, fusing with the blood dropped on her waist. When the Memory-Sacrifice Healing Ritual is performed, the effects on the recipient and the surrounding environment are profound and quite striking.

As the memories-turned, healing energy infused into her body, even though unconscious, Cho felt a sudden warmth, a sense of peace and well-being flooded her senses, pushing away the pain associated with the injuries. This warmth is also accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, almost like the gentle pricking of a hundred tiny needles, as the energy worked to mend the damaged tissues at a cellular level.

The healing process took a few minutes, Cho's body aglow with the mystical energy as the tissues and muscles repaired themselves, blood replenished and colour came back to her once pale face.

Through all this, she felt many echoes of her memories that were sacrificed. Too many flashes, images, feelings, and emotions, a montage of sorts that are familiar yet alien left her, giving her a feeling that she is losing something important.

It's more like a part of herself is gone with those memories and a stray tear left her left eye, flowing down the newly repaired side of her face, making Harry gasp in horror. He didn't want to tear up, he wanted to stay strong.

His usually vibrant green eyes held a deep pain, a sadness that was at odds with his tender years. But seeing his first love losing memories of themselves. To be forgotten by the person he felt dearly for, he didn't feel such coldness even when faced by 100s of Dementors.

The room filled with an ethereal light as her body absorbed the magic. Harry watched as the light enveloped her, a soft sigh escaping her lips, her body relaxing as the pain ebbed away.

The ritual made a distinct imprint on the environment of ROR. The area within the ritual circle bore the residual ancient magic, making the air within it charged, almost crackling with unseen power. Harry, with his enhanced sight, can see flashes of golden-yellow arcs flow through the air.

The stones of the castle hummed softly, a lingering song of the ancient magic that was called upon. As if Hogwarts is trying to relieve her Lord's burden.

The room was an emotional echo of the ritual, of palpable empathy. If Luna Lovegood was there, she would have felt a rush of emotions—love, desperation, hope—that were part of the ritual. She would have happily researched around it, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

The Memory-Sacrifice Healing Ritual is not just an act of magical healing. It's a deeply personal and emotional event, a manifestation of sacrifice and love that leaves a lasting mark on both the people involved and the place where it occurs.

And as it began, it's over. The circle dimmed, the glow fading into the stones as though it had never been. Harry felt the magic ebb away, leaving him standing alone in the corridor, the silence echoing with the emptiness he now felt losing Cho.

His heart pounded with the fear of what he had done, yet there is also a sense of relief. Cho would be safe, she would heal, and she would be free from the danger his life invariably attracted. It is a painful sacrifice, but one he knew he'd make over and over for her sake. After all, the essence of love is not possession, but in ensuring the happiness and safety of the loved one, even at one's own expense.

He smiled tearfully at the side effects of the ritual. The side effect of this ritual is it strengthens what the person on whom the ritual is done desires more. If they desire Strength, they will become strong, if they want magic, they will be powerful.

Harry could guess what Cho wanted, but as she forgot about him, there was a chance it would change and so he decided to not think about it more. After dressing her up, he took her into his hands one last time and vanished into her room in Ravenclaw Tower.

The room, bathed in the soft light of the moon, felt strangely alien without the echo of their shared laughter or the whispers of secret conversations. Carefully, he laid her down on her bed, brushing a few loose strands of hair from her face.

Harry looked around for anything that might remind her of him and erased the 'H' from the necklace and modified a few more gifts he gave her. He knew she hid them from all her friends, valuing her promise of absolute secrecy to him. He erased everything until nothing was left.

A pang of longing hit him as he took in her peaceful expression, her chest rising and falling rhythmically in the quiet of the room. He knew he had to leave, to let her sleep and wake up healed, but a world away from him.

Stooping down, he pressed his lips to her forehead in a soft, lingering kiss, an apology for not being on her side in time, a silent goodbye that was more felt than spoken. He allowed himself a moment, his eyes tracing her features one last time, searing them into his memory. With a deep breath, he stood up, his heart heavy but his resolve unwavering.

A soft pop beside made him aware of Dobby's arrival. "Dobby," Harry acknowledged.

"Master Harry, Bad wolf be dangerous, sir. Good Dog injured." Dobby said in a low voice, not wanting to disturb Cho.

"I'll take care of that. Thank you, Dobby." Harry thanked his gaze firm of Cho. "Dobby, can you protect her from shadows?" He asked and got a curious look from Dobby.

"Yes, Master Harry, Dobby be Ninja!" Dobby's large, luminous eyes shimmered with resolve. He quickly nodded. With a thankful and sad smile, Harry and Dobby vanished from Cho's room.

Harry felt as if the Castle seemed to stand still, bearing silent witness to the poignant sacrifice made within her age-old walls. It is a night of change, a night of loss, but above all, a night of profound love that would be remembered only by the boy who lived and loved.

As the calming thoughts of Cho's safety left, his mind went to the sole reason for everything that happened today. To the werewolf, TO LUPIN! He is going to stop him and teach the beast he became an unforgettable lesson to ever not mess with him. With HARRY POTTER!

With Sirius

The moon was riding high in the midnight sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the grounds of Hogwarts. Sirius, in his massive dog form, Padfoot, is desperately fending off a rather large and ferocious werewolf. The snarls and howls of their fierce struggle filled the night air.

Harry, witnessing the chaotic scene from a distance, knew that Sirius didn't stand a chance against a fully transformed Lupin on his own and his injured leg didn't help the case. As he watched, fear and adrenaline surged within him. He couldn't lose Sirius, he just couldn't. He lost enough for the day.

But the question was: how to deal with the werewolf? Harry is powerful, yes, but against a fully grown werewolf, his magic alone might not be enough. Even if he fired many spells, he is sure that the werewolf's fast reflexes would allow him to dodge them. Much like how his diversion didn't account for anything as it still managed to injure Cho.

Now that flamed the anger inside him. Pure, unbridled fury swept over him. Harry Potter doesn't give up. He will kick and punch for all its worth if it means teaching the werewolf Lupin a lesson. He got a sense of deja vu at that.

Yet his rage is too strong to think straight. With a guttural roar, he lunged, easily managing to clear the 30 metres between him and the fighting beasts. How he did it, he didn't know. But it didn't matter. All that mattered is the attacker of Cho in front of him.

A low chilly breath came out of his mouth as a growl and that managed to divert werewolf Lupin's attention from repeatedly clawing the injured dog. "Eeve, im." A deep cold voice spoke, which spread chills through the werewolf's bones.

The Dog looked on in abject horror as his instincts screamed to scram away from there and never turn back. But his love and will to protect Harry prevailed and he stood facing the ancient creature that screamed power and rage in front of him.

Looming majestically against the pitch black sky, a striking embodiment of spectral elegance, a sight that is chilling in the most exquisite sense of the word. Enshrined in an icy armour of snowy white, his body is a tribute to the sublime beauty of the Arctic, a landscape trapped in perpetual winter.

He stood tall, with broad shoulders tapering down to a lean waist, conveying an impression of latent strength that is both intimidating and fascinating. The pearlescent white of his torso is crosshatched with shades of grey, lending him an almost crystalline appearance, as if he were carved out of an ancient glacier.

Four slender wings stretched out from his back, shaped like butterfly wings but crafted of a ghostly, translucent fabric that danced between shades of frosted silver and grey, catching every whisper of light and reflecting a soft, ethereal glow. As they fluttered gently, they conjured up an image of a snowstorm in flight, a symphony of icy feathers caught in an unseen breeze.

His limbs are long and robust, encased in the same white as his torso but traced with intricate patterns of grey, resembling skeletal structures of a bird's wings, a nod to his avian nature. His hands ended in four sharp talons each, a silver so pale they almost blended into the white of his skin, while his feet mirrored this lethal elegance.

His head is oblong and faceless, save for two glowing eyes, bright as a pair of emerald arctic stars, piercing through the opaque whiteness of his form. They held an ageless wisdom, a stark contrast to the overall youthful physique. Yet Sirius can see them burning in unbridled rage, promising an unforgettable fury on those who wronged him. A crest of icy grey stretched across his forehead, resembling the frozen crown of some ancient king.

A moth-like antenna hung from either side of his head, draped in the same mesmerising shades of grey as his wings. A long, pointed tail trailed behind him, its end split into two, adding to his alien grace.

Each movement he made is fluid, mirroring the serenity of a quiet snowfall. As he floated, he is a blur of white and grey, the fusion of power and grace, creating an imposing figure that is as beautiful as it is formidable. The embodiment of an ice phantom.

"Ey sayd eeve im!" The creature said, with more authority than before. Much to the dog's surprise, the chill he felt is not an illusion, it started to snow as if the Heavens are frozen because of the creature's fury, an icy storm surrounding them as an avalanche barrier.

Though the werewolf couldn't understand anything it definitely understood the size difference between the mutt it was gnawing and the tall grey-white creature in front of it. For it, bigger is better and so it lunged at the creature with renewed vengeance. It didn't expect what followed.

The werewolf lunged, aiming for the creature's head, a growl rumbling deep within its chest. But Eidolon is faster. He sidestepped, darting away with a speed that no human could possess. Then, with a powerful leap, he launched himself at the werewolf, his ethereal form radiating a silvery light.

He struck the werewolf hard, sending it sprawling across the damp earth. The werewolf Lupin howled in rage and frustration, struggling to rise. Eidolon moved again, his actions graceful and calculated, a beautiful dance of power and control.

The werewolf lunged again, trying to catch Eidolon off-guard, its claws trying to slash through Eidolon's ethereal form but with little to no effort, Eidolon caught the hand, its claws unable to penetrate the strong body of Eidolon.

With all the fire burning in his emerald eyes, Eidolon punched Werewolf Lupin in his gutt, resulting in a sickening crunching sound as many bones shattered and the senseless beast immediately losing consciousness.

Throwing off the unconscious body, much like how the Werewolfs hit threw Cho's, a little crystal fell off Eidolon's face as the form receded, leaving a tall young man in his place. Even after channelling most of his anger into the last punch, it didn't fill the emptiness he felt in his heart.

He looked in the direction where the werewolf lay unconscious, his eyes filled with regret and sadness for the man trapped within the beast. He turned back toward Hogwarts, the daunting task of what to do next on his mind.

"Harry," Sirius whispered, stepping out of the shadows.

Harry froze, his eyes wide as they took in Sirius. "You're... How...?" As he turned to his Godfather, Harry's newly enhanced mind came up with a plan.

"No time," Harry cut him off, grabbing his arm. "We need to get you out of here. Now."

Before Sirius could protest, Harry had thrown them both under his invisibility cloak and was leading them through the winding maze of Hogwarts. He made for the Chamber of Secrets, its entrance hidden from prying eyes and conveniently forgotten by many. Thankfully, Myrtle isn't around.

With a whispered 'Open' in Parseltongue, the mouth of the great serpent slid open. The dank air of the Chamber hit them, but Harry was unfazed, pulling Sirius along.

Inside, under the gloomy light of the flickering torches, Harry turned to Sirius. "You can stay here, Sirius. No one, even the Ministry can't find you here," he assured, his hand steady on the elder man's shoulder. "Until I can figure out a safe way to get you out of the school." He added.

Sirius seemed to be studying Harry, a myriad of expressions on his eyes. Joy, pride, confusion and gratitude are the most prominent of his features. He nodded, letting out a sigh of relief that echoed around the eerie Chamber.

"Thank you, Harry," he murmured, sinking to the ground as he allowed the weight of his relief to wash over him.

"But, we should talk. I have a lot of questions. Remember that I'm proud of you, Harry." Sirius said, hugging Harry in affection. Harry returned the hug.

"Dobby," Harry called and the excitable elf appeared in a pop. As soon as he saw Sirius, a gasp left his mouth. "I'm sure you know him, Dobby. This is Sirius Black, my Godfather."

"Sirius, this is Dobby, my loyal elf friend," Harry said, giving Dobby an acknowledging nod. Dobby burst into tears, hugging Harry's legs in overwhelming joy, singing praises for him. Sirius is thoroughly amused by the whole ordeal to stop.

"I appreciate your praise, Dobby. But as long as Sirius stays here, I want you to take care of him. Feed him, show him the living quarters of the Chamber and find him better clothes as well. Let me know if he wants anything else." Harry asked and Dobby gave an enthusiastic bow and popped away to get some food.

"Rest, Padfoot. I'll be back as soon as I can," Harry promised, securing the invisibility cloak around himself once more.

As he left the Chamber, with the entrance closing behind him, Harry felt an odd sense of accomplishment. He saved Sirius, all on his own. Then the feeling of helplessness came, utterly quashing his self-satisfaction. Only one question. That one question broke all bounds of Harry's joy on the day.

At what cost?

He saved his Godfather, a man who was unlawfully locked up in Azkaban for 12 years for a crime he didn't commit. While he lost his first love, the young woman who loved him for himself and agreed to be in a secret relationship, satisfied for the shared moments it allows for them.

In a way, on the day, on his 14th Birthday, Harry lost a member who loved him and saved a loved member. A bittersweet birthday.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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