'I knew it!' Tomin thought as he gnashed his teeth. 'Was he watching all along so that he could...<cough>... swoop in and help, taking that as a favour?! I told them that keeping one of his bodies was a bad idea!'
As he had thought!
A hooded figure that looked like it had just come from an intense battle emerged, with a torn, hooded dark jacket and pants, dried and dirtied with blood and dust.
The mask it wore looked like it could shatter with a single touch, the green and white colours looking to be fading.
The fact that this figure was missing an arm brought on an eerie sense to the onlookers who were none the wiser; Tulnas' group, giving them nothing but apprehension and confusion as they wondered if this was a sudden hidden enemy to fight or something else entirely.
However, it was unmistakable.
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