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31.66% - BORUTO and NARUTO: What We Will Be Someday / Chapter 19: PART 5.

Capítulo 19: PART 5.

In the Arena Village hospital, the ninjas' attention was focused on the most remote room in the center, reserved for emergencies. Two figures stood in the hallway, watching intently through the window as the main victim of the recent incident was being treated.

Temari and Yamato looked away from the window when they noticed a slight bustle in the blind spot in the hallway.

Beyond the front door on the second floor, the Kazekage approached, moving with a brisk step despite his familiar patience. He walked with his hands behind his back, followed closely by Kankuro, his older brother.

Upon arrival, Yamato stepped forward to greet him. Although he had been brought by the Kazekage's sister, he did not consider it appropriate to be impolite when encountering Gaara.

Before he could finish his greeting, however, and explain the reason for his visit, Gaara interrupted him with his characteristic calmness, without being abrupt or sudden.

"Can you tell me what happened on your way here?" Gaara asked. 

Before Yamato could answer, Temari intervened.

"We don't have many details, Gaara. We only know that it is an unknown ninja who attacked one of our Shinobis." She replied with a worried grimace. "The biggest problem is that we won't know why this incident is related to Konoha until the messengers arrive."

Gaara turned his gaze towards Yamato after hearing the explanation.

"Is it possible that the messengers bring more information than you?"

"I'm not sure. There are possibilities." Yamato replied cautiously. "My mission was to prepare the ground, but I ran into a problem along the way."

"It seems that you have come across something more than a simple obstruction." Kankuro watched next to Gaara, his eyes drifting to the window of the room, where the white of the curtains could be seen. "Who was he?"

Temari, realizing that the question was directed at her, shook her head.

"I don't know. No one knows who he is."

"Why then do they say that he is one of us?"

"Because he was wearing the uniform and a village bandana." Temari explained. "In addition, her makeup is characteristic of our village."

"But that..."

As the brothers exchanged words about the young man, Gaara walked slowly toward the room window, without hesitation.

She took a moment to observe the boy lying on the bed, making sure she had a clear vision.

Sheets covered his clothing, but he noticed that his face was devoid of makeup, suggesting that they had begun to treat him properly, as Temari had mentioned.

The young man had brown hair and the sheets wrapped around his neck, almost hiding his head in the superior pillows of the room intended for the ninjas of the village.

He watched as the sheets moved smoothly up and down, indicating slow, steady breathing. Gaara lost count of the movement a couple of times, as the young man appeared to be fast asleep as the nurse adjusted the IV bag next to him.

The minutes passed and the argument between his brothers faded into the distance. Gaara's attention was completely focused on the unconscious child. Who was he? Where did it come from? Gaara didn't remember receiving him in his office, and he was pretty good at remembering faces, especially those of his people.

It was not difficult for him to conclude out loud that the boy was not one of his ninjas, since there was no doubt about it.

"I haven't seen that kid in my office at all." Gaara muttered, interrupting the voices behind him. "It's quite strange... Why are you wearing the uniform?"

"This way!" Someone was heard to say. "Gaara-sama!"

"There's always something..." Kankuro complained loudly, no longer surrounded by the elders and feeling free to voice his opinion. "What's going on? We are in the middle of something important!"

However, Kankuro's wake-up call was ignored by a ninja from the Arena village rushing in from the other end of the hallway. Everyone present fell silent when they noticed those who were following him.

Two of them were; A girl with blonde hair tied in a high bun, and A boy with long hair and an imposing presence.

They were Chunin from Konoha, looking tired but determined to those who have gone through a long and difficult journey.

"They're ninjas from Konoha. The Sand ninja announced, pointing towards the newcomers. "They say they bring a message for you."

Gaara adjusted to properly receive the new participants in this matter. His eyes immediately met the tired eyes of a young Nara, who, like him, seemed unaware of much of the current situation.

But no one in that room had any idea of the consequences this meeting would bring. Shikamaru's hard, piercing gaze toward the Kazekage indicated the weight of the message they brought, echoing futures that did not exist on the ground.

"I am sorry for the interruption." The black-haired man of the three apologized, accompanied by his two companions. 

Though he tried to remain calm, the pain settled behind his serene mask. However, the urgency of his presence here and now was evident. Even if Shikamaru tried to convince himself, Yamato could sense the slightest distrust in his eyes.

"We bring a message from Hokage-sama to you, Gaara."


In the quietest state of time, it is when the contrasts become more evident. Like the seasons of the year, which, governed by nature and their own rhythms, impose their order on those who are under its influence.

When the weather is cold, those who cannot bear it should wrap up warm, for they lack the ability to withstand it. It is a law of nature that everyone must accept and adapt to the conditions of the environment, whether adverse or favorable.

Ultimately, everyone must find a way to cope and survive, regardless of the circumstances they face.


With her hands resting on Namida's shoulders, Mirai gave her a comforting massage as the girl breathed in the fresh air outside. She had calculated that the sun would set in less than an hour, but something made her turn toward the shelter.

A startle alerted her: two of the children she had left inside were rushing out.

One of them was Tsubaki, trotting a little away from the stone shelter. However, a few meters from her, her partner fell to his knees in the sand, coughing repeatedly, with the sound of saliva pooling in his throat.

Mirai reacted instantly.

"Metal-kun! Tsubaki-chan!"

The other children peeked out from inside the shelter when they heard his call, aware that they should not all leave at the same time. Mirai took Namida gently by the shoulders and began to head towards the two outside.

With an anxious but firm step, he approached the children. The one who seemed to have the most trouble was young Lee, while Tsubaki crouched down beside him. Mirai reached out to them, feeling the responsibility weigh on her shoulders as she prepared to perform.

"What's wrong with Metal-kun?!"

"N-I don't know. I noticed that he looked anxious, and just as I was about to ask him, he got up without saying a word..."


Namida's scream rang in Mirai's ears, who understood the gravity of the situation. Metal coughed hard, nearly exhausting her last energy. Even so, his body continued to expel saliva, even though his lungs were exhausted.

Mirai gently let go of Namida's shoulders and knelt next to Metal.

"Metal-kun, how do you feel?" He asked in a calm tone, not wanting to overwhelm him further in his current state. "Do you have a headache? Fever? Stomach discomfort or dizziness?"


Metal let out a muffled sound as he tried to catch his breath, shaking his head in response. Her hair moved to the rhythm of her movements.

Mirai wasn't satisfied with the vague answer, but she also didn't want to overwhelm him with more questions.

"It's nothing." He said in a weak voice, trying to minimize the situation. 

Mirai was speechless, but it was Tsubaki who intervened.

"That's not true. It is evident that something is happening to you." He said firmly, despite his small stature. "Metal-kun, if you feel any physical discomfort, you should report it immediately to Mirai-san. She is responsible for our care, but we are also responsible for communicating our status to her."

"It's nothing..." Metal insisted. 

"You lie." The swordsman replied. Metal grunted in response, and Tsubaki leaned toward him. "Metal-kun!"

"It's nothing...!! Nothing is wrong with me!!"

Metal's scream echoed through the atmosphere, leaving everyone present perplexed, especially the three girls who accompanied him.

"I... I swear nothing is wrong with me." He murmured, his arms folded as he knelt. His words came out choppy, as if he were struggling to pronounce them. "I'm a man. A man who has sworn to be strong and brave. Me... nothing happens to me."


The three girls were dumbfounded, paralyzed by the anguish that overflowed before them.

Soon, the sound of barely audible sobs echoed through the air, breaking the silence with her pain. The young man's hair fell over his bowed face, like a veil that hid the emotional storm that was raging against him.

A drop of blood gushed from his nose, as his body quivered and tears fell on the sand. For Metal, showing such vulnerability was a shame, something he had tried to put behind him a long time ago.

The sobs intensified, transforming into a silent but heartbreaking wail. Mirai finally came out of her stupor, feeling the chill in her numb fingers, but unable to move as she watched the desolation on young Lee's face.

What had gone unnoticed? Along this journey, I had avoided saying anything that might lead them to this. He had even taken them to the forest to free themselves from their tears. But this?

What had brought Metal to this point?

"I'm not sure I can meet your expectations, Mirai-san." Metal's voice trembled, and a new sob interrupted him. "I don't know if I can survive another week in this place. It's impossible."

"What...? What are you saying, Metal-kun?" Mirai woke up from her daze. "You're a formidable ninja. Let's get through all of this together."

"That's it—" Metal raised his voice, but lowered it instantly. "That's impossible. I'm not the right person to do it."

The surprise was reflected on the girls' faces.

"You're talking nonsense!" Tsubaki interjected. This time, she knelt beside him, with a stern look in her fuchsia-pink eyes. "You're a Lee! You are the best Taijutsu user of our generation! How can you say that?"

"Please, Tsubaki-san, don't force me to say it." Muttered the black-haired man. 

Tsubaki's silence caused Metal to half-look up, eyes drooping and her face flushed with previous tears, staring intently at the Iron Country's swordsman.

"I haven't changed a thing since I last fought with my father. I couldn't dodge any of his kicks, punches, or even the weapons he used to use. He always ended up on the ground, begging him to stop."

A groan escaped from Metal's mouth as he slurred his words. It was as if his throat closed as he remembered those moments.

At this, Mirai felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't just offer empty comfort. At that time, she was also dealing with a hurried duel.

Her mother, the teacher she regarded as a father, and her older brother had been taken away from her. And, above all, he still had to fulfill his responsibilities. He had suppressed his pain with deception and false hope.

I hadn't had time to cry. And now, it seemed to be the moment when all that pain was returned to him like a reality check.

"My father used to tell me." The younger Lee began, with palpable despondency in his tone. "that when he was my age, he was absolutely talented. It didn't matter who or how many were in front of him; he always ended up victorious. All to protect the beings he loved the most."

The three girls listened to the story in silence. Behind him, the rest of the squad loomed with an obvious sorrow that he was unable to console.

Mucus and blood flowed freely from Metal's nose, as did the sticky tears from her expressionless eyes.

"Without Ninjutsu, without anything, he was able to protect his companions; That's how my father was."

In her short story, Mirai could see herself for a moment in the Metal position when she was her age. It was true. It always happens when one is a Genin, comparisons of both generations begin to resurface, even unconsciously on the part of the child.

Mirai had suffered from it many times, even in the last moments.

"Your name was well known. The surname transcended, and I was always known for being the son of a good Ninja." The trembling in Metal's voice was becoming more and more insistent. 

He saw his own hands, being unable to decide for himself his own destiny.

"That's why I'm afraid." He finally concluded. "I'm afraid to know why Konoha is fine; I am very afraid of meeting an enemy that was difficult for my father, and that he will end up killing me; and I'm pretty afraid of dying for being a Lee..."

The three women were gaping, unable to move or say anything. They had witnessed the words that were avoided from being spoken, and the ones that Namida had mentioned just half an hour ago. But of the three, Mirai was the most worried.

Well, she was the one who had more context about why she had to be extremely careful with these children. She was frozen, wide-eyed, and as pale as a ghost.

Tsubaki, completely ignoring the Sarutobi, spoke nervously to his companion.

"Metal-kun, aren't you exaggerating?" No? Though his tone was serene, Tsubaki showed his nervousness. "That is... So far nothing serious has happened. Nobody knows about us. Therefore, nothing can attack us.

"How can you be so sure?" The boy's interruption left her bewildered. "You... you are a swordsman from the land of iron, Tsubaki-san. Isn't that something very specific?"

The big-eyed brunette jumped up. The disturbance was clearly present in his eyes.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I've heard that your skills are very unique. I have also seen your fights in the exam." Metal explained vaguely. "If someone notices it, and comes to that conclusion... What would happen to you?"

Hearing this, Mirai cracked the shell of ignorance and opened her extremely wide eyes, raising her countenance. But it was too late.

Tsubaki listened blindly to what Lee was saying, while Namida looked paler and her legs began to tremble.

Mirai could only listen.

"They're going to kill us. When they discover that we are from the future, they will kill us. They will tear us apart without giving us time to blink." Metal opened his eyes, uttering his words in an almost inaudible tone. "We're all easy prey here for the most ruthless Ninjas in this place. My father told me that, in the past, the Ninjas were even more cruel than the ones we know. Here they will have no mercy on us."

"You're lying... You're lying." The girl in the orange sweater murmured tremblingly. "What you're saying... It can't be true!"

The Lee giggled in response, leaving the girls confused.

"It's understandable that you think so... But it's only a matter of time."

He turned, still on his knees. He wanted to look Namida in the eye, despite her pitiful condition. Desperation overwhelmed him and he was unwilling to remain silent.

"What do you think will happen if you use your skill so lightly?" Metal insisted, ignoring Mirai's call. 

Namida clenched her fists in front of her chest, disturbed and unable to look away.

"Shikadai too... he is a Chunin." The mention of the name made Mirai shudder. "Even if he does not want to, his obligation is to act with a certain authority. It will be very risky if someone sees its shadow..."

The memory of her master's death shot into Mirai's mind. He, lying at the foot of a tree, with a hole in his chest, entrusting Mirai with the most important thing he had in the world.

And next to him, Tanaka-san's words resounded.

Mirai was overwhelmed by a swirl of memories and thoughts that separated her from the current world, the place where she was needed most.

"There are also Wasabi and Enko." Metal added, instinctively putting her hands to her head. Mirai felt even more disoriented, unable to find words to respond to the complexity of the situation. 

Mirai hoped to wake up from her gloomy thinking and find herself in a different world. However, when he opened his eyes and found himself in the same reality, the despair intensified.

"Boruto... Mitsuki... Sarada..." The names rang in Mirai's ears, reminding her of the vulnerability of all of them to the most powerful. 


Mirai watched as Metal shuddered slightly at that thought. When he looked up at her, his expression full of fear and anguish filled her with panic.

Now, they could only look at each other, aware of the gravity of the situation.


Roses embellished the royal garden from one end to the other, fulfilling their promise of being a true floral paradise.

The Royal Garden, as its name suggested, was a dream place. There was not a single corner that was not overflowing with flowers, organized in groups according to their color and species. Daisies, a favorite of the first king, stood out among them all.

Under a transparent roof, as clear and luminous as the most precious gems of the continent, the garden stretched out majestically. Vines were braided into the grates that surrounded the area, offering a display of flowers of all kinds.

Even from the ceilings hung floral species, carefully tended three times a day, as they had been informed by the Trozani ninja who had shown them the palace. In the words of King Saturo: "Those that stand high are those that visualize beauty and conflicts, and captivate us from the roof with their splendor. We must thank them for enduring such views, taking care of them with care so that they feel satisfied to be so beautiful."

After walking through the garden from end to end, they sat down to rest on the steps that offered a privileged view of the lush landscape.

Naruto lay nonchalantly on one of the pillars, using his arms as a pillow. He frowned, aware that Kakashi-sensei's meeting with this man had not been concluded for several hours.

With obvious tiredness, Naruto complained loudly, causing a disapproving look from Sakura, who challenged him to continue with his immaturity.

"I'm exhausted..." He murmured, stretching out his words. "How much longer are those two going to take?"

"As long as necessary." Sakura replied determinedly, sitting on the steps. "Saturo-sama seemed determined to tell Kakashi-sensei everything. It's our best chance to get answers."


Beside him, Sai was watching Naruto out of the corner of his eye as he heard his complaint. Meanwhile, the paler one prepared possible attacks on one of his canvases, seeking to pass the time.

A cool silence took over the atmosphere. The breeze gently streamed in through the trellis surrounding the garden, carrying with it the delicious scent of flowers, which Sakura briefly enjoyed.

Sai, breaking the silence, attracted the attention of his companions without taking his eyes off his canvas.

"I can't help but wonder about the abilities of this place. The king mentioned that they exist. I wonder what they are and if they are related to the importance of the king."

Naruto and Sakura were alerted upon hearing his words.

"The importance of the king?"

"Surely it refers to whether the king is skilled in that aspect," Sakura clarified the blond's doubt. "Just as the Hokage is the most powerful ninja in the village. Surely the office of king has some similarity."

"Wow... I hadn't thought about that." Naruto marveled. 

"I can answer that question."

A third who had been quietly watching broke away and approached the Konoha ninjas.

The owner of the voice was a ninja from Trozani, one of the few left, in charge of the custody and guidance of the ninjas of Konoha. The ninja, about twenty-three years old, approached them with a smile on his face, seemingly excited to talk to ninjas from outside, completely oblivious to his city.

"It would be a pleasure." Sakura invited him to speak. "What are the skills like here? We hear that they have a lot to do with sealing or invocations."

"Well, that has a beginning." Trozani's ninja began. "We are pacifists, and our skills are more related to nature. Our energy merges with the air, and the art of invoking or sealing is nothing more than a means of communicating and protecting."

Naruto frowned, pondering from his seat.

"What does that mean? I don't fully understand."

"Don't they use Chakra?" Sai's question attracted Naruto's attention, who, still with his eyes closed, raised both eyebrows. "I'm sorry, but that's what I understood from your words..."

The other ninja let out a slight laugh in response.

"You're not entirely wrong." He answered. This aroused the curiosity of Sai's companions. "You see, what we practice is a kind of art of meditation. We do not use it for struggle, but to find spiritual peace in ourselves. By uniting with nature, we are able to feel and understand everything. That is why there are not so many conflicts here."

"So..." the blond murmured without much interest. "You have no special abilities."

"Yes, we do." The ninja clarified in a calm tone. "Our skills are not very different from what you know. What sets us apart is that we do not use the Chakra to attack, but to preserve. We have our own Taijutsu, as well as some sealing techniques."

"And the king?" Sai added. "Are you especially skilled in these arts?"

The pale man reaffirmed his curiosity. He was eager to know the king's skill level in that city.

It was a hidden city, alien to the world he knew and was exploring. He found it extremely curious how power was measured here and by what criteria.

The Trozani ninja didn't take Naruto's curiosity as an insult, but as a compliment. So, calmly, he puffed out his chest as he spoke.

"Wisdom is highly valued once it is acquired." He said solemnly. "The king is very wise and has a deep understanding, not only of nature itself, but of every living thing that inhabits these lands and beyond. He remains aloof from conflicts and always maintains an objective perspective. That's why the king is so important."

"Wisdom?" Sai repeated, almost in a whisper. "If that's a strong point here, does that mean it's very powerful?"

"That sounds pretty silly!" Naruto exclaimed, interrupting. He shifted restlessly and lay back again with his arms behind his head. "You can be very wise and all that, but without Chakra you can't do anything. Tell me, how was your king supposed to face an enemy attack? With a chat between flowers and tea?"

Sakura snorted and shot Naruto a look that cried out for his silence. Of course, if the blond had noticed her, he would definitely have shut up. Although he wasn't looking at her.

"I'm so sorry. I sincerely apologize. I hope you can understand it, he is... someone very peculiar." Sakura apologized nervously, getting up to bow to Trozani's ninja. 

However, the latter simply showed his palms in a reassuring gesture.

"You don't have to apologize. I can understand your annoyance." He assured him. "You come from outside and there is no way to verify what I have said. It's normal that they don't believe me."

"But still..." Sakura stammered. 

The ninja nodded his head in and turned around on his heels.

"Don't worry! I'm serious. Even I am not completely convinced by the rumors circulating about the king."

Sai opened his eyes slightly, interested.

"Rumors?" He asked. 

Trozani's ninja looked at him seriously, offering him an empathetic expression as if he was in his shoes.

"Yes, to this day they seem exaggerated to me. But because of my position, I have no choice but to consider them."

"What kind of rumors? Are these bad things about the king?" Sakura asked. 

The man shook his head.

"I would consider them more like legends, especially as far as the first king is concerned." Trozani's Ninja raised his index finger. "The elders say that the first king was even more powerful than the current one. It is said that, thanks to it, some birds and other animals can freely enter and exit the barrier, which is known to be very difficult to cross."

Deep down, Naruto mocked her words.

"Well, that powerful barrier you mention, we crossed it without difficulty." He answered. "It was a walk. Could it be that they are telling you false stories?"

"Oh, yes?" The other man raised both eyebrows. "How did you manage to cross the barrier?"

Sakura, who was facing the Trozani Ninja, scratched the back of her neck in discomfort, trying to hide her nervousness.

"We... we cross together with a merchant's merchandise."

There was a pause of a few seconds, while the man processed what he had heard. When he finally understood, he burst into laughter.

His laughter didn't last long.

"You are very cunning!"

"Really...? Heh..." Sakura felt embarrassed. 

"Well, that has a simple answer." Trozani's ninja told them. "At most, only two merchants are allowed to enter Trozani. These people have made a pact with the king and can cross the barrier along with the objects included in the pact. It is a kind of guarantee that they will keep their word not to reveal our existence. You were inside the cart, which is a valid object to cross."

"That's incredible." Sakura praised. "The brilliance of this unknown ability increased his curiosity, and he moved a little closer to the man. What exactly is that pact about?"

"Uh? It's a pretty extensive topic..." The man scratched the back of his neck, feeling a little uncomfortable. "Why do you want to know?"


Sakura stopped her attempts. I didn't know if revealing more information was appropriate or not. He was unaware of what was being discussed behind the doors of the great dining hall, and he did not want to divulge information that Konoha had marked as classified.

The atmosphere became a bit tense, and although he didn't fully understand the reason, Trozani's Ninja watched each teenager, waiting for some answer.

"Our village was attacked recently." The blond spoke. His arms now crossed in front of his chest, and with his eyes fixed on the royal garden. The tone of his voice was calm, but stern. "Your king seemed to know something of what happened to us. We want to be sure that it wasn't someone here who was responsible."

"Naruto." Sai whispered, more for comfort than a wake-up call. 

Sakura, on the other hand, looked down at him, for he was not mistaken.


Trozani's man inspected the expressions of the younger ones and quickly came to a conclusion.

"You... You don't think Saturo-sama had anything to do with it, do you?"

He was met with a cold silence as a response. The fact that everyone avoided his gaze, and that Naruto only glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, was enough for him. He wasn't angry, he was more worried about the erroneous thoughts that some allies were having around him.

"That is not possible. It's impossible!" Trozani's man denied, visibly worried about the misunderstanding. "Saturo-sama is the king of Trozani. Only the calmest and calmest person can hold the position. He would never harbor any evil feelings in his heart!"


As the man tried to explain himself, the teenagers wrinkled their faces as the only response. They were unwilling to reply or respond to him. They hardly knew anything about what Trozani was to be giving an opinion.

When he did not get a favorable response to his defense, the man sighed heavily. He found it unworthy to do such a thing in front of guests of honor, so he lamented in the depths of his soul.

He glanced at each teenager before retreating from the actual garden.

Sakura stifled a few words. It was evident that she didn't want trouble, and it was also clear to him that she didn't mean to offend or hurt him in any way.

So, before she could articulate anything, he spoke calmly and calmly.

"I'll see how things go at Saturo-sama's meeting." The man said. "I know he's not responsible for this. But I can't go against you either. They need answers, and I'll go see how things go."

"Will it be okay to do so? To just go and break in like that?"

"Don't worry about that." The man smiled at her. "Saturo-sama is very kind and understanding. He will not hesitate to answer me without punishment."

Trozani's ninja was out of sight as he passed through the immense glass doors.

Silence dominated the place once the man left. Sakura, the only one standing, couldn't help but feel bad about it, dropping her shoulders in sorrow.

"Don't worry about him, you don't have to." Naruto told him. She had settled back down with her arms as a pillow. "We don't know if it's that old man or not. But be that as it may, the answer has to be in this place."

"But we have offended him." Haruno replied sadly. "If they said something like that about Tsunade-sama..."

"Let it be." The blond asked, drowning his words in a yawn. "It's going to get dark... it was about time someone went to see how things are with Kakashi-sensei."


The sound of Sai's sketch scroll resounded softly in the beautiful silence of the royal garden.

The handsome young man looked at the hairy woman expressionlessly, although she perceived in his gesture an attempt at understanding.

Sakura let her lungs expel the air, fresh as the scent of sleeping flowers.

"Perhaps they are right. The sooner we get an answer, the better."

"That's how you talk!"


The world began to fall asleep as the sun set on the horizon. The flowers closed, welcoming the night between their petals.

The climate was cool, and thanks to the palace standing high in the city, it was quite far removed from civilization. The sound in the place was sparse, and it was comforting to hear the whispers of natural life.

The smell of earth permeated the air, and it was not unpleasant. The quiet silence brought with it the painful memory of the previous day for the Kakashi team.

The hectic day, the day they lost their Sensei.

Many mourned their departure while they were on mission. Because, although the loss of some hurt, the missions never stopped.

Turning down a mission meant ignoring those who needed help. The Hokage knew this better than anyone.

Despite the recent grief over Asuma-sensei's departure, they had to wake up and face reality head-on. If they were lost in the memories of someone who was no longer there, they could endanger the lives of others.

They were here to prevent that from happening again.

"I wonder what Shikamaru is doing right now." Pondered the Blond Ninja while his team was lost in the real garden. "I won't let anyone else get hurt... I promised."

Suddenly, a loud scream broke through the peaceful atmosphere of the garden, shaking the entire palace.

The Kakashi team immediately went on alert, pricking up their ears to identify the direction of the sound. Sakura, her brows furrowed, stared at the glass door.

"That was a scream." Sai commented. 

Naruto jumped up.

"Where?! Where does it come from?!" He asked urgently. 

Sakura froze, her eyes fixed on the large glass door. His eyebrows furrowed even more as he imagined who could be behind that scream.

In the corridors, through the large glass door, the echoes of more than one scream resounded.

The closest one came from the large dining area.

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