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Capítulo 13: Haunted by Past (3)

Chapter 13: Haunted by Past (3)

'What an intriguing man. Despite the appearances, there's something oddly comforting about his presence. His natural gestures make me feel understood and appreciated. Maybe there's more to our connection than I initially thought.'

As she made her way out into the cool morning air, she could swear she felt a gentle breeze brush past her, carrying with it the faint scent of Carl's cologne.

Jeanne couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that lingered in her chest. Though she didn't know what the future held, she felt a sense of peace knowing that she had crossed paths with someone as intriguing and enigmatic as Carl.

She wondered if he was thinking about her as much as she was of him. Her phone buzzed, a text message from Carl's number, reading, "You left something behind. We should meet again so I can return it to you."

Her heart fluttered, and she eagerly replied, "Yes, you can return it to me when we meet at a diner." She smiled to herself, knowing that she would see Carl again. The idea of another rendezvous with Carl excited her, even though she knew that he was a creature of the night with an insatiable appetite for blood.

Yet, he had shown such gentleness and sensitivity towards her, making her question whether there was more to this mysterious vampire than met the eye.

Ordering an Uber from her phone, it didn't take long for a car to arrive and pick her. As she stepped into the Uber, Jeanne found herself nervously playing with her fingers. The driver, a friendly man, noticed her agitation. "Everything okay?" he asked, glancing at her through the rearview mirror. 

"It's the city life, huh? Always got you running around," he said, nodding as he shifted gears and navigated the winding streets towards Jeanne's apartment.

Looking out the window, Jeanne couldn't help but muse over how the previous evening had unfolded, leaving her feeling surprisingly lighter than before.

"So, where are we going?" asked the Uber driver, peering at her in the rearview mirror, such a beautiful woman, you would rarely see in town.

"Oh, just drop me off here, please," Jeanne replied, pointing to a row of townhouses down the block.

The driver nodded to indicate he heard her request. "No problem," he said, pulling over near one of the houses.

The ride concluded without further conversation, and Jeanne thanked the driver as she exited the car. Stepping onto the sidewalk, she felt a pang of excitement mixed with anxiety. She wanted to see Carl again, yet apprehension lurked within her. Would she become a part of his shadowy existence?

Would they share experiences together, perhaps growing closer until their hearts beat in unison? Or would the day come when she'd realize she'd been ensnared in a web of deceit spun by Carl the vampire?

These thoughts swirled around Jeanne's head as she walked up the steps to her house. The door opened effortlessly under her touch, welcoming her inside. With each step, she felt the weight of the world pressing on her shoulders, replacing her newfound smile with a cold, icy look, she could see Richard's pair of shoes.

The same pair that he had used to walk the distance between her and his mistress. He had betrayed her, leaving her heart shattered into countless pieces.

The memory of Carl's soft whispers against her ear still resonated within her, "I'm sorry you have to go through this," he said softly, "but I'm sure you can handle it." She hadn't replied then, how could she? Her feelings were too complicated, too overwhelming, for simple words to suffice. Yet now, she knew that she needed to face this reality head-on.

It was time to confront Richard about his infidelity and move forward with her life. Her eyes drifted towards the mirror hanging by the entrance, reflecting back a face wrought with determination. She knew what she had to do, and she wouldn't allow fear to hold her back any longer.

As she stepped into the living room, Richard sat on the couch, engrossed in his phone. His posture stiffened upon seeing her enter; his gaze met hers briefly before darting away. His expression remained stoic, but the tension crackling between them was palpable.

"Richard, we need to talk," Jeanne began, her voice quivering slightly. Richard glanced up at her, his eyes narrowing. 

"About what?" he asked, feigning ignorance. But she saw right through him. "About your new Mistress, Lisa," she spat out. 

The name alone seemed to send a jolt through Richard's body. "Who? Lisa? Where's that coming from?" he scoffed, trying to play dumb. 

"Don't act so innocent! I know everything!" Jeanne retorted, unable to contain her anger anymore, as she began to share some of the messages she read from his phone related to his direct messages between Lisa and him.

She recounted specific details of their trysts that left no doubt in anyone's mind about what exactly transpired between them. "How dare you betray me like this?" she seethed and added, "What happened to our promise to only ever have each other?"

Richard gulped, his eyes darting around the room. He scrambled to concoct an apology, sputtering excuses and promising to end things with Lisa. However, none of his assurances placated Jeanne. She stood there, trembling with rage, while on the hem of her blouse the small crimson spider revealed a ominous crimson aura, as if watching everything with keen interest.

A hush descended upon the dimly lit room, save for the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows upon the walls. 

The air thickened with tension, palpable and suffocating, as if the very molecules of oxygen had condensed into a tangible weight. Richard stood stiff and unyielding, his gaze fixated on the floor, avoiding the piercing intensity of Jeanne's wrath-filled eyes. The audacity of his betrayal had finally caught up with him, and he knew it.

His heart raced, pounding against his chest like a caged animal trapped in a desperate struggle for freedom. His mouth opened, but no words came out; they were stuck, frozen in the bitter cold of his guilt. "Jeanne," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper, "I didn't mean…"

Her blue eyes glared at him, burning with a fire born out of hurt and anger. "You didn't mean what?" she demanded, the tremor in her voice betraying the raw emotion coursing through her veins.

"Don't you dare try to spin this, Richard! I deserve better than being cheated on!"

Richard swallowed hard, feeling the bile rise in his throat at the sight of her rage. "Jeanne, please, let me explain..."

"There's nothing to explain!" she roared, her voice echoing in the hollow silence of the room. "The evidence speaks for itself."

He flinched, knowing full well the depths of his deceit.

He wanted to beg for forgiveness, but the truth was, he wasn't sorry. Not one bit. Instead, he clung onto hope, hoping she might forgive him. "Please, Jeanne, listen to me," he pleaded, stepping closer.

But her eyes flashed dangerously, and she held up a hand, stopping him dead in his tracks. "Save it, Richard. Your words ring hollow now.

I won't fall for your sweet-talking, not again." She paused, giving him a chance to respond -- which he didn't, leaving her feeling even angrier. "And don't think that all of this is going to disappear just because you say 'sorry'."

"But I never meant--"

"Oh, really? Then what does 'Lisa' mean to you? Is she your side dish?" She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when that hit home.

"You lied to me, manipulated me, and dragged my feelings through the mud. Well, I've got news for you, Richard. I'm done playing your games. We're over. Done. Finished."

She pushed past him, heading toward the door. He grabbed her arm, desperation clear in his eyes. "Please, Jeanne," he whispered, his voice cracking. "Give me another chance. I swear to you, I'll make it right."

"I don't believe you," she said flatly, yanking her arm free.

"All I hear is empty promises. How many times did you promise me that you'd change, yet here we are?"

"Jeanne, baby," he pleaded softly, reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Let me explain."

She whirled around, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Stay away from me, Richard. Don't touch me."

He recoiled, his eyes wide with shock. "Baby, please, listen to me--"

"No," she snapped, cutting him off.

"I've heard enough excuses." Her tone was harsh, unforgiving. She took a deep breath, gathering herself together.

"If you truly want to prove yourself, then leave me alone," she spoke firmly, "Go find Lisa and tell her how much you love her. Maybe, just maybe, I'll consider taking you back."

"Jeanne, please," he begged, reaching out for her once more. "I made a mistake. Can't you forgive me?"

"Forgive you?" she echoed, incredulous.

"How could you ask such a thing? After everything you put me through?"

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. She blinked furiously, forcing them back. She wouldn't cry in front of him. She deserved better than to show weakness.

She snorted derisively. "Mend? You think throwing around pretty words will erase the pain you caused?" Jeanne growled, anger flashing in her stormy blue eyes. "I gave you my heart, Richard, and you stomped all over it."

"That's not true," he protested weakly, his hands balling into fists beside him. "I just--"

"Just what?!" she shouted, her voice rising until it cracked in desperation. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? Or worse, did you enjoy hurting me?"

Akin to a cornered animal, he knew he could force his way into Jeanne. He looked her directly in the eye, then lashed out grabbing her by the arm, soon his grip tightening on her arm. The amount of strength a man could muster against a woman wasn't questionable, and akin to a wild beast he reacted by getting physical once his emotional blackmail couldn't pursue Jeanne.

He lashed out at her, saying that he couldn't live without her and if she would live without her, it would be better if no one had her, but him. Jeanne looked at Richard, as if he was a psychopath, worse than trash. She felt pain, and wanting to get away from this lying cheater, she felt his grip tightening harder.

"You're mine, and only mine! So what if I spent some nights with Lisa? She's alright with an open relationship, as long she gets me. Why can't you be like her?"

"Let me go, you bastard! You have some screws loose in your head. Let go!"

As if the world turned upside down for Richard, he snapped, and put his hand around her neck where small puncture marks could be seen. All sorts of thoughts wrapped in his mind, and clearly those were the marks of another man, she wasn't a Saint either.

"You whore, didn't you say to have each other at worse and good? What's that mark? Are you cheating on me?"

The sight was so horrifying that she immediately screamed, "Help! Help me! Someone save me!"

She felt the pain around her neck, making it harder for her to breath, but just in that moment, the small Blood Spider created by Carl using his Blood Magic to protect her before she left the Hotel had enough, lunging out at Richard and it gnashed at his neck, creating a wound that oozes blood.

Richard was in shock as he let go of his chokehold on Jeanne, stumbling backwards and clutching his neck. His eyes widened as he saw the bloody mess, his gaze darting between Jeanne and the spider. "What the hell is that?" he gasped, fear creeping into his voice.

Jeanne staggered backward, catching her balance against the wall. She watched the spider crawl back to her, arriving at her neck around the area where Carl feed from her, and she could feel the spider's legs tapping her gently.It felt as if telling her that he was there beside her. 'I made a promise to protect you.'

A sense of relief washed over her, followed by a wave of disgust as she stared at Richard who was holding onto his wounded neck.

His eyes went wide with terror as he stumbled backwards, still clutching his neck. " bit me," he croaked accusingly, looking at Jeanne with disbelief. "Slut! How dare you!? I've given you so much."

The spider began delivering a sound of mockingly laughter, while tapping playfully at Jeanne's tender skin. But as the spider continued to stare at the disgusting man, it finally released a threatening sound.

"Get lost from my house you crazy narcist. If you don't leave at this moment, I'll call the police, and you'll rot in jail!"

"Wait," he said suddenly, swallowing hard. "I don't want to lose you. I'll fix things. I'll make amends. Just give me another chance."

"Another chance?" Jeanne scoffed into the receiver.

"Don't insult my intelligence! We're done! After everything you've done just now. Do you want to make this friend of mine take care of you? I can make your life so miserable, just by asking this friend of mine, but unlike you, bastard, I'm a human."

Jeanne spat, venom dripping from every word. "I won't bother calling the cops...but you best leave now before you come begging on your knees for mercy."

"Jeanne, please," Richard whimpered, trying to appeal to her softer side. "I know I screwed up, but I love you. I'll do anything to make it right."

"Like you love me?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'm starting to think your idea of love is all twisted up." Jeanne sneered. "Looks like you don't know love at all. Love doesn't equate to control, possession, or possessiveness."

"But I thought--"

"Thought what? That you can hurt me and then turn around and sweep it under the rug? I deserve better than that, Richard. I deserve someone who treats me with respect and honesty. Ohh, and I've already found someone better than you, so you can go to Lisa without worrying about me."

"We're done! Now disappear from my life and leave me alone! Pack your stuff or I'll send all of your belongings to Lisa. Now get lost!"

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the room. The air thickened with tension. Richard's eyes darted, searching for a way out, and it was already given to him. His 'love' with Jeanne was over, and it was all because of his choices and fake love.

He stood there, still shocked by her rejection and his own wounds, but the neck wound wasn't something threatening, it was just a warning from the Blood Spider. His heart raced with anger and bitterness that churned inside of him. 

His lips quivered, he wanted to strike back but the spider kept hissing at him, and he remembered Jeanne's threat, and the image of the crimson spider jumping out of nowhere and biting his neck in a straight line, made him tremble in fear.

"You'd better start packing," Jeanne growled, pointing to the door. "Or else, you won't like what happens next."

Moving into the safety of another room, and closing the door, she took the blood spider in her hands and gazed deeply at the 'Cute' creature, which made her calm a bit, but she was still a mess, with tears flowing down her beautiful face.

'Don't worry. This will be quick… No, I have to call him. I'm in danger around that psycho.' She told herself. But her hands shook slightly as she dialed the number. With a deep breath, she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" A calm voice answered.

"Carl, it's Jeanne." Her voice quavered, "Can I talk to you?"

Silence stretched out for a few seconds before Carl responded, "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

She hesitated, trying to gather her thoughts. "Richard...he came home today...he hit me...I'm scared, Carl." Jeanne admitted softly, biting her lip. 

Her voice trembled, and tears threatened to spill over despite her best efforts to hold them back. "He grabbed me by the throat--it happened so fast. And then...and then this little red spider popped out of nowhere and saved me. Was it you, Carl?"

Carl paused, listening attentively. "Calm down, Jeanne. Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched into his voice. The tenderness of his tone reached through the line, comforting Jeanne.

"I need you here, Carl," she whispered shakily. "Please come over."

He remained quiet for a brief moment, while at the same time, Jeanne could see the little spider look at her with a crooked head. He could hear her quivering, which made him answer softly, "Okay, I'm coming. Be safe until I arrive."

"Thank you, Carl," she sighed, feeling a weight lift off her chest. She hung up quickly, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall. The thought of Carl rushing to her aid brought comfort and safety amidst the chaos.

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