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Bloodbound Judgment (6)

Chapter 45: Bloodbound Judgment (6)

Jeanne approached him slowly, her footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. She could sense that he was lost in his thoughts, his mind still grappling with the events that had unfolded.

'Complete victory. Seeing his despairing face was like a cherry on top. 'But how' fucking moron. Even those gals figured out that I was cooking you.'

'Nonetheless, a good meal. Burp.'

'A-tier foes are worth hunting. By the way, mister.'

[What is it, Charles? I told you it was a decent payback.]

'Ahh, it's not about that. I know you liked my style of impaling. It's something else. We should think of a method of figuring out how to display my progress. You know, like how my phone displays various messages and such… Like a Growth Display thing.'

[... Growth Displayer? The fuck is that.]

'Look into my mind, but don't peer too deep, since I like my privacy. I'll show you what I mean by Growth Display.'

Then imagining some intriguing display interfaces from the various games he played in his first life, where the grading was quite standard and for starters it was also used in this world.

[Ohh, that would make it an interesting project to work on. For starters, you'll need Alchemists and Magicians if you want to create such gauging trinkets. Also, to not shatter this dream of yours, you'll need to fork quite the sum in materials.]

'Doesn't matter. Do you think it can work?'

[Maybe? Is worth trying. I can smell ducats from this idea.]

Shifting his attention back on the woman that approached him, his gaze finally met hers, and it looked like giving her the 'Go-ahead' to speak to him. Surprisingly, she wasn't all about drama and respected his boundaries… for now, instead she first checked if he was okay.

He barely suppressed the switch in his expression, keeping his eyebrows and facial muscles neutral.

"Carl," she called out softly, her voice breaking through the silence like a gentle breeze. "Are you alright?"

Carl's gaze flickered towards her, his eyes momentarily holding hers hostage as he contemplated more about this woman. 

"I'm fine. Just a bit let down by those Lasombra guys. After all their nonsense you would expect I would get a workout out of it." he replied, his voice calm and composed. 

"Even you girls could have killed those vermin if you pushed a bit harder."

Jeanne was taken a bit by Carl's statement, since she was aware that at least in her case she was at her limits, only standing up because she was facing him. She couldn't speak for Xenovia and Irina, but from the looks of how things progressed in their fight, Xenovia had an Ace under her sleeves, and got stopped by Carl from revealing it.

Smiling with an understanding smile at Carl, she went on with her congratulations and praises. 

"Congratulations on your victory," she said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that seemed to melt away the tension she interpreted from his somber presence. "You made it a painful lesson for those scum. I wanted to help you more, but I couldn't keep those Nails up for some strange reason."

"Still, you had me worried when you acted out to mess around with that prideful moron. I caught your act quickly, but please don't do this again when I'm around. It makes me uncomfortable."

As she spoke, Carl couldn't help but notice the genuine concern in her eyes, and for a moment, he allowed himself to bask in her warmth and gentleness since his night was for sure a bloody one where countless bodies were slayed, and it wouldn't be the last time for certain.

"Thank you, Jeanne," he said softly, his voice betraying a hint of gratitude. "I appreciate your concern. And don't worry, I'll try to be more careful next time."

Jeanne smiled at him, a sense of relief flooding through her. She was glad to see that he was taking her words to heart, even if he couldn't promise to change his ways completely.

"That's all I ask," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Just promise me that you'll come back to me in one piece."

Carl chuckled a bit while a flicker of warmth appeared in his crimson eyes as a small smile of approval raised on his handsome countenance.

"Mhm. I'll think about it, but I'll not make any promises." he said, voice calm but resolute "Humiliating others has its own charm, especially if they are like those prideful Vampires."

"Sure, darling, but if you're facing someone dangerous, be safe. But I digress, my man is strong, no one shouldn't be messing with him. And if they do, they will also face me."

Her saying that was akin to a reminder to the two Exorcist girls who didn't know how to approach this subject now that they had their 'culprit'.

"Sure. Who would want a Nail or Thorn in their back?"

Her words stirred a bit at his heartstrings, but it was just a bit to make Carl cast away the demons. Yet, that slight window was enough to tug a small smirk at the corners of his lips.

'She's quite the proud lady deep down. Not bad, flaunting around me to those little girls. Childish, but I like it.'

Her playful demeanor, coupled with her genuine care for his well-being, was both refreshing and amusing, but Irina and Xenovia felt uncomfortable when they glanced at Jeanne's beautiful eyes that were initially warm and gentle at them, only for them to be dead serious.

Carl chuckled softly, the sound echoing faintly in the quiet alleyway. It was a rare moment of levity amidst the chaos and danger that seemed to follow them wherever they went. Despite the gravity of their situation, Jeanne's lighthearted teasing brought a brief respite from the tension that lingered in the air.

"You know, Jeanne," Carl said, his tone light and teasing, "If you keep hanging around me like this, you might turn into a Witch sooner than you think."

Jeanne's eyes widened in mock surprise, a mischievous glint dancing in her gaze. "Oh? And what makes you say that, Carl?" she replied, her voice filled with playful curiosity.

Carl shrugged casually, his smirk growing wider. "Well, they do say that spending too much time with a Devil can corrupt even the purest of souls," he remarked with a wink.

She exclaimed dramatically, before breaking into a giggle. "I'll have to be careful then, won't I?"

Carl's smirk deepened, a hint of amusement twinkling in his crimson eyes. "It is up to interpretations," he replied with a playful wink. "Just be prepared for a few surprises along the way."

The couple chatted at ease now that the chaos had settled down, but for the two young Exorcists who had yet to confront Carl regarding the activation of the Holy Ward it became more pressing. Nonetheless, it was slightly easing on their minds when Carl, who was a Vampire whose power they couldn't gauge, was acting like a 'human' while talking to the blonde woman.

Amidst their playful repartee, Carl's gaze softened as he regarded Jeanne. "You know, Jeanne," Carl began, his tone carrying a hint of sincerity beneath his teasing facade, "I must say, I'm proud of you for awakening your Sacred Gear. You're a late bloomer, but I knew you had it in you."

"Whatsmore, you seem to have awakened a rare one."

'What was the name of her Sacred Gear, old man? And can you also share some knowledge on this Sacred Gear while we're at, I don't want to embarrass myself.'

[Holy Nails of the Martyr. Hold tight on her, since the Holy Nails are effective even against Divine beings.]

'Gods too?'

[Because they contain some of Christ & Bible God essence in them. It's an offensive-type Sacred Gear, so you can't leech on Heals from her, not that you need to begin with.]

'No need. If I want a healer, I'll just get my hands on Twilight Healing.'

[...Interesting. You're right. However, it's only limited to healing wounds, it can't reconstruct your body. Again, you don't need it as possessor of Bloodbound Dominion. As long as you have Blood in your body, you can regenerate any limbs lost in combat be it wounded by Holy Power.]

'That's insightful.'

[A maniac like you would rather benefit from holding the Holy Grail in your arms. As long as you have your Soul intact you'll recover your body in its Prime state. However, you can dream far and wide, I bet you all of my legacy that you'll not find the Holy Grail in your lifetime.]

[It's worse than finding a needle in the haystack. I searched a decade for that damn goblet without success. Not even in the Great War that goblet showed up.]

At those words from Nosferatu, Carl couldn't only laugh inwardly like a twisted villain, but he didn't show this emotion to his old mentor because it would lead to his Spartanic training getting Hellish. It was already Hellish, there was no point in overcomplicating things.

Poor soul. As a transmigrator Carl already knew who possessed the Holy Grail. It was in grasp reach, he could taste the sweet taste of Immortality on his lips.

'It's worth trying. Maybe this generation is favored by the God System being felt without a GM.'

[Pardon? What's a GM?]

'Game Master. Urgh, ok, I'll explain it.'

Jeanne was still confused about the whole Sacred Gear subject, it first started with the Lasombra Vampires who reacted shocked and doubtful, then with the two young girls who also were surprised that she could 'Awaken' the Holy Nails. 

She could feel the slight changes happening in her body, and to say she wasn't concerned was an understatement. 

"Carl," she began tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "I'm still a bit confused about this whole Sacred Gear thing."

"Don't worry," A reassuring smile plays on his lips, "Once we're alone, I'll be more than happy to explain everything to you. Consider it your first step into the Supernatural."

Now that he put Jeanne at ease, he shifted his attention on Irina and Xenovia who were nothing like the novel/anime counterparts appearance wise. It was something to be presented with a 2D image and admire a picture, but a whole different bargain starting at a living, breathing person.

Those two young Exorcists had a lot of room for growth, and clearly as night resembled junior-high or high-school students. He couldn't tell it for certain, and wasn't willing to bet his money on that either. It was hard to discern the age of girls in today's society based on their looks. 

Irina and Xenovia were also reading themselves to face Carl, but to their relief? another presence made its arrival known. It was a black-haired woman with a captivating allure that spelled danger.

Clad in a form-fitting ensemble that accentuated her curves, she exuded an air of dark elegance that drew the eye.

The two young Exorcists, Irina and Xenovia, exchanged uneasy glances as they felt the palpable aura of demonic power emanating from the black-haired woman. While not as overwhelming as Carl's, it was still enough to send a chill down their spines and raise the hairs on the back of their necks. 

They had encountered powerful demons before, in fact their last encounter was a couple of minutes ago, but there was something about this lady that sent a shiver of fear down their spines. Was it the large number of piercings adoring her ears, the ones in her lips or tongue, the neck? 

For them, devout Christians this black-haired woman was a screaming red flag that she was close with the Devil. If they didn't knew better, they could swear she was Lilith.

Carl, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by Tsufaame's presence. He didn't even bother to turn to look at her, and instead walked toward the two Exorcists. 

Meanwhile, Tsufaame approached Carl with a sly grin, her black eyes gleaming with mischief as she surveyed the aftermath of the battle. "Well, well, well, look at the mess you've made," she remarked, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. "You really do have a knack for causing chaos, don't you?"

"First you had me run erands, then next you had me clean up the mess you created by devouring those poor Vampires."

Despite her attempts at playful banter, he remained indifferent, his focus solely on the task at hand.

Carl merely grunted in response, acknowledging her comment with a nonchalant nod. His indifference only fueled Tsufaame's determination to prove herself, to gain some of his attention and validation.

"Sure, Tsufaame, sure. Do your magic this time too, since we don't want the Human World to be thrown into Chaos, yet."

Despite the slight sting to her pride as a Devil Princess, Tsufaame couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the challenge presented this Vampire. With a smirk, she decided to demonstrate her mastery of Devil Magic, channeling her demonic power into a spell.

With a flick of her wrist, Tsufaame unleashed her demonic power, chanting a spell that wove through the air like dark hands, restoring the damaged alleyway and repairing the buildings that had been caught in the crossfire. 

'Decent work, I guess. See old man, that's how you make devil bitches chase you. You give them the bare minimum.'

'Afterall, their entire life they only met doormat and white knights, simping over them like they are some Queens. When in fact they are just thirsty bitchess seeking what they can't possess.'

[I don't take advices from little kids. Talk to me after you sire some children. Ohh, I bet you'll ask my advice when you don't know how to held your boy or daughter.]

'No thanks.'

Despite her impressive display of magic, Carl appeared to remain unmoved. There was no word of thanks or validation from him, his cold indifference casting a shadow over Tsufaame's efforts.

"You can at least say 'Thank you'. It wouldn't hurt you, you know."

With a flicker of irritation in her eyes, Tsufaame gritted her teeth and forced a smile. Deep down, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at Carl's stoic demeanor.

"Well, I suppose that takes care of that," she said casually, her tone masking her disappointment. 

Picking on the disappointment in her tone, Carl smirked and finally spared her a glance. His crimson eyes met hers with a cool detachment. There was a brief moment of silence as he regarded her, his expression unreadable.

"Good work, Tsufaame. I expect you to give me a rundown of that Spell in the future." he finally remarked, his voice flat and devoid of any emotion.

Tsufaame's sly grin faltered slightly at his response. She had hoped for more recognition from Carl, but his indifferent demeanor only served to fuel her chase. Yet, for the blonde woman who was taken aback by the transformation of the alley, the appearance of Tsufaame was a alert signal.

Jeanne starred with her pretty blue eyes at the black-haired woman while golden light began flashing in her eyes. She has already formed an idea on this woman, a competitor for Carl's affection.

Sensing Jeanne's scrutiny, Tsufaame simply scoffed, unwilling to give Carl the satisfaction of knowing she was interested in him.

"Don't give me that look, human," Tsufaame retorted, pointing a finger at Jeanne. "You should be thankful that I rescued that fat ass from being cut into chunks."

"Pardon? How come? I just met you now," Jeanne replied, genuinely surprised by Tsufaame's accusation.

"Okay, sure, of course you couldn't have spotted me. I was in my ethereal form," Tsufaame explained, her tone tinged with sarcasm. "Remember, you got pushed a couple of times out of harm's way."

"Wait. Was it you? I thought the entire time it was Carl using some telekinesis on me." Jeanne exclaimed, realization dawning on her.

"Him using Telekinesis? He's just a beginner. However, you should thank this guy for pushing such a job onto me, babysitting you until he arrived," Tsufaame continued, gesturing towards Carl.

"I never expected those vampires to be so stubborn in making sure he gets killed. Hey, Your 'Highness' Blood Prince, your brother sure loves you to send food your way."

"Heh, he sure takes good care of his eldest," Carl chuckled maliciously at Tsufaame's remark, his amusement evident in his tone.

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