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Bloodbound Judgment (4)

Chapter 43: Bloodbound Judgment (4)

Carl looked with contempt at Orlok who had a twisted expression as if he saw his mother getting banged by him, but this didn't stop Carl from stabbing the metaphorical knife deeper into his wounded ego. 

And bet you, that it surely hurt the proud Lasombra Vampire. How couldn't it not when most Vampires were self-centered beings, with sociopathic and narcissistic personalities?

"No response? Are you by chance doubting your allegiance to Lotharius after you licked his ass clean for so many years only to get you killed? Poor bastard, It almost makes me feel pity for you."

"Actually. Not really, I have no emotions to spare for insects, and in general most of the Pureblooded Vampires who have this God-like complex that makes you think you're untouchables. Maybe against humans, you can feel this, but facing someone above you?"

"Ironic. Doesn't it feel that Karma is truly a Bitch?"

"You've committed heinous acts against some innocent Dhampir who just wanted to live his life quietly and receiving some validation from a whore who received some sperm donations and did nothing more for me than just push me out from her womb. If that story is even the truth."

"I don't even know what is true or lies in the Lasombra or Bloodriver Family. However, that's my problems to handle."

"Now all of this anguish, finally starts coming back at you in vengeance."

As Carl's words cut through the air like a blade, Orlok's expression twisted into a grotesque mask of indignation. The mockery in Carl's tone struck a nerve, challenging the very core of Orlok's pride as a Pureblooded Vampire, and even hurling insults at the being that the Purebloods held in high-regards, the Vampire Queen, Carmilla Bloodriver.

"You dare to speak to me in such a manner, you insolent wretch?" Orlok's voice dripped with venom, his fangs bared in a snarl of rage. "Continue deluding yourself into thinking you are above us, but you are nothing more than a pretender, a mere stain on the long lineage of the Blood Monarchs."

"Krassius, you'll never become a King. Your pitiful aspirations will be all for naught in the face of her Majesty. As long the Queen is alive, you will never become our Ruler. Urgh, even thinking of this makes me want to vomit."

"Only His Highness, Lotharius Raul Bloodriver, whose blood has reached closer to the Legendary Nosferatu, the Father of our mighty race, is deserving of the throne."

Carl's smirk widened at Orlok's outburst, his crimson eyes glittering with amusement, and Nosferatu who was listening to this Lasombra Vampire, couldn't help but reject this whole scenario.

[What a load of bullshit. I don't know what this delusional idiot is rambling about, but you Charles are by far the closest to my bloodline. How can I not feel the essence of my descendants? Of my own blood. Only a fool or blind wouldn't spot it.]

'Don't take it too much to heart, mister. I'm not that affected by what this moron spits out from his crooked mouth. I'm just trying to mess a bit with his psyche and to see if he collapses mentally.'

'So far so good. We're on track. I'll continue adding more trauma once the fight begins. I'll chat a bit as I absorb that gorilla's blood essence since it would be a shame to let it go to waste.'

[It's A- tier Blood Essence. It can still help you strengthen your body and attributes.]

'I know, you taught me the basics, remember? Besides, what do you think of my new skill? Blood Burst.'

[That's what you call it? Honest advice. Work more on your naming sense... I think I've used such applications of the Blood Manipulation in the past. However it only works on weaker targets, since you have to get your blood into their body before you can crush them from inside.]

'What about my naming sense??? Ahh, forget it. Mind if I ask how you applied this technique?'

[Mainly at blowing the heads of annoying ants. Low-Class Devils, Medium-Class, Fallen Angels, and not to forget… my Boyars and lots and lots of Turks.]

'I can taste your hatred for the Turks. Besides, isn't that wasteful? Didn't you use your impaling spears to do the job?' 

[You sure bet I hate those Turks. As for my impaling 'hobby'? I employed that tactic only when I wanted to send a message to my foes. Usually I liked to wrap things nicely without dirtying my lands too much.]

'Alright. That's quite gory to begin with.'

[It's being effective that matters the most.]

While chatting with Nosferatu in his mind, fully at ease with the situation at hand, he started moving the knife stabbed in Orlok along with the sprinkling of some salt.

"Ah, the mighty Lasombra Enforcer, reduced to a sniveling cur at the mere mention of his beloved Queen. Tell me, does it bruise your fragile ego to know that your loyalty is nothing more than a leash, tethered to the whims of those in charge of you, who sees you as nothing more than a pawn? Worse than that."

Orlok's laughter rang out, harsh and mocking, as he dismissed Carl's words with a wave of his hand. "You speak of loyalty as if it were a weakness, but you know nothing of true allegiance. I serve Queen Carmilla and Prince Lotharius with unwavering devotion because I understand the importance of our bloodline, unlike you, who defiles it with your treacherous alliances."

Carl's gaze hardened, a glint of steel in his crimson eyes as he met Orlok's defiant stare. "Your blind devotion to outdated traditions is your downfall, Vampire. Loyalty to a monarch who cares only for her own power will be your undoing."

"But hey, perhaps you enjoy being played like a puppet, dancing on strings pulled by a puppeteer who cares nothing for your well-being."

Orlok's grip tightened on his sword, his knuckles turning white with the force of his anger. "You may mock me all you like, but I will not stand idly by while you defame the honor of our bloodline. One day, you will pay dearly for your insolence, abomination."

"I expected such a line. Save your threats for someone who cares"

With a disdainful snort, Carl turned away from Orlok, his gaze sweeping over the dead body of Wisborg who had his entire Blood Essence devoured by him. 

"This is why it is boring to talk with narcissists. You can only see things that only benefit you, like the self-centered bitch you are. Now, let's get things done since I have more important matters to attend to than trading barbs with a pathetic leech who clings to his delusions of grandeur."

Without further words traded between, and without warning Carl disappeared from where he was standing, transforming his body into Blood Mist, quickly spreading around Orlok from all his blindspots and corners.

As Orlok watched Carl's form dissipate into a crimson mist, his senses sharpened for any signs of attacks incoming, he even stirred his mana to react against the ability that killed Wisborg as he perceived it to be related to the blood that entered his partner's blood system. 

He knew all too well deep down that he was facing someone on the level of a Vampire Lord, opponents that even he wouldn't be brave enough to say he could defeat. His ability to manipulate blood to such a degree made him realize that he was always in danger.

The sudden disappearance of Carl only heightened his unease, making him think of various strategies to create a reaction out of his foe.

"Again with those parlor tricks, you bastard? Can you face me head-on and show me why you're so confident in yourself?!" Orlok's voice echoed through the alleyway, clear anger in the mix, but also despondent that he couldn't do much apart from waiting for his incoming attack. 

"You may have power, but you lack the honor and dignity of a true Vampire. This is why you'll always be a mutt, a lowly Dhampir not worth our Vampire Legacy."

"Is this how you plan to face your enemies, skulking in the shadows like a coward?"

Carl's laughter rang out, echoing off the alleyway walls like the taunting jeers of a demon reveling in its prey's despair "Distasteful? Honor and dignity are meaningless to Villains. Haven't you learned that in your Academies or whatnot?"

"Ironic that you'll play the Heroic card on me, when you're just some lackey of another villain. I have no qualms about using whatever means necessary to achieve my goals, even if it means resorting to tactics you think are distasteful."

With a sudden surge of movement, Carl materialized behind Orlok in a swirl of crimson mist, his Blood Longsword materializing in his hand with a flourish. The blade gleamed with a malevolent crimson light, poised to strike at Orlok's opened back.

Orlok's instincts screamed at him to react, to defend himself against the imminent threat, and with his celerity he was on point to block Carl's blow, but the moment their swords met he felt his body instantly getting heavier. 

He was losing out on the first clash, solely for his lack of strength compared to his opponent who held an evil smirk the entire time he materialized from the mist.

"Continue clinging to your outdated notions of honor and dignity as if they hold any weight in the face of true power."

Orlok's eyes narrowed, a flicker of doubt crossing his features as Carl's words struck a nerve, and as they were clashing their swords the crimson eyes gazing at him made him weaken his grip on his sword, his resolve faltering in the face of Carl's overwhelming presence. It was as if he was not just facing a foe, but a wild beast and he was resumed to a pitiful human weak to defend himself in the face of such force of nature.

Disengaging from the clash first, he hurled some works at Carl, only to receive a mocking smirk filled with disdain. "Krassius. Let me tell you the cruel truth, you just like me are nothing more than a pawns in a game the true Lords of this World play."

Carl didn't respond, just allowed the Lasombra Vampire to feel his contempt, only attacking him with swift sword strikes. With each clash of their swords, Orlok could feel the weight of those blows bearing down on him, sapping his strength. 

There was no point in using 'Blood Burst' to kill Orlok as he felt this chance of acquiring experience in combat would go to waste. 

Since he absorbed the blood essence of the handful of Vampires in the low to middle class ranges that ambushed him under the command of the Karnstein and Lasombra Clans, his power grew to the point he could notice the differences from his first sword fight against the first troops of Assassins.

Until now he was playing with Orlok since his attributes overwhelmed the Lasombra Vampire, but he still allowed him to feel the chance of the win over the horizon. There was a wicked glint in his crimson eyes as he prepared to destroy Orlok at what he prided himself the most.

'I should begin my act. Let him feel some hope, before I snap that bud of hope into fragments. This will be quite the fun play, mister.'

[What a little devil. Isn't that too cruel?]

'Not really. I just want to reflect some misfortune into this moron who thinks can defeat me while my ladies are watching my play.'

'Which guy wouldn't want to show off in a grand fashion to his women?'

[Ahh, another nonsense of yours. Why aren't you listening to my advice? Wou're wasting your time again.]

'Don't get me wrong, mister Vlad. I appreciate your words and guidance, but sometimes, I like screwing around. Life is short, so why not enjoy it sometimes.'

'Whatsmore, tonight was my night with Jeanne, she even cooked me some food to impress me but those maggots had to mess with my plans. Let him suffer for all I care.'

'It will be satisfying by the end, mister. Promise.'


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