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50% Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya / Chapter 3: Central 46

Capítulo 3: Central 46

It's been a few hours since he tested his powers and it was still night time in the Soul Society.

He at first was going to simply sleep, but after regaining all his energy back he decided to meet with the Head Captain, and inform him about Sosuke Aizen. Toshiro knew he couldn't depend on the Head Captain but he wanted to at least plant the seed, so he's aware of it.

Which is why he now stood outside the Head Captain's large entrance.

Toshiro stepped in and marveled at how large his office was and he even had an equally large balcony with the whole wall open showing the whole Seireitei.

Yamamoto himself was behind the only desk in the empty room, with his Lieutenant standing behind him.

"Do you wish to rush your punishment?" Yamamoto questioned as he didn't even look up and continued writing something on his paper.

"No sir, I have something to tell you." Toshiro calmly replied.

"Then speak it."

"But before I do, please excuse my actions."

Toshiro suddenly unsheathed his zanpakuto and tapped the ground with the tip of it softly, ice instantly spread throughout the entirety of the room other than the Head Captain and his Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Sasakibe unsheathed his zanpakuto and pointed toward Toshiro from beside the head captain with a glare.

Yamamoto himself simply stopped writing as his desk and papers were frozen, glancing up with an unamused gaze, "What is the meaning of this Captain Hitsugaya? Do you believe you may act so recklessly simply because you unlocked your powers?"

"Sir, I had to make sure there weren't any spies or leaks..." Toshiro answered in response as his expression remained still, he only took action like this because he knew he already saw Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu, and his own zanpakuto Daiguren Hyorinmaru can negate concepts/abilities themselves, which was why he covered the room with his ice just in case.

So as long as Aizen himself is not powering the Kyoka Suigetsu, he should be able to break any past illusion he left behind. But he could only hope Aizen himself wasn't here sneaking about.

"Spies you say?" Yamamoto questioningly muttered.

"Yes, I believe I've caught onto a conspiracy within the Gotei 13, and the main perpetrators are the Captains of Squad 5, Sosuke Aizen, and Captain of Squad 3, Gin Ichimaru." Toshiro proclaimed confidently.

Yamamoto silently hummed, "I see, do you have evidence for such a claim?"

Toshiro shook his head, "While I can't prove they are perpetrators, I have partial evidence to at least prove that there is a conspiracy."

"Is that so? Where is this evidence?" Yamamoto asked.

"I'll need to take you there to show you." Toshiro responded.

Yamamoto unnoticeably raised a brow, but nonetheless stood up from his desk, "If what you say is true, then I must see it with my own eyes."

His Lieutenant finally sheathed his zanpakuto as he silently followed Yamamoto to the edge of the room outside toward the frozen wall of a balcony.

"Please be as discreet as possible." Toshiro warned as he sheathed his sword on his back and released the ice, causing the room to quickly return back to normal.

He then vanished from his spot as they followed him outside under the shining moon.

Their shadows could be seen as they ran atop the tile roofs of the Seireitei.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a large dome of a building with the large number 46 inscribed on the front.

"Your evidence is at the Central 46's facility?" Yamamoto questioned with a confused tone.

Toshiro simply nodded as he pushed open the large double doors, they then walked into the large pitch-black dark room that was as big as a coliseum.

"Sir if you may." Toshiro nudged his head toward the lanterns on the walls that had no fire in them.

Yamamoto sighed before his wooden cane transformed into a katana, calmly unsheathing it, all the lanterns inside lit up with fire.

It was completely empty, not a sound of a single person.

"So what if it's empty? The Central 46 Members do not work at this hour, it's far too late." Yamamoto scoffed as his katana returned back to a wooden cane.

"Watch." Toshiro then unsheathed his katana as he put his palm on one of the surrounding tables.

Ice swiftly encased the entire room, Yamamoto seemed unimpressed until Toshiro muttered one word.


His ice shattered instantly, and the once empty room had bodies riddled behind all the desks with former Central 46 Members.

And a heavy stench of blood and death emanated in the room.

Headless bodies.

Armless bodies..

Blood was sprawled everywhere...

"What in the heavens..." Lieutenant Sasekibe frowned as he stared at the dozens of bodies around the room.

Yamamoto's expression turned grim instantly as he realized what had happened.

"An illusion-based zanpakuto?" He mumbled with anger.

"Indeed, I believe this to be Captain Aizen's zanpakuto." Toshiro said as he turned back toward the old man.

"From what I've gathered it's Perfect Hypnosis, one that can control all 5 senses, which is why we were all tricked." Toshiro added.

Toshiro himself couldn't even tell it was an illusion, the only reason he even knew to use his ice on it, was simply because of the new memories he had. He saw a part where the entire Central 46 had been murdered for months but no one knew because of Kyoka Suigetsu.

He was lucky his ice had the properties to negate concepts/abilities, so breaking an old illusion wasn't too hard. His Zanpakuto was a counter to practically every ability, but it could always be defeated if the opponent had more Spiritual Pressure.

Yamamoto then exhaled, "Do you have any evidence to prove this is Captain Aizen's doing? I can not simply arrest him at your word. And what does Captain Ichimaru have to do with this?"

Toshiro shook his head, "As you can see, such an ability does not leave evidence behind on who the perpetrator was, not even Spiritual Pressure. And as for Gin, he works for Aizen but it's a bit more complicated than that." He didn't attempt to elaborate any further as it wasn't his business, but he knew how much Rangiku cared for him, so he might have to do something about Gin.

"I see, as it is we don't have any evidence to suspect anyone, other than your word. So for now we shall call an Emergency Captains Meeting to discuss about these deaths and so-called conspiracy." Yamamoto explained.

Toshiro didn't seem surprised because he already knew Yamamoto would follow the rules to the letter, he was a very prideful man, but at least now, seeds of doubt were planted, while he doubted it would do anything, he at least tried.

"That's fine, but I would appreciate it if you allow me to do all the talking about the investigation during the meeting."

Yamamoto sighed, "So be it. Sasakibe call an Emergency Captains Meeting now."

His Lieutenant nodded as he suddenly pushed both his hands forward and a magical sigil shaped like a yellow square appeared.

[Attention all captains! An emergency meeting has been called!]

Toshiro heard a message in his head, which he knew was a communications Kido.

"If that is all, let us go." Yamamoto then started walking toward the exit.

Toshiro was about to follow him but his eyes gazed deep into a certain direction, "By any chance did you send out Captain Kuchki and Lieutenant Abarai to capture Rukia Kuchki?"

Yamamoto stopped walking and glanced back, "Indeed I did, she seems to have been caught in the act of treason, by sharing her powers with a human, I was going to inform this during the meeting."

"I have some catching up to do with her, I'll visit her before I attend the meeting." Toshiro lied, he rarely talked to Rukia but she had something that was drastically important.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes toward Toshiro before silently grunting in confirmation and disappearing with his lieutenant.

Toshiro swiftly vanished from his spot as he appeared in the middle of a bridge in front of a large tower.

And directly in front of him, he could see Byakuya and Renji escorting Rukia between them.

'How pitiful...'

After learning a lot about his world from the memories, he couldn't help but pity Rukia. She saved a random human's life at the cost of her powers, knowing full well she would be executed but still did it, Toshiro respected that, she lived by her own ideals and wouldn't let rules control her.

Something he recently started doing.

"Captain Hitsugaya do you need something?" Byakuya questioned with his usual calm eyes, as he approached Toshiro who was blocking their path from crossing the bridge.

Renji silently stood behind Byakuya, looking at Toshiro with a peculiar look since it was his first time seeing his adult appearance.

Rukia was still wearing her blue sun dress as she had a sad look on her face, but her eyes curiously glanced up to the strange man, who looked awfully similar to the Captain of Squad 10...

"Wait is that Captain Hitsugaya!?" Rukia had her mouth agape as she finally put the pieces together.

Toshiro ignored her, and calmly smiled, "Actually I'd like to personally escort Rukia to her cell."

Byakuya furrowed his brows, "We have been chosen by the Head Captain himself, so step aside Captain Hitsugaya."

Toshiro smirked, "I've already talked to the Head Captain before coming here, so you can either allow me to escort her, or I will have to forcefully remove her from you." The atmosphere calmly turned frosty as Byakuya and Toshiro had a staring contest.

It was getting cold and colder, until finally...

"Fine, let's go Renji." Byakuya abruptly turned around and took a step as he disappeared instantly.

"Huh?- Captain!" Renji was confused at his sudden leave, before quickly following after him.

Toshiro waved his hand, "Come on Rukia!" As he started to walk forward to the tower, leaving Rukia behind.

"Wait! Captain!" Rukia hastily caught up as she glanced at his new appearance.

"Hmm?" Toshiro glanced to his right as she walked beside him.

"If I may, is there a reason you wanted to escort me?" She asked curiously, she rarely ever talked to him in the past so his actions seemed random.

"You have something of importance." He cryptically answered while continuing to walk.

Rukia seemed stunned as she questioned, "What do you mean by that?"

"You can interpret it how you like." He nonchalantly answered as they entered the tower and started walking up the long spiral stone stairs.

Rukia confusedly looked at his back as they walked up the stairs, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Toshiro glanced back with a coy smile as he replied, "I guess you could say I respect you for what you did. Giving up your powers to save a human, while is considerably stupid, it's also admirable."

Rukia wasn't sure whether to feel insulted or complimented but she nonetheless appreciated it with a small smile, "Thank you Captain Hitsugaya, but I think your the only captain who would think like that." She hopelessly sighed.

"Well, while your brother may act cold, trust me when I say he has similar thoughts to me, he simply hasn't learned to act on them." He added.

Rukia had a nostalgic smile as she mumbled, "Yeah, I know."

Toshiro's had his usual plain expression as they entered a small circular room with a small window that had bars, as the moonlight shone from it, illuminating the room.

Chains on the ground could be seen tied to the wall.

"Well this is where you'll be staying until the date of your execution is confirmed, they'll bring some new clothes for you tomorrow." He explained.

Rukia nodded in understanding as she sat on the cold stone ground.

Toshiro crouched down in front of her as he locked the chains onto her body.

As he was putting the last one on her neck, he stopped as he stared at her deeply with narrowed eyes as if searching for something, which she returned with a confused gaze.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No, simply observing for injuries." Toshiro casually replied before halting from putting the neck chain on once again.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" She asked once again.

Toshiro tossed away the neck collar-like chain and spoke, "It seems too much like a dog collar, something far beneath someone such as yourself. Wouldn't you agree?"

Rukia glanced down at the steel chains, before simply nodding in appreciation, "Thank you, sir"

Toshiro didn't really care as he suddenly got closer to her.

"Don't mind me, I need to check something."

Toshiro swiftly put two fingers at the center of her forehead as it glowed blue, emitting Spiritual Pressure into her body.

Rukia shuddered as she felt a chill enter her body, seemingly traversing throughout her entire body.

"Captain?" She confusedly murmured.

Toshiro didn't reply as he closed his eyes and searched for something within her body.

After a few seconds, his eyes snapped open as he realized he saw a bluish orb smoothly rotating within her.

'The Hogyoku!' He surmised.

"Hello! Captain Hitsugaya?" Rukia's callings broke him out of his thoughts as he focused back on her.

"I was just checking your internal condition." He replied calmly as he was still crouched in front of her.

Rukia nodded in understanding, "Ah, is that so? Then thank you once again ."

"If you want, you can tell me about your journey, no need to tell me names or what they look like. You can simply tell what you did and how you ended up here." Toshiro then all of a sudden sat down in front of her without waiting for her response.

"I'd rather not waste your time Capta-"

But as she saw him sit down with an interested look, she couldn't help but vent out everything that happened. She didn't tell him any names but simply what she went through and how much fun she had.

She couldn't stop talking as her smile got wider and wider about fun things she experienced, such as simple things as her first time eating Ice cream or learning how to drink from a juice box.

Toshiro silently listened as she continued, until finally she realized she was talking too much.

"I was blabbering wasn't I?" She chuckled awkwardly.

"It was interesting." He simply responded as he stood up.

Toshiro then thought back on what Rangiku told him yesterday, 'Sometimes people just want someone to listen and that alone can be good enough to make them feel better.'

While he usually wasn't the nice type or talkative type, he wanted to try it out...

And he concluded he still didn't find it important and thought of such actions as useless. From the memories he saw, he was impulsive and rash, this time he would make sure he doesn't make such obvious mistakes.

Toshiro then just shook his head as he headed for the stairs, "Well, see you later." He then disappeared without waiting for her response.

In the far distance from the tower, a silver-haired man with snake-like eyes covered in a black hoodie could be seen observing with a creepy smile, as he stood on top of the roof of a building.

"Lord Aizen should find this interesting." He murmured before vanishing.


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