Leo Cross is a young orphan living in a scrap yard on the outskirts of Ion City. Despite his impoverished circumstances, Leo is a gifted engineer with a talent for fixing up old technology. One day, he stumbles upon a broken old generation virtual reality console that, with his engineering prowess, he manages to repair.
Unbeknownst to Leo, a mysterious new VR game has appeared on every console in the world. As he begins to explore this new virtual world, he discovers that his engineering skills have made him an incredibly skilled craftsman in the game. Through his creations, he becomes renowned and respected by other players, rising up the social ladder in both the virtual and real worlds.
But as Leo becomes more successful, he also attracts the attention of dangerous players who are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead in the game. Leo must navigate treacherous waters as he tries to keep his virtual success from spilling over into his real life, all while uncovering the secrets behind the game's creation and struggling to find his place in a world where he has always been an outsider.
Will Leo be able to use his skills to overcome the challenges he faces in the game and in life, or is he fated to always be dealt a bad hand? Find out in this gripping tale of technology, ambition, and self-discovery.
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