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27.58% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Big Tick

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15: The Big Tick

The Tennysons were camping out at Yellowstone National Park as Gwen and Max admired the beauty of the park's nature as Max took in a breath of deep air and sighed in satisfaction.

"Ah," Max said. "Nothing like relaxing in the peace and quiet of the great outdoors."

"Darn it! Darn it!" they heard Ben say as he and his sister walked up, fiddling with the Omnitrixes. "I hate this stupid thing."

"...Or not," Gwen said.

As Bewn was fiddling with his watch, a radio gave out a special report as he shrugged and shook his head.

"Astronomers at Mt. Hamilton have caught a glimpse of a small meteor and it appears to be headed toward the northwest part of the state."

"What's the matter, guys?" Max asked.

"I'd figure I'd go XLR8 and hit that burger place in Casper to pick up a double cheeseburger with pickles, but it looks like I'm stuck here."

"And I figured I'd try to go Blossom Rose to try to grow some fresh vegetables for Max to cook up instead, but it looks like I'm going hungry today... again," Jen shrugged.

"Guys, Yellowstone just happens to be one of the coolest places around. Just hang out and appreciate it," Gwen said, folding her arms.

"Gwen's right," Max said as he walked over to a log and pushed it, revealing some grub worms that were crawling around in the mud underneath it as he smiled. "And we can life right off of the land. Mealworms. Good for protein."

He then slurped it right down the hatch, much to the kid's disgust.

"Ew!" they all shouted.

"Grill 'em up with a sun-dried tomato paste, they are-"

"Maybe I can help!" Gwen said, adjusting Ben's Omnitrix as Jen did the same with her's. "I'll have my burger with chili."

"I can appreciate that," Ben said as he pressed a button and his sister did the same before they were engulfed in a flash of green and pink light.

Unfortunately, the alien forms they were turned into were not what they were expecting.

Ben was a hulking, broad-shouldered alien covered in natural, yellow armor plating on his back, shoulders, and the backs of his arms. He was mostly white, with black on his upper half. He had four claws on both of his hands. He originally had sharp teeth. He wore the Omnitrix symbol on his forehead and his eyes are yellow.

Jen was an anthropomorphic skunk with pink fur, white patches on her paws with her bottom paws completely white and white stripes that went from her neck to her long bushy tail on her slightly larger rear She was about as tall as a teenage girl and she wore a pink leotard on her midsection with the Omnitrix symbol just below her breastbones.

Due to the sudden shift in weight, Ben lost his balance and crashed down onto the ground, landing on Jen's tail as she yelped out in pain and yanked it out.

"Hey, watch the tail!" she whined, rubbing it.

Ben looked at himself and gasped. "Uh, guys, what am I?" he asked in a deep throaty voice.

"That's a heroic pose," Gwen stated as Ben groaned.

"Very funny," he said as Jen looked herself over and checked out her paws and wagged her tail and gasped.

"I'm a skunk," she said, slightly embarrassed. "Holy cow, I'm a skunk."

Gwen and Max walked up and helped Ben up onto his feet.

"I can't believe I'm a new hero," Ben said.

"Neither can I," Jen said, still waggling her tail around and trying to hold it in.

"And where there's one more, who knows? There could be a hundred more," Max said.

"Well as long as they're not as useless as this one is..." Ben said, shrugging. "So what do you think he does?"

He then inhaled a large breath and exhaled sharply... nothing.

"So much for breathing fire. Maybe I can fire freeze rays from my eyes?"

He then focused really sharply... nada.

"Magnetic blasts?"

He then shot a few hand poses out... still not a thing happening.

"Stop making a fool of yourself, bro," Jen said, tapping her paw on the ground.

"Why aren't you trying to see what your powers are?" Ben asked.

"I'm a skunk, Ben," she said. "What do you think my powers are?"

He then sniggered slightly before Jen walked over and pointed her clawed finger at him with a glare.

"Don't you dare or else I will kill you with one whiff of my fumes!" she said.

Gwen then glanced upwards and saw a giant meteorite come hurtling towards them and she gasped out loud.


The others ducked out of the way as the two new aliens glanced upwards as Jen then glanced upwards at the flaming ball of death hurtling towards her.

"Eek!" she shouted as a cloud of toxic gas burst from her rear as she held her head down, embarrassed as she ran off, her tail between her legs as Ben shouted out and landed on the ground as the meteor landed a little ways away in the park as he groaned.

"This guy's gotta go," he said.

Suddenly, as he curled up in an attempt to get up, his armored plates curled up around him, forming an indestructible ball that rolled down the hill and towards the crash site of the meteor as the others looked on.

"Don't you mean gotta roll?" Gwen asked as the three looked on.

"Look on the bright side. You're heading in the direction of the meteor," Max said as he ran off with the other two following him.

"Gwen, promise me you won't make fun of me for this girl's farts," Jen pleaded.

"Who am I to make fun of nature?" Gwen asked. "Just please don't eat any tofu or beans when you're this girl?"

"Done," Jen said.

They then followed the rollaway Ben who rolled down the crater that the meteor left until he came to a halt when he was directly in front of it, before standing up and saw just how big it was as Jen, Gwen and Max arrived next to him.

"Whoa," he said. "It's huge."

Suddenly, the ground started to shake and tremble, causing Ben to fall over again as they saw the meteor start to split open, as if something was inside of it.

"And alive," Jen said in awe.

They looked up and through the cracks in the meteor, six legs burst out of its shell.

The Tennysons ran away from the scene (or, in Ben's case, rolled away) as the giant alien beast took its form and fragments of the meteor shell rained down on them.

They then stopped and took a look at the giant beast. It was a huge tick-like alien with a pink and red shell and abdomen with giant blue eye-like pores on the sides of its shell, six dark blue legs, and deep pink tendrils coming out of its mouth. It then stabbed its legs into the ground for stabilization and stabbed its mouth tendrils into the ground and started sucking. The pores on its shell released a green gas.

Once the gas faded into the atmosphere, the gang fanned away the foul stench.

"Ugh, and aromatic," Max said.

"I thought that was Ben not taking a shower for three days," Gwen remarked as Max walked over to the tick to investigate.

"Four. And counting," Ben corrected.

"You can't possibly smell worse than I do right now," Jen sighed.

Suddenly, a large needle like spaceship appeared in they sky, not going unnoticed by our heroes as the hatch opened up and three aliens emerged from it. The first was a tall, pale-skinned alien with six tentacle-like feet. The second was shorter with six arms and yellow skin. The final one was of medium height, has four eyestalks, and carries a large axe.

"Rejoice," the tall alien announced. "He's arrived in all of his glorious glory."

"Redundant much?" Jen asked.

The three aliens then departed on three hoverboard-like devices towards the tick. The short alien in particular flew up to the tick and pressed its ear to it, as if trying to listen to what he was saying.

"I await his proclomation," he said.

"Who are you guys?" Max asked, suspicious.

"Relax. We come in peace," the tall alien said.

"That's what the bad aliens always say," Gwen said. "Right before they blow you to bits."

"How do you know that you're not lying?"

"Relax, Skunkian," the small alien said.

"Hmm, an earthling with attitude," the middle alien said, flying by. "I heard they exist here in large numbers. Or should I say did."

"And an Arburian Pelarota to boot," the tall alien said as he glared.

"At least we know what you two are now," Gwen whispered to the twins.

"His presence here must be assigned provided by the Great One," the tall alien said. "Is he not tremendous?"

"Tremendous," his friends agreed.

"All hail the Tremendous One," the aliens all chorused.

The middle alien then flew by Ben. "But you two are a little far from home, aren't you?"

"Actually, closer than you think," Ben said.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing to go back to. We purified your planet last week."

"Shh!' the short alien interrupted. "Everyone quiet down. He's speaking to me."

The others listened closely, only to hear dead silence.

"I don't hear anything," Gwen said.

"Only I speak his language," the short alien explained before going back to the tick. "The Great One says... your planet will be purified before the next moon. You are quite lucky."

And as the tick fed, a dark energy coated the ground from his tendrils outwards. It then continued with the trees and just didn't stop going.

"I don't think so," Max said.

"No. It's actually quite the experience," the tall alien said. "Let me show you."

"Not the audio-visual thing again!" the middle alien complained.

The tall alien ignored his companion and pressed a button on his helmet and projected a series of moving images in a pink light.

"We followed the Great One from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, after he paid a visit to each and every one of our planets." He then projected the image of the Great One as its legs were planted deep into the ground of the planet like roots. "Notice his technique, the deep burrowing of the appendages into the core of the planet, rotting it from the inside and then... ingesting it."

As he finished, the planet in the image exploded, much to the horror of our heroes.

"That's what he's going to do here?" Jen asked.

"Of course," the tall alien said. "Your cities will be laid to waste, your oceans will dry up, your mountains will crumble."

"It will be the end of your world as you know it," the middle alien said.

"Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!" they all chorused.

"I don't think so!" Ben shouted.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Jen agreed as Ben rolled towards the tick.

Unfortunately, the middle alien smacked him away with his axe and sent him sprawling into the shrubbery.

"Ben!" Gwen and Max shouted as they ran over to him as Jen glared at the alien worshippers.

"This isn't over!" she shouted as she lifted her tail and a plume of toxic gas emerged that clouded their path as she made her escape from them.

"That's better," the middle alien said as they went back to worshipping.

Ben slammed against the trees like a pinball as the others chased after him.

"Ben!" Max shouted before Ben slammed into them and they all crashed into a ravine as the Omnitrixes timed out in a flash of red and purple light and they landed in a cloud of dust.

"Oh man. This watch gives me a new alien out of the blue and all it can do is roll around! Totally no fair!" Ben shouted.

"You're talking about unfair? What kind of girl wants to transform into a skunk of all things?" Jen whined.

"Oh, that's right. Let's not worry about the fact that some giant planet sucker is about to wipe Earth off the face of the universe!" Gwen reminded them. "Because that's fair!"

"Are you sure you can't call Scarlett for this one?" Max asked.

"I think she has her own fish to fry right now," Jen said.

Suddenly, the leaves started falling off of the trees around them as they mutated into grey ugly husks as they all looked on in fear.

"The trees are changing," Ben said.

"We have to get back up on that hill and destroy it," Max said. "Before it destroys everything."

The Tennysons then crawled up the hill and once they reached the peak, they gasped as they saw ugly grey tendrils swarming out of the ground.

"Um, those weren't here when we rolled down the hill, were they? Everything's kind of a blur," Jen said.

"No, I think we would've remembered them," Gwen said nervously.

"That big tick's poison is mutating the landscape!" Max realized.

The tendrils then shot towards Gwen who recoiled in disgust.

"Get your slimy whatever-they-are away from me!" she shouted, slapping a tendril away. Unfortunately, they seemed to take offense to this and wrapped around her waist, lifting her up.

They did the same to the other three, who struggled in their grasp as the twins started dialing their Omnitrixes and Jen gulped as the tendrils retreated into the ground.

"Um, guys. Wouldn't now be a good time to go hero?"

"I'm trying! But what if I turn into something else that's useless?" Ben asked.

"We're sinking!" she shouted as the tendrils retreated into the ground with them in grasp.

Jen's eyes then started glowing pink as Ben finally got his Omnitrix working and slammed down the core.

"Let. Us! GO!" Jen shouted at the top of her lungs and she burst out of the ground in an explosion of pink energy as she started levitating in the air before stopping on an energy platform she formed under her feet as Stinkfly burst out of the ground following her and started floating alongside her.

"Get the others!" Stinkfly ordered as they flew downwards as Jen grabbed Gwen and Stinkfly grabbed Max as they started flying away as Jen formed multiple platforms under her feet as she ran away from the tentacles, keeping up with Ben.

"Wow," Gwen said. "Your powers are getting stronger."

"Practice makes perfect, Gwen," Jen said as she gave out an energy slash that severed a ton of tendrils that chased after them.

"We really need to get you some underwing deodorant, Ben," Gwen said as Stinkfly glared.

"I don't call this guy Stinkfly for nothing!"

The tendrils then shot back out of the ground and wrapped around Max's leg as he glared.

"I never was one for tug-of-war," Max said as he kicked the tendrils off of him and Jen swooped down, using her self levitation before she released an energy burst from her hands that severed the tendrils and set them on fire.

"That's enough of that," Jen said as she created an energy platform beneath her feet that she used to levitate right by her brother's side. "Let's tick off a tick!"

"I hear that!" Stinkfly said as they flew towards the Great One's location as the tendrils shot back out from the mutant trees as they avoided them before Jen severed them with her energy swipes as they glared.

"If I never see another giant bug again after this, it'll be too soon," Jen said, facepalming as they headed towards the Great One.

Meanwhile, the worshippers were still doing their business when they heard the ground start to shake.

"What was that?" the middle alien asked as they looked over and saw the infected Old Faithful start to puff up like an infected sore.

"It appears part of this planet is about to be liberated," the tall alien smirked.

The small alien then went back to the Great One and listened to it speak some more.

"Yes. Yes, I understand," he said before turning to his companions.

"What did he say?" the middle alien asked.

"He wishes us to see the effects of his greatness and go witness his supreme and ultimate power."

The worshippers then flew over to Old Faithful to see it burst.

The gang flew overhead and examined the horrific sight of the Great One's workings.

"Yellowstone's becoming more and more poisoned," Max said.

They then heard the pulsing of Old Faithful from close by.

"What was that noise?" Jen asked.

"Sounds like Old Faithful's ready to blow," Max said. "And I don't know what that tick's poison is going to do to it when it does."

"I don't want to find out, Grandpa," Gwen said, shuddering at the thought.

"One detour coming up!" Stinkfly said as he and Jen flew towards the toxic cloud of steam that signalled Old Faithful.

At said infected geyser, the alien worshippers examined when they saw Stinkfly and Jen's silhouettes closing in on them as they flew towards them.

"I have visual recognition on the elderly man and the prepubescent female. And there's another human with them," the tall alien reported. "But what are they riding on?"

"Two tons of putrid power!" Stinkfly shouted as he and his sister flew in as Jen fired several energy bolts at them, knocking them off course.

"Move it or lose it punks!" Jen shouted.

"Not until we witness the eruption of the Great One's power."

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen today!" Stinkfly shouted as they looked to see the geyser. "Jen, you think you can form a forcefield around it until it releases its pressure?"

"Maybe," Jen said, rubbing her arm. "But I've never made one that big before. And even if I could, I don't know if it'll hold against all that pressure."

"You've got to try or who knows what will happen?" Ben asked.

"You're right," Jen said. "But you plug it so that it won't burst on me."

"Sure thing sis," Stinkfly said as Jen tossed Gwen to him as he flew in and spat his slime at the geyser, plugging it up as Jen leaped off of her platform and glared at the geyser before taking in a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing," she said as she focused and her eyes and hands started glowing as she formed a huge pink forcefield around Old Faithful and clasped her fingers together before slowly lowering them to the ground as the geyser carefully and slowly released its pressure as Jen's nose started to bleed from using so much energy. After she carefully lowered the pressure down so that the clogged geyser stopped rumbling entirely, leaving just a sore in the ground, she hit to her knees and started breathing heavily.

Stinkfly then flew in and she grabbed his tail as he flew them to a safe spot, setting them down as Max put a hand around his exhausted granddaughter.

The aliens looked on annoyed as they made their escape.

"You okay, kiddo?" Max asked as Jen wiped her nose.

"I'll be fine," she said. "I've just never used that much energy at once before."

"I'm going after them," Stinkfly said. "This fly is flying solo."

"Ben, we're partners," Jen said, standing up before stumbling and putting her hands on her knees.

"No, Jen. You're completely pooped after that geyser thing. I don't think you could survive one minute against them in your current state," Stinkfly said.

"As much as I hate to admit it, he's right," Gwen said. "I think you're going to have to sit this one out."

The middle alien let out several energy swipes from his axe as the other two fired energy beams as Stinkfly avoided them all, before sliming the middle alien's face, causing him to lose focus as Stinkfly flew away. He then ripped the slime off his face before he glared after the insectoid alien. "Get him."

They chased through the sky before Stinkfly flew high up in the air and disappeared behind the clouds, making the aliens loose sight of him.

"Where did he disappear to?" the tall alien asked.

Stinkfly suddenly appeared and sought to divebomb them from the sky.

"Oh yeah! Who's bad? Oh yeah!" suddenly, his Omnitrix started beeping down, much to his horror. "Oh no!"

The Omnitrix timed out, leaving Ben free falling helplessly through the sky. "Help!"

"Ben!" Max and Jen shouted from down below.

Ben then gasped as he shot his arms out and caught the hoverboard of the smaller alien, sending him crashing into one of the mutated trees, dazed.

"Oh man," Ben said, struggling to control the hoverboard. "Where's an instruction manual when you need it? I never had this much trouble with Tetrax's hoverboard."

He then, albeit with difficulty, flew the hoverboard to the tick's area with the other two worshippers following suit.

"Come on," Ben said as he slowly started to stand up and gain his balance as he started to get the hang of the hoverboard.

Jen then finally felt her energy return to her as she pressed a button on her Omnitrix and the twin's hoverboards flew out of the Rust Bucket towards her.

"Hang ten!" she shouted as she hopped on her hoverboard and flew right back into the action as the worshippers flew towards her brother.

"We have you now, human," the tall alien said before he was struck by a pink energy ray as Jen flew in while laying down relaxed on the hoverboard as she smiled at her brother.

"Hey, Einstein, you already have a board," Jen said as she tossed Ben's board to him and he leaped onto it as he flew alongside his sister towards the Great One.

The medium and tall alien prepared to fire their energy beams at them as Jen looked nervously.

"Ben, now!" she shouted as she ducked under them on her board as Ben went over as the beams hit the alien opposite them.

"Strike!" Ben said as the chase continued as they advanced towards the tick.

"Hurry up, Ben!" Jen shouted. "We're in the weeds!"

They continued dodging the energy blasts and swipes before they saw the clogged Old Faithful there in the ground as she smiled.

"This is your captain speaking," she smirked. "We are now making our descent!"

They then flew down towards Old Faithful and right when they were about to hit it, they pulled up as Ben smirked to the now helpless aliens.

"Get us out of here!" the middle alien growled.

"Thank you for flying Air Omni!" Ben shouted as the two aliens hit the clogged geyser and were covered head to toe in tick slime as the twins then flew down to their cousin and grandfather who were waiting for them below.

"Never seen an intergalactic fender bender like that before," Max commented as the twins smiled at them as Jen used her telekinesis to toss Max the small alien's hoverboard.

"Anyone need a lift?"

The Tennysons glared up at the Great One, noticing how much bigger it seemed than before.

"It's getting bigger as it feeds," Max realized.

"Then it's about time it went on the Four Arms diet," Ben said as the twins each dialed their Omnitrixes and slammed the cores down in a flash of green and pink light.

The screen split with both transformations. The watches sank into the twins wrists and their blood vessels expanded rapidly before spreading across their entire bodies, which eventually reached their eyes, which they clutched shut and when they shot them open again, they were fully golden. A second pair of arms shot out just below their primary pair and their muscle masses grew exponentially. Their feet morphed themselves to only have two toes and their skin turned red with a few black crests on their faces and they grew a second pair of eyes beneath the original ones. He wore a green and black/pink and white one-piece bodysuit before they shot a pose.

They both then went up to the Great One and gave out several powerful punches to it, which eventually ended with the pair being slammed back even harder and being blasted by a red energy beam, forcing them out of their transformation as the twins were in a smoking crater, dazed.

"Well, that didn't work," Ben said.

"You think that he could use some fire power?" Jen asked.

When the Omnitrixes recharged, they both then stepped up again.

"Okay, that's 2 down, 18 to go," Ben said as they each slammed their Omnitrixes again.

They then tried again by using Heatblast and Firefly's combined fire powers, which did absolutely nothing to deter it.

This continued as they tried everything in their arsenal to destroy the Great One. Wildmutt and Wildcat's powerful claws, both XLR8's rapid strikes, both Diamondhead's assault of crystals, Ghostfreak's tendrils, Upgrade trying to merge with it and destroy it from the inside, Ripjaws and Mermaid's powerful jaws, Blossom Rose's solar beam and pesticide projection, Frostblight's ice blasts, Battlefly's tornadoes, Needle Mouse's quills, Jen's powerful energy blasts, and even a continued assault from the energy cannon. But absolutely none of them even so much as scratched the Great One. The situation seemed hopeless.

"Okay, I give up," Jen said, sighing.

"This thing's indestructible!"

Just as they were recapturing their bearings, the worshippers returned. The tall alien looked to the middle one.

"Reverse beam flow," he ordered.

The middle alien released a beam from his axe, which formed a forcefield around the Tennsyons, Max banged his fist against it, which only ended up shocking him.

"It's time for the final purification of your planet," the middle alien announced. "And you four along with it."

"Please tell me we have a Plan B," Gwen whimpered.

"We had a Plan B," Jen scoffed. "And C, D, E, you name it. Nothing worked. Face it guys. We're doomed."

Later, the mutant tree husks were shriveling up as the Tennysons were tossed at the Great One's feet and the tall alien placed a sponge into each of their hands.

"I got a bad feeling about this," Jen said.

"What are we supposed to do with these?" Gwen asked.

"Before the Great One can cleanse your planet forever, he must be cleansed," the tall alien explained.

They looked to see the Great One secreting disgusting pus and goo from its pores as the twins recoiled in disgust.'

"No way! I am not scrubbing that thing's feet!" Ben said.

The middle alien responded by swiping another energy blast at their feet, which knocked them backwards and they stood up, dazed.

"Do as they say," Max encouraged. "For now."

"Oh man," Jen whined as they picked up the sponges and proceeded to start cleaning the Great One. (A/N: You cannot imagine my utter disgust as I type this scene. Or maybe you can as you all watched the episode before reading this chapter anyway.)

The small alien held his ear against the Great One as it oozed slime and smiled. "He says he missed us. It was not our fault, o Great One. Please forgive us."

"Forgivenss. Forgiveness," the worshippers chorused.

The Tennysons scrubbed down the blue goop secreting from the Great One as Jen looked on with absolute disgust.

"Oh man," she groaned. "Could this get any nastier?"

As she said this, she tried to scrub the Great One down some more, only for some white tick-like creatures to crawl out, causing her to scream and throw the bugs off her. "Gross! Space lice!"

They then noticed the trees in the background shrivel up and die into black husks as the ground turned into a more greyish landscape that was incapable of supporting any life.

"We're running out of time!" Max said.

"And aliens," Ben said. "We tried everything."

"Not exactly everything," Gwen reminded them. "Not yet."

"No way!" Ben protested. "I am not turning into that ball thing again!"

"And there is no way I'm turning into that skunk!" Jen said. "Besides, I don't even know if we could."

"Don't try and Earth turns into a giant cespool!" Gwen reminded them as they watched the dead branches fall off the trees.

"I hate it when you're right!" Ben shouted.

"Then again, she can't possibly be more gross than this," Jen said as she prepared her Omnitrix and turned the dial to her new alien.

Suddenly, several pockets burst from the Great One's shell as the scales fell to the floor, revealing blue pockets of flesh.

"It's shedding?" Gwen asked.

"More like transforming into something," Max said.

"His beauty," the tall alien admired.

"His power," the middle alien said.

"His... pus," the small alien said, unable to think of another positive alternative.

"The end is upon us," the all chorused.

The twins then nodded as they activated their Omnitrixes.

"Here goes nothing," Ben said.

"Clear the room people, it's about to get stinky!" Jen shouted as they both slammed their Omnitirixes.

The screen split into two as the transformations engaged.

Ben's Omnitrix sank into his wrist and his entire body started to bloat into a more rounded shape as he clutched his eyes shut. And when he opened them again, they were fully golden. His body was covered in yellow armored plates with a white inner body with black markings on his eyes and the Omnitrix symbol appeared on his forehead. He spun his body around like a ball before striking a pose as his transformation finished.

Jen's Omnitrix sank into her wrist and she grew pink fur with white patches from the wrist down as it snaked up to her body as her hands grew sharp claws and her muscle mass increased as she spun around. She grew a long pink bushy tail with a white streak through the middle as her feet shifted to paws as the fur made its way up to her face as she clutched her eyes open again, revealing them to be pink with black sclera. Her clothes morphed into a pink one-piece leotard with the Omnitrix symbol beneath her breastbones. She whipped her tail to the screen and she struck a pose.

"It worked!" Ben shouted as he suddenly lost his balance again and fell on his back. "Now what do I do?"

"Easy question," Jen said as she looked up to the worshippers.

"Destroy them all!" the tall alien ordered as he fired his energy beams at them.

Max and Gwen made a break for it as Jen glared at him.

"Not before we destroy your Great One!" she shouted as she lifted her tail and let out a cloud of toxic fumes from as the beam made direct contact with the cloud.

Suddenly, as the beam collided with the cloud, it exploded in a burst of fire that knocked her and Ben back as Ben rolled backwards and Jen dug her claws into the ground to stabilize herself as she looked on in awe at the damage she caused as the worshippers tried to regroup.

"Wow," she smiled as she wagged her tail, impressed. "This girl is a regular stinkbomb. Literally."

As the worshippers regrouped and attacked Gwen and Max, they ducked and the beams bounced off some of the loose scales.

"The scales will deflect their beams," Max realized as they each grabbed a loose scale and made a break for it.

Stinkbomb then looked over and ran for her energy cannon as she picked it up with her tail and tossed it to Gwen.

"Here, cuz! Use this!" she said as Gwen caught it.

"Thanks!" she said as she and her grandfather used the scales as shields to protect themselves against the worshippers beams while Gwen fired the energy cannon at them, to blast them off their hoverboards.

Soon afterwards, the Great One let loose a burst of slime from one of its pockets, which they shielded themselves from with its scales. Good thing too as the ground was destroyed where it landed as they gasped.

Ben got back onto his feet as he and his sister looked over to see their grandfather and cousin in disarray as they ran on the various pillars of earth and deflected the beams and fired back onto them with the cannon.

"Let's rock and roll!" Ben shouted as he stumbled on his feet and finally rolled up into a ball that rapidly picked up speed as it rolled towards his family as Stinkbomb followed him on all fours as she picked up speed and ran after him.

The tall alien finally destroyed the pillar Gwen was standing on, causing her to stumble before Max caught her. He was just about to finish the job when Ben suddenly flew in and tackled him right off of his hoverboard.


Stinkbomb then came in and tackled the small alien right off of his hoverboard with surprising strength as she scratched and clawed at him with her sharp claws, causing him to panic as she glared.

"Get off our planet!"

"You're too late," he said as she glared before she lifted her tail.

"It's never too late," she said as she unleashed another cloud of fumes from her rear at him, enveloping them both in the cloud before she leapt out with surprising agility as Ben came rolling in and picked her up in his ball and did the same to Gwen and Max as he picked them up and rolled them safely to a clearing.

"You're like a bowling ball!" Gwen commented.

"More like a cannonball!" Ben said with a smile.

Suddenly, the worshippers came in again and started firing their beams at the twins as Stinkbomb ducked and covered. Ben stuck his arms out, only for the beams to deflect off of his armored plates as they each deflected off onto the aliens again, sending them flying as Ben smirked.

"Actually, make that a cannonbolt!"

Suddenly, Cannonbolt got slimed as they all noticed the ground start to crumble beneath them as the Great One prepared to finish the job as Jen glared nervously and the worshippers summoned their hoverboards as they flew to safety as they glared.

Stinkbomb then whipped Cannonbolt with her tail as he recovered.

"It's now or never," Stinkbomb said.

"This thing's totally indestructible though!" Cannonbolt reminded her.

"Ben, remember Rojo?" Stinkbomb smiled. "If the outside is solid..."

"Then you gotta take it out from the inside," Cannonbolt realized as Stinkbomb stuck out her paw to him. He then rolled up into a ball with his sister inside as they avoided the slime bursts that came from the Great One.

"Let the digestion begin!" the tall alien rejoiced.

"Digest this!" Max shouted as he whacked him away with the butt of the cannon as he flew off on his hoverboard to attack the other worshippers.

Cannonbolt stopped as he and Stinkbomb glared at the Great One as it shed its scales to reveal a beige skin underneath it.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall," Stinkbomb said again as Cannonbolt rolled her up inside of him and shot off towards a ramp to shoot himself inside of the Great One's body, only to bounce off of its shell as they glared.

"Okay, time for the nastiest jet propulsion ever!" Stinkbomb shouted as she let her toxic gas loose from the ground, shooting her up to the sky as Cannonbolt leapt up towards a loose pocket of skin in the Great One's shell.

"Say 'Aah!" Cannonbolt shouted as they shot inside the Great One's shell.

"NOOOOO!" the worshippers shouted.

Cannonbolt absolutely demolished the Great One's inner workings, blasting through its heart, bouncing off of its muscles, severing its ribcage and basically destroying everything in sight as Stinkbomb landed on its spine as the inside filled with its blood as she recoiled in disgust.

"Ben is never going to let me live this down," she groaned as she got a look of pressure on her face and she focused as she felt like all the blood in her system was shifting to her rear end as her brow broke out in sweat as Cannonbolt gasped once he saw what she was doing.

"She's gonna blow!" he shouted as Stinkbomb focused intensely as her tail started wagging uncontrollably as the camera shifted outwards to the Great One's body as Max and Gwen started to be sucked in as Gwn screamed.

Suddenly, the entirety of its shell broke off as its skin started shifting uncontrollably as the camera zoomed into the desolate landscape surrounding it. It then completely exploded outwards in a burst of toxic gas and blue goop as Gwen and Max shielded themselves with the scales as it rained down on them.

"Ugh! The ultimate yuck! It's raining tick goop!" Gwen shouted as the twins emerged from the goop in the Great One's shattered remains as Stinkbomb shook it off of her fur with an absolutely disgusted expression.

"Okay, now I need a shower," Cannonbolt said, brushing the goop off as he looked to Stinkbomb. "Uh, sis..."

"Don't. Say. A word," she warned, punctuating every single word.

The small alien pressed its ear to a scale only to hear dead silence.

"Nothing," he said sadly. "The Great One has been silenced. Forever."

"You destroyed him," the tall alien said in shock.

They then gave stern looks as they hovered in front of the twins before the tall alien bowed down to them.

"Hail to the new Great Ones!"

"Hail! Hail!" the small alien agreed.

"Whatever," the middle alien scoffed.

"Not too loyal, are they?" Gwen asked.

"I could get used to this," Stinkbomb said with a smile before the Omnitrixes started beeping down, leaving the twins transformed back as the aliens immediately ceased bowing.

"That's right. I forgot. You're just two underdeveloped human specimens."

"Well, when you put it that way..." Ben said, still dripping tick goop.

The two worshippers left as they headed back to their spaceship, but the small alien stayed behind a few seconds as he waved to them.

"Enjoy the rest of your day," he said as Jen nodded.

"Right back to you," she said as he joined his companions as the ship left Earth's atmosphere.

"Actually, it looks like there'll be many days to come," Max smiled as the landscape shifted back to its normal lush green color, flourishing with life as they all stared in admiration.

"It looks like everything's going back to normal," Gwen said

"Hate to break it to you, Gwen," Ben said as he and his sister shook off the last of the tick goop. "But nothing we ever do is normal."

"You can say that again," Jen agreed.

"Nice job, you two," Max said, ruffling their hair as they smiled.

"Yep, we're the twins who saved the Earth," Ben said as he and his sister laid back in the grass.

"I think our work here is done for today," Jen said as she looked up to the sky as they smiled.

Later, the twins gained a look of absolute misery as they cleaned the tick goop off of the Rust Bucket as Max and Gwen relaxed.

"Me and my big mouth," Ben said.

"I save the entire planet by farting of all things and this is the thanks I get?!" Jen whined.

"Um, guys, you missed some tick goop over there," Max said as they looked up to see the entire RV covered in slime.

"Oh man," Ben groaned.

The camera shifted up to the birds flying in the sky as Old Faithful erupted, completely clean of any kind of infection. It was certainly looking like a bright future was ahead for our planet.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:


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