(Daikon's POV)
bot-gauntlet activated Daikon/Ace- gauntlet powerstrike
Daikon- I'll start gate card set, bakugan brawl Anubis stand
Ace-bakugan brawl Percival stand
bot-ability card set Daikon- Ability activate darkess enforcer, (It's kinda like big bang attack from dbz)
Ace-Ability activate night explorer
our powers were equally matched at first but Anubis pushed Percival back I then seen my fusion ability was ready Daikon-fusion ability activate Dark Eclipse!
Ace-is that all you got we can easily counter that ability activate tri-gunner! ok your attacks collided we look as the dust settles and I see that I won the first battle Ace-this isn't over, gate card set bakugan brawl let's do this Percival
"I think we should finish this quickly" I thought
Daikon-your up Leonidas bakugan brawl Leonidas stand Leonidas-*roars* Daikon-sorry but I have to finish this quickly triple ability activate plus fusion ability activate demolition claw plus alpha blaster plus rage flame plus fusion ability rage slayer!
it was over before Ace could activate an ability
Daikon- and that's a rap. Mira-Ace ,Mira and the others
rushed to him Ace-im fine!
Daikon-since I win I hope we can have a chat
___-Authors Note-___
hope you enjoyed 😁😁😁😁
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