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39.28% Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots / Chapter 11: Dancing with a Stranger.

Capítulo 11: Dancing with a Stranger.

There Midoriya was sitting in a bright red leather booth by himself, in a popular Pro Hero only night club. He sighed playing with the little pink umbrella atop his almost empty fruity drink.

Midoriya even dressed up for his outing, in a dark red button down to compliment his green hair and eyes with gray slacks that hug his thighs. However, he much rather to be home instead.

"Oi Nerd, what're you doin' here?" A familiar voice jolted him out of his thoughts

He turned his head to the side and lifted it up to see none other than his childhood friend, turned bully, turned friendly rival Katsuki Bakugou. He dressed similarly in a nice black button down with matching slacks making his red eyes and ash blonde hair pop. He looked well, handsome as ever.

The Pro was Japan's most sought after and eligible bachelor or that's what the tabloids say.

"Oh, hi Kacchan. Um... Shouto said I should come and enjoy the party." He said with a nervous laugh and a shrug

Most Pros where in a relationship of some sort, but for whatever reason Bakugou was never in one, publicly anyways. He and Midoriya didn't talk about relationship stuff often or at all.

"Doesn't look like you're enjoying it." Bakugou looked around the room putting his hands in his pants pockets to look casual then back to Midoriya with a frown

He knew Midoriya so well. Could always see right though him. At least he could since the end of their first year of highschool when they understood each other better and became friends again.

"Well, I wasn't even coming out tonight and parties aren't really my thing." Midoriya looked back down at his drink, his curls bouncing slightly with his movement

Bakugou stepped towards the opposite seat.

"Yea, I know." He commented as he slid into the booth

"So what's up with you?" He eyed Midoriya from across the table

Midoriya flinched at the question his head shooting up to look at the other man.

"Huh?" He questioned

Bakugou rolled his eyes then leaned against the back of the booth.

"You look like a sad bunny, Deku. What's wrong?" He frowned concerned for the other

"I- It's really nothing." Midoriya shook his head not wanting to spill his guts to Bakugou in the middle of a club

He wouldn't care about something like that anyway, the man is Bakugou after all.

It hasn't been long since they graduated, maybe a year or so. Which is why Midoriya always thought the papers calling Bakugou "the most eligible bachelor" was a little weird, but whatever that's Bakugou business. And like he always says, Midoriya should stay out of it.

They saw each other often, but worked with different partners, on different shifts, on different days at the Endeavor agency. The only time they did see each other at work was if they were paired together on a mission. So they texted each other to make up for the separation if they couldn't make time to hangout outside of work.

"Deku, you know I hate it when you lie to me." Bakugou leaned forward resting his arms flat on the table as he narrows his red eyes at green ones

Midoriya looked away. Those red eyes can bore into a persons soul and drag out anything they want if they stare at you long enough.

"Kacchan seriously, it's nothing you even care about." He said with a small pout

He wanted Bakugou to drop it, but Bakugou isn't a quitter. "Hag ain't raised no bitch." He's said on multiple occasions.

"Does it involve you?" Bakugou questioned pointing an index finger at Midoriya as his elbow stayed on the table

Midoriya's face morphed into a confused look for a moment.

"W- yea..." He answered looking sheepishly back at the other

"Then I care." Bakugou leaned back again with a shrug

Midoriya thought for a minute. He could just leave, but Bakugou would either chase after him or get angry and Midoriya doesn't want to deal with either possible out come right now.

They're friends and sure, Bakugou might not be the best candidate to comprehend feelings other than anger, but he'll understand in his own way.

"I'm... just feeling sad I guess." Midoriya returned a lazy shrug

"And why's that Nerd?" Bakugou cocked and eyebrow signaling for a waiter/waitress to come over

"... Uraraka and I broke up." Midoriya told him, eyes looking to the side as he fiddled nervously with his fingers that lay near his empty drink

"Damn, you're already back on last name bases. What happened, you bad in bed or something?" Bakugou joked with a grin to lighten the mood

Midoriya however, didn't think it was too funny.

"Beer please." He told the waitress when she arrived at the table

She nodded with a "Yes Mr. Dynamight." then promptly left.

"Not funny Kacchan and it was mutual. When you're working hard to become number one hero it's a little hard to have a romantic life... apparently and we grew apart. We started having small arguments then we had a big one and I made her cry. I felt awful and apologized profusely. Anyway we didn't want it to get worse so we decided it was best to break it off." Midoriya explained

Then his eye went wide as noticed he rambled.

Bakugou didn't mind. He kind of missed it actually.

"Ack, why am I telling you all this?!" Midoriya blushed realizing he just spilled everything to Bakugou

Bakugou let out a short exhaled laugh.

"Cause I'm easy." He smirked winking at the waitress who brought him his order

She blushed walking away as he turned his attention back to the freckled mess in front of him.

"I hope you meant to talk to and not in a s- sexual way." Midoriya whispered

For a man that had previously been in a three year relationship he acted like a total virgin sometimes.

Bakugou shrugged.

"Eh, both." He said taking a sip of his beer

He's had his fair share of sexual encounters and filing NDAs to keep extra's mouths shut.

"K- Kacchan." Midoriya covered his mouth in shock and embarrassment like he was scandalized

Bakugou scoffed.

"Shuddup, you prude. Let's get back to the damn conversation."

Midoriya sighed tired of this whole situation.

"Sh- Shouldn't you know about this already? It was all over the tabloids." He questioned Bakugou

"I don't read that shit, but Eijirou told me." Bakugou answered taking another sip of his beer

"Then why did you ask me if you already know, Kacchan?"

"Cause you look fucking depressed. Figured you needed to talk to somebody. So how long ago was this again?" Bakugou changed the subject

He honestly couldn't remember when Eijirou told him. Bakugou never payed attention to the red haired idiot, that he definitely doesn't consider a friend, anyway.

Midoriya tried to calmed himself. Tried to relax as his barely alcoholic drink started to make him feel little buzzed

"Two months."

Bakugou scrunched up his face.

"And your still crying over this shit?" He asked like three years of love meant nothing

"I loved her!" Midoriya glared Bakugou

Loved... he said loved. Past tense.

"Then why'd you break up with her?" Bakugou raising both his eyebrows

Why did he say love in the past tense?

Midoriya opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again like he was a fish trying to breath air.

"B- because sometimes when you love something you should set it free." He told him voice becoming shaky, unsure

"What about fighting for what you love?" Bakugou cocked an eyebrow again

"Kacchan... what are you getting at?" Midoriya narrowed his eyes at Bakugou feeling offended

He loved Uraraka still yet maybe he didn't.

Bakugou paused for a moment obviously thinking carefully about what he was going to say before saying it, which he didn't do often or at all.

"... Maybe you didn't love her as much as you thought you did if you just let her go without a fight."

Midoriya gasped.

"Ah, Kacchan how dare you!" He frowned

But maybe he was right. If he still loved Uraraka why does he call her by her last name and why did he say loved instead of love as in present tense.

Bakugou rolled his eyes looking a little apologetic.

"M not trying to piss you off Nerd. I'm just saying it's a little odd that you broke up with her so easily. Arguments and crying or not if you really wanted it, your feral ass would have fought for it. You always get what you want." He scoffed at the last sentence

He was right. Midoriya didn't fight at all. He just... let her go.

Midoriya gulped.

"Sh- Shuddup Kacchan."

Of course he was right. Bakugou's always right. He knew Midoriya all too well.

Bakugou's eyes snapped to Midoriya's scanning for something. Then a cocky grin spread across his face.

"Facing the music huh? Truth hurts."

Midoriya's bottom lip wobbled

"I- I'm done talking ab- about this." He looked down at his lap, tears pricking his eyes

Bakugou sighed with a small nod of understanding.

"Then let me buy you a drink Nerd." He proposed

Midoriya wiped his eyes trying keep from getting upset again.


"Can't I be nice?" Bakugou asked

Bakugou this nice? Not in a million years.

Midoriya looked up at him with frown.

"Have you met yourself Kacchan?"

Bakugou was frowning, but he looked sincere.

"Oi, I'm being serious."

Midoriya shook his head with a tight lipped smile.

"Thanks, but I don't want any more alcohol Kacchan."

"Fine, how about some water or maybe milk for the crybaby." Bakugou teased

He always teased Midoriya. It wasn't bullying and it never escalated to anything of the sort even if Bakugou got angry at Midoriya. Usually if that happened it was because Midoriya was being reckless as he often is so Bakugou lectures him calling him an idiot or a few other names, but it was all for the sake of protecting. Not to bully.

Midoriya knew Bakugou cared about him whether he would admit it or not. Midoriya felt the same way. He always has and always will.

"Kacchan stop. I don't feel like dealing with your teasing." Midoriya told him with a pout

"Then leave." Bakugou said bluntly serious as ever

Midoriya open his mouth, but his words lagged.


"You heard me. If you don't want to be here, then leave." Bakugou reiterated, sipping his beer

Midoriya gawked at Bakugou seemingly sudden mood change.

First he was offering to buy him a drink now he's telling him to leave?

"I- I can't, Shouto asked me to come."

"Yea and... where exactly is that bastard right now?"  Bakugou looked around the club challenging Midoriya to find him

"Over th- there..." Midoriya pointed Todoroki and Yaoyorozu whom were dancing together

Bakugou grunted in disgust at their PDA which was just doing the salsa.

He turned his attention back to the sad green idiot in front of him.

"I ditched my idiots to come buy you a drink... cause you looked like you needed saving." Bakugou smirked using a phrase Midoriya said to him a long time ago

That day was when he realized Midoriya would do anything to save someone. Even if the odds were completely against him, he would still put his life on the line if that's what it took. He was too kind hearted.

"Useless Deku." Midoriya muttered loud enough for Bakugou to hear as he looked down at his lap again

"No. Sad Deku." Bakugou corrected

"Pathetic?" Midoriya questioned looking up at Bakugou from between his curly hair that fell forward with his head

"Upset." Bakugou answered

Midoriya gave in. He did that a lot when it came to Bakugou.

"... alright, I'll take a beer." He nodded

"You sure you don't want water?" He grinned

"No, I want beer." Midoriya answered

Bakugou nodded and hailed a waitress over again since. His drink was stout, but he wasn't even tipsy. Bakugou was a lot of things, a light weight he is not.

"Oi another beer!" He demanded as she made it halfway to their booth

She spun on her heel to get his order.

"Kacchan that's rude." Midoriya told Bakugou in a scolding manner

"You're order Sir." The waitress said suductively as she leaned forward a bit it put the beer in front of Bakugou

"That was quick." Midoriya muttered

Bakugou looked her up and down slowly.

"It's for him." He smirked

Bakugou could have anyone he wanted with those looks of his and damn was he good at making people drool and beg at his feet for a little taste. But this poor waitress wasn't his prey tonight.

The woman move the beer over to Midoriya, her eyes never leaving Bakugou.

Midoriya felt uncomfortable with the eye sex invading the booth.

He cleared his throat and Bakugou's immediately flicker to him without a second thought of the busty waitress.

"Um thank you." Midoriya said kindly eyes still a little glossy

The woman nodded and returned the wink Bakugou gave her earlier then she walked away swinging her hips to make her ass look more enticing in the hopes Bakugou would be intrigued. But he paid her no attention.

"Crack it open Nerd." Bakugou told Midoriya

Midoriya did so with ease.

"Kacchan, why are you being kinda n- nice to me." He asked

Not that Bakugou's super mean, but this was definitely unusual behavior for him. Well unusual behavior towards Midoriya anyways. It's like Bakugou was being extra nice tonight.

Bakugou's eyes looked down at the table for a moment then back up to Midoriya's face.

"I don't like it when you look sad." He admitted

"I'm allowed to be sad." Midoriya said

"Yea... but nothing should make someone as bright as you, sad. Ever." Bakugou looked to the side

Midoriya was always bright and that's the way he should stay. If he wasn't happy then by god was Bakugou gonna sit around and let him stay that way.

Midoriya blushed a little under the low light.

"Wow, that was surprisingly sweet Kacchan. When did you become a sap?" He giggled lightly taking a sip of his beer

Bakugou scrunched up his nose at being called a sap.

"Shuddup, I'll kill you. Just being honest."

Midoriya smiled softly.

"Well, thanks for being nice. For once."

There it is that smile again. Bakugou never failed to make Midoriya smile. A long time ago he vowed to make sure Midoriya smile especially at him.

"Anytime Deku." Bakugou nodded once


Tension started to leave as Midoriya felt comfortable around Bakugou again.

"Um so what's going on with you? A- Anything new?"

It's been a while since the two talked last, probably about a month.

"Nothin' much, got a house though." Bakugou shrugged

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock.

"Really?! You should invite me over!" His previous funk had definitely passed

"Maybe I will." Bakugou grinned

"Maybe? No Kacchan, I wanna see your house! I bet It's gonna be all Black and Orange like Halloween." Midoriya said excitedly

Bakugou scowled.

"Creep." He shook his head

"Did I get it right?" Midoriya asked with a cocky smile

"Yea, ya stalker." Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully at him

"I'm not a stalker! I just know what you like." Midoriya defended himself crossing his arms

"Well your apartment is probably a shit storm." Bakugou scoffed

"Actually... I moved in with Shouto and Momo. I let Uraraka keep the apartment, her name was on the lease anyway." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck looking a little fidgety again

No. They were making progress.

"Bet it's fun hearing them two through the wall." Bakugou smirked hoping his comment will distract Midoriya

"Kacchan that's vulgar and... I leave when they want to... do that stuff." Midoriya looked to the side fiddling with his fingers that were rapped around his beer bottle

"That stuff" jeez did he even have sex with Uraraka?

"Pfft- do they ask you to leave?" Bakugou held in his laughter

This was the funniest shit he's heard all night. And Kaminari tried a pick up line on him only to be scolded by Jirou to "leave Bakugou alone" from the DJ station.

"I- I usually go shopping or something." Midoriya rubbed the side of his neck nervously

"The next time they wanna fuck, you're allowed to come hangout at my place." Bakugou told Midoriya

"Really!" Midoriya smiled, eyes meeting Bakugou's

"Yea, but if you jack my shit up I'll make you clean my whole house in a maid uniform and post pics on my Insta and Twitter." Bakugou said with a sly smile

Midoriya shook his head vigorously.

"No! That would be s- so embarrassing!"

"Then make sure to keep your grubby Dweeb hands off my shit." Bakugou informed

"Okay, okay, I won't touch any of your things unless you say I can." Midoriya nodded

"Hm. Good boy." Bakugou looked Midoriya up and down, drinking the last bit of his beer

The two fell into comfortable silence as they listened to the music float towards them. It was some slow song Midoriya didn't know.

Maybe Bakugou was right. Maybe Midoriya should have fought harder for Uraraka. He just let her go because he thought she was unhappy with him. She seems to be more happy now that they're apart though. She's even dating Tenya. Midoriya happy for them, but it hurts you know? There's also this awkward air between them. Why, why, did he let her go? Why was he more upset than she is? Was she really miserable with him? Midoriya's mind started in a downward spiral.

"Oi, dance with me on the next song." Bakugou asked more like a demand as he interrupted Midoriya's spiral

What did Bakugou ask? No way was he talking to Midoriya. Surely he was talking to that pretty waitress. Why would he want to dance with Midoriya anyway? Doesn't Bakugou remember he's got two left feet?

"Huh?" Midoriya furrowed his brows in disbelief and confusion

"It's gonna be another stupid slow song, so dance with me." Bakugou asked again a small smile playing on his lips as he downed the last bit of his beer

Nope he was definitely talking to Midoriya.

"H- How do you know?" Midoriya questioned him

"Earlobes always plays two slow songs in a row." Bakugou replied like it was common knowledge

On her nights off Jirou comes to DJ for the famous club, dragging Kaminari with her when he didn't have to work either.

"Kacchan, I can't dance you know that." Midoriya told Bakugou

Bakugou must have forgotten the School Festival back in their first year of highschool and that fact that Ashido literally told Midoriya he sucked at dancing. She wasn't wrong though. He unfortunately had white Boy syndrome. Couldn't be helped.

"The great thing about slow dancing is you can fake it by swaying back in forth." Bakugou slid out of the booth

Midoriya's eyes followed him.

"I don't think it works like that Kacchan." He shook his head

Bakugou rolled his eyes standing at the end of the table.

"Just dance with me Nerd, what do you have to loose?" He held out a hand beckoning Midoriya to come with him

To take him away, to that special place.

Midoriya stared at the hand that could explode on command.

There was a time when it was Midoriya holding out a hand to Bakugou. Well, well, well, how the turn tables. Right?

"Okay... can't hurt, I guess." He shrugged reaching out his scared hand and taking the other

Bakugou pulled him out of the booth and led him to the edge of the dance floor.

Midoriya smiled to himself as he followed Bakugou, leaving behind his half empty beer with Bakugou's back at the table to be completely forgotten about.

The song started right as Bakugou put his hands around Midoriya's waist and Midoriya placed his on Bakugou's triceps. Even though they were both adults now Midoriya was still a few inches shorter than Bakugou.

Bakugou loved it more that he wanted to admit. That was a recurring feeling for him. Loving something, but not wanting to admit it. His pride and ego always got the best of him, especially in his younger years. At least his anger has mellowed out a bit except when he's in a battle.

Paired with that deadly smile were fiery eyes that could kill just by looking at you.

That's probably why fans found him so intriguing. He was hot as hell, his voice was sexy as fuck, and his intense gaze could make any drop their pants.

If this was omegaverse he'd be the alpha to throw all the Omegas into an early heat, soaking their panties with so much slick it looks like they wet themselves, just by his presence.

"Hmm, hmm

I don't wanna be alone tonight (alone tonight)

It's pretty clear that I'm not over you (over you, over you)

I'm still thinking 'bout the things you do (things you do)

So I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight"

Bakugou confidently took the lead even though they just swayed back and forth. Midoriya smiled sheepishly at his enjoyment of dancing with his childhood friend turned friendly rival to whatever they are now.

"Can you light the fire? (light the fire, light the fire)

I need somebody who can take control (take control)

I know exactly what I need to do

'Cause I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight"

Midoriya always knew Bakugou was good looking, but on the dance floor with fluorescent lights shining down on them through the dark, it really made Bakugou look like a god. Like he was carefully sculpted by the delicate hands of a famous long dead sculptor.

He looked that way during battle too. It made Midoriya feel strange when his heart would race while seeing Bakugou look crazed with the thirst for victory no matter the cost.

"Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

Dancing with a stranger"

Midoriya blushed at his thoughts and leaned onto Bakugou shoulder to hide his embarrassment. What was wrong with him? He shouldn't be thinking like that.

Bakugou just hugged around arms still at his wast like he was keeping him close to protect him from the outside world.

"I wasn't even goin' out tonight (out tonight)

But, boy, I need to get you off of my mind (off of my mind)

I know exactly what I have to do

I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight"

Bakugou looked at the side of Midoriya's head that laid against him. He wanted to keep Midoriya for himself. He's always wanted to, but like Midoriya said "if you love something set it free." So Bakugou did, he let his partner go love whoever while he watched from a distance. Even though it hurt and he didn't want to. Bakugou let him go, didn't want to hold him back if he rather to be somewhere else.

Bakugou never took his own advice of "fighting for what you love" because what was there to fight for if the other person didn't love you back.

He sighed.

"If you love something set it free; if it comes back to you it was meant to be." Bakugou thought about the rest of the quote then internally scoffed

He hated old sayings.

"Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

Dancing with a stranger

Dancing with a stranger

Dancing, yeah, ooh"

He set it free like he should have, but maybe it would come back to him if he simply asked.

Bakugou knows he shouldn't. Midoriya just got over- well kind of got over a three year relationship. He knew it would be too fast. He knew Midoriya wouldn't be ready or wouldn't even want him in the first place.

But Bakugou is selfish. He's selfish when it comes to Midoriya and those eyes that have always been on him his whole life. Until they found someone new and he only saw them on rare occasions or through a screen.

Yet they always look at him the same way. Never once changing over the years. Which is why Bakugou is selfish.

"Look what you made me do (ooh), I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger

I'm dancing, I'm dancing (ooh)

I'm dancing, I'm dancing (dancing with a stranger)

I'm dancing, I'm dancing (dancing with a stranger)

I'm dancing, I'm dancing (dancing with a stranger)"

The song ended and they stayed on the dance floor hugging each other.

Neither made a move to leave just yet.

Basking in the comfortable feeling of each other's strong protecting arms.

"Deku." Bakugou said quietly and with caution waiting for the other to look up at him

Midoriya moved his head back and Bakugou was happy to see his cute face not filled with anything, but content.

"Yea, Kacchan?" Midoriya saw those red eyes looked to be wanting something

Midoriya wasn't sure though because they've always looked like that.

Bakugou shouldn't, but he's going to because he's selfish. Because Bakugou's so damn selfish when it comes to Midoriya Izuku.

"Can I kiss you?" Bakugou asked seemingly out of the blue

"Come back to me." Bakugou pleaded internally looking into those beautiful emerald colored eyes

He's yearned for the other for so long.

Midoriya's eyes went wide from shock. But... then everything made sense. Why his heart raced when he was around Bakugou sometimes. Why he thought... odd things about his childhood friend that he chose to ignore. And why he let Uraraka go so easily. Sure he was upset about it, but maybe in his subconscious he wanted someone else. That someone is in front of him right now.

Midoriya glanced down sheepishly then he met Bakugou's eyes again with a big smile.

"Only if you'll go out with me." He stated boldly

Strange, he felt strange. A little confused. If this is what he wanted all long then why didn't he see it sooner. Maybe he did, but like his thoughts, he ignored it.

Bakugou grinned eyes softening like he was relieved.

"Heh, deal Nerd." He leaned forward softly grabbing the sides of Midoriya's face to close the space between them

Midoriya felt... complete. Like this is what was missing. It never felt this way when he kissed Uraraka. Is this what it was supposed to feel like? Did he ever make her feel like this? He guess not since they left each other. His thoughts were drawn back to Bakugou who was kissing him like he was a starved man.

Yea, this is what he was waiting for. What they both were waiting for and it's been here the whole time.

Bakugou leaned back after the kiss that was admittedly a little more intimate than he had intended, but boy was he glad it was.

"You should come hangout at my place." He murmured as he still held the other, but loosened his grip as to not make Midoriya feel like he was trapped

"Kacchan, I'm not easy." Midoriya recalled Bakugou's earlier comment about his sex life

Good. If he can joke then Bakugou didn't scare him with his forwardness.

Bakugou scoffed with and eye roll.

"Shuddup that's not what I meant." He let go of Midoriya to take his hand and walk them to the bar

Midoriya didn't struggle to get away leading Bakugou to assume he was fine with what's happening. That he was fine with Bakugou.

Midoriya stifled a laugh as he followed along staring at Bakugou's broad back again.

"Alright, plus I have a feeling that I'll need to leave anyway." He pointed towards Todoroki and Yaoyorozu who were kissing each other in another booth

"Well if you try hard enough you might get some action tonight too." Bakugou smirked looking back at him taking out his wallet and handed a debit car the bartender to pay for their drinks

"K- Kacchan, don't say that out loud!" Midoriya blushed

"Whatever Nerd." Bakugou kissed his heated cheek taking his card and recipient from the man

"You didn't have to pay for my drinks, Kacchan." Midoriya said with a small frown as they walked to the door hand in hand again

"That'd make me a shitty boyfriend if I didn't." Bakugou rolled his eyes opening the door

"B- boyfriend." Midoriya repeated as they made it outside

Did Bakugou just say boyfriend? As in he was Midoriya's boyfriend and Midoriya was his? They are in a relationship already, but Midoriya didn't agree to anything even though he suggested it. Why is he so okay with it though?

Bakugou lead them to his car.

"Yea, idiot." Bakugou said with a genuine smile under the moon light

Right that's why because this was Bakugou, rather this was his Kacchan.

Midoriya jumped towards Bakugou hugging him almost making them fall to the ground.

"Oi watch the clothes, they're expensive." Bakugou scolded him patting his back with a little smirk

Midoriya jumped back releasing Bakugou.

"S- Sorry Kacchan. Just got overly excited." He laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his head

"S Fine, I'll be taking them off anyway." Bakugou said fixing his shirt

"Wh- what?" Midoriya asked blushing

Bakugou frowned at Midoriya as he opened the passenger side door of his car.

"To put a tank top and sweats on, you perve." He shoved Midoriya into his car like he was kidnapping the hero

"Sorry!" Midoriya giggled and Bakugou shook his head shutting the car door then walking around to the driver side to get in

"You ready?" He asked starting the sleek black car

"...Yea." Midoriya smiled wholeheartedly as he buckled his seatbelt

"You need me to stop by the extra's apartment so you can get some clothes?" Bakugou side eyeing Midoriya

"Urm, I'll just wear your clothes, if that's okay." Midoriya answered looking out the window

"You sure?" Bakugou questioned

Midoriya turned to him with a loving smile.

"Yep, take me home Kacchan."

Bakugou nodded looking forward.

"You got it Deku." He said driving off

If you love something set it free; if it comes back to you it was meant to be.

Maybe some sayings were okay.


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.



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