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Awake in Grimm Awake in Grimm original

Awake in Grimm

Autor: Pink_Ghosty

© WebNovel

001- Eli

Eli was confused when he first woke up, he didn't know what the heck was going on at the moment, he wasn't in his apartment since his ceiling was white and not black. The sheets that were currently making him feel as though he was on a cloud was magnificent, but he knew that for a fact his sheets were scratchy and old as heck only owning one set.

Looking to the side he saw on the night stand an alarm clock that read 5:10am, he instinctively knew that the alarm would go off at seven but for some reason he had woken up earlier. Rubbing his head he sat up while reaching for the Armani wallet that was sitting there, he was now afraid that he had robbed someone.

'What the hell is going on!' he shouted in his head as he picked up the wallet, he opened it seeing a picture of Zayn Malik but he felt that it was natural to see the picture. The name on the ID though read his name which made him more confused.

At the moment he was starting to freak out a little, wanting to put some cold water on his face so he could get his head straight he got out of the king sized bed while rushing to the bathroom. He just figured that it was it luckily he was right as he walked inside of it, without looking in the mirror he turned on the faucet splashing water on his face.

Panting some trying not to have a panic attack he let out a breath before looking in the mirror, which turned out to be a bad idea as he was seeing the same face on the ID he was looking at. The only difference was the blonde highlights in his hair which gave him a sexy vibe, but everything else was there.

Eli was frozen while looking down at his hands and arms which were covered in tattoo's, he only remembered ever having two himself not sleeve's and a hand tattoo. Also he knew for a fact that he didn't look this way, suddenly he felt like there was a giant rock sitting on his chest at the moment.

Stumbling back he ended up back in the room while trying to piece together what the hell was happening, he couldn't tell what or why he was where he was. He also really wanted to know why he was in this body, this was not the body he was born with, this one was better looking on all aspects.

Light headed from all the panting he blacked out, as he did he fell back into the bed while letting out a muffled groan falling face first into the pillows.


As he was blacked out Eli saw someone's life, it was the one of the body he was in, the first thing he saw was that he was a little boy and running through the snow. It wasn't good either since looking to the side he saw a beautiful woman holding his hand while looking disheveled, she looked panicked by something behind them.

When they made it to a car parked in the woods the woman finally let out a smile in relief, the next thing Eli saw was her beautiful brown eyes before the scene changed.

In the next scene he felt raw emotion as he was older holding the woman from before, "Mama!" He could hear his voice call out to the woman he was currently holding in his arms.

He could feel that her body was cold as she was now dead, he didn't know how it happened but the house was a mess and he came in to see her lying on the floor dead. Thankfully whoever did it was already gone, with anger and pain in his chest Eli ran to his room.

When he went inside he rushed to grab an already full duffle bag from the back of his closet, inside was everything he would need to keep moving forward. With tears he rushed to look under his bed which wasn't touched, moving a floor board he grabbed out three books putting them inside the duffle bag.

He couldn't be no older then 12 but he was now on his own, going back downstairs he went to his mom one last time holding her. After ten minutes he knew that he couldn't waste any more time here, he didn't know if they would come back or not so he had to leave.

Wiping the tears from his face he ran out the back door, grabbing his bike he took off going to his next destination, somewhere his mom always told him to go if this happened.

The memory was washed away again as Eli watched it all play out, in between he got information on what he was, a Zauberbiest. He felt as though it was a familiar name but he couldn't place it at the moment, it was like something was shutting out his memories so he could focus at the moment.

The next memory was of him in a ranch style house, he was living there with his grandmother who his mother had stopped speaking to years before. "Eli, I know that you don't want to talk about it but you need to tell me what happened." His grandmother said while setting down some food for him.

Eli had lived with her for a month but he never told her anything about why his mother and him were hunted, "Please, don't make me remember it." Eli said while looking at her with teary eyes even just thinking about his mother.

She sighed before ruffling his head, "Fine. I won't bring it up anymore but hopefully one day you can tell me all about out."

Eli nodded while digging into his food, "Thank you."

Another scene change this was years later, Eli looked to be in his early twenties about twenty-two to be exact, at the moment he was crying again for the first time in ten years. His grandmother was dying from cancer, even with his power that was something that he couldn't fix, if he tried it would just make it worse.

"You have to be strong Eli, I know there won't be anyone there for you anymore but you have friends now. Stay strong no matter what happens in the future." She said while smiling fondly up at him, she could feel that her time was coming.

Eli tried his hardest to not cry more, "She was protecting her spells," This was the first time he was mentioning his mom, "She found a whole new branch of them that were uniquely made by her, they were strong too that is why they hunted her. My dad sold her out which is why we had to run, she didn't want the Royals to get them."

His grandmother went wide eyed, sure plenty of Hexenbeist and some Zauberbiest made new spells and such but it was rare for them to be powerful enough to be hunted for. "Protect them then. Don't let anyone else know about this, if one day you need to tell someone then do, but if not then always keep it hidden." She put a hand on his face as the light slowly left her eyes her hand dropping down as it did so.

The next few were his time going through college and law school, finally getting into his dream firm, Berman, Rautbort & Associates it was were a lot of Wesen were hired. Seeing his talents they started him off with a huge salary and a corner office, the memories kept going until the time he woke up just minutes earlier.


When Eli woke up this time it was like his head was clearer, he could accept his life more now since he had seen it all play out, even if he still had memories from his other life. He knew he didn't die but somehow ended up inside this body in this place, well Portland, Oregon.

He still felt as though Wesen, Hexenbeist, and Zauberbiest was familiar but he couldn't place where he knew those words from. He also had many more names of Wesen in his head from his work and growing up but he still didn't draw any conclusions about it.

Looking over at the time he saw that only thirty minutes had passed, a whole life played out in his head and it only took thirty minutes for him to see it all. Rubbing his hair he sat there while figuring out what to do, obviously he couldn't change anything about his life and he was stuck here so he needed to adjust.

Thankfully he got all the legal aspects of his new life so he wouldn't need to worry about work, he also knew all about being a Zauberbiest but he didn't focus on any of that. Instead he was focusing on what he wanted to do in life, just using his phone to check his bank account he didn't need to work for the rest of his life.

It was a combination of inheritance from his grandma and work but he didn't think that was a good idea, he didn't want to sit at home all the time. Instead he wanted to see what this new life had to offer, obviously there was still a threat out there to him but as long as he kept the spells safe he would be okay.

Looking to the side he saw a blank wall, only he knew though that some rune spells his mother came up with was protecting the books though. Sighing he ignored those, all the information about them were in his head anyway, thankfully he had a photographic memory.

'Portland huh?' Eli thought, he was born raised and lived in the south so he wasn't use to this rainy and wet environment yet. As he was sitting there thinking that his phone went off at that moment, looking over he was getting a call from his coworker Scott.

"Hey man! Glad that you are up early like me. How about we take a run this morning, or are you still in bed?" Scott asked as he answered the phone.

Eli's memories of him were good ones seeing as they were close in the office, mainly cause their offices were right next to each other and they started at the same time. Scott was a Ziegevolk, he was a high asset at the office thanks to his special persuasion powers he had, well not really powers but they were helpful in the courtroom.

"Yeah give me thirty and then I will meet you at the park trails." Eli said with a light smile, he figured why not just go with the flow and enjoy this.

"Awesome see you at the openings then." Scott said with his typical smile in his voice before cutting off the call.

Eli shook his head and got ready, it didn't take long for him to put on his smart watch and gym clothes before heading out the door. He lived in the upscale apartments with the whole top floor being his apartment, it cost him a lot but with his money he could afford it easily.

Going into the parking garage he got into his cherry red Audi RS7 before heading out, his phone connected to the Bluetooth and he started playing his workout mix. Ten minutes later he parked in the parking lot before getting out, he walked towards the front where the trails were, he could see Scott standing there.

Scott was a fit person with average looks, he had black hair and blue eyes, he would be a typical frat boy if you were to catch him during his college days. "ELI!" He shouted while smiling seeing him walk over.

"Hey man, how long are we running for today?" Eli said stretching after giving Scott a one armed man hug.

"Well I have to be in court by eight but I have to be at the office by at least seven thirty to get my stuff soooo.... when do you need to go in?" Scott asked as he began to stretch too.

"Well I have a new client to meet at seven thirty so I need to be there by at least seven. Looks like we can only run for at thirty minutes before I need to get to the office, I am just going to shower and change there." Eli said hopping in place.

"Sounds good... Last one back sucks!" Scott said right before he took off running.

Eli laughed before chasing after him, they were around the same speed so it wasn't long before Eli caught up to Scott who shook his head. They both started talking about their cases getting some idea's from each other before they made it back to the start of the trail.

"Thanks man, I think that will help. I didn't even think to check those records, hopefully I can get them checked and to the judge before the start of the trial. Looks like I will be using my office to shower too." Scott said as they made their way to their cars.

"Alright man, I will see you there. I want to go and get a smoothie before work so I will be a little late." Eli said while checking the time, he had just enough to where he could stop and get one before taking at least a ten minute shower before he needed to meet his new client.

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