It's been about 2 almost 3 months at sea since I've spoken with Varys about heading to sunspear and him telli me there's a boat waiting that same night.
Since then all I've done is try to figure everything necessary out to keep the royal line alive and not letting it succumb to that pig headed usurper, I understand the north rebelling but the Tullys and arryns had no reason, wards or not and the baratheon just wanted a war.
I have no ambition to lead a army to the front gates of kings landing I'm not a general or a solider but a royal protector and sworn shield now and that's all me and my men will do until I see prince aegon on the throne.
While I'm in my thoughts I see 3 ships with the sunspear flag approaching us and I grow cautious because I do not know if they were informed of my arrival before hand or not so I may have to slice a couple heads off before a conversation can happen.
As I'm gripping my sword ready and waiting we hear an unexpected guest on the other ship yelling
"HELLO MY FRIEND, IM OBERYN MARTELL ORDERED BY MY BROTHER DORAN TO COME GET YOU AND BRING YOU PERSONALLY TO SUNSPEAR!"-oberyn martell (there in the ocean he's got to hell or maybe I'm wrong I'll look up the facts later)
4 hours of travel later
As we are pulling into the docks of sunspear it amazes me how this city could just be so beautiful and not smell like shit like kings landing, it never made sense why a sewer system never was implemented til this day.
Me and the last of my men to arrive here are being guided to the solar of Doran Martell and to discuss I'm guessing future plans and allies that we can sway to our end and all information that I know.
I have no thoughts that they are betraying us because it would make absolutely no sense after risking my life for this man's family and basically dying at the end to make sure they made it and as we approach the solar a man's voice rings out saying to come in
"Ahhhh my friends, no no that's not correct you are the saviors of my sister and the heir to the throne you are more then friends you are the reason my family has not fallen apart and possibly never recover from this"-Doran
"It's of no consequence my lord I did only what a servant of the future king and queen should do and that's everything I can to make sure that no harm befalls them and hopefully I did my job with little harm befalling your family"-Michael
"Ser Michael I don't think you understand how much this truly means to dorne itself, Ellia is the loved one of our family, she helps the commoners, she feeds the ones who can't feed themselves, she teaches when she can in all honesty I believe my sister a saint of the maiden herself"-Doran
"And as you should she's nothing short of perfect, but my lord forgive me for being blunt and straight forward but what would you have me do, my men are here being fed and resting with new armor, I know this isn't for a reward"-Michael
"Yes you're right and you're of course forgiven there's nothing you could do to be in the bad graces of dorne, like I said you saved more then you would ever likely know ser, I will say this and this is the only time I order you. Protect ellia, aegon and rhaenys. They need you"-Doran
"My lord I was going to protect them until the day I draw my last breath and meet the stranger one more and final time and when that happens the boy will be a king among men and nothing like his father or grandsire"-Michael
"That is all I can ask of you ser and I believe in your hands there's nothing that can hurt them and I truly believe it, you pulled off a feat no man in Westeros could do and that's slaughter 100 men and the mountain. Should you find yourself and my sister in trouble don't hesitate send a raven and dorne will answer"-Doran
As the conversation took a detour through the night about my war stories and whatnot I found myself drinking with a man that when you look closely hasn't slept a wink and looks nothing less then stressed.
In my heart I was glad to see a man like this worried for his family and doing nothing but wanting them to be safe, he reminds me of the northern lord paramount stark, I'm not comparing the honor or loyalty but the love they have for the family they share.
As I get up to walk out of the solar I see the last face I expected to on my way to the chambers lord Martell so graciously offered, she's standing in the walkway with the moon perfectly sitting on her slender figure that only a true goddess could have.
"My lord"-unknown
Thank you guys for your patience. I know this is probably a shorter chapter but still nonetheless I got something out out there today haha. I love you guys, have a good read and have a good day.
Still taking care of my grandmother but I have help with that now so expect a chapter tomorrow as well.