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34% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 34: Chapter 32

Capítulo 34: Chapter 32

AN: I managed to get 1 day off... But I have loads of chores to do in the house... Then emergency extra work came in 😭 I hate being an adult.

Anyway, here is a chapter for the other working adults, or just stressed-out people.



Sunday after lunch... I'm currently watching my brother do the Toby McGuire dance from the Spiderman movie.

"I don't even know what I did wrong, why do I even have to do this? The hip movements are so vulgar!" He complains but still continues to do so.

Oh, I'm not compelling him. It's his punishment for not being here when I needed him. I'm still pissed about the missed opportunity, I can't bear to be angry at Mom, so I'll blame my brother. What? I'm being unfair and petty? What of it?

'2 more minutes! Stop complaining, and moves that damn hip of yours to the beat!'

But after a while, for some reason, I saw Him having fun dancing. He was still complaining, but I could clearly see that faint smile, you weirdo. Should I have him learn other dance moves?

'Ok, that's enough. When's the concert again? I forgot I'd have to inform my friends so we can schedule our get-togethers before or after.' I asked because I wanted to meet Rosalie as soon as possible.

I couldn't help but smile remembering what almost happened.

"Friends? Or Rosalie? " He asked while giving me an annoying knowing smirk.

I just glared at him and continued to browse through the French books. I've learned French from Dad, I figured I'd need it once I travel in the future, plus, it's a pretty hot language. I wanted to do one of my favorite French songs Justice.

'You still didn't answer my question.' I said without looking, I could feel his gaze on me.

"And you also didn't answer me" He retorted.

'I asked first, tsk' I quipped, annoyed.

"Fine, 4 days from now" he relented.

'Now was that so hard? Now can you go for now? I'm going to practice my gift'

Truth is, I kind of wanted to sing a love song. And I didn't want him here because I knew he'd tease me about it.

"you can't keep making me leave every time, I live here too little bird. Besides, even if I do go away, I'd still be able to hear you from anywhere inside this house. So give up and just sing. I PROMISE I won't tease you this time." He promised with something akin to a sincere smile.

But I knew better, he keeps his promises, but he loves his loopholes.

'nuh-uh, but put both of your hands where I can see them. And promise me again.' I gave him a pointed look. I knew he had his fingers crossed at his back.

He rolled his eyes at her and held his hands up like he was being arrested and playfully repeated it.

I just relented, he is right, I can't always kick him out, and the song tho embarrassing would only evoke harmless emotion.

I close my eyes and get ready, A certain blonde enters my thoughts, warming my heart.

-Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez-

🎶It's been said and done

Every beautiful thought's been already sung

And I guess right now, here's another one

So your melody will play on and on, with the best of 'em

You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible

A centerfold miracle, lyrical

You saved my life again

And I want you to know, baby🎶

Very, very true... She really was a dream come true for me... Before coming into this world, tho not as much as I do now, I did feel strongly for the girl, I just wanted to comfort and help her, be her friend, I was jealous of the Emmett character that was her mate in the movie.

🎶I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat (oh)

I, I love you like a love song, baby (oh

I, I love you like a love song, baby (oh)

I, I love you like a love song, baby (oh)

And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat🎶

I kept denying it before my soul called out our connection, I could still deny it then, but the confirmation, tho scary, has liberated me from the self-inflicted shackles I've put on myself, and now, I'm just going to go with the flow.

🎶Constantly, girl you played through my mind like a symphony

There's no way to describe what you do to me

You just do to me, what you do

And it feels like I've been rescued

I've been set free, I am hypnotized by your destiny

You are magical, lyrical, beautiful

You are, and I want you to know, baby🎶

I could feel my brother's gaze on me, I'm sure he was smiling from ear to ear right now, he was one of the people who kept pushing me before to embrace my feelings.

Who would've thought huh? THE Edward Cullen supports a love between a human and a vampire l, well half half-vampire.

🎶I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat (oh)

I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby (I love you, I love you, like a love song)

And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

No one compares

You stand alone, to every record I own

Music to my heart that's what you are

A song that goes on and on

I, I love you like a love song, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby (I love you, I love you)

I, I love you like a love song, baby (like a love song, like a love song)

And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby (I love you, love song, baby)

I, I love you like a love song, baby (I love you, love song, baby)

I, I love you like a love song, baby (I love you, I love you)

Like a love song🎶

"Ehem-simp-ehem" she heard from her brother as soon as she finished singing.

'So? I don't care. Such childish taunts won't affect me anymore my dear forever-virgin-brother.' I retorted, unbothered of being called a simp, because it's true, she is a complete simp for Rosalie.

"Please, don't act all high and mighty, flaunting your Casanova history to me. You, me, and all of your °lady friends° know that technically you are still a virgin yourself" He quipped right back at me with a raised eyebrow.

My eyes widened, my movements halted, and then I focused all my attention on the now offending existence in the room.

'What the actual fuck are you talking about?!' I asked in a tone that said °I can't believe that stupid sentence came out of your mouth°

"Is your head already too full of Rosalie that you forgot what my gift is? I've met your so-called lady friends DEAR SISTER of mine... And ugh... Let us just say that one of the main reasons I am doing my best to train the control of my gift is to be able to avoid seeing ALL of those images of your ACTIVITIES with them. Seriously, I wanted to ask you to erase my memories about it or lock it away in the farthest corner of my mind" He replied, visibly grimacing at the memories.

'waaaaaaaaa!!! Shut up!!! Shut up!!! Oh my Fucking God! Ssssh!? ARE YOU CRAZY!? MOM CAN HEAR YOU YOU DUMBASS!?' I sped up to him, covering his mouth frantically.

He was able to shake me off of him easily since I was too embarrassed by the situation.

"What? It's not like it's a secret, you have a brilliant mind dear sister, but you keep forgetting that we're all vampires here... We have enhanced senses remember? We can smell the scent and we're all knowledgeable enough to comprehend what they are and their meaning. So regardless of how much you present yourself as a, what did you call it again?... " he paused for a bit trying to remember the word.

"A player! No matter how you present yourself as a player, a non-virgin, a casanova... Everybody in this house knows that you are still, technically pure..." he added.

'Whatever, can you just please stop... It's weird to talk about this with my brother...' I say defeatedly, I'm so tired, why do I have to discuss this with him?

"I understand that you're embarrassed and uncomfortable discussing this, especially to a male, but you should at least discuss it with someone... Mom would be best since I'm guessing you'll have concerns that include your supernatural side." He suggested, gone was his teasing tone and smile, now replaced with a concerned doting brother.

I know he's right, and I know that if I don't strike while the iron is hot, I'll chicken out again... So it's better to just be done with it, I am curious about the answers and possible solutions that my Mom could provide. I'm already embarrassed, why not just bear with it just a bit more?

'FINE! I know you refused to go away earlier, but can you actually go far away for now? Like, for max 3 hours? Please? I'm going to talk to Mom, now' I look at him with resolution clearly seen in my eyes.

"It's ok, I'll go. Esme, I think you should go here now." He called out to Mom, gave me a final smile, and then went away.

Replacing his presence now was our mother, giving me an understanding and welcoming look.

Oh my sh** how do I even start...

Seeing my look, Mom probably figured out what I was feeling at the moment.

"Why don't we go to the kitchen? Maybe moving around while we talk would make it easier, a distracted mind tends to open up more or just blurt out the most honest thoughts. We're almost out of the chocolate cookies that you love. How about it?" She recommended while she was already guiding me to the kitchen.

As we were prepping the ingredients and tools, Mom started speaking without directly looking at me.

"I'm sorry about earlier honey, I didn't mean to interrupt your girls' moment." She sounded so apologetic.

*it's fine Mom, we were at fault too, we forgot that you were coming back... And I think it was actually for the best that it got interrupted... Besides, it ended sweetly* I smiled, remembering how we held hands throughout her visit that day.

"Hmm... Are you still reluctant about being in a relationship with her? You were... before the bond called out to her as your mate... Were you afraid that you'd hurt her if you even found your true mate? But that's solved now. So I'm guessing that you're reluctance has something to do with not being able to be completely honest with her about who and what you are?" She stated, looking at my reactions, then started moving again to get the sifter.

I didn't respond, because she was spot on... It wasn't all of my fears... But they're still part of it.

Mom didn't seem to mind my non-response.

"you're thinking about the safety of the family... Her safety. And the possibility that she will reject what you are... It's one thing to love another human of the same gender, which is already troublesome enough... But it's another thing to love a non-human, who are mostly viewed negatively as monsters..." she added.

I just nodded and held my head down... I can feel my tears coming. I'd been such a crybaby ever since I came here.

"You're also afraid of losing her. You decided to respect her wishes a decisions, so you're afraid of losing her eventually, and soon if she chooses to remain human." She hits the nail on the head on that last bit.

Haaah... I don't really want to see her die of old age or sickness... If she stays human, she'll live for probably at least 90 more years, that is if she doesn't get sick or get into an accident. I love her so much, I don't care if she does get old and wrinkly, I just want to be with her forever... But forever is still in question right now.

"Robin, my little girl... Our baby... You have such a wonderful heart, I know you don't believe it yourself, but you are our little angel, you bring life and joy wherever you go... Everybody gravitates toward you, you radiate purity, warmth, and home... You always think for the betterment of everybody... I know you think nobody noticed, but I know how you've been trying to improve our family, Edward with his gifts, mindset, his baggage... Your father, to be more stern and fair in judgment... And me, you've helped me a lot, you knew of my loss, and you embraced me as your mother, did everything to not make me feel any less of a parent just because we aren't blood-related... You try to hide things and solve them yourself, just so you don't worry us... It feels like you're preparing for a future that doesn't look too good for us." She said seriously.

My eyes widened as I looked at her.

FUCK! I Shouldn't have reacted like that. Shit...

Seeing my reaction, Mom's eyes softened.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that I'm the only one that noticed it all. I don't want to be... What did you call it again?... Sexist? Yes, I don't want to be sexist, but men tend to overlook these kinds of things, and your brother has been practicing controlling his gift, so we now have some semblance of privacy. And even if he does hear my thoughts about this, which is a bit unlikely since I don't think about it especially when he's around, I don't think he'll believe it. I just noticed and deduced all of this because you know how and why?" she asked teasingly.

I kinda knew the answer already, but I just smiled warmly at her and shook my head No.

"Because I'm your mother," she said while getting close to me, and placing a kiss on my forehead. And then holding my face between her palms, while meeting my eyes.

"I didn't tell you this to out you, or force you to spill everything, knowing you, there must've been a compelling reason why you didn't tell us... And tho I am curious, and also worried, I won't ask you to tell me. Regardless of what you saw or know...remember that I'm always on your side." She gave me a brief but tight hug before moving away to continue with our tasks.

'I really have used up all of my luck from both lives to have a family like this.' I thought as I looked at my mother lovingly. Not knowing that her next words would shock me.

"So that's done, let's now talk about your sexual intercourse questions. You're concerned about surrendering your body to a human right? What did Edward say you were... Uhm... He said you were always a top because you were afraid of being a bottom and hurting your human female partner?"

I couldn't stop myself from doing it, I was too shocked.

" MOM!!! " I shouted in disbelief and embarrassment.


AN: I found a workaround with Grammarly. It's not as good as the previous way, but it works, thankfully...

I've been reading Idol Manwhas and a novel lately because I got hooked on one of the recommended novels here. Haaa, kinda heals the soul seeing handsome men struggle, jk 😂 I'm just looking for inspiration for future chapters.

If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. 👇

Thank you so much for all your support, the power stones, comments, and reviews are all very much appreciated. Tsk, that sounded businesslike., 😶

I hope to see all your familiar usernames here and see new people. 😘

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