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35.29% Another Form of Power / Chapter 6: Divergence

Capítulo 6: Divergence

Tomura's taken a bold step. He planned it well. It was a remarkably carefully thought out plan for him. The investigation went unnoticed. The Eight Precepts didn't notice but then we were allies.

Their drug rests on very fragile foundations. A single quirk user. Tomura was pleased when Toga brought him that information. It's a simple equation. No girl, no anti-quirk bullets. They sound useful in theory but anti-quirk bullets are a double edged sword. They can just as easily be used against you as for you, especially if mass produced.

If the Eight Precepts were going to use them for sniper strikes, Tomura probably wouldn't have cared. The mass production just has too many risks, and even he could see that.

The Yakuza are one type of villain. They are long established, and while they like to pretend they are lawless, they have their own internal rules. The League is different. We are true villains. We will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Overhaul found that out the hard way.

Tomura only used the most dedicated of Vanguard Action Squad. Not those who were following in Stain's footsteps, those who were truly committed. The strike was simple and fast. Two pronged. One for the stockpile, one for the source.

Both were successful. That's not to say there isn't a few anti-quirk bullets out there. There must be and Overhaul will be saving them for us. It means war but the League had been at war for far longer than the Eight Precepts. They'll learn what that means soon enough, especially with Vanguard Action Squad gunning for them now. All of them. Those who pretend they follow Stain's teachings are more than willing to take out traditional bad guys. It's practically a public service, even if they are villains.

The logic of some escapes me at times but Sensei always pointed out that results matter, not the twisted logic that gets you there. Maybe that's why Tomura is beginning to understand.


It was odd to find the new bar mostly empty. Kurogiri was enjoying the quiet. Tomura was present but he was silent. He'd say he was thinking but there was only so much one could think. When Dabi appeared, it was a surprise. He was meant to be training with Vanguard Action Squad.

"I've got a way of taking out Endeavor," he announced, staring at Tomura.

The hand covered face shifted slightly. It was difficult to see Tomura's eyes between the fingers but he was clearly interested.

"You do?" Kurogiri asked for him.

The fire villain didn't take his eyes off Tomura. "I do," he confirmed, "but it will require Kakurete's support."

There was silence in the bar. "Kakurete?" Tomura asked. It was a good attempt. There was enough confusion in his tone to raise questions, to pretend he didn't know who Kakurete was. It wasn't enough.

Kurogiri could tell Dabi wasn't going to be distracted. The villain said nothing but neither did he drop his eyes.

"A way of taking out Endeavor?" Tomura eventually asked.

Dabi smiled gently. "Foolproof."

"I doubt that," Kurogiri said. Sensei liked to say that no plan was ever foolproof, not even the plans he made.

The fire villain had the good taste to nod. "If he's not dead, then his reputation will be ruined."

Tomura scratched at his neck. "And what is this plan?" He'd learned to listen to plans before his dismissed them. That was something.

"I never cared about All Might," Dabi said. "I've always wanted to take out Endeavor. You could say Endeavor is the reason I'm a villain," Dabi continued, with a self deprecating smile. "But while this plan might kill him, I'm hoping it doesn't. Death is too quick, too easy, the destruction of his reputation, that will cause him true pain, but to do that, I need Kakurete."

"And what do you need dear Imoku to do?" Tomura asked.

His question answered Dabi's unspoken question. The League did know Representative Kakurete.

Dabi smiled. "Advertise. His reputation will do the rest."

It wasn't the answer Kurogiri was expecting. It wasn't the answer Tomura was expecting either. The Leader of the League, reached up and scratched at his neck. "It will not tie back to us?" He asked.

"Not in a way that is dangerous," Dabi admitted.

Tomura reached out, and tapped his fingers over the table in front of him. "I think I'll let Imoku be the judge of that."

Kurogiri was surprised. He didn't think Tomura would ever say something like that. It just proved that he was learning.

"You'll go with Toga this week and tell him."

Dabi's grinned widened. It was something feral.


Izuku agreed with Dabi's plan, after a few modifications. Surprisingly the kid also agreed that death was too good for Endeavor. He sent a note to Tomura via Toga to tell him that destroying the Number One Hero's reputation would do more damage in the long run. I suspect it plays into Izuku's plans, not necessarily Tomura's plans but we are working towards the same goal, so forwarding one plan is forwarding them all.

Killing Endeavor would prove to the world that the League is still there, but he'd just be replaced. He's not All Might. It wouldn't be the blow killing the former Symbol of Peace would have had. Tomura knows that.

But destroying Endeavor's reputation, no matter how that is achieved, will rock society and that will help our cause. Hero society was very careful to portray All Might's reveal as a victory. He went out (into retirement) by taking out one of the most dangerous villains the world has ever known. They spun it as a glorious end. They had too because everyone knew Endeavor was a poor replacement. That has sown some doubt, taking down Endeavor will sow more. And the more people doubt heroes, the better it is for us.

Society relies on a certain amount of trust. People trust that their government is doing its best for them. They trust that heroes are doing their best. If that trust falters… it is a delicate balance between social order and chaos. I would say that hero society has become weak. It had become complacent because for a long time the balance has been towards them.

It's time to shift the weight.


The first indication that something happened came when the news channel broke to a new story. Around the new bar, there were several beeps from phones. The tones indicated that it was a news update rather than a text or something else. Just because they were villains didn't mean that they did not follow the news. In fact some of them were far more informed than a regular hero about the goings on in the world. Several of the gathered villains reached to their phone to see what the commotion was. Others stared at the TV.

Kurogiri caught the words 'Breaking News' as he cleaned a glass. He turned slightly and felt his eyes widen.

On the screen was a picture of Endeavor and the scrolling bar underneath was… proclaiming that the Villain Dabi, associated with the League of Villains was really Touya Todoroki, Endeavor's supposedly institutionalised son.

"What?" Tomura demanded. Dabi wasn't present. He'd gone out earlier saying that today was the day he'd organised with Imoku.

Most of the villains put their phones down as they looked at the TV.

"We're going to a live interview now," the announcer was saying. The view on the screen changed.

Dabi was there. His blue eyes were piercing under the studio lights. His usual jacket and t-shirt had been discarded and he was dressed in a blue changshan. It brought out his eyes and highlighted the burnt skin covering him. He looked good in it. "Thank you for having me," Dabi said to the interviewer.

Kurogiri vaguely recognised the woman but couldn't put a name to her face. She was an investigative reporter who usually focused on politics. She was known for her hard hitting exposes on scandals politicians would far rather be forgotten. That explained Imoku's involvement. He'd probably been able to contact her on Dabi's behalf and then discreetly arrange the tests required to prove he was Touya Todoroki.

"I guess the first thing I have to ask is the thing everyone wants to know," the woman was saying intently. "You are the first born son of the Number One Hero Endeavor and his wife but you are an acknowledged part of the League of Villains, so how did that happen?"

Dabi smiled and held up his hands. There was a cuff on each wrist. Quirk suppression. Had he given himself up or was that a term of the interview? Kurogiri didn't know. Only Imoku would but he wasn't here.

"It's not a nice story, Kazue."

She looked sympathetic. "Just take your time," she encouraged but didn't relent on the question.

Dabi sighed theatrically. "I guess it starts with my mother," he said with a soft smile.

Kurogiri would have watched more but his phone rang. It was on silent so he felt the vibrations. He pulled it out of his misty form and looked down at the screen. The number was one didn't recognise. Cautiously he answered.


He recognised the voice. Imoku. Unseen Kurogiri worried one lip.

"Dabi's coordinates are 35,51,13.60 139,38,27.26 at an elevation of 10.4 m."

Kurogiri felt his eyes widen even as he committed the coordinates to memory. "You set this up?" He couldn't help the question.

There was a moment of silence to his question. "Death is… quick," Imoku explained. "This will reverberate further. Pick him up whenever you think he's said enough."

The line went dead. The mist villain didn't bother to save the number. Imoku wouldn't have used any phone that could be traced to him.

Instead he looked back to the screen. Tomura was glaring at it.

Kurogiri listened to what Dabi was saying. "... perfect child, one with both quirks so that he could train them to defeat All Might."

"Defeat All Might?" Kazue seemed surprised.

"Not in combat," Dabi was quick to reassure her. "To become the next Number One Hero. And Endeavor was prepared to do whatever it took to get that. All you need to do is look at the birth dates of my siblings. We are all born about 5 years apart. When Fuyumi didn't show both quirks, he got my mother pregnant again with me. When I didn't have both quirks, he sired Natsuo and when he didn't have both quirks either, Shouto, who finally has both quirks."

Kazue Matsushita did a good job of looking outraged. Kurogiri could tell the feeling was real but at the same time he knew she would also be happy. This was one hell of a story.

"And how do you feel about that?" Kazue asked.

"Once it was known I didn't have both quirks, once it was known any of us didn't have them, we were abandoned. Oh, not cut off, and not kicked out of the house. That would destroy father's oh so carefully built reputation but he ignored us. So how do I feel about that? I feel sorry for my little brother Shouto. He's had to put up with dad's abuse for all his life."

"Abuse?" That was a strong term.

"Abuse," Dabi insisted and his eyes flashed despite the quirk suppression bracelets. "What else do you call training until you can't move, until you throw up? What do you call verbal attacks, and physical attacks all designed to try to make you into something that can take the number one hero position? Your entire life planned by him? That's why I'm meant to be in some institution." The smile Dabi gave wasn't pleasant. He gestured to himself, pulling up one sleeve to reveal that the burns went all the way up his arms. "Not all of these are self inflicted."

Kazue gasped when she understood the meaning of that. "He burned you?"

"Every day until the day he decided I'd never get Mother's precious Ice quirk. Though I have to admit, not all of the burns are his. They are the reason I was in that institution. I wanted to get away. I wanted to get away so badly I'd take any opportunity. And thankfully for me, I have one built in. I set myself on fire."

Kazue looked sick. Dabi looked detached.

"Fuyumi put me out and saw that I got to the hospital but then he decided that he didn't want anything come out, so instead of coming home, I was shuttled off to the institution. He never once visited me. He never once allowed Mother to visit me either. Fuyumi tried but he controls her too."

"Those are some very serious allegations but surely you know with your status, any evidence you provide would be discounted?" It was a dangerous question but it was one that spoke to the truth of the world. A villain's word, even when speaking the truth, was worth less than a hero's.

Dabi chuckled. "That's the beauty of it. I don't have to testify against him. With the exception of self immolation, everything he did to me, he did to my siblings, including Shouto. I know the word of a villain isn't to be trusted, and even if I showed up to testify, I'd be arrested but I don't need to. I've opened the door. You have the blood tests to prove that I'm Touya Todoroki and villain or not, with my three siblings able to corroborate the facts, that's enough."

Kazue looked surprised for a moment before she nodded. She'd probably not thought of that. "If your Father was found guilty of things, would you give up being a villain?"

"No," Dabi's response was instantaneous. "The world has forgotten what the word Hero truly means. Now it's a title assigned to any punk with a strong enough quirk, and thus, there are too few true heroes in the world. I want to change that, and to do that, the false heroes have to be weeded out."

Off set there was a noise and some shouting. The police and Heroes had finally tracked down the interview site.

"You can't come in here!" The shout was heard.


Dabi looked off to the side for a moment before he smiled. "That's my cue."

Kurogiri knew what that meant. He expanded, opened the warp gate. On the screen a swirl of darkness appeared behind Dabi, and the Leader of the Vanguard Action Squad stood and stepped around the chair. Kazue just watched. At least she knew better than to interfere.

Dabi nodded his head to her as a salute before he stepped into the swirling black and it disappeared the moment a hero leapt into the shot.

In the bar, all eyes turned to Kurogiri, who gestured and the portal opened for Dabi to step through. He looked around, his eyes glittering before he bowed to them all. "And that dear League, is how you take down the Number One Hero," he said happily..


It's been a few weeks since Dabi gave that interview. Tomura was angry in the aftermath. He remained angry until he saw the next Pro-Hero ranking list. Endeavor was down to five. The official rankings are published once a year, but updates are available every month and there is reason to believe that Endeavor will fall further. The issue just hasn't gone away. There is a lot of speculation in public about what it means to be a hero. There is a lot of scrutiny on heroes. Every aspect of Endeavor's life has been picked at and pulled apart.

I don't know if there is a case being built against him. I suspect there is.

Imoku has been quiet. Tomura demanded he come to the bar and after some wrangling he did. There was nothing really to say though. Dabi's actions fitted more into one of Imoku's plans but politics doesn't give fast results, not like Tomura's attacks but politics generally gives a more lasting outcome. It's a balance and both are needed. Imoku took Tomura aside and spoke to him privately for a while. It looked odd. Imoku was dressed in a suit, Tomura in his usual t-shirt. It almost looked as if a respectable father was telling off his wayward child. Yet, Tomura seemed happier after their discussion. I expect Imoku had to explain a few things to Shigaraki but it appears to have worked.

In the meantime, those Sensei saved have been making another Noumu. A stronger one. It is nearly ready to be unleashed. Tomura radiates a sense of childish glee every time he talks about it. Now is the time to use it, with the world already reeling, with the seeds of doubt already sown, now is not the time to hold back.


"What the hell is this?" Representative Masami asked. She was more than exasperated. She was horrified.

"Proof that the system has failed," one of her colleagues answered immediately.

Usually Masami wouldn't be part of such a group. She was still in her first term but given that she had been instrumental in bringing Imoku Kakurete's proposal through the party and seeing it brought into law, she was now involved in this party room meeting.

They were reviewing the evidence against Endeavor, which included interviews with three of his children. The fourth child, Touya had given an all too public interview but it was not considered evidence. But everything Touya had alluded to was confirmed by Endeavor's other children, though the youngest, Shouto had been reluctant to speak. She could understand that. This was not going to be easy for him.

"Maybe not failed but it needs an overhaul," one of the other's said before he fixed Masami with one eye. "Do you believe Imoku might have anything ready?"

They could write a proposal but why bother if an independent had already done it? It wasn't like the independent Imoku could get his policy through without their help anyway. And Imoku knew it. It was actually nice working with an independent who wasn't arrogant, though they were all waiting for something. Independents always had one issue they refused to be pushed on. It was just a matter of finding it.

Masami looked confused for a moment before she nodded. "Probably," she admitted. "He had that other bill ready."

"And the sales pitch for it," someone else grumbled.

There was a moment where they wondered if they were being played. In the early days of quirks, that possibility had been guarded against. All Representatives were routinely checked for signs of quirk control. Imoku could not be using any quirk on them. But it was possible he was simply playing a political game. Except, they all stuck on the fact that Imoku was independent. He simply couldn't progress further in politics unless he had a party's support. And even if he created his own party… it would just be a fringe one. It was unlikely that he could climb to the top.

"Is there any chance Imoku would join us?"

"Join us?" Masami asked.

"Join the party," came the clarification.

Masami considered it. "Maybe," she said slowly, "but let's face it, he has his own agenda."

"Which is not necessarily a bad one."

That was true. Public approval in the wake of the HMBH (Heroes Must Be Heroes) bill had been high. The Party had benefited from implementing it. "With what's come out about Endeavor the public is calling for us to make sure that Shouto doesn't become a villain. So maybe that's the easiest thing. We extend the HMBH bill. Instead of just targeting incoming students, it should cover those already in training."

"It wouldn't take much to amend it," Masami admitted. Imoku's proposal had been written very carefully. "But why not just extend it to cover Heroes as well?" She asked.

"Because the public isn't ready for that." A new voice broke in on their conversation.

Masami looked up. "Imoku!" she exclaimed.

The others looked slightly suspicious before Imoku smiled at them. "Sorry to intrude," he said gently with a bow.

Suspicion faded. "It saves us from finding you," one of the older Representatives said. "You've read the documents?"

The fact that they were meant to be restricted didn't mean that much. It was a test to see if Imoku had the contacts needed.


"And you set up that interview," another said shrewdly.

Imoku nodded but he raised his hands. "It wasn't much," he said humbly. "Touya simply needed to be heard. All I did was make sure he had the opportunity."

No one believed that for a moment. Helping the villain Dabi was part of a larger ploy but that didn't mean they couldn't also benefit from it.

"If I may be so bold," Imoku said before anyone said anything further, "I do in fact have something further written," he announced, reaching into a bag and putting a small sheaf of papers on the table.

"New legislation?"

"Amendments," Imoku clarified his eyes fixed on Minister for Heroes, Yumiko Yamashita, who thus far had been silent.

She smiled up at him, gesturing for Imoku to take a seat. "I think we can work with that," Yumiko announced, picking up the papers Imoku had slid towards her.


The plan was to release the latest Noumu against the Number One Hero. There's been a hitch in that plan. It's not nice to kill someone who wants to defect after all. That means the plan has been delayed. There is debate as to if Hawks' desire is real. It would be an odd thing to have a double agent, especially given how highly ranked Hawks is but it is not out of the question.

The stakes we play for are that high. Tomura asked Imoku to find out. While Imoku is an independent Representative, he has been working with the government in power to get his bills passed. He has access to those who might know the play. And if Hawks is just a play, then the League will be happy to go a few rounds.

Unleashing the latest Noumu, High End on the number two hero, Best Jeanist won't have the same effect. It was partially designed to kill Endeavor but Dabi has taken care of that. The saga with Endeavor continues and each month his ranking is lower and lower. It must be frustrating to him. He is still clearing incidents but the public spectacle that is his family is dragging him down.

There is talk now that his son, Shouto is unfit to be a hero. The Hero Public Safety Commission, under direction from the Government has moved fast to implement changes to the HMBH Bill. The original bill was restricted to those applying to hero courses. It now applies to those in training. Imoku was happy to relay those details via Toga. The tests haven't been administered yet but all eyes are on Shouto. The world wants to know if he's…

Given his standing in the UA Sport's festival and other events, Endeavor's youngest son is capable, probably more capable than his eldest brother but what the public wants to know is if he is suitable. I've always said it takes a certain type to become a hero, and a certain type to become a villain. The problem with the Hero system is that they have never sought the types. Villainy has inbuilt checks and balances. Those not suited to it are quickly weeded out by the heroes. Those suited remain and while some do get taken out, those of us who embrace our position, who embrace our fate are the best.

Heroes… well, they are just those who have flashy quirks. There is nothing to ensure that they are someone worth looking up to. Stain was correct in that matter at least. Though the argument still remains that all heroes should be destroyed. The system is fundamentally flawed and the League will prove it.


Aizawa looked at his class. The twenty he had started with was no longer. While he had avoided expelling anyone on the first day, others had fallen by the wayside. Iida killed by the Hero Killer Stain. Mineta with injuries inflicted by that villain, the so called Leader of the League of Villains. Others had succumb to the stress and the attacks during the year. In his more private moments, he felt some pity towards them. This had not been a normal year, but in other moments, he was thankful that they had dropped out now. It was better than they take another path rather than shatter if they made it be a hero.

Now there was another hurdle in their path yet Aizawa couldn't say he didn't agree with this one.

"Your enrollments for next year are pending," he told them.

"What?" There was a variety of reactions, including some explosions from Katsuki. Aizawa ignored them. It was easier than trying to deal with it and eventually Momo Yaoyorozu managed to calm the class. She wasn't the stickler for rules that Iida was but she knew enough.

"They are pending," he repeated. "There is new legislation that applies to all Hero Courses," he told them. At that, it looked like a few of them understood. That was good. Shouto he expected. The boy's brother was practically the cause of the new legislation. Momo also looked like she knew what was going on but she had the benefit of coming from a hero family. They would have kept her informed. Bakugou also knew but while the kid was arrogant and abrasive, he was also good at what he did.

The others didn't appear to understand but at least they'd figure out there was no getting out of this. All hero courses across Japan had to implement the change. It just depended on if they did so at the end of the year or at the beginning, before classes started. Nedzu had decided to be a bastard and make it at the beginning of the school year, despite what everyone wanted. The rat had to know that he was frustrating many people but maybe that was the point. Those who screamed the loudest might give them some clues.

Aizawa wasn't sure what the clues would be for but there was always something going on.

"Your enrollments will be dependent on you passing a mandated psychological assessment to be administered by the Hero Public Safety Bureau."

"Even though we aren't heroes?" Uraraka asked.

"You have your provisional licenses," Aizawa reminded them. That was close enough.

"I'm sure you will all pass, and even if you fail, there is the opportunity to undergo counselling and re-assessment," he added. "In the event of failure, UA will automatically transfer your enrollment to the General Studies course."

Katsuki took that as an insult but he couldn't get around this. Either he took the test or he was automatically unenrolled. UA would take those who failed but they couldn't take those who didn't have the courage to take the assessment. Some from the General Studies course were being offered the opportunity to take the assessment as well. If they passed, they'd move into the Hero course.

"You all have Summer Studies," Aizawa reminded them. "I would advise you to spend at least some of that time thinking about why you want to be a hero." He knew they all had their reasons, he just hoped they were the right reasons but he suspected there'd be at least a few who weren't with him next year.


Tomura is learning that to lead, you don't need to use the resources as they come to you. You can save them for a later date. And sometimes that's best. Waiting means you can strike harder later. He's decided to keep the Noumu in reserve. But it doesn't suit to not strike. There is one thing about being a villain that Tomura truly understands. Unless you are one who wants to remain in the background, who wants to just survive and not change anything, you have to be seen.

For a Hero that's easy. They have patrols. The public is used to seeing them. For a villain that means you have to do something. With the Number One Hero's possible defection, Tomura has decided that we can take out another hero. He will capitalise on Dabi's new found fame, even though it does mean that most of the Heroes are gunning for him, and that Dabi's quirk is known, there are things that can be done.

Pro-Hero Ranked Kamui Woods will know that the League means business. Most will think we targeted him because his quirk is weak against Dabi's but that's what villains do.

It's not like we have to fight fair.

Jade_Tatsu_1688 Jade_Tatsu_1688

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