/ Thành phố sách / An Experiment Gone Wrong. An SCP fanfiction
Subject D-3491 is a death row inmate transferred to the SCP Foundation to be experimented on. After an encounter with the Evolutionary Rescission Device (SCP-3769) on his first day, D begins to notice changes that the scientists hadn't noticed. He was granted an ability that would change his life forever and would act as the key to his escape from the facility once and for all.
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Escribe una reseñaEssa é uma história muito Boa dá pra você imaginar ser o protagonista dessa história maravilhosa e foda, meus parabéns ao autor que tem uma forte dedicação pra trazer esse tipo de conteúdo
A very enjoyable story about a D class that wants to survive. I will wait for more :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Autor hydracule
I really love this story because it is one of the most interesting SCP sstories I've read by FAR, the language is amazing and it really seems professionally done, would recommend 10/10