A/N: Can you help me scavenger for grammar errors and so forth? thanks.
After I sailed across the lake Rose was clinging to me tightly while Ruby was in my pocket with her head perched up. I wince slightly as nails we're digging into my skin. Maybe she was clinging a little too tightly.
The hairy giant led us to professor McGonagall, who was waiting patiently with a slight smile on her face.
"Firs' year's meet professor McGonagall." Hagrid introduced.
""I'll take it from here, thank-you Hagrid" Mcgongall replied before she turned to us with a warm smile on her face.
"Welcome to Hogwarts everyone" Prof. Mcgongall announced "You will be sorted into your houses before you go and take a seat in the great hall. The sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here you will be similar to a family. You will sleep in your house's dormitory to spend free time in your houses common room and take classes with the rest of the houses. It shortly begins."
She paused to let everybody process the information.
"You will be placed among the four houses, the four houses are Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each has its own Noble workings, and each has produced outstanding wizards and witches. While you are at Hogwarts your triumphs will earn your house points while any rule breaks your house will lose points."
She took another Pause before continuing " At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded a house cup, a great honor. "
"I hope each of you will be a credit while the house can be yours. The sorting ceremony will take place in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you smarten yourselves up as much as you can while your waiting."
She took a glance at the crowd before vanishing in the distance.
I snorted.
"What's so funny snake?"Ron sneered
"I think your brothers must be having you on." I snarked seeing confused looks I elaborated "A troll could easily smash anyone to paste the only exception would probably be Hagrid."
Hermione looked like she was going to start hyperventilating so I added, "I'm sure it is also not a test since we haven't learned anything yet"
"Oh yeah?" Ron mocked, "Well if your so smart what in the bloody hell do you think it is?!"
I shrugged.
"Maybe a test where they have you wear an enchanted Item on your head to figure out your personality to get sorted in the house you belong in" I explained.
Ron snorted, "ha, as if!"
Ron then started to glance around as if he was looking for something.
"Looking for something weasel?!" Draco sneered.
"Shut up snake!" Ron snapped "I'm going to be friends with the girl who lived.
My lips quirked upwards slightly.
It's going to be interesting see the look on his face when he realizes the girl who lived was here all along watching him be a dick.
The girl in question, shrank even further behind me hoping he wouldn't notice her.
A couple of seconds later I had glanced around and seen about 20 or so ghost drifting along to their destination, talking amongst each other.
One seemingly noticed me and her eyes widened and let out a small gasp, before drifting towards me.
"Oh my how intriguing?" she stated expecting me like an actor inspects a Grammy award the second they get they're hands on it.
"What is miss?" I asked politely.
"You have extremely dense magic for a first-year it's too unusual to be normal I haven't seen someone like you in over a decade." she replied
"Huh" my look reverted back to a normal, I already knew that.
"Maybe if you get into Ravenclaw you can show me that wand of yours?" She asked smiling, causing my eyes to widen.
"You...you mean my magic right? A... wand ?" I asked trying to be sure, inwardly cringing as I only made it sound worse, I pulled out my stick, Oh God, that's even worse, um I pulled out...how do I say this.
She giggled, "Yes I mean your wand you goaf, what did you think I meant?"
"I um..." I sighed 'You know what nevermind, I'll be happy to, maybe you can share some of your stories too?"
"Deal" She smiled brightly before drifting off towards the others.
I took a sigh of relief
"What was that all about?" a voice asked, I turned to see hermonie with a. curious gaze.
" It's really not any of your business." I replied with a frown.
She had a put out look on her face, I could only ignore, as it was true, I do not intend to blabber all that I do out to the world like that.
nce McGonagall had led us through the doors of the great hall, I had to pause to take in the sight.
Floating in mid-air over the four tables that the rest of the students were sitting at, we're thousands and thousands of candles.
The four tables had all Goblets and Golden plates laid out for us. at the top of the hall stood a table where the professors were seated behind the four hourglasses that served to count each of the house's points.
We reached the head of the hall where hundreds of heads stared at us.
I was nervous I admit, but since I was buried in the crowed my nervousness was not as worse as it would be.
Their faces shone like candles on a... while the ghost glowed a misty silver.
I checked on the rose to see if she was okay she stuck to me like glue and looked like she was about to die.
I found ruby against her chest as she was hugging her as her life depended on it.
Finally for what had seemed to be an eternity we had reached the head of the hall where we found the sorting hat on the stool waiting for us.
He hat twitched and the rip on the brim stretched and opened wide. Before long the Hat had begun to sing.
"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry,
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you have a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
After it finished the whole table had burst into applause.
"Didn't I say so, Ron?" I smirked
I smirked as Ron glared at me before he became frantic as he desperately tried to search for Rose.
Professor McGonagall stepped forward.
"When I call your name, you will put on the sorting hat and be sorted!"she announced
"Abbott, Hannah!" Ptoffessor mcgongal called,
The instant she had said that a girl with a pink face wearing two blond pigtails stumbled out of line and took the hat.
"HUFFLEPUFF" The sorting hat callled out, the said table cheered as she went towards the table and took a seat.
"Bones, Susan!"
She went and grabbed the hat and put it on as she went to sit on the stool.
The sorting hat took longer to sort Neville than others but when the hat finally sorted hin it shouted.
Sorting hat- "GRYFFINDOR!"
Neville went away with the hat still on his head electing a fit of giggles and laughs.
I looked at Neville with a neutral expression as he walked back to put the hat back to the table and sat down his face red in embarrassment.
Time passed until finally, the professor shouted my name I walked forward casually and put the hat on my head.
"Interesting, interesting, to have perfected Occlumency of this level truly astounding also do you mind telling your creatures not to attack me?"
I let down my barriers he could see my life, but the life of my previouslife was still blocked, it took the sorting hat a moment to go through all of my memories.
Sorting hat- "You have had a very Interesting life Adam, and from the looks of it you could be in 3 of the houses, how about Gryffindor-"
"HELL NO!" I yelled, causing the sorting hat to chuckle, "Quite, it will cause you quite the problematic... and slytherin is out, so the only other option will be..."
I put the hat down and went to my table as the best of the halls clapped.
after another few students, it was Roses turn
Excited whispering began as Rose edged her way nervously towards the stool and put on the hat.
A few seconds later the hat shouted
It was to be expected, the only reason she went to grifinndor instead, of slytherin was because of Ron, now I had causually taken his place, it seemed appropriat that she would follow me, I am also kind of flatrered.
Rose put the hat back, before she walked, and towards me.
The table then erupted in cheers.
I put an arm around her shoulders and smiled down at her, she looked up and smiled slightly back.
This was a good day, a very good day.
Note that the grammar might be bad when I first post it, I always try my best to edit it aftwards so maybe wait a few minutes before reading or something if You are a person that likes perfect grammar? have a nice day