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Adam's Journeys through Cartoon Worlds Adam's Journeys through Cartoon Worlds original

Adam's Journeys through Cartoon Worlds

Autor: Regno

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: The beginning of the journey

Three months ago—

In the reception hall of a large and well-established company, many applicants for the advertised job were gathered, with a wide variety of emotions on their faces. Some were confident and radiant, while others were nervous and anxious. Some seemed excited about the opportunity, while others seemed to be holding their breath.

In this atmosphere of competition and tension, the secretary's voice spread across the auditorium, announcing the name of the next performer: "Mr. Adam Wilson, it's your turn now, please come in."

"Thank you very much."

Upon hearing his name, Adam got up and headed towards the door of the interview room with a confident stride, with many conflicting thoughts and feelings lining up in his head, as the excitement of the moment approached.

"Haa... huuh..."

Adam took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves a little as he gripped the door handle, then gently knocked on the door and slowly entered.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was nicely lit, with a round table placed in the center decorated with a bouquet of colorful roses. 

Adam sat quietly in front of the interviewer and tried to control his expression and show a professional expression, avoiding any signs of excitement or nervousness. 

The interview began with the interviewer tactfully introducing himself: "Hi, I'm John Smith, Director of Animation here at Disney, and this is my colleague James Carter and my colleague Sarah Fox. Please, tell us a little bit about yourself."

Adam nodded to them respectfully as they both reciprocated. Then he answered confidently:

"Hi, I'm Adam Wilson, I'm 25 years old. I majored in animation design and completed my studies at the University of Art and Design."

John was interested: "Can you explain to us your main skills in this field?"

Adam began by emphasizng his expertise: "Absolutely, I have extensive experience in designing characters and fantasy worlds, and I have strong skills in using animation and visual effects design software."

John enquired about his previous projects: "Have you had any previous solo projects or collaborations?"

Adam: "Yes, I have created several personal projects during my time as a student, as well as working as a designer for a small company specializing in the production of short films."

John looked thoughtful: "Can you share some of these projects with us?"

Adam responded with pleasure: "Of course, I have been involved in designing short films such as "Legends of the Sun and Moon", "The World of Colourful Dreams", and "Secrets of the Magical Forest"."

John expressed his admiration: "Wow! These are great films, you know my daughter is a fan of Colourful World of Dreams."

Adam: "Thank you very much, sir. I'm so glad your daughter enjoyed it, that's a great review and it means a lot to me."

John: "What made you want to work with us at Disney, Adam?"

Adam: "I've always dreamed of working at Disney because I see them as a pioneer in the world of animation, and I've always loved their unique and magical way of bringing characters and stories to life."

John: "Do you have experience working with tight project schedules?"

Adam: "Absolutely, I have good experience in managing schedules and meeting project deadlines, having worked on short projects successfully on time."

John: "How do you deal with creative challenges in your work?"

Adam: "I always look for creative solutions to challenges that arise during the work, and I try to utilize my skills and experience in drawing and design to achieve satisfactory and artistic results."

John: "Do you have experience working with multiple teams and collaborating with individuals with different styles and visions?"

Adam: "Yes, I have worked on previous projects that required collaboration with multiple teams, and I have always been willing to share ideas and work collaboratively with individuals who have different styles and perspectives as I believe in the importance of..."

The interview was extended to include a variety of questions aimed at gauging Adam's skill set and ensuring he was a good fit with the company's requirements. 

His past experiences and interactions with creative challenges and teamwork were reviewed comprehensively. 

Despite the variety of questions, Adam went to great lengths to provide exemplary answers that highlighted his skills and experience in a way that suited the requirements of the advertised position.

John: "Thank you, Adam. You seem to have good experience and strong skills in this field, and we are always looking for new and creative talents. We'll let you know the outcome of the interview in the coming months."

Adam: "Thank you all for this opportunity, and I look forward to working with you if selected."

With that, the interview came to an end, and Adam left with hope and optimism in his heart, eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to work at Disney and achieve success and creativity in the world of animation.

* * * * *


Adam was eagerly awaiting the final response from the company regarding his acceptance into his dream job.


Adam's smartphone rang in his hand, Adam cautiously looked at the caller's name. As soon as he saw the name of the company on the screen, a wide smile spread across his face. As he answered the call, his heartbeat impatiently, but he maintained his calm and steady voice.

"Hello, this is Adam Wilson."

From the other end of the line, he cheerfully announced, "Hello, Adam. This is John Smith from Disney. I want to let you know that we are very happy to announce that you have been accepted into our team."

Upon hearing this news, Adam's face changed with an indescribable expression of joy. He felt proud and excited about this new opportunity that would fulfill his career dreams. Despite all this, he remained calm and ready to respond politely and respectfully:

"Thank you, Mr John. I promise I won't disappoint you."

"That's the least I expect from someone as talented as you, we are waiting for you tomorrow to pick up your job and join our team."

After months of waiting and preparation, Adam finally received a response to his application to join Disney, and the surprise was overwhelming enough to fill him with joy and excitement. This moment was the fulfillment of a dream he had been building since he was very young, as he was very close to joining a team with an honorable history in the world of animation.

Daydreams flowed in his mind, imagining a bright future with the team that learned from his creations. This was the real breakthrough moment, as Adam could now become part of one of the greatest companies in the world of animation, realizing dreams he once considered impossible.

* * * * *

After hanging up the phone, Adam didn't forget to share his joy with his family, so he called them on the phone. As soon as his mum heard the news, she expressed her pride and happiness: "I'm so proud of you, honey, you've reached what you've been dreaming of! Your dad will be happy to hear that."

His mother quickly called his father to speak to him.

"Hi, Dad." Adam said upon hearing his father's voice on the other side.

His father couldn't hide his pride and appreciation in his tone of voice: "Hi son, although I wasn't happy that you were wasting time with those films and drawings, I'm glad you got this great job. Congratulations!"

Adam replied with a proud smile: "Thanks, Dad."

Adam is well aware of how much his father loves him. Although his disapproval of his hobbies and interests, he realizes that this originates from his father's fear and concern for him, and his desire to see him succeed and live a stable life. 

Although he always advised him to follow a path that would guarantee him financial success, he never stopped him from pursuing his dreams and supporting him in making the right decisions for him. Their discussions always ended with humorous laughter and phrases such as: "Ah, I can only say that you are my son, you inherited this stubbornness from me, haha."

Adam then moved on to talk to his younger siblings, with one of his siblings asking excitedly: "Brother, will we see you on TV?" Adam replied with a smile: "Not me, my work! You will see my creations soon."

As for why he didn't live with his family and moved out on his own, it was only because he wanted to be independent and pursue his dream, as well as be close to his new workplace, without wanting to burden his family with additional burdens.

Adam then spoke to his older brother Max, a doctor who is the pride of the family.

Max: "Haha, hey little brother, congratulations, you've finally realized your dream. You should have seen Dad's face right now trying to hide his smile haha..."

Max continued: "Brother, don't forget to come over this weekend to celebrate your new job. We all want to express our joy at your success and realization of your dream."

Adam replied: "Of course, I am very excited to come and celebrate with you this weekend. Thank you all for your support and encouragement, I can't wait to share this special moment with my family."

After the call with his family, and after reassuring them of his wellbeing, Adam looked ahead and reflected on how lucky he was to have such a wonderful family in his life. 

It wasn't long before he was inundated with congratulatory messages and calls from his friends and relatives.

His mother seems to have spared no effort in expressing her pride in her son and sharing the news with all her acquaintances. 

This added to his happiness and gratitude for the beautiful moments and the support he received from those around him.

* * * * *

The sunset stretches outside the window of Adam's warmly lit room, and he sits alone, enjoying the tranquillity. He begins to reflect on the happy events of the day, the happy calls and congratulations. 

His facial expressions are satisfied and full of happiness, loyalty and gratitude to his wonderful family, friends and relatives. He feels proud and satisfied that he has these deep connections that support him, share his joy and make his life full of joy and motivation.

If tomorrow wasn't his first day at his new job, Adam would want to celebrate this milestone with his friends. But he is well aware of the importance of arriving on time on the first day of his new job.

"Well then, let's celebrate, and what better way to celebrate the start of my job at Disney than to spend a wonderful evening watching cartoon films while eating snacks."

Having said that, he went to set up the films he was going to watch tonight and prepare the snacks.

"Oh no! We're out of snacks."

But Adam soon realized that he had run out of snacks, and the evening would not be complete without them.

So he decided to go out and buy some of his favorite snacks and drinks to enjoy while watching some cartoon movies that promote the spirit of celebration and joy on this special occasion, celebrating the beginning of his dream and a new start in his career.

* * * * *

Adam has always been passionate about the world of animation since his childhood, as these films were his gateway to the worlds of magic and creativity. 

Over the years, this love turned into a professional passion, working for a small animation company that specialized in creating short animated videos.

His days were filled with creativity and challenges, working tirelessly to create unique and fun experiences for his animation enthusiast audience. Despite the pressure and challenges at work, Adam has never lost his passion for animation, which has been an integral part of his life.

In his spare time, he enjoyed watching the latest animated films and spending his time exploring the worlds of fantasy and adventure. 

He believed that these films had the power to bring joy and inspiration to his life and the lives of others, which always made him determined to do his best to create unique and innovative videos.

On holiday evenings, he would gather with his close friends who shared the same passion for animation, where they would discuss the latest films and series and share their opinions and experiences in a simple and fun way. 

These moments meant a lot to him, as it was a chance to connect with a community of friends who shared the same interests and passions.

While shopping at the store, Adam was imagining what his life would be like in the future, little did he know that his life was about to be turned upside down...

* * * * *

During the checkout process, Adam exchanged a few friendly words with Mike, one of the store's workers. Due to Adam's frequent visits to the store since he moved here, their close proximity in age and shared interests, the two quickly became close friends.

"How are you today, Mike?" Adam asked with a smile as he handed him his purchases.

"I'm fine, and by the looks of these snacks, are you planning on celebrating today or what?" Mike smiled, wondering.

"Yeah, guess what?" Adam's face lit up.

"Don't tell me, I passed the interview." Mike predicted based on the information he knew about his friend.

"Bingo! Hahaha yeah, I got a call from them today and they told me to go and pick up the job tomorrow." Adam replied, laughing.

"Wow, that's great. I wish you all the best." Mike expressed his happiness and good luck to Adam. After all, what better job for an animator than working at Disney?

"Thanks Mike, have a great day!" Adam said goodbye to Mike as he walked out of the store.

After exiting the store and walking a bit, Adam noticed a little girl running in the middle of the road, at risk of being hit by a truck that was heading towards her. 

Without hesitation, Adam dropped his shopping bags and rushed to her rescue, and thanks to his speed and quick reflexes, he was able to pull the girl away before the accident occurred.

But things didn't end there, as one of the truck's tyres unexpectedly blew out and started moving towards them at a high rate of speed. 

In a moment of panic, Adam tried to protect the girl and push her away. Although he succeeded in removing the girl from the potential danger of a collision, he had no time to avoid the truck speeding towards him as the truck slammed into him, knocking him unconscious.

* * * * *

 'Where am I?'

Adam woke up to be greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling.

 'What a classic start...'

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