The night has fallen, its darkness swallowing everything in this forest beside the fire I was sitting next to.
"The cicadas are quite loud, aren't they?" Soobin sighed as she sat across the campfire.
"They sure are, Soobin," I agreed to her and continued my gaze on the ever-stretching floor.
I had my doubts about this dungeon, but aren't we warping through space to get to these places?
"Hey, Soobin… What do you think of all this?" I raised a question to her, asking for input.
"Hmm, it is bizarre. Fighting monsters left and right, gates appearing and disappearing when we go through them, getting swallowed in the sand, going through a savanna that seemed to be as wide as the whole world." She kept mentioning the stuff we had gone through.
Now this end was intense...