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83.75% A True Beginning / Chapter 165: Ch.50

Capítulo 165: Ch.50

When the Sokovia Accords were being held, none of us had signed and as most were made citizens of Frosthaven, there was little they could do to enforce those laws. Particularly since I'd opened the boarders and shown what Frosthaven had to offer thee world.

One thing I was not was slow moving. When the Accords were held and the king of Wakanda was announcing his sorrow of the loss of life. When the Prince, T'Chaka, yelled. "Everybody get down!"

I waved a hand and made a barrier around the windows as an explosion rocked the building. When it was over, the king of Wakanda stood back up and I spoke this time throughout the room as my voice was heard. "This is an example of why the accords will never work. While action is needed the Avengers would be stock waiting for politicians to consider the ramifications and the perks of said actions! If it were left up to the governments then the island of Manhattan would've been nuked like they'd planned and the aliens would've still invaded."

"While you sit on your hands talking politics, hundreds of people down below are dying and screaming in pain all because you insist you know best. Wakanda May have lost a few of its people, but it has left this world to suffer for hundreds of years while it has had the technology to stop it. No, the Avengers will not sit idly by while you talk your speeches and whine about a hand full of deaths over the millions we save. You can take your accords and shove it up Bast's furry ass!"

My cold words were punctuated by the Avengers saving lives down below as I, in my main body, put out the fires and healed all those I could. The Wakandan king and prince were both angry and ashamed I'd showed their Achilles heel. Growling, I told them while I showed the real Wakanda on national television. "You judge us by our actions and a perceived failure to act properly then you can let the world do the same you hypocrites! Wakanda has been earth's most advanced civilization for more than ten thousand years! You have had the technology and materials to end world hunger and clean up the damage done to this earth yet you hide behind that shield technology and cloaking capabilities and dare to judge us!"

I sent my secondary body to a certain hotel where Baron Zemo, the Sakovian spec ops member was staying. There I found him and the dead body as well as the wig he'd used to get the bombing videos to show Bucky Barnes's image on camera to pull him out of hiding for his own plans.

I dragged him before the Sakovian Accords council meeting and fed him veritaserum. I questioned him publicly before the council and the cameras for his plans before giving him the antidote and saying. "This is veritaserum, a truth serum that works on all but the most powerful psychics. What do you say your majesty, care to demonstrate how open and honest Wakanda is with the world?"

I offered him the vial and the king just shook his head in shame before I put it away while the prince looked ready to punch me. Smirking, I tossed Baron Zemo to the security and police who came up and took him away whilst he screamed and raged.

I turned back to the king. "Your special council would have us attacking each other because of our own ties to this case. Bucky Barnes was a howling Commando and a dear friend of Steve Rogers, Captain America. It would've torn the Avengers apart like this man had planned and saw to the death of my own friends. I assure you, if that would've come to pass because of your hypocrisy, I'd have laid waste to Wakanda, it's people and butchered your goddess before you before slaughtering your family as well. No technology or magic and not even a simple goddess could stop me. Ask her yourself king of the hypocrites."

He paled and shook under my gaze before I turned to T'Chaka. "I was there when the first Black Panther of Wakanda forced the tribes into submission. I stood above the battle and when it was over, passed by the former warring tribes that founded Wakanda and it's people. I was there when the meteor of vibranium struck the mountain and your ancestors eventually found it. Just because your people chose to live in the shadows with what they've learned, does not give you the right to say what's best for everyone else."

"Your people rejected the world and turned your backs on it once they figured out how to make cloaking technology and hide themselves, deeming it too powerful and inappropriate for others to have. I'm not judging, I don't rightly give a damn what you and your people do behind your own boarders, but if you insist on coming out of the shadows, don't assume the world will simply accept you and be grateful for your assistance now when it hardly matters."

I smirked and turned back to the king as he said. "Monster!"

I snorted. "Says the man who murdered his own brother because he wanted to share Wakanda's technology with the world. Spare me your hypocrisy T'Challa."

The king finally looked done in and withdrawn at my announcement and I shook my head while T'Chaka called me a liar. I merely told him to look at his father for confirmation of my words and walked away.

With the people publicly saved down below, it was time for us to leave Vienna, where the conference was being held. I sent Steve and Tony after the real Bucky Barnes and the rest of the team returned home while I personally went to Siberia where a former Hydra bunker lay.

There I killed the five super soldiers they had on ice and sent all the documents and information back to Shield and Coulson for him to go through and deem useful or not. Most of it was political anyways and on my way out, I destroyed the base with a implosion, turning it into a ball of stone and metal that was soon covered by snow.

When I returned to Frosthaven, Coulson showed up not long after with the video of Bucky killing Howard Stark and his wife. "What do you recommend I do with this?"

I sighed. "Give it to Tony, I'll help keep them from killing each other."

He agreed though reluctantly and when Tony and Steve returned with Bucky, I set them all in a room together and spoke coldly and evenly. "Mind control, however it is performed is a bad thing that leaves victims all around. In the end only those that did the controlling are at fault. Remember that and keep it in mind."

I nodded to Coulson who showed them the video of Bucky killing the Starks. When it was over Tony went to attack Bucky but I waved a hand, restrained him with telekinesis. "Tony, I want you to listen to me clearly."

He looked at me and I sighed. "I can travel through time Tony. This-"

I waved to the screen and continued coldly. "For all you know it's an illusion I myself came up with after going back in time later on. Once I'm strong enough, I give you my word I'll change it. So be patient and try not to blame Bucky for something he literally had no control over. His mind is in worse disrepair then Loki's was."

Tony stilled before growling. "I'll hold you to that!"

I nodded and he stormed out. Sighing I turned to Bucky. "It's time I repaired your mind and cleaned out all that Hydra programing. Get comfortable, it'll take several weeks at least to peel it all away and longer to repair the damage done. Steve can find you a room. As for your arm, I've a suitable Gradium replacement with a few upgrades in mind."

I spent the next two months stripping Nazi programming out of Bucky's mind before spending another six months repairing the damage of it all. As they say, it's easy to destroy but much harder to build.

During that time the UN business was strained at best because technically the Avengers were terrorists now and saving people was our crime. The US tried to release what they had on Natasha and Clint but found it was all gone, erased as if it had never been there.

All hard copies were out as well and Clint has his family moved to Frosthaven where they were given a new farm and a beach front property. Most of the inhumans and mutants were settling in well and Gordon was bringing more in from all over on occasion.

Most cases were fairly easy to get passports and legal documents for while the harder ones were given to Shield to take care of. In exchange Shield and Sword were allowed to present their cases to the mutants and inhumans as well as assure them that the magical documents they'd sign were both a guarantee and a protection clause against reprisals.

Those that wished to join either cause was allowed as well while their families would be safe on Frosthaven. Politically it was a mine field I was navigating while publicly I was still a pariah in the US with the president inciting hatred with his political backers.

Not that any of that mattered to me. I'd taken the girls on dates one on one all around the world. It was in Japan at a high class sushi restaurant that I finally proposed to Natasha. Her legal name was currently Natasha Rushman and soon it would be Natasha Dark.

She'd said yes and accepted the engagement ring that happened to be a space ring. When we returned home, she announced it to our group of friends. While she celebrated with the girls of the group, I was watching Steve put another nail in president Ellis's political coffin.

He'd announced his change of citizenship to Frosthaven as America today didn't remind him of the one he'd fought so hard for against the Nazi's. He stated that since the president decided he was no longer welcome as a hero, he'd fight for another country's banner and still save those who needed him.

I chuckled as I watched the shit storm unfold while I helped Bucky repair his mind and celebrate my engagement to Natasha. The president was replaced by December while he'd stood no chance of retaining office.

Unfortunately an orange racist, sexist pervert, made it into office next. America became a laughing stock by the new year as President Dump was caught on camera admitting to sexual assault and laughing about it.

Not only that but his support from Russian hackers and the KKK had won him the office so there was little the public could be rightly angry about when they voted for the Great Pumpkin. His competition wasn't much better as the former president Binton wife had ran against the orange monster.

She'd been surrounded by lies and deceit she'd been caught in so there was no real winning of that election but what made it interesting was that President Dump didn't actually know what it meant to be president nor have any idea what the job requirements were.

I had a stray thought that he might've just been the last guy standing in Hydra who had by some miracle survived and was looking to rebuild. I pushed the thought aside as the newly appointed president discounted the fact that global warming was a real thing.

Even if Hydra was desperate, they'd bee scraping the stones under the barrel to find someone that dumb. Pushing politics aside, I decided it was time I continued my own physical training. I'd been at a crossroads for a while now and it was simply time to do something about it.

A little more than two weeks into the new year, the ancient one came to me in astral form. Her body was between life and death I could tell. Seeing her I sighed sadly. "You know, I almost want to pull you back to this side."

She smiled sadly. "We both know that wouldn't turn out well. It's my time."

I shrugged. "Perhaps. So, is he worthy or is he-"

She sighed. "He's Strange, not at all what I thought he'd be like, but not necessarily evil. Though I could see a hunger in his eyes when he was using the time stone."

I shrugged. "It won't matter soon enough. He cannot see passed what's to come, the stone won't let him, I should know."

She nodded. "This is farewell master Dark."

I bowed to her. "Farewell Yao. It has been a true honor and pleasure knowing you."

She smiled and faded while I sighed and turned my gaze to China. The Hong Kong sanctum would be the last to fall I'm sure. I could tell Kaecilius was separating the connection between the ward stones and the wards instead of destroying either outright as it was virtually impossible with his current level of power.

When I sensed the great barrier fall as Dormammu broke through the barrier between dimensions and the dark dimension began to bleed through, I portaled to the breach and watched Dr.Strange enter it with the eye of Agamotto.

I waited while I felt the time stone make an infinite loop that only the time stone or one with a connection to it could stop. Over and over I watched as Strange was killed by Dormammu until finally the fallen Faltine went to retreat.

I made a connection with the dark dimension and once he fled, I portaled in and didn't wait for Dormammu to react. All it could get out was. "You...."

Sucked it's energies inside myself, absorbing the great beast it had become and purifying it's energies before putting the essence inside my sword for emergency uses. I purged myself of the rest of the taint and left the dark dimension the moment I saw a giant purple man entering it.

Smirking, I almost felt bad for the denizens of the dark dimension. To be forced to worship Dormammu then be freed only to be eaten by Galactus. You'd have to have some seriously bad karma to be reborn with that fate.

I chuckled and headed home as soon enough the dark dimension would be no more. I'd made sure there was nothing tying it to earth when I left so there was no reason Galactus would come this way and the dark dimension was a great distance away spatially.

I'm not exactly afraid of Galactus, well not entirely. I'm just not sure I'm on his level yet without relying on the Phoenix Force and my connection to the infinity stones so I'd wait to avoid beings of his level or stronger for now.

With Strange or whomever it is playing master of the mystic arts, I had better things to do so I entered physical training for the next ten months. It wasn't really timed but the moment I felt Odin make his presence known after hiding out on earth for so long, I exited my training room through a portal and found him, Loki and Thor on a cliff in Norway.

Sighing I asked. "I take it this means you're making good on your debt to me?"

He nodded solemnly. "I can't say much for this body, by it's yours once I pass nonetheless."

I smiled and asked. "Was it worth it, to you I mean?"

He nodded. "A man should not outlive his wife or children."

I agreed somewhat. "Then I truly hope to meet you outside sometime. Your ways are truly honorable, although a bit odd at times."

He chuckled. "Indeed they are. Goodbye old friend."

I nodded. "Goodbye my old friend."

He closed his eyes and his main connection to his avatar faded as I heard it's heart stop. A portal opened but I didn't pay much attention to it as I knew who was coming. For now I simply took his body, pure essence and all into a specially prepared space ring that would preserve it until I was ready to consume him and merge his DNA and powers with my own.

I turned to the brothers. "Don't look at me like that. It was payment for reviving your mother, you should be more worried about that-"

I indicated to the portal that was turning green now as Hela stepped through. Thor asked. "Any suggestions?"

I shrugged. "She's your sister not mine. This is a family matter as far as I'm concerned. Call me if it becomes more than that."

I waved at Hela who gave me a sour look as she spoke coldly. "It's you! The one who imprisoned me in that place!"

I shook my head. "Odin imprisoned you, I merely made sure you staid out till he was dead. By the by love, how was hell?"

She threw a dagger at me and I caught it just at my throat between two fingers while she spoke. "It was hell of course, but you lover, are going to pay for leaving me there."

I chuckled. "Promises promises. Now, I'd love to stay and chat but you three should be introducing yourselves to each other. If you must know though, Loki is my favorite of the two, so be gentle with him."

Loki looked at me after seeing the seething rage she showed that was directed at him. "I am not! Since when-"

I waved. "See you my friend, be sure to have a nice long chat with your big sister!"

I teleported away just as Thor threw his hammer at her. Seeing the destruction they caused, I ignored them as I went fishing off the coast of Norway not far from the battle. I watched with amusement as all three of them went up into the Bifrost while Thor had lost his precious hammer.

He no longer truly needed it but it did help him focus his power better. Even Odin had his Gungnir so I had no doubt Thor would find his stormbreaker in time. In the meantime I could feel a war being waged for the power stone on Xandar with my connection to it.

I felt the moment Thanos took the stone for himself and I hid my own connection to it like I hid my connection to all the others. I've no inclination to get between all that any sooner then I have to. For now though, I kept Hela's dagger and even caught myself a fish before tossing back the small thing and heading to the space. Once there I summoned an upgraded Destiny class ship and headed for the Black universe.

At the edge of it, I summoned a bit of power from my connection to each infinity stone. Not enough to get noticed by the likes of Strange or Thanos, but enough for what I needed it for.

With the power in hand, I scried for the entrance to the Ultraverse. To my surprise it worked, sort of. The entrance wasn't in any of the black wholes but in a small tear in reality by the singularity of the largest blackhole in the Black galaxy.

I upped the shields to the ship and sent it through. The many ward stones activated, protecting the hull of the ship while the shields flickered on occasion and began draining fast. When it crossed the tear, a bright light illuminated my sight as my ship disappeared, leaving me floating in a white space with a golden orb in the distance.

I flew towards the orb and it got far larger the closer I got to it. When I was a few feet away I realized it was about the size of a small moon. I touched the surface out of curiosity and it sparked and bubbled, causing me a bit of pain.

Looking around I decided that since it was the only thing here, it clearly held my prize. Taking a second to adjust my mind, I dived in as I few through the golden viscous depths until the pain nearly overwhelmed me. The Phoenix Force woke up inside me and covered my body in a bubble while I passed through the rest of it.

When I got to the center, there lay the last of the infinity gems. As I reached out to grab it, the Phoenix Force retreated from that part of my hand as if afraid. Growling at the pain, I took the stone in my hand and instantly I was in the fight of my life.

A consciousness that dwarfed mine in intensity began trying to invade my mind. Unfortunately for it, I was prepared for this eventuality. With an ever shifting maze twenty five reality's long and the Phoenix Force besides, I had my ever expanding forcing which included copies of all my powers, abilities and enhancements wearing her down.

By the time Nemesis crosses the twentieth reality, her exhausted consciousness fell prey to my kid Buu barrier as she was absorbed, dispersed and assimilated into my own mental powers. Her mental energy and capacity went towards repairing and refining my mind once more as I experienced all the eons she had and lived her unending life.

At the end of it, I met a woman named Apollymi. She spoke coldly. "To have come this far for such a thing, do be sure you don't forget what really matters in the end. I slaughtered my pantheon in most of the realities my avatars go to as each one my family betrays me to try and kill my son. Just know that power has a price, and that is loneliness. Now you understand that price as much as any one of my avatars have."

I bowed to her. "Thank you for your gift and I don't mean the stone."

She smiled lightly. "I think you and my son would get along well. He's in another part of this universe. As a thank you for freeing me up I'll tell you now, this reality universe has many sub copies to prepare many gods. But what we don't tell those at the beginning is that it's devised into two universes in each one reality. Good luck getting to the other half, most don't make it that far as it's much harder over there as the laws there are more solid and harder to manipulate even for godkings."

I chuckled. "I look forwards to it. Thank you for the tip."

She nodded and disappeared before my eyes as I was once again back in the marvel universe just outside the giant black hole, holding a golden infinity stone until it sank into my skin.

I cried out in shock before screaming into the void of space itself as I felt as if my skull was splitting open from the pain. When it dulled to an aching throb, I realized the stone I'd taken in with my mimicking ability was absorbing the seventh infinity gem.

I opened a portal and left the void of space for the Shi're empire. There the black hole pulled the portal open further as it began to suck in the poor defenseless racist war mongers. I closed the portal after the king had been sucked in and portaled to the Kree empire before riding home in a spaceship through hyperspace just in case they had someone who could track my portals.

It took only a day to get home but by then the pain had subsided completely while the seventh stone was completely gone now from what I could tell. I felt odd though not stronger, just different. As if I was aged by the memories of the loneliness I'd experienced and it was leaving not just a deep impression on my body with the stone, but my soul as well.

The first thing I did when I arrived back on earth was hug and kiss Natasha and Jess before dragging them to bed for a week straight. The world could piss off for that time and I meant it. Even my diplomatic side cooled it while I gave my girls my undivided attention.

They were left both satisfied and limping badly when the week was up. Natasha made plans for our wedding and I changed the island to suit it better. I'd only sent my first body out once and that was to retrieve the Fenris wolf when Asgard fell and to ensure Surtur and Hela survived and were taken into my inner galaxies.

It was a bit hard to pull off but I managed fine. Once Thor and his spaceship of Asgardian's left, I had my symbiote body go back in time a few hours with the time spell from the Percy Jackson/Sleepy Hollow universe and empty out Asgard's vault of relics except Surtur's crown, the living flame which was just fire from the Phoenix Force, and the tesseract.

The rest including the casket of ancient winters and the tablet of life and time were taken and illusions were put in their places. I watched as the fighting and battles unfolded and at the last minute, I saved Hela, binding her form and putting her on a special planet in my inner galaxy. Then when Surtur delivered the final blow, I grabbed him and teleported away as Asgard was consumed in the explosion micro-seconds later.

We arrived on Muspelheim, his home planet, without his twilight sword. He roared. "Why am I back here? I wish to see Asgard perish!"

I chuckled. "Asgard is destroyed my overly large friend. You saw to Ragnarok and I saved you from the resulting destruction."

He looked down at me before sneering. "Another godling I presume?"

I sighed. "Like you would know after all it takes one to know one."

He sneered again. "I am no such thing! I am destruction incarnate, the death of gods!"

I growled before sighing and realizing he wasn't nearly what I thought he'd be. Leaving it up to chance, I tossed him into my inner galaxies on a fire and magma world much like Muspelheim. When I felt no resistance I knew I'd been duped so I cursed his essence with the sheer force of my realm and filtered it back into the Phoenix Force for a meal.

Turning my attention to Hela, I stripped her of her powers and connection to the realm of death, leaving her as an average Asgardian. I could feel my new connection with the entity known as death and her realm. Ignoring it for now as I could no more beat her or even fight her for now than I could fight my mother right at this moment.

As for Hela, the only reason I managed to pull this off was because she was weakened from fighting Surtur and Asgard blew up before she could awaken. I let her be on the primitive planet I left her in insisted my galaxy realm.

After heading back to earth and returning my full attentions to Natasha who was riding my face and moaning at my liberal use of my tongue, I spent the rest of the week off inside her and Jessica ending in their severe limping even after healing as their hips had gone numb from the continued poundings.

Once I was back in action again, I collected Blonsky who was in Romania where he'd tracked down the rumors of the wolf gods and a werewolf cult. We stormed the place and turned everything inside into food as I went on a wolf sized rampage. After we found the portal to the wolf God's realm, I entered and brought out the Fenris wolf.

I wasted no time in killing and eating them all, leaving nothing to chance and enjoying every bone cracking crunch under my mutating jaws as I finally unlocked my giant wolf form and finished my meal.

No being was spared as I then exited the portal and ate all the werewolf corpses as well. I then followed up on Drake's lead to another supposed vampire god and backed off when I saw it was Rune, an alien vampire who is supposedly a fallen cosmic entity or at least on the level of Thanos without the gauntlet.

I had Shadow trail him for a while and when I noticed he was headed to the Shield facility where the mind stone was being kept before Vision got it, I took a chance and had Blonsky and Drake distract him while sneaking around them.

When Blonsky changed and charged at him while Drake circled around him with a sword, I saw his power level as he'd thrown Blonsky back without hesitating and the sword Drake was using, screeched as it couldn't quite pierce his skin.

I told them to back of and return and after Drake was sent flying next, they both returned before he could land, into their worlds. I walked out of the shadows with a smile on my face. "You're something else, you know that?"

Rune turned to me, sizing me up before shifting into his vampire lord form. I followed his example to his surprise and we grappled until he landed a blow and went inside my inner galaxy for his efforts. There I suppressed him in the center of a Gradium like box just like Ego was being kept, only his fate wasn't nearly as bad.

I estimated his body and physical strength to be just above my, teetering the limit of the first part of this physical level. I'd been stuck at a sort of bottleneck because of the way my body was built and forged and I'd finally thought up a solution, I was going to make myself a new, stronger body.

For the next three months I did just that, adding all I'd put into myself with the DNA of Captain Marvel, Odin, Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen, aka cloak and dagger or the personification of the Lightforce and Darkforce. For good measure I added in my own essence and blood as well as the blood I'd obtained of every god I've killed so far and stripped it all down to the bare essentials before fusing it into my primary body while I watched from the safety of my symbiote body while I ate Venom and it's creepy offspring it let off while trapped on the planet I left it on.

After a second thought, I killed Hela's avatar as to avoid any complications and ate her as well, adding her blood to the mix while I was at it. The changes were aggressive and lingering as my primary body incubated in the same life cradle that made vision.

Gradium, an upgraded super soldier serum, vita rays and Rune's essence was the main and final ingredients as I added in my own blood and essence as the most primary mixture and fused it all into one DNA strand. It was me and yet more as it would have all the inherent abilities and powers that all those before it had added on the boosted serum and the Gradium that coated the very DNA as an extra Chromosome, and it was complete or it would be when it was done being unmade and remade.

It was a vicious cycle, luckily I don't have to actually feel it. I'd channeled the power of the stones into it over those three months to not only enhance it further, but to speed up the process as last time it took years to do something like this, and so I waited, constantly channeling power into it and listening to the news.

When a ship appeared near the planet with seemingly hostile origins, Fury contacted me and I was patched through. There I told him to destroy it and warned him it was severely hostile and to stay cloaked.

They blew it out of the sky and into pieces from all directions. Unfortunately they detected a signal burst saying they'd met hostile resistance with advanced weapons and cloaking capabilities. I warned Fury to back off a bit and stay radio silent in case more come looking for the cloaked ships to flush them out.

I could practically here Thanos cursing Fury now. Chuckling I continued to channel power from the stones I was linked to into the cradle only much faster as I no longer cared who felt it. The soul stone was safe anyways.

When I realized the Hulk was back on earth, I put the cradle in stasis and opened a portal to Thor's burning ship while Thanos and his ilk left. Thor was holding Loki's body and I patted his shoulder saying. "It'll be ok, I promise, but you need a weapon god of thunder. Go to the dwarves and take this to Eitri and have him make you a weapon fit for a king when you awaken."

I waved him off as I opened a portal to outside in space and boosted the signal adding it as a treasure vessel. The ore I gave him could be split into two and sold to Eitri for a high price or elsewhere for an even higher price.

I froze the explosions and fires before standing before the dead and taking them into my inner world where I began the process to bring them back. I pulled out regular Phoenix tears and a revivification spell for the regular Asgardians and gladiator warriors. When I ended up with three corpses, Loki, Frigga and Heimdall, I sighed and activated the Phoenix tears already in Frigga's body, jolting her back to life.

Loki was next as he was only part god and while his connection to his main body was pure, it would simply snap back into place once his Avatar was alive again. That left Heimdall's body which I had to shift and shed a tear for.

When my giant burning form shrank down again, I told them coldly. "Thanos has two infinity stones and Thor is on his way to the dwarves to get a weapon to kill him. He mourns you all even now but you cannot return to him until he has done his part."

I turned to Frigga and said. "Consider if payment for bringing all of you back this time."

She nodded. "So long as it doesn't lead to his death."

I shook my head. "Thor is a friend and I wouldn't kill him or let him be killed so easily, just like Heimdall here. For now feel free to explore this inner world of mine. Just speak what you want and I will hear and provide it for you. Be it a cup of water or Asgard, returned an whole, upgraded and fully weapons capable."

That got Loki's attention. "You'd do that? Risk pissing off the other gods for something like that?"

I snorted. "By all means, so long as I don't piss off the big six, I could give a shit. It may sound arrogant but there's little they can do here as this reality limits them. Though do avoid pissing off the ascended gods. Those neither of us can deal with for now."

He gulped before nodding and smiling. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I almost forgot, I raided Asgard's vault just before Surtur blew the place apart so here, it's all that was left except Surtur."

I gave them the tablet and all the trinkets except the casket of ancient winters as I handed that to Frigga especially to keep it out of Loki's hands. He rolled his eyes and asked. "What about the infinity gauntlet there?"

I shook my head. "It was a fake I'm afraid, so I left it. Though you'll find I can make another just like it here."

He shook his head in disappointment and I left, seeing the ship had blown and Thor was being rescued when I returned. I opened a portal to earth and went back to making my body. I poured immense amounts of the infinity stone's power into the cradle but in the end it wasn't until I heard from Fury he'd destroyed a second ship but that someone had portaled our from the energy readings and that they'd landed on earth in Frosthaven, that I felt a change.

The islands defenses were immediately engaged while I felt the response but what was more, my body was finally finished!

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