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81.81% A Tale of the Eternal Hunters / Chapter 18: A Zecret Meeting

Capítulo 18: A Zecret Meeting

Night came, and the two 'adventurers' have now truly integrated into the caravan group.

The group had stopped on the side of the road leading into the forest, and the leader decided to rest for the night.

L'Arc was sitting with a group of adults, talking and laughing with each. He exuded so much charisma and friendliness, it compels the others around him to laugh and smile along with him.

Therese, being the introvert, was quietly sitting by herself, taking a couple sips from her cup. When people came over to greet and talk, she smiled politely, nodded, and responded with a soft voice.

I, on the other hand, didn't bother to even interact with anyone. I just sat in the caravan, looking at my bow.

I was ruminating on what to do in the near future when-

"Oh, hey missy! I'm sorry for coming over so late, I heard from Therese that there was a music playing kiddo back here."

I was once again interrupted during my moment of reverie when L'Arc came with Therese, waving his hand in a friendly greeting. I didn't bother to look at them, but not because I wished to ignore them, but because...

'I was called...missy? Does he not know that I am centuries, no, thousands of years older than him? No he couldn't possibly have. How could anyone guess that?'

'Yes, that's right, it couldn't be helped,' I nodded to myself, as the two who came to me looked confused.

"So, your names 'Lamb' right?" L'Arc continued, undaunted by my silence. "My name is L'Arc Berg, but you can call me L'Arc. It's nice to meet you."

"It is also a pleasure to-"

"And this is Therese, but you've already met her before." She smiled and waved her hand apologetically.


He just talked over me...

This guy really is just like in the novel and anime, having this manic kind of energy around him.

"So anyways, missy, I heard that you are skilled from other people, but also very secretive and mysterious. Also, you look like the type of person who has a lot of information."

"...I guess I do know more than the ordinary person," I answered simply in response.

"Great! We were both curious about who the legendary heroes are and stuff..."

I slowly turned my head to him, tilting my head in confusion. A mock imitation of confusion, to not arouse their suspicion.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, we just want to know about them is all. After all, no one has seen them in so many years, and now they were just summoned? How incredible is that!"

They've begun trying to gather information to hunt them down huh? It would be a while until they can match the heroes, since they should be close to Level 1 if they just arrived.

I stroked my braid of hair, contemplating on my options. They were going to find out about the heroes sooner or later, so it's only a matter of time.

I'll them the truth. Not the whole truth, but the truth with a few rumors and lies mixed in of course...

The best lie is mostly truths, with a bit of lies embedded in it.

For us, or for Wolf in particular, it's hard to commit to a conversation with someone else. We rather enjoy the thrill of the hunt, hunting those who dare try to escape death. This in turn, however, seperates us from civilization. It didn't help that people were scared to meet us, and never truly attempted to talk with us. I guess there must be a day where I must 'act.'

"If you insist, but however, payment is required in exchange."

"Payment? What do you want in return?" Although L'Arc seemed easygoing, there was a flash of both wariness and curiosity in his eyes.

"A favor. Mostly for information, or perhaps some assistance in the near future."

"That's all? Well, I guess we could help." L'Arc looked at Therese, who nodded back at him. They both smiled at me seconds later, nodding to inform me that they would accept the deal.

"The both want to know about the four heroes? Very well then, I shall explain what I have heard over the days where I traveled across the land...."

I paused for a dramatic effect. Therese and L'Arc eyes started shining, even more interested in my story. After being asked to tell so many stories with Wolf, I have achieved the ways of being a superb cryptic storyteller.

"There were four holy cardinal heroes who were summoned in this world. The Sword, Spear, Bow, and Shield Heroes."

"Four heroes, huh? At the same time? Then why wasn't-"

L'Arc start murmuring to himself, but then stopped all of a sudden, laughing out loud with a hint of pain. Therese was secretively pinching him from the side, although I can barely see it.

L'Arc coughed into his hand.

"*Kuhum*, what I meant was, weren't the four heroes suppose to be summoned seperately?"

I shook my head.

"They were summoned without the consent of the other countries. Each hero was suppose to be summoned in different places, but a certain king did not care."

"Politics, huh?" He muttered, scratching his chin. L'Arc didn't seem to like the mention of politics. As expected of a runaway prince, he doesn't like topics about governing.

"Sorry, forget what I said just what about the heroes? Can you tell me who they are?"

I shook my head once more, continuing on with my 'story.'

"I don't truly know the heroes, but I have heard of rumors. The Spear Hero is a...person who is very attracted to females. The Sword Hero, although honorable, cannot forsee the consequences of his actions. The Shield Hero is a rapist, and as for the Bow Hero, however, nothing much is said about that hero. It is known, however, that the Bow Hero is an incredible archer...and a hunter."

"Hunter!? That's just like Kiz-aack!"

L'Arc once again seemed to have made a blunder, and as punishment, Therese pinched him even harder.

"Okay okay, it was my fault, my bad..." L'Arc shook his head, smiling painfully whilst rubbing the place where he got pinched.

"So that's it huh? Thanks for telling us, we'll be sure to pay back the favor!" L'Arc said, smiling happily after getting over the pain with a very small hint of relief.

It seemed like he'd rather 'end' heroes who are seemingly chaotic evil, then those who are aligned with order and good.

"Later missy!"

He started walking back to the campfire, waving his hand without turning around. Therese bowed her head in apology for L'Arc's seemingly rude behavior, whispering a small "thank you" to me, before smiling and following behind L'Arc.

As they moved out of my sight, I finally let out a big sigh, shaking my head.

'Was it fate that we have met?'


When it was the time for everyone to rest, I offered to keep watch. This form allows me to stay up for as long as I want, as my body doesn't require rest. It's not good mentally, but I'm rather used to it.

L'Arc and Therese offered to join me in my 'night watching,' but I refused, since it was an excuse to 'observe' them both.

Although they are here to kill us heroes, they're not the true enemy.

'That's right...them.' I looked up at the starry sky. On Earth, pollution and the city lights at night prevented the beautiful night sky from shining upon the earth...

Now though, I can see a wide sea of stars, with a mix of purple, blue, and black surrounding them. That could be where the enemies dwell.

The true enemy is too powerful to contend with in our current state, and that would be for a long while. This means we, and along with the other heroes, must get stronger.

'Naofumi can already take care of the others, although...'

I looked at the bow in my hand.

Was there something else I need to unlock? There must be something wrong with the way I'm upgrading,as it is unlike the way the Bow Hero originally upgrades.

Before I got too deep in thought, I heard a cracking noise in the depths of the nearby forest. My head almost had whiplash as I immediately looked up, searching for the source of the sound.

Looking through the darkness, I could see a figure jumping through the trees, at a slow pace.

An invitation.

If that figure came this close, than that means Wolf must've let her through. That figure must've done something that made Wolf stay his thrill of the hunt.

'Let us find out why this figure wants to meet me in the forest by myself.'

If this figure does something wrong, then the forest will be her final resting place.

I silently jumped away from the caravan, and sped through the darkness, barely noticing that two people among those who were sleeping moving slightly.


Dashing through the trees, I was able to close the distance between me and the figure in a matter of seconds.

The figure stopped in the clearing. The figure, although had the apperance of a slim man, is actually a female. I assume it must be the same shadow that looks like Queen Mirellia, as was explained in the novels.

"Thank you for coming out here at my invitation, Bow Hero. Your companion has my zincerest gratitude to let me pazz unharmed."

"What is it that you want, shadow of the queen?"

"So, you do know of us, zir?" the shadow asked, but there was no surprise in her tone.

I nodded my head. If I remember correctly, this shadow says every 's' sound with a z instead. It was an interesting accent, especially hearing it in first person.

"Please, call me Shadow. I am one of the members of Melromarc's zecret zervice, and as you have guessed, a 'shadow.' A shadow directly underneath the queen. It iz an honor to meet you, Hero of the Bow."

The shadow bowed, and continued, saying the reason why she came to meet me.

"My queen has sent me here to beg you to reconzider to stay in Melromarc for a while, at least a week, to deal with the 'cancer.'

"...this cancer, are you referring to the Church of the Three Heroes?"

The church could be said to be a cancer to this country, with their roots digging very deep into the soil. With the church standing for many years, their foundations would not be dealt with easily.

It could only be changed.

"Yes, the queen will be meeting with Naofumi at a rendevouz point, and so we are in need of your azziztance."


'So the canon storylines continues, where Naofumi and his party are running away as a fugutives, blamed for brainwashing the second princess.'

I shook my head at the thought. Malty, the first princess, is of course to be blamed for this matter. Along with the church obviously. They really are a cancer after all.

'Although it would be a pain, we would help Naofumi...after finding a way to grow more powerful.'

I looked back at the shadow.

"We will assist you, but if it's a week as you have said, then we'll prepare for such matters. We'll most likely leave this country for around a week, and then return to assist in your queen's endeavor."

"...I see. I shall report this to the queen then. Farewell, Hero of the Bow," the queen's shadow hesitated, but in the end bowed her head, and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

After waiting for a minute, I asked a question within the silence and emptiness of the dark forest.

"Are you there, dear Wolf?"

No sooner than a second passed did a gruff voice responded to me.

"I am, little Lamb."

Wolf materialized out of nowhere, appearing by my side.

"Are you sad?" I looked up at the moon shining upon the small clearing.

"I am."

"...what does it feel like?" I asked, tilting my head.

Wolf paused, thinking of his answer. Seconds later did he answered, saying-

"A long hunt with no kill."


We stood silently in companionable silence, the cool breeze rustling my clothes and hair in this peaceful night. Wold seemed to be solemn, looking at the darkness of the forest.

During this serene moment, I realized I had a question in brewing in my mind. Glancing at Wolf, I curiously asked the question that was on my mind.

"Did the shadow give you something?"

"...she gave me something tasty." Wolf grunted.


I wordlessly stared at him, silently imploring him to explain further. Wolf coughed and didn't seem to take notice of my silent question, just staring straight ahead at the invisible horizon.

Shaking my head, I looked back up at the open sky. It must be something special if Wolf let her pass unharmed. Although he might've frightened the shadow.


I walked out of the darkness of the forest, continuing forward to the caravan in distance in the dead of night. As for Wolf, he resumed his 'night watch' after making sure there was nothing eventful happening.

As I returned to the periphery of the caravan, I heard fire cracking in the center. Someone must be up, but who? I can make a guess.

Moving around a carriage, I noticed that Therese and L'Arc were up, sitting next to the newly lit fire.

Although they seemed to be calm, they were watching the surroundings. While they were looking around, they noticed a figure approaching from the darkness. Before they tensed up, the light from the fire shined upon the figure.

They stood up, surprised and worried.

"You're back! Was there a monster or something out there?" L'Arc asked, examining me to see if there were any wounds.

"'Something' did exist out there, but the problem has been dealt with. You both can go back to sleep."

"Nah, it's fine. We're already up, so might as well stay up. It's you, missy, who should go back to sleep," he responded.

I shook my head, muttering that I also have no need for sleep. After a moment of silence did I turned, walking back to the carriage.

I didn't want to have another awkward talk with them. It was too bothersome. As I was walking back, I heard L'Arc call out to me.

"Have a good night Lamb!" L'Arc waved at me, along with Therese, who also waved back, sending me off.

With this, another night has passed uneventfully. Perhaps tomorrow will be more eventful?


[Third POV]

L'Arc and Therese watched as Lamb faded back into the shadows of the night. After waiting and making sure she was gone entirely, they both sighed in relief.

"That girl is really scary," L'Arc said, shaking his head in exasperation.

Therese nodded, agreeing with him. They both wanted to catch up to Lamb, but she ran so fast, they lost her within a few seconds.

If she was that fast, than her level must be high. Very high. That or her stats are broken beyond comprehension.

"We're lucky that she doesn't really dislike us, huh?" Therese nodded, agreeing with him once more.

If a person that powerful were to have a vendetta against them, then they wouldn't be able to complete their mission.

Their mission is to kill the four cardinal heroes. As was said earlier, there were four that were summoned into this world, unlike the one that was summoned into their world.

The Shield, Bow, Spear, and Sword Hero. Each one of these heroes sound even more scarier than the next, and they probably don't have the restrictions that their hero has.

"L'Arc...are we really going to do this?" Therese looked at L'Arc. Although they chose to be on this mission, it doesn't mean that they actually want to do it. What kind of hero would want to destroy an entire world filled with innocent people, even if it's for their own world?

"...Yeah. It's for the sake of our world after all. If we allow the worlds to merge, then our world will be destroyed in the process."

L'Arc kept staring into the fire, gripping his scythe. Based on what they heard, these heroes aren't that good of heroes. If they're not good people...then ending them will be much easier. Of course, they needed to find other sources of information just to be sure, but otherwise...

They have to do this. For their family, for their friends, and...

For Kizuna, wherever she is.

DaoistofBoredom DaoistofBoredom

A little slow this chapter, but it'll start getting more action in the next couple chapters.

Hopefully :D

EDIT: I changed some of the talking stuff, because they didn't seem to suit Lamb.

next chapter
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