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29.29% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 29: Chap 29- FIGHTO? DORIFTO? Same thing.

Capítulo 29: Chap 29- FIGHTO? DORIFTO? Same thing.

Chap 29- FIGHTO? DORIFTO? Same thing.:



(A/N: Small fix. )


{Pov Mumei; Close to Mount Paozu; 12:21 p.m}}


*Step* ...


"Has this crater always been this big?"- I ask the two that are behind me.

We're walking through the place they use to train, it has already been two months since I came here, and was going around with Gohan, playing and eating stuff, Kro helped me teach him some things too, too complicated for me to remember what I was talking about.

Just some minutes ago I got a little urge to have some sparing matches, and with the two top dogs around, I asked myself-' Why not?'

And ended up asking if they wanted, obviously they obliged with pretty huge smiles, since I had only fought them three times in the last two months, itself wasn't my fault, it was more that I was teaching them and Gohan the basics of fighting with their instincts.

They got a boost in their respective styles, but just like I thought, they aren't unlocking some Ultra Instinct type stuff like me any time soon.

But holy mother of hell, Gohan, is a beast of a fighter, everything I was teaching him or corrected, he would just get better and push forward.

Right now he should have the same level of fighting knowledge as his father when he entered the tournaments, and I mean knowledge, not experience, if knowledge were experience my martial arts skill would be { Rank EX }, with how many moves I have seen before.

Going back to the present, since I am getting an answer it looks like.

"*Grunts*, Son here though it was a good idea to fire a Ki attack from the sky when I launched him up, couldn't fire back something in time, his blast ended up turning this whole place into a hole...."- Piccolo answers my question as we walk peacefully.

"HEY! I already said sorry for that! Wasn't my intention to make this place look like a desert wasteland..."- And to my other sides walks a Goku, with his head down, probably ashamed of himself.

But damn, they really were going at it, I tell you.

This place is around a five kilometer crater in a sphere shape.

On the edges you can see the trees, but the edged ones are burned to extra crispness.

The lake that used to be here? Gone, reduced to nothing, literally, the thing evaporated for completely.

Stopping walking when we get to the middle, I turn to their side with my big old smile that would make anyone pissed if they don't know me.

Moving my arms in circles and jumping a little while they get ready as well, weighing off themselves and stuff.

I stop my warm-up, and look at them.-" You two together could give me a run for my money I think, but we'll see."- I am bluffing, but doing in a way to motivate them, need them to be in high spirit or else where's the fun?

"Grrr *clenching fists*, Mumei! We have been training, and now we're not going down so easily!"- Piccolo raises his Ki to it's maximum, a white aura envelops him in ravaging manner.

Following suit, Goku flares up his own power.-" This time, things are going to be ending very different! HAAAH!!!"- He pushes his Ki even further.

I.... for some reason... getting super pumped up by this as well... but, I will misjudge them and hit them too hard as I am right now....

"*Mutters* Kro... lower my power to 3K...."

[{Wha?! Are you crazy Muun! You're going against two people who are very strong for such a level!}]

'*smirk*, I am going to show them, what an Owl is capable of.'- Slowly, yellow flames circle around me.

[{ Hm... well you seem to have a plan, so go on them.*click*}]

Instantly feeling the difference... the gravity even though it still the same is a little heavier, and is not as easy to move as it was a second before.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"It's showtime!"



{Pov Piccolo; Seconds before}

What is she planning now? I can feel her Ki circling around the air...

I don't like this one bit...

"Hey Son, she's going to pull something, we better be ready, that probably will be the signal that the battle started..."

The one I spoked with must have felt as well how her Ki is going for a walk around her.-" Yeah, this is got be to be good!"

I am sure of it....Huh?


"Grrrrrr?*Rises hand to face*, now what is she planning?!"- Protecting my face with my hand from the yellow flaming glow that comes from her body.

"Ughhh!! I might have an idea.... she used it against me in our first training section... for her to bring it up again, she must have got a better Mastery over it!"

"Ooh great!"- saying so with a mouth full of sarcasm.


Finally, stopping it, we see the dust going down around us.

And looking forward, there is the damn bird, a small layer of Flaming yellow Ki going around herself, and her eyes now totally yellow with just two black slits, looking at us...

It's kinda scary I might say...

Smiling a little she moves her finger to herself in a 'Come on' way.... DON'T HAVE TO ASK TWICE BIRD!


"PICCOLO WAIT!"- I am not waiting!

Getting in front of her with a full body straight punch to the face!


Uh? She... She just dodged with a head tilt!

"Better be better than that...*PAM*"



"UGHB!!"- Being hit with an upper cut to my chin, a jab to my cheek.


I am being sent flying back... and something grabs me from behind.

"Piccolo! You know! Both of us alone will not work!"- I know.....but.

"Still, I could measure her strength, and it seems our training has paid off, her punches didn't do that much devastating damage as before...*grins*, we might have a chance Son."

Maybe I can give back that embarrassment she made of me!

"Ehehe, could be, but we got to go full out here!"

Getting out from his grabs and getting back to my stance. -"Yeah, this isn't going to be an easy task!"



Mumei capping her power and using one of her techniques, now should be able to give the two a chance.

But that's their way of thinking, but reality is that even though they're fighting a weakened Mumei, that still a Mumei nonetheless.

" " HAAAAH! " " - *FUUUUUUSH!*

Both fly at high speeds for the Owl, who just keeps that sassy smile on her face as she gets ready.

Now having the experience she lacked, her Owltra Instinct is something to be afraid of, and as this battle progresses, it could be shown even fiercer as she evolves.

Getting in front of their target both, Saiyan and Namekian start to punch with seemingly random attack patterns.

Going for any body point from Muun, as she defends herself.

Her arms and legs follow their movements negating every attempt of attack, her black eye slits move frantically to one to the next one without rest.

They continue their slaughter, and our bird continues to defend even more.

But something is noticeable for the green one-' She's losing concentration!... Knowing her, it must be taking a toll on herself to maintain such a level of concentration.'

With such a fact being thrown in the table, now he attacks even fiercer, jabs, crosses, sidekicks, everything goes. As the one being attacked herself throws one by herself here and there.

It might seem like she's just letting them attack, but reality van be often disappointing.

[{Muun....*sigh*, even with such a technique, lowering your power so much, your power and speed still practically equal to them, so obliviously you're not going to get many attacks in... since ya know.... a 2 vs 1...}]

Not even listening, the Owl just continues to smile as a drop of sweat runs down her forehead, indicating something to the two attackers.

" " NOW! " "- *BOOM!*

Goku fires a point-blank Ki blast that Muun blocks with her right arm, following behind her, Piccolo fires another. Her eyes move at super speeds to the side and her left arm follows up.

When her arm is about to defend the second blast.-" *BOOM!* AUGHH!?"

"Got you! HAHH!"- Goku enters her private space and connects a punch to her stomach, and with the same punch explodes a Ki blast there.

"MY TURN!!!*BOOM!*"- Being sent right towards that blast she originally was going to defend, Piccolo had kicked it together to her stomach, making an explosive kick of sorts.

"uuuuughh..."- Muun is sent flying back close to the ground, she isn't moving just being sent flying back.

Her face just blankly staring at the clouds.-" This... is.... why....*fush!*"- She flips mid-flight and goes back sliding on her black military boots.

A hungry smile on her face, her sclera glow red for a second, but go back to the yellow tone.-" This.... Is reason... being so strong..... is not fun...."

Piccolo and Goku obliviously can't hear her, but someone can. - [{ Oh.... she entered blood-hungry mode, or edge for blood mode? Dunno.... I pray for them, having someone who has killing impulses and fighting urges as an opponent is not so fun, already had to deal with her daily... and they won't pat her head to make her calm, so good luck.*paints nails*}]

The fighting urges of Saiyan, fused with whatever the other part of hers that she has, make a deadly crazy combo.

Muun looks directly at the two, and this time, gets in her stance as well, her smile going away, but her eyes didn't change one bit the feeling they give away.

"Now... let's start again...*FUSH!*"

Dissipating into a cloud of smoke, it makes her two opponents wary of their surroundings.

Looking at all sides.


In between them another cloud of smoke is raised.

"*coughing* What is this! Piccolo! Are you alright?"- Goku trying to move away the smoke looks around.

"*cough* Yeah... bird...this... Is not a PLAY!!!*UUUSH*"- Exploding his Ki away, Piccolo pushes the smoke hide away.

Just to be dumbstruck by a midair Mumei just in his front with a left leg all the way back.

"Ah.. Da-*PAM!!*"- Being hit straight in the face with a left sidekick, that she follows by spinning and connecting another back right kick to his chest.


"GRRRRR!!!!"- Being sliding back, Piccolo maintains his balance.

Muun taps the ground slightly, and crouches down as Goku goes for a hook to her head, missing completely.

"*breathes heavily* Nop!*PAM!*" - Spinning around and sweeping Goku out of the ground with a low spinning kick. Mumei uses her hands to push herself away and gain some space as both of her sparing partners get their air back.

'This really takes a lot of concentration... turning into my Owl form for the speed was a good surprise attack, but using Olwtra Instinct seems to chip my stamina like crazy when being used with my full focus on it...-' Muun gets back in her stance, and a way more relaxed one, seems like she can't use it at full capacity all the time.

[{Hm, you're forcing more than you have, basically, forcing your brain to detect any further movement, even if such a thing would be out of reach, but using the Skill you can make it reachable, well the cost, you're experiencing right now Muun.}]

Explaining why the Owl girl is getting tired so quickly, Kro continues seemingly doing her nail on the other side.

Goku being the first to recover, spins on the ground and jumps up. He gets ready and looks at the green man who just got his vision fully back from that attack, making him lose all air as well as any focus on his vision, now back to normal.

They look at one another and nod. *FUSH!*

Rushing forward again with both hands in his right side, Goku speeds more and more.

Piccolo disappears the second Mumei focuses on the Saiyan coming for her, seeing the pose he's doing. She reunites a good portion of her Ki in a ball not bigger than an apple, it has a yellowish color with red sparkling lighting appearing one time or another, this is just a super dense ball of Ki for her, not a named attack.

She takes a step back positioning her arm like she was about to throw a baseball ball.

Seeing this action Goku smiles *FUSH!*, and again goes to search where the milk is.

Her eyes widening, as she just remembered something.-'That.... isn't that the Kiai!? Or was a different name, but it's a hyper fast movement... which mean.... fuuuuuu-*BOM!*'- Muun body again is launch, trashing back on the ground, kicking again and again as her stamina deflates and her instincts go down...

She starts to come to a stop as she rolls to her side until she slides a little and stops.- "*Cough*, damn... okay..."- She puts her knee up first and uses it as support to get up.

[{ Muun... stop it... right now... don't try to act like how Ssj4 Goku did against Baby... you dork. }]

'HEY! Let me have my moment here!'- She jumps up and down comically.

Son, who is watching from where he just her flying from, stares in awe, he had hit her with a full powered punch to the stomach, he even used Ki to up his power for a second on impact even further.

"All I did was mess her clothing a bit... Come on Piccolo! We don't have mu- UGHH!!!?"- He spits a mouth full of saliva, and slowly looks up, seeing the Owl look down at him smiling.

"Cool technique, mind if I use it as well?"- Muun obliviously knows how to use it, she trained with Goku, and was pretty easy to learn for her, but she likes to move to her opponent, but tricks like these can prove their usefulness at times.

"Boom~ *BOOOOM!*"


Now being Goku's turn to be taken out, he's sent back like a bullet to one of the sides of the crater, his orange top totally ripped apart, now his muscles at show.

"One down... now...*looks at her right* Full powered one huh...might need to give a little push..."- She looks at the direction of one of the crater edges, there is a purple and yellow glow increasing as time passes.

Piccolo, who was in disappearance for a minute, puts all his Ki in a specific point in his forehead. -" TAKE THIS BIRD!!!! SPECIAL BEAM CANON!!!!"

Firing his hand forward at fantastical speeds, the attack is shot out faster than any bullets, and in three seconds reaches Mumei.

The Owl sees the beam that's about to hit her head on, and snickers, her eyes turn completely black, and two red glowing dots take its place now, the yellow flames around her intensities even more, and the red dots gain a yellow point in the middle of them.

"You guy's have some pretty good plans, your mistake? Me being your opponent."- *SLAP!*

She casually slaps the beam to the skies, completely making Piccolo feel what kind of monster he's in to go after.

He laughs a little at the sheir craziness of someone just slapping such an attack that could go through a planet.*THUD!*

Falling down to his back, totally wasted, he goes to sleep a bit, after this, he prefers to do so.

Looking at the man downed for a second, Muun sighs and goes back to her base.

[{Had to go max there for a second huh? If you didn't, I would have put your power to max again and slapped you for being an idiot, so good call.}]

"Thanks, now to take them back home... I am sure they're going to want a rest."

Walking up to Goku's unconscious body and later to Piccolo's one. She picks both of them up in each shoulder and flies back to the Saiyan's home.











{5 months later: Central City; 01:13 p.m}

"So what are we doing here again?"- Asks a green man with a blue cap with some cool clothes, he's with both arms crossed looking at the others on his left side.

"Dunno, Chi-Chi said for us to get groceries, and already making use of the trip to get us some driving licenses."- Answers a girl with some black glasses and a cool red jacket, she's eating what looks to be a lollipop.

'Married women are scary... Luckily I am not one.'



"But we can fly..."- Another one, a male with spiked hair looks at people that are exiting the place they're in front of, he has a shirt with looks to come from Hawaii, he's with both hands behind his head in a lazy way.

"Dad is right..."- On the girl shoulders is a little boy with some blue suspenders and a white shirt underneath it.

The girl, or Muun is the first to walk forward she passes the gates of the place, it has a big blue car drawing above the entrance.

Giving a look back at the two who just complaining she sighs.-" Let's do this and get done already, I want a nap."

Looking confused at his aunt. -" Didn't auntmei sleep the whole day yesterday?"

She flinches a little at the question.- " Yeahh... Owls sleep a lot you know?... So I need to?"

[{ You're just lazy.}]

".... *cough* Anyway, let's go already, you two stop staring, just perfect it and get the license, and we go back."

The two in the back look at one another and shrug and start following Muun.

As they go in they pass by a lot of other flying cars that are exiting with two people in each of them, probably an instructor and the learners.

And going forward they finally see three people that are seemingly waiting for them to come, all three of them are at the side of a respective vehicle.

An old man that's almost dying from coughing himself to his own grave, a young smiling girl, and another one who gives the vibe of a teacher, she has a businesswoman outfit and black hair tied in a black ponytail.

The businesswoman sees them and looks each of them with a strange look, until she finally settles with Mumei and smiles....

[{I am going to break this bitch...}]- And for no one surprise Kro must be trying to find a way to punch someone in a different dimension.

Walking back to the boys, Muun puts Gohan down with them.

"Those three must be the ones who were designed for us, well you guys have a good luck, and don't kill any pedestrians."- Saying, so she walks to the lady who's basically digging holes on her.

Finally, both get face to face, the other woman having to look up a little, and smiles while doing so.-" Welcome! I assume you're Miss Mumei The Owl? You have signed to attend the test for a driving license, so I will be your instructor tonight, please take care of me!"

Politely she bows down, as Muun just looks unimpressed by it.-" So what now?"

The woman looks up again and then motions to the red car behind herself.-" Could Miss Mumei show me if you have any knowledge of driving."

Muun face grows a little smirk.-"Sure~"

Not understanding the change in tone, the woman nods and goes to the other side of the vehicle.

*Crack* - Muun enters the vehicle and sits down, putting the security belt, and looking the fuel.

The woman who's sitting beside her take notes that Muun has a good experience from the looks of it.-" Okay then you can, *VROOM!* Hmm, Miss Mumei you didn't ev- EH? EHHHHH?-"

Accelerating while spinning the wheel Muun drifts midair out of the place to the highway.

Meanwhile, with the other three.

" And she herself said to be cautious...."- Piccolo sees the girl going away with the car siding to its sides almost turning over.

"Well at least she's having fun, we should too!"- Goku together with Gohan, who somehow gained permission to get in the test, try to start the car, but almost breaks the car key, and the instructor starts yelling at him.

The girl with Piccolo said she was going to show him, and then it would be his turn, but like Mumei she starts to drift and accelerate like crazy out of driving test zone.-' Why all woman I know in this damn forsaken world crazy!!!'


{Pov Mumei; Highway of Central City; 01:23 p.m}

"Guess I am ready, ready for you!~ This gotta be exciting!!!"- Drifting past cars and everything that I can see, I accelerate, still haven't got my foot off the speed-up pedal, and I ain't gonna any time soon!

The air hits my head my hair going wild as we accelerate past another truck, we're in a hallway, so I am like at what 240 km? Something to the likes of it.

"Miss! Miss Mumei!! Please! Please slow down!"- Ouh, forgor about the woman, but meh she's in the ride, go check out your mother will ya?

Seeing in the distance a return road, I smile *creak* *crak*, and changing another gear I accelerate even further and the pleas of the girl increase.

Finally getting to the return with my big smile, I turn the wheel with everything as I press the brakes.

The thing just makes a super tight turn, and I start to spin around the return, being a two-sided return, I could be spinning in place easily.

"EHEHEEH! YEAAAH!"- Laughing while I spin the wheel, finally lookong at my instructor... who seems passed out...

[{Good job.}]

'Why do I feel that you're getting more and more aggressive?'

[{Because you're beautiful, and if I don't be, others will, and that's unforgivable!}]

'*blush* Va-Valid point... taken!'

Stopping my spinning around, and starting to drive back to the place I exited, just to pass by two other cars going at full speed, probably racing one another.

And feeling the Ki, knowing very well who it's... wanted to join but.*looks at instructor*

"*sigh* Guess this is for today. I am going back to buy a piece of Pizza as they explode their cars."

*Changing gear*


ReyKale ReyKale

I have another work in mind that I might start after re-reading it's mangà and annotating important things, then I will see.

And yeah it will be yuri.

I will need to make an new schedule then, but for now we keep with the 1 chap every 1-2 days here.~ye

next chapter
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