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37.8% A Hero Who Returns But Is Out Of Place / Chapter 31: [31] Forgive me, father.

Capítulo 31: [31] Forgive me, father.

On the other hand, Yukikaze, who had been gripped by confusion and doubt, suddenly stopped. Deep down, she knew the painful truth. The figure who was once her father, whom she had loved and respected, could no longer be saved. The monster before her was no longer the man who had once guided her. Accepting this bitter reality, Yukikaze gripped both of her pistols tightly, forcing herself to be strong. If there was one thing she had learned from this battle, it was that she had to fight, not just for herself, but for everyone still alive—and for her mother, who now stood by her side.

Rinko, observing the emotional turmoil on Yukikaze's face, stepped closer. Her voice was calm but full of concern. "Are you alright, Yuki-san?"

Yukikaze bowed her head for a moment, then lifted it again with newfound determination. "Yes... I'm alright now," she replied briefly, but within her voice was a new strength that had not been there before. This was no longer about saving her father, but about stopping the threat that lay before her.

The monster, which had been staggering after Shiranui and Asuka's attack, began to rise again, its body pulsating with a dark energy that made the air around it tremble. The tentacles that had been severed started regenerating rapidly, each wound inflicted by their attacks closing with horrifying speed. The creature roared with a power that shook the very air, as if to declare it would not be easily defeated.

But this time, the four taimanin were ready. They were no longer alone in this struggle. Shiranui, with her heart still swaying from her feelings towards the husband she had lost, steeled herself. Asuka beside her was already prepared, her blade poised, her eyes filled with determination. Rinko calmly formulated a strategy, while Yukikaze, who had now come to terms with the bitter truth about her father, readied her final weapon with unshakable focus.

"This is for all of us," Yukikaze whispered to herself, gazing at the monster who had once been her father with eyes full of pain, yet also filled with iron resolve. "Father... I will end this."

Rinko stepped forward, issuing orders to the others. "We'll attack together. Don't give it time to regenerate. Aim for the weak spot on its back—that's the only way to stop its regeneration."

Shiranui nodded, though a small hesitation still lingered in her heart. But this time, she couldn't let her emotions get in the way. "I'll distract it," she said firmly, gripping her spear tightly.

Asuka, with a courageous smile, responded, "Let's do this. We've lingered too long in this battle."

The monster roared once more, rampaging as its four tentacles shot towards them like lightning, destroying everything in their path. But this time, the taimanin did not falter. They were prepared, not just with strength, but with belief. In perfect synchronisation, they moved as one inseparable unit. Each step, each slash, each strike was measured with precision and purpose.

Shiranui was the first to act, darting forward with lightning speed, her body blurring like a shadow as she dodged the tentacles that sought to ensnare her. "Come on, you foul beast!" she shouted with a courage that echoed through the room, her spear raised high before she hurled it with tremendous force. The spear whistled through the air, slicing through the wind and striking the monster's head, forcing it to stagger for a moment, reeling from the blow. The opening provided her comrades the chance to act.

Rinko wasted no time. With a swift, decisive slash, she targeted the monster's heel, slicing through its thick tendons, causing the giant creature to stumble and kneel. The monster roared in fury, its back now exposed.

"Now, Yukikaze!" Rinko yelled as she retreated, making way for Yukikaze to strike.

Yukikaze leapt with incredible agility, her body soaring through the air, but the monster's tentacles lashed out, trying to grab her mid-flight. At that exact moment, Asuka came in, hidden blades extending from her prosthetic arm, severing the approaching tentacles with deadly precision.

"Don't stop! Do it now, Yuki!" Asuka shouted, her voice echoing with encouragement.

Without hesitation, Yukikaze nodded, using Asuka's shoulder as a springboard to jump even higher. However, the monster, in its relentless rage, lifted its head, and from its mouth came a burst of concentrated lightning energy. The creature was preparing to unleash an attack capable of obliterating everything in its path—an Electric Blast.

Seeing the massive lightning orb speeding towards her, Yukikaze knew she didn't have time to dodge. Her breath caught, but her resolve didn't waver. She had made her decision—this was the moment to use the ultimate technique her father had taught her, a lightning art she had never fully mastered. But this time, she had to succeed.

With swift movements, Yukikaze drew both of her pistols, aiming them at the monster. "Thor Hammer, the Leap!" she shouted, charging her weapons with wildly crackling energy around her. A massive bolt of lightning began to gather at the tip of her pistols, crackling menacingly, ready to unleash a force powerful enough to destroy everything.

But the monster's attack came first. The colossal lightning ball created from the Electric Blast hurtled towards Yukikaze at unimaginable speed. Time seemed to slow, the air charged with tense electricity, and Yukikaze realised she wouldn't be able to fire in time.

But just before the energy ball could reach Yukikaze, Shiranui appeared from below, her hands moving swiftly like a shadow. "No, you won't touch her!" she shouted with fierce determination. Using her water art, flowing as though drawn from the depths of the ocean, Shiranui created a solid wall of water in front of Yukikaze, attempting to deflect the monster's attack.


Lightning met water in a tremendous explosion that shook the ground beneath them. Water and electricity clashed in a deadly storm of energy, creating a thunderous blast. Shiranui struggled to hold back the attack, but the lightning's power was overwhelming, and her water barrier began to erode.

"I won't let you touch her!" Shiranui cried again, her body trembling as the electricity started to pierce through her defences. Shiranui's eyes shone with unwavering strength, though the pain was starting to course through her body. She knew it was dangerous, but she had no other choice.

Yukikaze's eyes widened as she watched her mother. "Mother! Be careful!" she shouted, her voice filled with worry. But Shiranui didn't turn. She simply focused all her energy into her water art, trying to hold out long enough for Yukikaze to finish her attack.

"I... have to do it... NOW!" Yukikaze yelled as the massive lightning surged around her pistols. The energy reached its peak, and without hesitation, Yukikaze pulled the trigger.

Thor Hammer!

A colossal bolt of lightning shot forth, tearing through the air with the force to level a mountain. The lightning struck like an unstoppable divine thunder, crashing directly into the monster's body.

The creature roared, its body shaking violently as the electric force overwhelmed it. Its body began to burn, consumed by the pure energy unleashed by Yukikaze. One final scream erupted from the monster before its form shattered into pieces, disintegrating in a massive explosion.

The silence that enveloped the battlefield felt tense, as if time itself had paused to honour the destruction that had just occurred. The taimanin gasped for breath, the remnants of tension still clinging to the air from the battle. Yukikaze landed smoothly on the ground, her body still radiating residual sparks of electricity from her ultimate attack. Beside her, Shiranui stood, though her body trembled from the aftereffects of the lightning energy she had just blocked.

Yukikaze's attention was soon drawn to the pile of ashes that was once the artificial monster. Amidst the remnants of destruction, the half-destroyed body of her father remained, groaning softly in unimaginable agony. That sound—weak and dying—struck Yukikaze's heart like a thousand piercing thorns. Though her father was now a shadow of the man she once knew, love and memories were still deeply rooted in her heart.

"Father!" Yukikaze cried out, her voice filled with emotion as she ran towards the remaining body of her father. Though only half of his body remained, his life still clung precariously to the edge of death. Yukikaze collapsed beside him, kneeling as tears began to well up in her eyes.

She tried to embrace her father, though she knew it wouldn't be long. His body was so broken, only a little remained of his human form. "Father, it's me... Yukikaze..." her voice trembled, as though she hoped he would recognise her, even in this pitiful state.

The man groaned faintly, his blurred eyes attempting to focus on his daughter's face. Though most of his memories were shattered, there was a fleeting moment of clarity, however brief. "Yu...kikaze...?" his voice was barely audible, but to Yukikaze, it was like a final call from a father to his child.

Yukikaze's tears finally fell, her hand grasping what was left of his, now cold and weak. "I'm here, Father... I'm here..." she said, her voice filled with a profound sadness she could no longer hold back.

Shiranui, standing not far away, could only watch the scene with a heavy heart. Though her memory was incomplete, the feelings returned—feelings of love and loss intertwined, causing her heart to ache as if pierced by a thousand blades. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to endure the sudden pain that gripped her.

Yukikaze's father attempted to speak again, his voice weakening further. "Forgive... me..." It was all he could say before his body began to fade rapidly.

Yukikaze shook her head fiercely, her tears streaming down uncontrollably. "No, don't say that! I forgive you, Father, I've always forgiven you!" she cried out, her voice full of desperate anguish.

Her father's body slumped, the last light fading from his eyes. Time seemed to stop as Yukikaze held tightly to the once-gallant figure, now fragile and broken. With his final breaths, he uttered words that would forever be etched in Yukikaze's heart—a simple apology, yet filled with deep regret. "Forgive... me..." The whisper nearly vanished into the silence that followed, as his last breath left his lips, slowly fading away along with his life.

The silence that overtook the battlefield felt heavier, as though the air had become cold and thick. Yukikaze continued to hold her father's lifeless body, her tears flowing freely without end. In those quiet moments, all she could feel was a profound emptiness—the loss of a father who, despite having turned into a monster, was still the man she knew and loved.

Above them, Kaoru descended, carrying Ryuuji's unconscious body slung over his shoulder. As he landed, his eyes were drawn to the heartbreaking scene before him. Yukikaze knelt beside her father's corpse, tears streaming down her face, while Shiranui and Asuka stood in silence, watching with heavy hearts. Kaoru let out a long sigh, realising that even in victory, there were losses that could not be avoided.

"So... this is the end," Kaoru muttered quietly, barely audible. He gazed at the lifeless man before him, feeling a slight sense of relief that his suffering had finally ended, though in a painful way. "May you find peace in the next world, old man."

Rinko glanced at Kaoru with a look of seriousness but also deep understanding. "How is he?" she asked with a tone of hope, trying to divert attention from the sadness that enveloped the area.

Kaoru shrugged slightly, his face showing little emotion. "Still alive, but his mind is shattered. You can do whatever you want with this man," he said coldly.

Asuka, who approached Rinko and Kaoru with hurried steps, looked curious and a bit anxious. "Is it over now?" she asked, full of hope.

Kaoru turned, giving Asuka a sharp look. "Of course. Eh, wait a second." Kaoru suddenly remembered an unfinished promise—to eradicate all threats to their roots. The incubus king, who had fled to hell, was still not dealt with.

"I'm not done here yet," Kaoru said firmly. "I can sense someone else—a researcher who's almost escaped. You must capture him; he's crucial to all of this."

Rinko and Asuka immediately ran with renewed energy, leaving Kaoru and Ryuuji's unconscious body behind. They swiftly pursued the researcher, who was also the mastermind behind this dark place.

Kaoru gazed at Ryuuji's helpless body on the ground before refocusing on his plan to finish everything. With resolute determination, he prepared to make his way back to hell, stretching his body in preparation.

Shiranui, who had stood in silence all this time, finally stepped forward with a pained movement. Her eyes were vacant as she stared at her husband's body, now transformed into something monstrous—a shadow of the man she once loved. Though most of her memories had been erased, the deep pain in her heart remained clear. She knelt beside Yukikaze, gently placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "You did your best, Yukikaze... Your father is finally at peace."

Yukikaze lowered her head, tears still flowing relentlessly. "I know, but... I just wanted a little more time with him... just a little longer..." her voice cracked, filled with unbearable sadness.

Shiranui closed her eyes, trying to suppress the piercing pain from within. Her voice quivered with emotion but was also steeped in deep sorrow. "I understand..." she said, trying to comfort Yukikaze with words full of empathy.

Then, Shiranui turned to Kaoru, who was stretching with what appeared to be a focused determination. She asked with curiosity and a hint of hesitation, "Lord Kaoru, what are you doing?"

Kaoru glanced at Shiranui with a flat expression, showing no more emotion than necessary. "Of course," he replied while activating a magic circle that began forming on the ground, glowing with brilliant intensity. "I'm finishing everything."

From the magic circle emerged a beautiful, gleaming two-handed sword, as if forged from starlight. That sword, known as Caliburn, was a legendary weapon capable of cutting through the boundaries of dimensions with impressive power. Shiranui's eyes widened in awe at the sudden appearance of such a magnificent sword. She had never seen anything like it before, and its presence was utterly captivating.

"Lord Kaoru?" Shiranui asked, confusion filling her voice. "What are you going to do with that sword?"

Without acknowledging her confusion, Kaoru drew Caliburn with a graceful and confident movement. He turned with an elegant sweep, slicing the air with a force that seemed to cleave the world itself. With one sharp stroke, the space before them tore apart, revealing the other side—an infernal landscape of fire and darkness.

"I'll be right back," Kaoru said, his voice full of determination and certainty. "There's something I need to finish down there before it all truly ends."

With that, Kaoru stepped into the opened rift, disappearing into the threatening darkness. The magic circle slowly faded, leaving Shiranui and Yukikaze in their place, silent in awe and reflection.

Only the remnants of silence and the faint sounds of a battle long finished remained, as they contemplated what would come next in a world full of danger and wonder.

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