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10.84% A Different Kind Of Journey / Chapter 9: Arc 1: Small Reunions Part 3

Capítulo 9: Arc 1: Small Reunions Part 3


I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto Does.

Author's note: Hey there, readers! I'm back with a new chapter! Hope you guys enjoy!

Beta reader: Fiddlestickz

Arc 1: Small Reunions 3

Himawari was surrounded by pitch black darkness and deafening silence. She found herself in a seemingly endless void. She looked around, disoriented and confused.

'Where am I?' Himawari pondered silently. She scanned her surroundings again, but no matter how many times she looked, nothing changed. Her body felt numb, as if she has been here for an eternity.

She attempted to scream, but no sound came out. Her heart began to race. Where was she? What was she doing here?

Was she dead? Was this what death was? being stuck in an endless nothing for eternity?

She tried to speak again, anything, any word that she could think of, she tried to say, but it ended in silence. Relentlessly, she tried again, and again, and again, failing each time. Tears began to form in her eyes, and for the first since she was a little girl, she felt helpless.

It was useless; nothing was working, she thought to herself bitterly. Just when she was about to give up all hope, a small light appeared in the darkness, as if someone poked a hole in void with a toothpick. She looked up at the small light. It was getting bigger and bigger, followed by a familiar voice calling after her.

"Hima, don't worry... Everything's going to be alright."

Himawari's tearful eyes widened. She knew that voice. How could she forget? It was her mother! She tried to run towards it, but then suddenly, the light surrounded her until it engulfed the darkness.

Grey eyes was the first she saw. The lavender-haired girl's stared in shock. For a moment, she believed she was in danger, until she realized who it was.

"M—Mom?" Himawari asked hesitantly, almost afraid that the image in front of her would disappear. She couldn't believe it. She didn't know if she should feel relieved or confused.

"Himawari..." Hinata replied softly with a smile. Her mother, or maybe it was only a vision, cupped her cheeks in her hands.

Tears flowed down Himawari's cheeks. She tried to speak, but felt paralyzed.

"I will always be there for you and your brother, Himawari," her mother assured her.

Himawari stared at her in awe. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to hug her, but wasn't this just a vision? just a spirit? She wasn't even really there, but Himawari wanted to pretend it was really her, just for a moment. She began to close her eyes, until a voice called out to her.

"Himawari, it's not your time yet."


Everything felt blurry for a moment. Himawari was lying on something soft, like a bed or a pillow. She tried to open her eyes, but was attacked by a blinding light.

She cringed and closed her eyes again. Gathering strength, she held her breath. She opened her eyes for a second time, and this time she was successful. However, everything was blurry, and she felt slightly light-headed.

"Where am I...?" Himawari wondered aloud, as she slowly sat up from the bed she was laying on.

"You are in a safe place, don't worry," An unfamiliar voice replied.

When the lavender-haired girl's vision cleared, she saw a young woman with short pink hair tied back in a pony tail. She had striking emerald green eyes, which reminded her of someone she knew. She noticed she wore a white lab coat over her clothes.

Bewildered, the Uzumaki stared at the young woman. She looked familiar, but why? She couldn't piece it together. Plus, why was she in a hospital? Was this heavan? If it is, she would never have to return to her world. She could stay here for as long as liked, forever even.

Little did she know, this was not the case.

"Your name is Himawari, correct?" The woman asked, holding a clipboard in her arms.

"Yes, ma'am." Her voice was scratchy from not being used.

The woman nodded, then wrote something down on her clipboard. She directed her eyes to Himawari, who was staring at her blankly.

She smiled reassuringly. "Alright, Himawari. My name is Sakura Haruno. I will be the person in charge of checking your health," she said.

Himawari became quiet. 'Sakura... Where have I heard that name before?' She pondered. She couldn't figure it out, until...

'Aunt Sakura!' Himawari's eye's widened in shock. Her mind began to spin in an endless thoughts and questions like a merry-go-round. This was her Sarada nee-san's mother!

'But why does she look so young?' She stared at the pink haired teen in awe, as if she was some kind of famous historical figure.


"I really thought I was in heaven when I woke up. Aunt Sakura was there in front of me and she really looked young. Aren't people supposed to be young when they enter the afterlife? But then, it slowly came up to me and I realized that In fact alive and breathing, Yet still Aunt Sakura still looked like a Teenager."


Sakura raised an eyebrow at the patient, wondering why she was looking at her like that. Although, the young girl looked familiar, she had never met this girl before. But now she that she thought about it, she looked an awful lot like her blonde teammate...

After a moment of quiet, the pink-haired teen shook her head, and sighed, "Alright, since you're finally awake, I'll go fetch the people who brought you here." She prepared to leave the room.

Himawari blinked. She watched the her Aunt Sakura's back as she left the room. It was silent once again. She spent most of the time exploring her thoughts, wondering why everything felt so vague now. She couldn't remember a thing.

Himawari sighed, scanning her surroundings. She was in a hospital, but where? There was only one hospital back home, and it was massive compared to this one. This hospital looked outdated.

She looked to her right, and saw a plastic bottle of water. Reaching over, she took it, and opened the cap. The cool liquid refreshed her dry throat. She drank only half of it, saving the rest of it for later.

After she was done, she put it back on the table beside her. She closed her eyes, trying to relax for a while. She needed rest. Though, when she shut her eyes, images of destruction of a village and death of many people began to flash in front of her eyes.

She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. Himawari began to shake. After a moment of horrors flashing in front of her eyes, she realized these weren't random images, these were her own memories.

She didn't know what happened to her mother and father. When she tried to remember, it ended up blurry and only made it harder. She could only remember snippets and fragments. However, what appeared before her was a mysterious person with menacing amber eyes, sitting atop the Hokage mountain. He was accompanied by many people who was standing beside him. They projected an aura of evil that was too much for any mortal to handle.

The last thing Himawari saw was her brother clashing with Kawaki, as a bright light engulfed the entire area.

Her eyes snapped open, as soon as she was able to open them. There was someone knocking on the door, she realized. She swallowed, preparing herself to look presentable to the people about to enter.

A moment later, the door opened, and in came Sakura Haruno, smiling excitedly. She had a surprise for the girl.

"Hello, Himawari. These are the people who wanted to see you," Sakura informed her. Two people followed behind her.

The blonde young man was the first to enter. His eyes were damp, and he tried his best to hide them. Himawari's lit up and she gasped, staring at her big brother. He wore a different clothing, she noted. Where was his tattered clothes?

"Boro-nii!" Himawari cried. The lavender-haired girl felt estatic to see her brother again. Seeing her brother, especially after everything she had just been through, was everything to her.

Boruto rushed towards the hospital bed, hugging her as tightly as any older brother would. Already in tears, he embraced his little sister, sobbing.

Himawari smiled. "Oh come on, Boro-nii! You don't have to cry. I'm perfectly fine, y'know," she explained with a laugh, wrapping her arms around him.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed another person standing there. Immediately, she recognized him as her Uncle Neji from the old photos in her Mom's albums.

Her eyes widened and she gasped. How was it possible he was still alive? He was dead. This was impossible for him to be right there in fronh of her, yet here he was fully living and breathing.

Neji smiled. This was the same lavender-haired girl he carried on his back, he thought fondly. She was astonishingly cute, and had the same eyes as her brother. She had that aura which suddenly lightened up the mood of the whole room altogether.

"Hello, Himawari," He smiled and greeted the girl. Anticipating her first impression. He was still a bit nervous.

Himawari returned the smile, unsure of herself. She wanted to get to know her uncle in person, rather than just stories.


"When I saw him, I immediately recognized him as Uncle Neji. I thought I was looking at a photo, but it was really him and I felt this sense of excitement that I wanted to meet him for all these years!



Hanabi stared wide-eyed at the raven-haired girl. Her and her friend were from the future? Was she joking? Surely she had to be, right...?

Hanabi shook her head t spoke, as she knew these times were different. As far as these people knew, there was only one Uchiha left in the world.

After assuring no one was around, she spoke, "My name is Sarada Uchiha. I am the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno," she explained quietly, tapping into her seriousness as best as she can.

Hanabi's jaw dropped. Did she just say she was an Uchiha?! But the Uchiha's were considered an extinct clan, except for the very few ones left. Surely she wasn't claiming she was an Uchiha, but daughter of Sakura Haruno as well?


"I almost spit out my drink when she told me she was the daughter of those two. I thought, I was listening to a fictional story here. It was very hard to believe, yet you really feel that you wanted to believe.


'They really did end up together...' Hanabi mused in shock.

"I knew Nee-sama had it in her!" Hanabi clapped her hands in excitement. If Neji was reading his expression correctly, and he worriedly hoped he didn't, her face was indicating she had probably already started picturing her older sister in different wedding gowns, holding bouquets. "You have to tell me how they got together!"

Sarada seemed to have found her question amusing. "Well, Aunt Hanabi," she gave a slight nervous smile. "You could say it was mostly because of you."

Though seemingly not used to being called "Aunt" Hanabi seemed to have decided to go with the flow and instead focused on the "important" information she was presented with. It was thanks to her that her beloved Nee-sama and Naruto got together! Neji had imagined she was thinking of ways she could push Hinata and Naruto to the fullest of their limits.

As farfetched as these stories were, and as much as Hanabi felt like her mind would explode from the information given, she decided to continue, to get the better picture no matter what.

The tone of the conversation then shifted to a more serious one thereafter.

Sarada began explained what happened, telling the girl of the future. The village of Konoha was destroyed, and the death of its Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. She also told her that was too much for the Hyuuga girl.

She talked about Kawaki, who was adopted and treated like a member of the Hokage's family, and how he would attack the village in vengeance that was too complex to explain. The ordeal left a scar on her blonde teammate's eye, but it did not stop him from facing the person he once considered a brother on top of the destroyed Hokage Mountain.

Sarada also told the Hyuuga that she and lavender haired girl were witnesses and saw the whole fight unfold. She would go on to describe it as an overwhelming fight. Though, it ended with a clash followed by huge explosion and a bright light that engulfed them. After that, she would go tell that her blonde teammate woke up somewhere in a random forest. She explained that she and the younger girl were unconscious and was carried by none other than the blonde himself. Not too long, He found safe haven in the form of a transportation wagon owned by Tazuna and Inari and from then on the rest is history.

Hanabi stared in disbelief. It felt like she had just heard the most classified information of all time. Even for someone like her, it was difficult to digest all of the information. Sure, she had heard all of the most far fetched stories from everyone she knew, but this was one on a whole new level.

As much as Hanabi tried to remain grateful and appreciative for her telling the truth, she couldn't help but feel challenged in terms of believing it. She needed evidence from the raven-haired girl that she was telling the truth, then she would believe her.


"The Last thing that I needed was the evidence, despite the truth in her eyes, I really needed that big proof and then I got what I was looking for"


As for Sarada, she was pondering how she would convince the latter, until she realized what she must do. Reluctantly, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she revealed the Sharingan, a ability only the Uchiha could possess.

That was enough for Hanabi to believe. She wouldn't need anything else. She knew the girl in front of her was telling the truth.

Before anyone noticed, Sarada turned off her Sharingan, then her obsidian eyes farted over to the Hyuuga, who was having difficulty holding her tea.

Hanabi stared in shock, until she finally regained composure. She sighed, "Okay, I believe you." She took a sip of her hot tea.

Sarada had told her everything she knew, but a part of her thought the Hokage should now know the truth as well. However, the problem was she had no idea how to contact the Hokage, or get a meeting with her. She knew that it would be much more difficult than back home, as they were much stricter in this era.

"Um... Aunt Hanabi?" Sarada looked away, fidgeting slightly.

Hanabi looked up, and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" she asked, now getting into a more comfotable feeling.

"Well, uh, I was wondering... can I ask you a small favor?" Sarada asked. She was really hoping the Hyuuga knew how to do this.

"What is it?" Hanabi inquired. She took a sip of her tea.

Sarada took another deep breath. "Can you arrange a meeting with the Hokage?"

The Hyuuga girl almost spit out her drink once more. Instead, she nearly choke on her tea but managed recover." Meeting with the Hokage!?" She asked. She was surprised with the girl's intention.

Sarada could only nod. She felt uneasy and wasn't sure if it was the right thing to asked such an impossible request. Was it really that impossible in this era?

As for Hanabi, she managed to gather herself once more. She understood the fact that talking to the Hokage was an important way of solving their situation, but it would take a lot of guts and herself didn't have thr power to arrange such a meeting. She cleared her throat and gave the raven haired teen a small yet unsure smile.

"I'm not really sure if I have the power to arrange a meeting with her." Hanabi clarified her statement." But, I can take you to the Hokage building, and from there you can request for a visitor's pass." She added. In truth, she really wanted to help her.

"Although, I have to warn you that Lady Tsunade has a bad temper." She warned the girl.

There was quietness that took over the two.

Sarada knew that it would be a challenge to talk to the Hokage. Yet, it was the only way for her to get the trust that she really needed so far. She then took a deep breath again and gave the Hyuuga girl a confident smile and nod.

"It's alright Aunt Hanabi, When can we see the Hokage?"


Neji stood off to the side, and watched the two siblings reunite. He felt his eyes dampen. This was one of the first times he had ever seen anything like this. Usually, in his own family, life was mostly monotonous and silent. He was tired of his lifeless family back home, and he wanted something different, and felt like he deserved it.

The brown-haired Hyuuga found himself having a fruitful conversation with the two siblings, especially with Himawari. Shockingly, he felt comfortable with them, and he started to see them as family.

Himawari was the funniest, most adorable girl he had ever met. She was an amazingly positive, and a happy-go-lucky girl. She would tell him jokes that would make him burst in laughter for the first time in many years. Neji thought she could win any comedy contest any day.

On the other hand, Himawari was ecstatic to meet her uncle. She found out what her mother had said was true. He really was a serious and calm person, but deep down he wanted a cure for his monotony. The medicine was also known as 'laughter'.

She explained to Neji how she ended up on the playground, and told the whole story of them being orphans because of their 'small village' being attacked by raiders. When Neji finally understood what happened, he felt guilty for questioning the blonde. He was planning on apologizing to him immediately, but as he turned around, the blonde was gone. He was so focused on his conversation with Himawari he didn't even notice he had left.

"He went out into the hall," Himawari explained.

Boruto sighed, and rested himself on a metallic chair beside a corridor. He took a small sip from his cup of water, trying to relax. Since he had seen his little sister, he decided to let her talk to their uncle by herself for a little while.

He closed his eyes, recalling the events of the past few days. The fight between him and Kawaki, and the whole village in shambles because of it. The deaths of many lives, including his mother. She had given her life to protect Himawari.

Cringing, he opened his eyes. He didn't want to think about that anymore. He wanted peace of mind right now. He can talk to his little sister in order to relax, but his uncle seemed disappointed in him, which made things uncomfortable.

Boruto sighed yet again. When was this going to stop?

His thoughts were interrupted when a familiar voice called to him.

"Hey." The blonde looked up and saw his Uncle Neji, who was standing in front of him. He was also holding what appeared to be two cups of hot chocolate.

"Want some?" Neji asked, offering the hot drink.

"Uh, yeah... thanks."

Neji sighed. "Tazuna-san and his grandson are in the room for a while, so I thought maybe we could talk for a little for a bit," he explained, as he took a seat beside the blonde.

"I'm really sorry for what happened back there. I was just being protective," Neji apologized. He didn't mean to go overboard.

Boruto stared wide-eyed at the older Hyuuga. He didn't expect him to apologize. He concluded that his little sister might have said something to him, which made him realize.

Neji continued, "Hanabi told me that you risked your life just to protect her when your village got destroyed." He said, finally knowing the reason.

Boruto kept silent. He only gave a nod as he tried not to remember the bad memories. He stayed calm and still listened to the older Hyuuga, talking.

"I just wanted say... thank you... for protecting her," Neji said, surprising the blonde again. He decided to put his old issues aside. He was eager to talk to his nephew and get to know him. He was following the advice of his cousin, who told him to make a friend once in a while. She would be proud.

Boruto finally regained his senses. "No Problem." He replied back with a small smile, already preparing for another conversation, but more proper, later. He hoped his uncle wasn't as serious as he had been.


Afternoon neared. The sky shone brilliant warm colors. Many people returned to their homes one by one, but Sarada and Hanabi proceeded to head towards the Hokage building.

Sarada was having second thoughts. Did she did the right thing? Asking a favor to a person was embarrassing for her. She still felt being a stranger here, after all. This all seemed to be too much so far.

Hanabi didn't mind, however. She merely shrugged it off, and did what she could to help the raven-haired girl accomplished her goal.

When they arrived at the Hokage tower, Sarada stared up, overwhelmed by awe. She called it an "Iconic landmark." It looked different than the future Hokage building back home.

Hanabi stopped her tracks and turned to the Raven haired Uchiha. She then gave her a serious look." Listen, this is the only thing I could do to help what you need now." She explained." It's up to you to convince her." She added.

"I know you can do it!"

Sarada nodded. She knew this was going to be a challenge, but she was prepared. She loved challenges, it gave her motivation to succeed.

Hanabi nodded in confirmation. "Well then, shall we get going?"


The conversation between Boruto and Neji went well. They discussed things they agreed on, and finally let out all of their opinions. They were getting along.

Boruto explained how he saved the old man and the boy from bandits, which ambushed them in broad daylight in the forest. Neji smiled, impressed by his nephew. He was also listening to Boruto's tips about being a good cousin and big brother figure to Hinata and Hanabi.

"Thank you, I will take note of it." Neji smiled.

The blonde found he really enjoyed his time getting to know his unknown uncle. He offered advice on how to manage your temper, and being calm in the face of danger.

Neji talked to the blonde, as if he was his nephew. He wondered if Hinata were here, if she would be enjoying spending time with them as well.

The conversation lasted for a half hour until they returned to the room. Tazuna and Inari had to leave for their scheduled appointment, so the two bid them farewell as they left.

Before leaving, Tazuna have the blonde a small token in form of a small wooden symbol of hope. He had told him Boruto had potential, and would be key in changing the world to a better place. Inari also left something in the form of a chocolate bar which he bought from the nearby convenience store awhile ago.

Boruto smiled." Thank you very much from bottom of my heart." He thanked them with the fullest of smiles .

"No problem, Bolt-san! " Inari gave his response." Don't worry! We'll be back again, I promise you!"

"Best wishes to you all!" Tazuna gave his farewell." We'll visit the village again when we have the time." He added

Boruto simply nodded." Yeah, I'll treat you guys ramen when we finally settle down here." He smiled, he will never forget this experience.

As for both Grandfather and Grandson, the two left with a new experience, which they would tell their friends and family when they return to their own home.


"I think Angels do exist! They sometimes just conceal themselves as good simple people. Old man Tazuna and Inari, really helped us out during that time and I wouldn't forget their kindness.



Sarada stared at the door to the Hokage's office. Nervousness building up inside her, she couldn't help but worry about meeting the Hokage face-to-face.

"Here we go," Hanabi said, as she led them to the office.

Sarada hadn't moved, she stared at the Hyuuga with a terrified look on her face. Hanabi sighed, and gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Come on, Sarada. You need to get yourself together," Hanabi said, trying to motivate the girl. "Don't believe those rumors about the Hokage being a cruel and scary person," she said, as she opened the door. "Don't worry, I got your back," she whispered to her.

Sarada took a deep breath, and watched the Hanabi enter first. She bowed her head, and followed the latter into the office. When she looked up, no one was sitting at the large desk.

The two girls found themselves inside the Hokage office. It was just any other office. shelves, which contained a lot of books were located, stacks of paperwork located on the main desk. Plus, the office had 5 large rectangular opened windows in the back.

The only differences was that the Hokage herself was not present in the office, except for the small electric fan, which was left on. Was it a sign that the Hokage was a little forgetful?

"That's weird. Lady Tsunade should be here by now," Hanabi commented, looking over at the clock. She was baffled and wondered where the blonde woman could be at this hour.

Sarada, on the other hand, had gave a sigh of relief. It seemed she still have the time to prepare herself and gather up her confidence and some of her communication skills, also racking up some acting skills to get the drama on the road.

After a moment, footsteps could be heard outside the office. Not a minute had passed until the door suddenly opened, revealing a blonde-haired woman with a younger short black-haired woman, who was holding a cute little pig.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Sarada muttered under her breath. It felt like they have been ambushed.

Puzzled, Tsunade and Shizune stared at the newcomers. She recognized the black-haired girl as Hanabi Hyuuga, but the other one, she did not recognized at all.

Who was she?

Some Chunin, who wanted to complain about her instructor?

Maybe, a rare fan who wanted to sign an autograph? Ridiculous!

None of them spoke, as Tsunade gathered her thoughts, wondering what they were doing here at this time of the day. Heck! They should be already in their homes by now! Eventually, Tsunade clicked her tongue, breaking the silence once and for all. She finally want to get to the bottom of this.

"Alright, girls... what do you want?


"Meeting Lady Tsunade at the time was nerve-wrecking for me. I really don't know why but she had that intimidating aura since the beginning.

- Sarada


Himawari rested her chin on a pillow. This was the best moment of her life. Her terrible first few days were worth it, as she managed to reunite with her big brother, plus, getting to know Tazuna, Inari, and her Uncle Neji.

She stared at the ceiling above her. Wondering silently, what was going to happen next? What now? What was the next step?

Will she ever see her loved ones again? Will there be a way to go back to the way it was? If so, then how's she going to supposed to that?

So many questions. However, the only thing she can do right now is relax. She had no control over anything like that, especially not right now.

She comfortably nestled herself into the bed. Surrounded by the cushions made her feel as if she was on a cloud floating off in the sky.

Everything was peaceful and quiet, but it didn't last long. Soon, she heard footsteps coming from outside. When they stopped, the door opened, and Himawari opened her eyes.

Himawari gave a sighed." Just give me a break!"

Who could be the visitor this time?


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter! Thank you also for the favorites and Follows! Much appreciated!

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