Hey you, Yes I'm talking to YOU, who else would I be talking to, myself? That doesn't make any sense, I mean who starts a conversation with themselves by saying "Hey you '' freaking moron. But that's just my luck isn't it, attracting the dimmest of the meat-bags. Look if you think I'm going to tell you what happens here in the synopsis you are by far the most presumptions entitled meat-bag I've ever seen. I don't even understand why stupid meat-bags write these things. Spoil the whole story so meat for brains like YOU can meander along like they know a thing or two. Well no I don't think I will. If you started here instead of the prologue then odds are you're an indecisive type of meat-bag and I don't respect indecisive meats.
What's that? You don't like to be insulted well that I can at least marginally respect. Since you've earned the lowest form of respect one could possibly achieve I suppose I will tell you two things. Thing number one, I have no legs. Thing number two because I have no legs I have no toes. There, that's all you get. What? Now you're not gonna read it because you don't know what my book is about? Fine you win, I'll tell you a bit about MY book.
It's about a guy named Jack and a girl named uhh Bill I think. Look, the names don't matter. Together they go, fetching some water from a place where meat-sacks get water. It's a special water place I think it's called a water pond. Wait, it's a well that's right a well. Jill and Bill fetch some water from a well. Wow, that sure was a crazy story, now leave. Oh they also die so they can't do anything else that meat bags might do if they are alive.
What don't believe me? How could a couple of meat-bags die getting water? Listen I don't make the rules they die and that's the end of the discussion, now please before I lose the very minor amount of respect I have for you, leave. Go on, close my book and find a nice rock to suck on or whatever it is you do on a day to day basis. Yep that's right a book is telling YOU to go away.
For those of you that skipped the synopsis and started with the prologue and aren't reading this thank you. Honestly the meat-bag that read this is dumber than you which would be an achievement if it weren't so sad. I bet they eat plants with spoons too ha, stupid stinky syonpisis reader. If I had legs I would certainly think of stabbing them..or arms I suppose I would need arms for the thrusting motion. Ah well the important thing is they are gone and you my less dumb meat-sack are reading the prologue, good for you!
PS: If you came back to read the synopsis after reading part of the story you are somewhere in between the synopsis reader and prologue reader. I mean why would you stop reading about ME for this? You just created a whole new tier of stupid its actually baffling. But not quite as baffling as the synopsis reader so you got that going for you I suppose. So all in all you still get a gold star. You'll have to buy one for yourself I'm afraid, since, you know, I can't exactly do things. Which you already knew because you started at the correct spot. So you know what I'm feeling nice today. I'll give you a good job, not quite as good as a "Good for you" but still decent.
PPS: If you are still here synopsis reader you must have sucked on one too many rocks you fucking idiot. Do the words "go away" mean something different to you? Or maybe you're illiterate and can't read words. I wouldn't be surprised you are after all a rock sucker. And it goes without saying you don't get a gold star, not even a silver one. In fact if you are still here you get a fuck off.
The tags require a gender which a sword obviously cannot have so apologies for any incovience for anyone that clicked on this expecting a male MC.
I intend to keep these blurbs mostly empty unless I have anything I need say as I intend to write this as if the writer and sword and both real and any contact from me the actual writer would defeat the purpose.