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Escribe una reseñathe harem makes the story stupid...the harem part is totally unnecessary it just make the story complicated..the flow of the story is great but the freakin girls makes me cringe because the mc just looks like a pervert
Stay home and be safe. Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.
I really like this novel, it's such a waste that its not updating anymore. Is there any news why this novel stopped updating? .......................................
it's good but the story progression is too slow, a whole 700+ chapters and only 2months passed. . .
Hi , This is Tynan, I am an editor from another platform that focuses on adventurous Genre Fictions. After reading your “Dragon Emperor, Martial God”, I decided to contact you and if possible, to extend you an invitation on distributing your works. However, there are so little I can talk about it here. If you were interested, please contact me via tynan@ringdomstory.com , then I should take opportunity to discuss it with you in detail. It was a great pleasure to meet your story. Sincerely Tynan
i put 1 star on character design world background and story development because of too generic if you read other returning from other world genre it plot is almost the same also i in the early chapter mc ask how did the ancient chinese build great wall of china and praise the ancestor for being smart AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that ancestor sacrifice 400,000 people to build it . . which never told in the novel
just wondering the actual status of the novel, since last update is 7 months ago. writer hiatus? no more translation? webnovel drop? but still weird since webnovel place it is on free limited reading section. someone please reply me this asap. I don't want to read if this is drop. wasting my time
thanks for pixgiydyditipdpyidydiptdiotdidguougddutoodutt7odt7d9o7tdpitdtipdit0dti0dit0d0itd0t8d08tdpitdtpid0t8d08td08ts0t7s0t7s07rs07ts07tstu0st0usut9s0uts.
plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.
thanks for uploading oufzpigzpifzoufzpifzupfzoutzpfuzfupsrousruosoursurosoursoursrousorus7roso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rao7rs6orso7rso7rao6rRo7e6oaro6ae69ae96ae69ae69a360a460a460ea6ar69ar699ro7a7roso77sr.
thanks for sfuoouzfpuffuoouzfpufzpigspigzpigspigzpipufspufspufsoufsoufspufspufspupuputsputsputsputsputsputsputsuptsputs0utsputspupurs07rsp7rsputsputspurs0u0urs0urs0upuputsputs.
thanks for sfuoussoutspttipsputsputsuptstupsptistypputsuptsouroursoursuprsourapurapuraouraoruaours0ura0ura0ura07ra0707rs07ts8oursu0tsu0ts0urs07rs.
thanks for igdgdigdiufsoufosozufufzljfzlifzlfjzjlfzlfuzljzlfjzpifpipfzipgsilfsitsilfsltjslufslufsltitstlifslifsfulslusluslufsluslfurausouroufsulfspuf.
thanks for fzuhodsuofsuofsoufsofsufsoufosuoufsofusuofsoufsoufsofusoufsfooufsofuofusfousfoustosurousorusfousfsu8fuostosuofusfousofusofusfousfousfoususoffuos.
thanks for uffsouosfushoufszuruofspufspfusupsfupspufspufsupfzupfzfpussprupspufzufpzifzfuzpifzfupzifpsfizpizupfzpufzufpzpfuzfupzfuppzufpzfupzzurpuffzfs.
Thanks for dsr6oudfuodfudzidyidistutizdsyiddzyiizydjtzdtzdjtzdthzstzjdzdtjjtjtshtszjtszzszjtzjstjjtszjtsssjdjztstistizttziyzidysizdyzdyizIYDOYDkYDOLUDLUD.
Awe at level g is the doppdgiuxogdmgjtlstldtltltltlhlhdlhldydpdttdpotsotstsorsorsoorsoorssrsrusroorsrorsorosltstlsltsltstlstlstlsflsflslotsototkrs.
Thanks for diptusofusofuzofouzfufodfuligxifzusfusfuadkusrouslrusfustlllufsurslusfufslfusufslulfsulsfulsfulsfufsulfslufsusfufsufslulsfulsfufslufslifsufslfuslufslfusluflsulfslufsfuslfsuluflsfsilst.
1the xigpogxixpigxpgigipgdipxpgioxigoidgxofuzufduogozfuluxfzfuozuflfuzozfuousofsuofdysiousfuosfsfuousfousorsfuousorsuofsufoousfuostsfouusotuostousfsuotsfousfuoousfsufo.
Thanks for rkfzarhkkuraslhrrkhsrularularularularharsafarafjaafjajaaradjfjafafajfjaafFjDh"",")□♧□)♧●♤♧●♤♧●♤♧●♤◇○♡•□¿•|♤♧°|♤♧`|♧`°|♤♧`|{♧`|♧{2`|{♧~`|{♧``|{♧``.
Thanks stusufosfusfouofsuodfuoxfudofusfosufofuozuzfoufzuzfoufzoufzoufosfsuoufsouzoffzuofuzouxfuzofufzoufzofuzoduoffusofusofusofusofusoduoffusoufso.
Thanks tzfulsfuooustuostustoouosoussfuostsuuroursoustuodtudotuodtuodtdtoutsusuotstudotdiupdtoutdudtoudtosuruosrstursuorsuouostuorsousrusrousrusrousrousrouosruosruodtouostousoruostouostuors.
I very much liked the translation being a non-native English speaker the translation was a big push to enjoy the story until my coins ran dry. The story development is amazing. The fact that 2 are trying their hardest to make his life black is cracking me up. Character design isn't much my alley without some sort of picture as a guideline but the author went above and beyond to ensure that characters don't feel a copy-paste with different names but they have different figures, personalities and "Fetishes" is the kindest word I have. To me, the world background feels real non-mentioning that I don't know where the author based himself on the cultivation world but it feels like it is his own novel which I very much like. Without a doubt very much worth spending my 400+ membership coins and a few extras to read as much I could.
the harem makes the story stupid...the harem part is totally unnecessary it just make the story complicated..the flow of the story is great but the freakin girls makes me cringe because the mc just looks like a pervert
Stay home and be safe. Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.Stay home and be safe.
I really like this novel, it's such a waste that its not updating anymore. Is there any news why this novel stopped updating? .......................................
it's good but the story progression is too slow, a whole 700+ chapters and only 2months passed. . .
Hi , This is Tynan, I am an editor from another platform that focuses on adventurous Genre Fictions. After reading your “Dragon Emperor, Martial God”, I decided to contact you and if possible, to extend you an invitation on distributing your works. However, there are so little I can talk about it here. If you were interested, please contact me via tynan@ringdomstory.com , then I should take opportunity to discuss it with you in detail. It was a great pleasure to meet your story. Sincerely Tynan
i put 1 star on character design world background and story development because of too generic if you read other returning from other world genre it plot is almost the same also i in the early chapter mc ask how did the ancient chinese build great wall of china and praise the ancestor for being smart AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that ancestor sacrifice 400,000 people to build it . . which never told in the novel
just wondering the actual status of the novel, since last update is 7 months ago. writer hiatus? no more translation? webnovel drop? but still weird since webnovel place it is on free limited reading section. someone please reply me this asap. I don't want to read if this is drop. wasting my time
thanks for pixgiydyditipdpyidydiptdiotdidguougddutoodutt7odt7d9o7tdpitdtipdit0dti0dit0d0itd0t8d08tdpitdtpid0t8d08td08ts0t7s0t7s07rs07ts07tstu0st0usut9s0uts.
plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.plz update new chapter.
thanks for uploading oufzpigzpifzoufzpifzupfzoutzpfuzfupsrousruosoursurosoursoursrousorus7roso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rso7rao7rs6orso7rso7rao6rRo7e6oaro6ae69ae96ae69ae69a360a460a460ea6ar69ar699ro7a7roso77sr.
thanks for sfuoouzfpuffuoouzfpufzpigspigzpigspigzpipufspufspufsoufsoufspufspufspupuputsputsputsputsputsputsputsuptsputs0utsputspupurs07rsp7rsputsputspurs0u0urs0urs0upuputsputs.
thanks for sfuoussoutspttipsputsputsuptstupsptistypputsuptsouroursoursuprsourapurapuraouraoruaours0ura0ura0ura07ra0707rs07ts8oursu0tsu0ts0urs07rs.
thanks for igdgdigdiufsoufosozufufzljfzlifzlfjzjlfzlfuzljzlfjzpifpipfzipgsilfsitsilfsltjslufslufsltitstlifslifsfulslusluslufsluslfurausouroufsulfspuf.
thanks for fzuhodsuofsuofsoufsofsufsoufosuoufsofusuofsoufsoufsofusoufsfooufsofuofusfousfoustosurousorusfousfsu8fuostosuofusfousofusofusfousfousfoususoffuos.
thanks for uffsouosfushoufszuruofspufspfusupsfupspufspufsupfzupfzfpussprupspufzufpzifzfuzpifzfupzifpsfizpizupfzpufzufpzpfuzfupzfuppzufpzfupzzurpuffzfs.
Thanks for dsr6oudfuodfudzidyidistutizdsyiddzyiizydjtzdtzdjtzdthzstzjdzdtjjtjtshtszjtszzszjtzjstjjtszjtsssjdjztstistizttziyzidysizdyzdyizIYDOYDkYDOLUDLUD.
Awe at level g is the doppdgiuxogdmgjtlstldtltltltlhlhdlhldydpdttdpotsotstsorsorsoorsoorssrsrusroorsrorsorosltstlsltsltstlstlstlsflsflslotsototkrs.
Thanks for diptusofusofuzofouzfufodfuligxifzusfusfuadkusrouslrusfustlllufsurslusfufslfusufslulfsulsfulsfulsfufsulfslufsusfufsufslulsfulsfufslufslifsufslfuslufslfusluflsulfslufsfuslfsuluflsfsilst.
1the xigpogxixpigxpgigipgdipxpgioxigoidgxofuzufduogozfuluxfzfuozuflfuzozfuousofsuofdysiousfuosfsfuousfousorsfuousorsuofsufoousfuostsfouusotuostousfsuotsfousfuoousfsufo.
Thanks for rkfzarhkkuraslhrrkhsrularularularularharsafarafjaafjajaaradjfjafafajfjaafFjDh"",")□♧□)♧●♤♧●♤♧●♤♧●♤◇○♡•□¿•|♤♧°|♤♧`|♧`°|♤♧`|{♧`|♧{2`|{♧~`|{♧``|{♧``.
Thanks stusufosfusfouofsuodfuoxfudofusfosufofuozuzfoufzuzfoufzoufzoufosfsuoufsouzoffzuofuzouxfuzofufzoufzofuzoduoffusofusofusofusofusoduoffusoufso.
Thanks tzfulsfuooustuostustoouosoussfuostsuuroursoustuodtudotuodtuodtdtoutsusuotstudotdiupdtoutdudtoudtosuruosrstursuorsuouostuorsousrusrousrusrousrousrouosruosruodtouostousoruostouostuors.
I very much liked the translation being a non-native English speaker the translation was a big push to enjoy the story until my coins ran dry. The story development is amazing. The fact that 2 are trying their hardest to make his life black is cracking me up. Character design isn't much my alley without some sort of picture as a guideline but the author went above and beyond to ensure that characters don't feel a copy-paste with different names but they have different figures, personalities and "Fetishes" is the kindest word I have. To me, the world background feels real non-mentioning that I don't know where the author based himself on the cultivation world but it feels like it is his own novel which I very much like. Without a doubt very much worth spending my 400+ membership coins and a few extras to read as much I could.